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Materi: Expressions (Ungkapan)


PENGERTIAN Expre ssions adalah beberapa jenis ungkapan yang lazim dipakai dalam berkomunikasi atau percakapan.

BEBERAPA JENIS EXPRESSIONS: 1. Introduction (Perkenalan) Id like to introduce myself, ______ Let me introduce myself, ______ Allow me to introduce myself, ______ Let me introduce you to ______ This is ______ 2. Gre e ting and Le ave Taking (Selamat / Bertemu dan Berpisah) How do you do ? How are you ? How are you doing ? How is life ? It is nice to meet you I am very happy to meet you Hello Hi Good morning, afternoon, evening, night Good bye See you later See you soon Cheerio 3. Gratitude and Appre ciation (Terima Kasih dan Penghargaan) Thank you Thank you very much It is very kind of you Congratulation Congratulation on ______ Happy ______ Have a nice ______ Good luck 4. Apology (Permintaan Maaf) I am sorry I dont mean to ______ Forgive me I hope you forgive me 5. Ability and Disability education for all; education for a better life


Materi: Expressions (Ungkapan)

(Mampu dan Tidak Mampu) Yes, I can No, I cant Yes, I am able to ______ No, I am not able to ______ I think I am able to ______ I think I am unable to ______ I cant, Im afraid 6. Ce rtainty and Unce rtainty (Yakin/Pasti dan Tidak Yakin/Tidak Pasti) I am sure I am not sure I am certain I am not certain I doubt that I cant decide I dont know 7. Agre e me nt and Disagre e me nt (Setuju dan Tidak Setuju) I agree I disagree I absolutely agree I think so I dont think so You are absolutely right You are right, but ______ 8. Like and Dislike (Suka dan Tidak Suka) I like it I love it Im very keen on ______ I dont like it I hate it 9. Opinion (Pendapat) What do you think of ______ I think ______ Lets talk about it I wonder ______ Give me comments or suggestions, please 10. Asking and Offe ring (Meminta dan Menawarkan) Excuse me, May I ______ ? Do you mind ______ Would you please ______ Would you help me, please ? What can I do for you, _____? 11. Command and Prohibition (Perintah dan Larangan) Pay attention, please! education for all; education for a better life


Materi: Expressions (Ungkapan)

Listen to me! Keep the room clean! Lets go! Be on time! Be a good student! Dont move, please! Dont go away! Dont worry! Dont be late! No talking, please! No smoking! No parking in this area! 12. Warning (Peringatan) Watch out ! Be aware of ______ ! Be careful ! 13. Pre fe re nce (Lebih Suka / Pilihan) I like ______ better than ______ I prefer ______ to ______ I would rather ______ than ______ 14. Exclamation (Kekaguman) What a wonderful world ! What a beautiful girl ! How beautiful she is ! How big the ship is ! It is great ! Excellent ! 15. Sympathy (Ikut bersimpati) Take it easy Dont worry, everything will be all right What a pity I am sorry to hear that Poor you

CONTOH SOAL UJIAN NASIONAL ( EXPRESSIONS ) 1. Shopkeeper Customer Shopkeeper : So, are you going to buy this gas stove? : Yes, but ______. : Please dont worry about it. I believe that it will satisfy you. It has a three year guarantee. (UN 2006/P1)

A. B. C. D.

Im certain the quality is good there s no doubt about the quality Im not sure about the quality I cant decide if it is good education for all; education for a better life


Materi: Expressions (Ungkapan)

PEMBAHASAN: Customer jadi membeli kompor gas (gas stove), tapi masih ragu. Kemudian Shopkeeper berkata Jangan k hawatir. Maka ungkapan Customer adalah ungkapan merasa tidak yakin (uncertainty), yaitu: Im not sure about the quality (Saya tidak yakin terhadap kualitasnya). JAWAB: C 2. Lia Uti Lia A. B. C. D. : Oh, my wallet has been stolen. : ______. How did it happen? : Maybe a pickpocket took it when I was on the bus. (UN 2005/P1) Thats a good idea That would be nice Thats great What a pity

PEMBAHASAN: Lia berkata bahwa dompetnya telah dicuri. Maka ungkapan yang tepat adalah sympathy, yaitu What a pity (oh k asihan / sayang sek ali). JAWAB: D 3. Student : It seems to me that you are having trouble taking those books. Let me help you, Sir. Teacher : Oh, ______ (UN 2005/P1) A. can you help me? B. thats very kind of you C. its none of your business D. why dont you bring these books PEMBAHASAN: Siswa menawarkan bantuan. Maka ungkapan yang tepat dari Guru adalah ungkapan gratitude/appreciation, yaitu: thats very kind of you (Anda sangat baik ). JAWAB: B 4. Father : Ive got a headache. ______ Mother : Certainly. Here it is. Father : Thanks. (UN 2003/P2) A. Can you get me an aspirin, please? B. Will you take me to a doctor, please? C. Will you help me hold my head? D. Do you have time to help me? PEMBAHASAN: Situasi dialog adalah Ayah sedang sakit kepala. Untuk menentukan kalimat Ayah yang kedua, perhatikan jawaban Ibu: Ce rtainly. He re it is (Tentu saja. Ini.). Berarti Ibu mengambilkan Ayah sesuatu. Maka ungkapan yang diucapkan oleh Ayah adalah ask ing, yaitu: Can you get me an aspirin, please? (Bisak ah k amu mengambilk an saya aspirin?). JAWAB: A 5. Jane : When will you go back to Indonesia? Rudi : ______. It depends on my study. (UN 2004/P2) A. Im sure B. Im not certain C. I absolutely believe D. I dont understand PEMBAHASAN: Perhatikan kalimat Rudi yang kedua: It depends on my study (tergantung pada studi-k u). Berarti Rudi merasa tidak yakin atau merasa tidak pasti. Maka kalimat Rudi yang pertama ialahuncertainty: Im not certain. JAWAB: B 6. Doni : How did you travel to Surabaya? Santi : By Argo Bromo train. Its a very good train. It took me just nine hours. Doni : ______ (UN 2004/P2) A. What train is it? B. What a fast train! C. How fast is the train? D. How good the train is. education for all; education for a better life


Materi: Expressions (Ungkapan)

PEMBAHASAN: Isi percakapan tersebut menyiratkan Kereta Api Argo Bromo adalah kereta api cepat. Maka ungkapan Doni adalah exclamation, yaitu: What a fast train! (Wow, betul-betul k ereta api yang cepat!atau Alangk ah cepatnya k ereta api itu!). Ingat, salah satu ciri exclamation adalah selalu diakhiri dengan tanda seru. JAWAB: B education for all; education for a better life

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