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In the past, many civilizations were sacrificing bulls to the gods.

For example, in cave paintings, they are painted as dead animals. In the tribes who were living in Spain, the bulls were used in religious ceremonies and they were sacrified to the gods.

With respect to the bullrings, they have their origin in the Celtiberian temples where these ceremonies were celebrated. Later, the Greek and Roman turned these ceremonies into spectacles.

From this point, the bullfights into what they are today It isnt a tradition that someone invented because he wanted, its origin is prehistoric, and has evolved up to what we know today.

Some people live for the bulls, for example people who sell tickets for the bullfights or sell snacks in the bullrings. Furthermore, bulls attract many tourists because it is something they have never seen before and are curious. These tourists spend money here in Spain, and that in times of crisis is very beneficial.

People who are against bullfighting; say it is a cruelty to kill bulls in bullfights. I say that these people should be vegetarian, because if it's cruel to kill a bull, which later will be used for meat, it would be cruel to kill a chicken to eat, or to kill a pig for ham.

All these people should not eat meat. To this, the anti bullfighting responds that cruelty lies in the show. To this I say that bullfighting is a form of praising the strength and bravery of the bulls. I must also say that the bulls which are used for bullfights are treated better than those who are going to the slaughterhouse.

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