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1. Food can be classified into seven main classes. a. Carbohydrate b. Protien c. Fat d. Vitamin e. Mineral salts f. Fibre g. Water

a. Contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. b.Supply most of the energy our body needs. c. Examples: sugar, starch, cellulose, glycogen.

a. Contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. b. Needed for growth and repair of body tissues. c. Examples: fish, meat, egg

a.Contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. b.Help to keep us warm and protect internal organs. c.Examples: animal fats, vegetable oils

a. Organic compounds

needed in small amounts by our body. b. Needed for health and growth.


Carrot, liver, fish liver oil, and green vegetables Eggs, milk, meat, yeast, and cereals

For night vision Healthy skin

Deficiency disease
Night blindness Skin infections

Releases energy from carbohydrates Healthy nervous system Healthy skin Formation of red blood cells

Beriberi Anaemia

Fresh fruits and Healing of vegetables wounds Resistance to diseases

Scurvy (bleeding gums)

Vitamin D

Source Made by our body in sunlight, also found in milk, eggs, fish liver oil Vegetable oil, whole grains, nuts, wheatgerm Made in the human intestines, also found in egg yolk, green vegetables

Function Strong bones and teeth

Deficiency disease Rickets (soft bones and dental decay)

May be needed for reproduction Helps to fight against diseases


Clotting of blood

Prolonged bleeding

a.Inorganic compounds needed by our body,

b.Needed for healthy growth and development.




Deficiency disease

Calcium Cheese, milk, eggs, green vegetables

Strong bones and Rickets teeth Osteoporosis Blood clotting Prolonged Muscle and nerve bleeding activities Muscular cramps


Table salt, cheese, meat

Maintains body fluid Proper functioning of nerves

Muscular cramps


Meat, eggs, green vegetables Seafood, iodised salt

Needed to form haemoglobin in red blood cells



Needed to make harmones of the thyroid gland

Goitre (swelling of the thyroid gland in the neck)

Mineral Phosphorus



Deficiency disease Rickets Weakness

Eggs, meat, Strong milk, cheese, bones and vegetables teeth Muscle contraction Stores energy


Meat, nuts, bananas

Maintains body fluid Proper functioning of nerves Regulation of heartbeat

Weak muscles Paralysis

a.Made up of cellulose
b.Prevent constipation

a. Solvent for many substances in the body

b.Regulate body temperature

Date Day Tittle Aim Materials Apparatus

: : : Food test : To test for starch, glucose, protien and fat : :

A. Iodine test for starch 1. 2 cm3 of starch solution is poured into a test tube. 2. 2 drops of iodine solution are added . The colour changes is observed.
B. Benedicts test for glucose 1. 2cm3 of glucose is poured into a test tube. 2. 2cm3 of Benedicts solution is added. 3. The mixture in a water bath as shown in figure 2.2 is heated. Any changes in mixture is observed.

C.Millons test for protien 1. 2 cm3 of albumen solution is poured into a test tube 2. 2 drops of Millons reagent are added to the albumen solution. 3. The mixture is heated in a water bath. Any changes in the mixture is observed. D. Emulsion test for fat 1. 5 drops of ethanol are added into a test tube. 2. 2 drops of cooking oil is added into the same test tube. the mixture is shaked in the test tube. 3. The distilled water is added into the same test tube until it half full and shake. 4. The mixture is allowed to stand for about 2 minutes.

Observation: Test Iodine test for starch Benedicts test for glucose Millons test for protien Observation The solution becomes bluedark The red-orange precipitated is formed The red orange precipitated is formed Inference Food contain starch Food contain glucose Food contain protien

Emulsion test for fat

The emulsion layer Food contain fat occurs on the solution

Discussion: 1. Water cannot mix with cooking oil

Conclusion : 1. Iodine solution turns the starch solution dark-blue 2. Glucose solution forms a red-orange precipitate when heated with Benedicts solution 3. Protien solution forms a red-orange when heated with millons reagent 4. The mixture of fat, ethanol and water becomes cloudy because an emulsion has been formed

1. A balanced diet contains the right amount of the seven classes of food to meet the daily requirements of the body. 2. A balanced diet is necessary for: a. supplying the required energy b. balanced body growth c. maintaining the health of the body d. preventing deficiency diseases such as scurvy and rickets




A. Sex

Men requiring more energy of the same age and body size

Men are more active

B. Age

Babies, children and teenagers require more energy

This group is more active and the life process are faster




c. Body size

Big sized individuals require more energy size compared to small sized individuals. An individual who does heavy work uses more energy compared to another who does light work

Big sized individuals require more energy for their life process.

d. Physical activity

Heavy work require more energy to perform.




e. Weather

Individuals living in places with cold weather require more energy compared to individuals living in places with warm weather

More energy is required to maintain the body temperature in a cold place.

