What Is PR

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What is Public Relations?

Kelli S. Burns, Ph.D. Associate Professor Public Relations Sequence Head School of Mass Communications

Public Relations is not

Party planning Attending events Travelling the world with celebrities

Most People Dont Understand PR

Former White House press secretary Scott McClellan wrote in his memoir that the Iraq war was sold to the American people with a sophisticated political propaganda campaign led by President Bush and aimed at manipulating sources of public opinion and downplaying the major reason for going to war.

Public Relations is
Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.

Other terms for PR

Corporate terms: Corporate communications Public Affairs Communications Corporate relations Public Information Media Relations Flak, huckster, spinster, spin doctor

Components of public relations

Counseling management Research o to influence/persuade o to generate mutual understanding and build relationships Media relations Publicity Employee/member relations Community relations Government relations Issues management/Crisis management Investor relations Fundraising Special event planning Marketing communications/Integrated Marketing Communication


Some statistics

More than 350,000 practitioners in U.S. 40% increase in employment expected by 2014 54,000 public relations firms in the U.S. More than $10 billion spent on PR by U.S. organizations annually The average annual PR budget in a publicly owned company is $9.9 million and $16.4 million for a government agency.

Industry outlook

Among fastest-growing industries Despite current economic uncertainties, U.S. public relations firms expect increased revenues and profits. The greatest opportunities for future public relations growth are in digital communication, social media and corporate reputation management.

Based in New York City, PRSA is the world's largest organization for public relations professionals. The Society has nearly 22,000 members and is organized into more than 100 Chapters, which represent business and industry, counseling firms, independent practitioners, military, government, associations, hospitals, schools, professional services firms and nonprofit organizations.

Which one of the following best describes the type of organization you work for?





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Public Relations Sequence

First Semester
PUR 3000 Principles of Public Relations JOU 2100 Beginning Reporting

Second Semester
PUR 3500 Public Relations Research PUR 4100 Public Relations Writing PUR 4401 Public Relations Issues

Third Semester
PUR 4101 Public Relations Design PUR 4801 Advanced Public relations Public Relations Practicum/Internship

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