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*Normandy given by his father *England won in war *Feudalism

ROBERT *elder *he was left the Duchy of Normandy *he went to fight to Muslims leaving WILLIAM II in charge of Normandy

WILLIAM II (RUFUS) *middle *he was left the throne of England *he died in a hunting accident * He had no son

HENRY I *younger *he was crown king of England * He invaded Normandy and captured his brother Robert

STEPHAN *Henrys nephew *Good at fighting *he was chosen king of England instead of Matilda


MATILDA *Henrys daughter

HENRY II *first unquestioned ruler of English throne *struggle between the Church and State *he quarrelled with his wife and sons * he was killed by his sons

RICHARD I * Henry IIs rebellious son *brave good soldier *he went to make war on the Muslisms and was captured by the Duke of Austria *he had no son JOHN *Richards brother *greedy *Magna Carta

HENRY III (9 years) *Johns son *heavily spending and his foreign advisers upset the nobles *the nobles took over the Government and created a council of nobles called the Parliament

EDWARD I *Henry IIIs son *Real Parliament *House of Commons *he had England under his control

EDWARD II *he has defeated by Bruce

EDWARD III *He declared war on Frace *HUNDRED YEARS WAR

JOHN OF GAUNT *Edward IIIs son

THE BLACK PRINCE *Edward IIIs son *he died before of being king

HENRY IV *Richard IIs cousin

RICHARD II (11 years old) *Black Prince s son *tax was enforced three times *serf labour paid labour

HENRY IV *Stablishing his royal authority THE HOUSE HENRY V *Henry IVs son *LancastriansYorkists *claimed the throne of France *he marriaged king of Frances daughter OF LANCASTRIANS

HENRY VI *Henry Vs son *a Lancastrian King *He enherited the throne of France and England *Joan of Arc * he was put into the Tower of London by Edward IV *he was murdered by Edward IV

EDWARD IV *a Yorkist king *he put Henry VI into the Tower of London *he was thrown out of England *killed Henry VI


RICHARD III *He was Edward IVs brother

EDWARD IV *he became king *he died and his two sons were put into the Tower of London And murdered by their uncle RICHARD III *he became king of England THE HOUSE OF YORK Henry Tudor *Duke of Richmond met Richard, half of Richards army changed sides.

Henry VII (Tudor) *he became king

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