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Name _____________________________ English 12 Per. _______________ Date ____________________ Miguel Such Vocational High School Mr. V.

. Velez Essay printout format: Double space the essay using simple, easy-to- read 12 point font and one-inch margins. Remember to title your essay! Assignment: Write a 5 paragraph essay that develops the following thesis statement: Richard Connell uses suspense to develop his short story The Most Dangerous Game. Paragraph 1 - should introduce your reader to your topic and should include an interesting hook to make the reader want to continue reading your essays. Remember T (title) A (author) G (genre) Paragraph 2 - Discuss one event that demonstrates the use of suspense to develop the story. Be sure to provide a specific textual citation and explain how this creates suspense. Put the citation in quotation marks and document it parenthetically. Explain how it creates suspense, dont just tell that it does. Paragraph 3 Discuss another plot event etc. Paragraph 4 -- Discuss another plot event etc. Paragraph 5 -- Make some general observations about the effect of using foreshadowing and suspense to hold the readers interest in the story line. You can talk about other fictional works or movies that are especially suspenseful. Leave the reader with something to remember. Remember to title your essay! Grading: Essay title: _______________ (1 Introduction and thesis statement ___________ (1 2 2 3 3 10 2 2 4 4 15 3 3 5) 5 20 4 4 6 25 5 5 7 30 6 6 8 35 7 7 9 40 8 8 10) 45) 9 9 10) 10)

Body paragraph development ______ (5 Use of citations ______________ (1 Concluding paragraph _________ (1

Maturity of the writing style (word choice, sentence construction) _________ (1 2 Adherence to the conventions of written English ___________ (1



Total score: ________ Additional comments: _____________________________________________________________________

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