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The business process models are divided into two types: 1.

Merchantiles model from the Consumer perceptive 2.Merchantiles model from the Merchantiles perceptive

1.Merchantiles model from the consumer perceptive :

This model consists of seven different activities that can be grouped into Three different Phases:. 1. Pre purchase phase 2. Purchase consummation phase 3. Post purchase interaction

1. pre purchase phase : It includes search and discovery for a set of products in the larger information space capable of meeting customer requirements and product selection from the smaller set of products based on attribute comparison.

In general consumer are categorized into 3 types: a) Impulse buyers - who purchase products quickly b) Patient buyers who purchase products after making some comparisons c) Analytical buyers- who do substantial research before making the decision to purchase products or services. In fact marketing researchers have isolated several types of purchasing. Specifically planned purchases : The need was recognized on entering the store and the shopper bought the exact item planned. Generally planned purchases: The need was recognized but the shopper decided in-store on the actual manufacturer of the item to satisfy the need. Remainder purchases: The shopper was reminded of the need by some store influence. Entirely unplanned purchases: The need was not recognized entering the store.

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