1. The calorific value of food is the total energy produced when one gram of food is completely burnt. 2. The quantity of energy in a food is measured in calorie (cal) or joule (j) 3. 1 calorie (cal) = 4.2 joule (j) 1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 4.2 kilojoules (kJ)

Digestion 1. Digestion is the process of breaking down complex food to simple molecules for absorption the blood circulatory system. 2. Digestion take place in two stages: a. physical digestion big pieces of food are broken down into smaller pieces by teeth b. chemical digestion enzymes break up complex food molecules into smaller molecules

3. Enzymes are proteins that speed up the process of digestion. Enzymes break up complex food molecules to smaller and simpler molecules. 4. Characteristic of enzymes a. enzymes are small quantities only b. enzymes are not destroyed at the end of digestion c. specific enzymes act only in specific acidic or alkaline conditions d. specific enzymes act only on specific foods

e. enzymes function best at normal body temperature (370 C) Enzymes are destroyed at high temperature.

1. The digestive system consists of all the organ in the body that help in the digestion of food.
2. The alimentary canal is made up of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, big intestine and anus (starts from the mouth and ends at the anus).

3. Summary of the digestive system

mouth intestine oesophagus big intestine stomach anus small

4. Food is pushed along the alimentary canal by the muscular walls that contract and expand alternately through the process of peristalsis.



Stomach Duodenum Lower part of small intestine Appendix

1. Food is chewed and broken up into small pieces by the teeth. 2. Small pieces of food have a wide surface area for the saliva to act upon. 3. The salivary gland secretes saliva that is alkaline and contains salivary amylase enzymes. 4. Salivary amylase digests starch into maltose (sugar) amylase
starch maltose

1. Food is pushed through the oesophagus into the stomach by the alternating r contraction and relaxation of the oesophagus.
2. This process of alternating muscular contraction and relaxation is known as peristalsis.

1. Food is mixed with gastric juice in the stomach. 2. Gastric juice is secreted from the cells of the stomach wall. Gastric juice contains: a. hydrochloric acid b. enzymes (rennin and pepsin) 3. The function of hydrochloric acid include a. providing an acidic medium for enzymic action. b. killing bacteria found in food c. neutralising the alkaline property of saliva

4. Pepsin digest protien to peptones / polypeptides Protien pepsin peptones/ polypeptides

5. Rennin coagulates milk in the stomach to help in the enzymic enzymes. rennin Liquid milk protiens solid milk protiens

1. The duodenum is the first part of the small intestine. 2. The duodenum received bile and pancreatic juice. 3. The function of bile are: a. emulsification of fat b. preparation of an alkaline medium for enzymic action 4. Pancreatic juice contains three types of enzymes: a. maltase b. protease c. lipase

5. The maltase digests maltose into glucose

maltose maltase glucose

6. The protease digests peptones into amino acids peptones protease amino acids

7. The lipase digests fat into fatty acid and glycerol fat lipase fatty acids + glycerol

8. Digestion is completed in small intestine. 9. The digest food is then ready to be absorbed through the thin walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream. 10. Food digestion is completed in the small intestine.

11. The end products of digestion are

a. Carbohydrate - glucose

b. Protien - amino acids

c. Fats - fatty acids and glycerol .

1. Water is reabsorbed in the big intestine 2. Undigested food is expelled from the body through the anus as faeces.

1. The inner surface of the small intestine has many villi.

2. The villi increase the surface area for the absorption of digested food. 3. Absorption is the movement of digested food into the bloodstream


Blood capillary

Reabsorption of Water and Defecation

Residue from the small intestine
Reabsorption of water + minerals + vitamins

Solid waste called faeces

Stored in the last part of the large intestine

Defecation through the anus

Difficulty in defecation is called constipation. Prolonged and serious constipation can lead to ..

Hemorrhoids (piles)
Cancer of the large intestine

Defecation is removal of faeces from the body through the anus

Why causes constipation?

Not eating enough roughage Not drinking enough water



1. Therefore, constipation can be cured by

taking laxatives eating high fibre foods such as wholemeal cereals and
grains, fruits and vegetables

taking more fluid

Remember, prevention is always better than curing


Unhealthy eating habits is the main cause of many diseases

Too much sugar diabetes

Too much salt high blood pressure

Too much fat obesity, high blood cholesterol level, cancers

Too much food obesity

Too little food anorexia nervosa, bulimia

Too little roughage constipation, haemorroids

So, cultivate healthy eating habits to stay healthy

Eat a variety food according to the recommended amount shown in a food guide pyramid.
Eat least

Eat most

Eat in moderation. Balance food intake with exercise Choose nutritious food Nutritious food Fresh fruits
Fresh vegetables
Wholemeal cereal, grains or bread Unpolished rice

Less nutritious food Junk food

Highly processed food
Fast foods Fizzy drinks

Read food labels

Do not be misled by food advertisements Eat at regular time

Summary Chart
Nutrition Food Healthy eating habits

Classes, sources and functions

Food tests

Calorific value Balanced diet


Absorption of digested food

Absorption of water and dissolved minerals


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