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Clients with Acute Gastroenteritis, watchers are instructed to take the following plan for discharge:

M- Medications should be taken regularly as prescribed , on exact dosage, time, & frequency, making sure that the purpose of medications is fully disclosed by the health care provider. E- Exercise should be promoted in a way by stretching hand and feet every morning and exercise burping every after bottle feeding. T- Treatment after discharge is expected for patients and watcher with Acute Gastroenteritis to fully participate in continuous treatment. H- Hygiene must be maintained for patients with Acute Gastroenteritis. Promotion of personal hygiene should be encouraged such as, daily bathing and changing of diapers when soiled. O- OPD such as regular follow-up check-ups should be greatly encouraged to clients wather with Acute Gastroenteritis as ordered by physician to ensure the continuing management and treatment. D- Diet should be promoted, since, during admission, the patient was on NPO. Proper selection of milk that are suitable for babies will help enhance immunity.

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