About Me

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Yaremi Ochoa Period 4 1/11/13

Three things about Three things about Three goals for me. my family this semester I like one direction I have two brother Get as My favorite color is There 16 and 8 Pass the csts pink I like hello kitty My mom is 33 and Stop being rude to my dad is 43 my teachers

Yaremi Ochoa
Period 4 1/11/13

About Me
Well first of all Im in love with one direction. I like their music and theyre cute. I know everything about them like there b-day and their favorite color. Another thing about me is that I love pink it was the color of my first dress when I was a baby. Other than two things I like hello kitty because my dad used to

buy me everything hello kitty. He still kind of does. Well in my family there is five my mom, dad, big brother, little brother and I. I was supposed to have another big brother but he died before I was born. The funniest out of them is my little brother. But my family is super hilarious. Thats were I got my funny from. Im the only girl so Im like over protective. The goals for this semester are to get good grades. If I get good grades that mean I culminate. And I need to culminate because my dad said I can get a new phone and got to a one direction concert I have been wanting to go to.

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