Typesofcharacters 1

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Types Of Characters

Static Character A static character is an undeveloped, one-dimensional figure. He/she is known by one or more character traits that remain constant throughout the narrative (story or play). Give an example of a static character that you have read about and explain why you think that they are.

Dynamic Character A dynamic character is complex and realistic. Like real people, a dynamic character changes or develops during the course of their life (or the narrative). Give an example of a dynamic character that you have read about and explain why you think that they are.

Stereotypes Stereotypes are stock characters that often appear in particular genres. A stereotype character is one that is an oversimplified image of a particular type of person. For example, one stereotype that is often found in the murder mystery genre is the wellintentioned but fumbling police officer. Give an example of a stereotype character that you have read about and explain why you think that they are.

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