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Liceo de Apodaca
Maria Guadalupe Sanchez Villegas Artifial habits 8a Denmark Friday, 11 January, 2013

What is a artificial habits?

A habitat that has been affected by humans in some way, usually that has been changed for a

In its simplest terms when habitat is destroyed, plants, animals and other organisms that are occupied limited carrying capacity, leading to a population decline and even extinction. The biggest risk faced by species worldwide is habitat loss.

Habitat destruction is the process in which natural habitat is a habitat become unable to support the same native species.

Mexico, like other megadiverse countries, unfortunately has a high proportion of threatened ecosystems, the most affected the cloud forest and evergreen forest, which results in loss of habitat (Toledo and Ordonez, 1998). To retain need care and use of natural resources properly on our planet, and help your recovery. The main threats to the survival of the species can be divided into two categories: natural and resulting impact on ecosystems caused by humans. Natural hazards are mainly in climatic changes, such as global changes in the atmosphere (although at present, the research has shown that the impact of human activities contribute substantially to global warming due to emissions of greenhouse gases), natural disasters such as torrential rains, volcanic eruptions, wildfires and predation by herbivores. The same processes of natural selection also contribute to the disappearance of species. Furthermore, within the category of the main threats caused by human activities such as agriculture, the fires caused, excessive logging and generally excessive population growth, are habitat fragmentation, deforestation, loss or land degradation and desertification (CONABIO, 2000; Flower and Lucas, 1998).
One of the main threats currently facing ecosystem is deforestation, which refers to the loss of large areas of trees or even total elimination of natural forest. How to be that deforestation and what are the main causes? Probably the main reason is the excessive population growth, which has led the human to make irrational use of forests, to perform an excessive logging for the establishment of areas for agricultural, livestock or other land use, as human settlements and roads. At the same time it has increased the demand for fuel wood used for the construction industry and domestic use (Carty, 1992). In Mexico, a major cause of deforestation is the conversion of large tracts of forest to cattle pasture. The main implications are many: loss of species and genetic variation, general deterioration of the soil, while eliminating important sources of firewood and other basic forest products for rural dwellers (Ochoa, 2000).

As a result of deforestation, another major threat to habitat loss is the fragmentation refers to the division into small patches of what was an original ecosystem, because it alters the natural ecological phenomena (CEC, 1997). Thus, fragmentation refers to the reduction of the original habitat, and therefore its partial destruction, impacting negatively on biodiversity, causing even the disappearance of different species of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, plants and insects, among others (Ochoa, 2000).

Habitat destruction and reduction and disappearance of species of flora and fauna. Disappearance of species, such as red coral or occidental3 Mediterranean monk seal. And reducing populations of sea turtles, dolphins and cetaceans (whales family) among many others. - Introduction of invasive and exotic species. The species of a given ecosystem ecological functions are divided, and two of them rarely play the same role: the more efficient just supplanting it is usually losers menos.3 native species. - Climate change. The deep waters of the Mediterranean Sea temperatures have increased 0.13 C over the last 40 years. Being a small sea with little tidal range climate change effects are most pronounced. 4 Another consequence of climate change and pollution, which increases the number of invasive species and Mediterranean biodiversity is decreasing acidification.

Artificial reefs gradually can help to combat the disappearance. Are you threatened to kill the Mediterranean? "The Mediterranean does not die. We could say that is sick, but this disease is not terminal. If they ever address the root causes of their degradation, and not just the symptoms, we still have a chronically ill nature to be always medicate, but that does not have to get worse. "Ros Joandomnec professor at the University of Barcelona. There is still hope The Mediterranean is the main tourist destination in the world, representing 30% of all international tourist destinations of which must be a valuable incentive for care. Despite being a small sea, the Mediterranean can assimilate most foreign products being dumped into EL.3 But we must not forget the alarming deterioration, we must insist on proper management.

The species have defense mechanism, adaptations surprising because everything changes naturally as entrenched, slow or speed up metabolism, stored in your body supplies, some tolerate large ranges as temperature and oxygen which allow it to survive in the changed environment and passing it to displace more susceptible species and there is a real environmental disaster. Here were many crabs, but also many mangroves were eliminated by the need for housing and other things that happen, mangroves delas control salinity coastal waters, an alteration leads to another.

Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) Has been listed as vulnerable on the Red List of 2006. Recently conducted study models predict a dramatic reduction based on the extent, thickness and ice formation time at sea for the next 50/100 due to global climate change. It is suspected that there will be a population reduction of at least 30% over the next 45 years due to the loss of their natural habitat and the decline in quality. Other threats to this population include pollution and transport of oil and gas, as well as over-hunting (legal and illegal) in the future.

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