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Callie Snyder Lesson Plan 1 February 14, 2012

Seventh Grade English Class Standards: Reading Standard for Lit (Grade 7): #1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Use context (e.g. the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph, a words position, or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.

Language Standard (Grade 7): #4a

Procedure: Party GirlFirst Day of Reading -Taking the lead role in reading aloud, read the rst 13-15 pages of the book with the entire class. -Every so often to make predictions, ask questions, and nd possible vocabulary words. -Have students record all predictions make on the board or on their own papers, so they can be reviewed at a later time. -Also record possible vocabulary words to be place on the word wall and taught the second day.

-Begin by having students make predictions about the book based on the title Party Girl. (5 mins) -What do you think this book is about based on the title? -Where is the speaker? pg 9 -Why do you think Anas arm is cold? pg10 -How do you think Ana died? pg10write predictions down on board -Can anyone act out chattering of the teeth? pg 11 -Why is Ana holding a gun in the picture if she hates guns? pg 12 -Do you think that has anything to do with her death? -What is the name of our main character? pg 12 -Begin reading aloud the novel. (40 mins)

-Why would two young girls be planning their funerals? Were they going to die? pg 13 -Does anyone know what a shroud is? pg 14possible vocabulary word -What was Anas secret life? pg 15write predictions on the board -Why does Kata think that Anas death is her fault? Do you think she killed Ana? pg 15 -Has anyone ever heard of go-go? pg 15 -What do you think Anas family is like compared to Kata? How do we know they might be different? pg 16-17 -Why do you think the girls are dress like that? Does it have anything to do with go-go? pg 18-19 -Does anyone know what some of the Spanish phrases mean here? pg 19-20 -THIS MIGHT ALLOW SOME OF THE ELL STUDENTS TO FEEL LIKE THE EXPERT ABOUT A MAJOR ASPECT OF THE NOVEL IF THEIR FIRST LANGUAGE IS SPANISH -If they do not know, then have students guess what they think it might mean based on the English words around it.

-What does hobbling look like? pg20 -Why do you think the old lady would let Kata help her on the bus? pg 20 -Who is Pocho and Kikicho? Why would the girls have to tell them where they are? pg 22-23 -Does anyone know what discarded means? pg 24possible vocabulary word -What does Outrageous Chaos mean? pg 25 -What do you think the Old womans curse looked like? Do you think it means something bad will happen? pg 25 -Does anyone know what some of the Spanish phrases mean here? pg 26 -If they do not know, then have students guess what they think it might mean based on the English words around it.

-Have students look at all the predictions they have made today. (15 mins) -Go through each prediction and ask the students if they think that it is true (mark with +), not true (mark with line through it), or dont know (leave it be or mark with ??) -Keep a record of all the predictions made as the students read the novel, so they can revise them as they read more. -Have students support their claim of true or untrue with facts from what theyve read.

-Now that the students have some idea of what they should do as they read, tell students that the next reading day they will have the option of reading on their own or with a partner if they do not want to stay in a large group led by the teacher. -Students will still be responsible for predicting and questioning.

-Will have a work sheet or a certain amount of predictions/questions/vocab words they will have to make or nd. -They will still have to participate in a large group discussion at the end of class.

Party GirlSecond Day of Reading -Using words that students had difficulty with the previous day do different activities that would teach them the meaning of the words. (15-20 mins) -Possible words/activities: -Chaosconcept attainmentshow students slide show of different scenes of messiness and neatness, order and disorder, etc -DiscardedBeat the Dictionaryassign one student to look up the word in the dictionary while the rest of the class races to dene the word together -OutrageousBeat the Dictionaryassign one student to look up the word in the dictionary while the rest of the class races to dene the word together (different student chosen to look up word from other vocab word)

-The vocabulary activities will be pre-made using words from the previous day. -Remind students that they have the option to read in pairs or alone instead of reading with you in a large group. -If students decide to work in partners or alone, they will be given 10 post-it notes. -On these post-it notes they are suppose to write down: -5 questions about the text. -3 new/revised predictions -2possible vocabulary words

-Have students read the next 10 pages of the novel in their different groups (on their own or with you). (30 mins) -In the large reading group, read aloud the text, pausing every so often to make predictions, ask questions, and nd possible vocabulary words. -Again, have students record all predictions make on the board or on their own papers, so they can be reviewed at a later time.

-As a class come together to discuss the predictions that everyone made in this part of the novel. (10 mins) -Everyone will write down the new predictions and revise the old ones to with the markings (+,-, or ??) to remind them what has come true and what hasnt.

-Have the students that decided to do the small group/solo readings show that they lled out their post-it requirements before the end of class.

Assessment: Reading Standard for Lit (Grade 7): #1 Students will assess their lists of predictions made before and as they read found to see if they re still true or if what they have read has proven false. In a large group they explain why they think that their predictions are true or not. In smaller groups, the post-it requirements will demonstrate this. Students will use the context to try to understand Spanish phrases in the text and other unfamiliar word in both the reading of the novel and the ocabulary v games in day 2.

Language Standard (Grade 7): #4a

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