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Newlywed Game Questions

1. When your spouse leaves the house, what time is it?

a. party time
b. time to clean
c. nap time?

2. Who would your spouse say was the "better catch" out of the
two of you?

3. If your spouse could change jobs, what would be his/her

dream job?

4. What is your spouse's favorite "comfort food"?

5. What would your spouse say his/ her greatest strength would

6. What one item of clothing does your spouse wear that you
just can't stand?

7. What is your spouse’s most irritating habit?

8. Who takes the longest to get ready in the morning?

9. Who drives the worst?

10. Who hogs the bed covers?

11. What was breed and name of his/her childhood pet?

12. How old was your spouse when they got their first kiss?

13. For the wife: Is your car rear, front, or all-wheel drive? For
the husband: What will she say it is?

14. What is your spouse's favorite color?

15. What was the last book your spouse read?

16. Which excuse does your spouse use most frequently?
a. I forgot.
b. You forgot.
c. I forgot that you didn’t remember.
d. Repeated utterances of: No hablo inglés,

17. What did you give your spouse for your most recent

18. When was the last time you were up past midnight together
outside the house? (Not including trips to the drugstore, the ER
or to retrieve a child from a sleepover gone bad.)

19. Quick: What color are your spouse’s eyes? (Note: If you are
parents of teenage children, your spouse’s eyes are, of course,
red. What color did they used to be?)

20. What would your spouse say is more romantic?

a. A picnic at the beach as the sun sets over the ocean
b. A homemade dinner served by candlelight
c. A quiet table at a fancy restaurant
d. For once in your life not pretending you’re still asleep after
the kid starts crying at 3 a.m.

21. If your spouse were lost while driving in a foreign city,

he/she would most likely:
a. Pretend not to be lost
b. Stop and ask for directions
c. Stop and buy a map
d. Find a way to blame you
Questions for husbands

1. What is the most she has ever paid for a pair of


2. What tool is your wife most handy with?

a. hammer
b. screwdriver
c. tape measure
d. drill

3. Your wife's ideal date would be...

a. pizza and a movie
b. hot dog and a ball game
c. picnic and a bike ride
d. candlelight dinner

4. If you make a romantic dinner for your wife, what would

she most like on the menu?
a. steak and potatoes
b. shrimp and pasta
c. chicken and salad
d. spaghetti and meatballs

5. What piece of jewelry would your wife most like to

a. ring
b. necklace
c. earrings
d. bracelet

6. How much does your wife pay for a haircut?

a. $10
b. $20
c. $30
d. over $35
7. What is your wife's favorite food?

8. If you could take your wife on a trip anywhere in the

world, where would your wife want to go?

9. What is your wife's favorite pastime?

10. If stranded on an island, what is the one thing your wife

could not live without?

11. What is the one thing your wife does that is just like her

12. What did your wife wear on your first date?

13. Where did you go on your first date?

14.How would you describe your wife's bedroom closet? Very

organized, creative, a disaster.

15. When faced with a roadblock in life, you tend to....? Push
through it, Go around it, turn around and go the other way.

16. Would you say your wife is...? Always on time, mostly
ready on time, always late!

17. If you were Prince Charming and your wife was

Cinderella, what size would her glass slipper be?

18. When it comes to trash, how many times does your wife
have to ask you before you take it out? Only once, 2-3 times,
more than four.

19. If you took your wife to an amusement park, which ride

would she never get on?

MEN's BONUS Questions:

1. If your wife could take a trip to anywhere in the world,
where would it be?

2. What is your wife's most favorite room in the house?

3. If your wife could give up one chore to do around the

house, what would it be?

Questions for wives

1. If your husband won the lottery, what would be the first

thing he spent the money on?
a. pay off debts
b. buy a new car
c. buy a new house
d. take you on a trip

2. If you both have the afternoon off, what do you think

your husband would like to do most?
a. go to a movie
b. go out to dinner
c. stay home and cuddle
d. stay home and watch sports

3. What do you think your husband would say is your least

favorite topic for discussion?
a. sports
b. politics
c. the weather
d. other people

4. You give your husband the most points for...

a. being well dressed
b. smelling good
c. having good manners
d. being a gentleman
5. When it comes to upper body, would you say your
husband is more...
a. buffed
b. puffed
c. stuffed
d. doesn't have enough

6. What would your husband say was his favorite kind of

a. Mashed
b. baked
c. fried.

7. What color is his toothbrush?

8. What color is his favorite shirt?

9. What is his favorite meal that you cook?

10. Where is your husband's favorite place to eat?

11. What is your husband's favorite sport to watch on TV?

12. What word best describes your husband's personality?

a. Spontaneous
b. predictable
c. decisive.

13. What is his favorite pastime?

14. What was your husband's childhood nickname?

15. What type of movie does your husband like most?

a. Action
b. comedy
c. drama.

16. What is your husband's favorite soup?

17. If you had your wedding to over again, would you make
it larger, smaller, or keep it the same?

18. Is there something you think your wife to be has plenty

of that she just won't stop buying?

19. Where was your first official date?

20. What's the Bride's favorite fast food?

21. What color is the front door of the first home you two

22. What is the Bride's favorite flower?

WOMEN's BONUS Questions:

1. If your husband could watch only one sport, what would it


2. If your huband was lost, he would most likely...

a. pretend not to be lost
b. stop and ask for directions
c. ask you for directions
d. stop and buy a map

2. Your husband loses points for...

a. .hogging the bathroom
b. hogging the remote
c. hogging the covers
d. hogging the telephone

The Not So Newlywed Game Questions

1. Ladies what would your husband say is your favorite
outfit, excluding what you are wearing tonight.

2. Husbands, what is the color of your wife’s toothbrush?

3. What is the strangest gift your spouse has ever bought for

4. What percentage of the housework would your husband

say he does?

5. Ladies what one article of clothing does your husband

wear that you just can't stand?

6. Who is the better cook you or your wife?

7. Within 3 how many pairs of shoes will your wife say she

8. What does your Husband eat on his hotdog?

9. Does your husband know more about, Gilligan's Island,

Treasure Island, or Three Mile Island?

10. Ladies when you first met your husband, what will he say
was the one thing which first caught his attention about you?

11. Where was your first date?

12. What was the best vacation you’ve ever taken together?

13. What will your spouse say is your favorite food?

14. Who would your wife say was the "better catch" out of
you two?

15. When it comes to home improvement your wife

considers you to be? a. Tim the
tool man, (makes the job worse)
b. Bob the builder, (forever starting new projects without
completing the old)
c. Al, (does it right the first time) D. Clueless

16. Ladies who initiated your first kiss?

17. If your husband died and came back as a dog, what

breed would he be? a. Chihuahua,
b. Russell Terrier,
c. Poodle,
d. Bull dog

18. What would your spouse say was the last thing the two
of you argued about?

19. When was the last time you and your spouse had a long
passionate kiss?

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