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Pre-heating temperature for butt welding

Fundamentals of preheating
Preheating involves heating the base metal, either in its entirety or just the region surrounding the joint, to specific temperature, The preheat temperature. Heating may be continued during the welding process, b t f ldi but frequently th preheat tl the h t form's sufficient to maintain the desired temperature through out the weld.

Heat Input
It can be see that an increase of heat input (Q) during welding permits a reduction of preheat temperature.

Calculation of preheat temperature

The effect of chemical composition characterized by the carbon equivalent (CET) ,the plate thickness (d),the hydrogen content of the weld metal (HD), and heat input (Q) can be combined by the formula given below to calculate the preheat temperature:

Hydrogen scale
The hydrogen scale to be used for any arc welding process depend mainly on the g p p y diffusible hydrogen content. The effect of hydrogen content, HD, of the weld metal in accordance with ISO3690 on pre-heat temperature can calculate using the following expression:

Graphical determination of preheat temperature

The relationship between preheat temperature and plate thickness, for selected heat input and carbon equivalent can be represented:
preheat temperature (c) e

Combined thickness
When heating a joint to be welded, the EN1011 code requires that the combined thickness should be determined as the sum of parent metal thicknesses averaged over a distance of 75 mm from weld line.

Base material
The influence of the chemical composition on the cold cracking behavior of steel is characterized by mean of carbon equivalent (CET).The effect of carbon and other individual alloying element is given by

Legend: 1-preheat temperature 2-plate thickness

plate thickness (mm)

If the carbon equivalent and heat input in the diagram do not agree with the actual values, the inferred preheat temperature shall be corrected A correction of 7 5C has corrected. 7.5 C to be made for every 0.01% difference in carbon equivalent. The correction for heat input can obtained in expression noted before.

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