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Fill in the correct personal pronoun.

Choose from this box: He He I I I I I I She she they we We we we We we you You You you you You you Brian: Hello, what are ______ doing here? Linda: Hello, __ am Linda! This is my younger sister and ____ are waiting here for our friend Carla. ______ is in the department store over there, and ____ are already tired. Who are ______ ? Brian: Oh, __ am Brian. Yes, __ am also waiting for a friend. ____ is in the department store, too. Are ______ here often? Linda: ____ are here every day. Hahaha. Brian: Yes, the department store is very big! Hahaha. Linda: Look! There ______ is. Brian: My friend is there too! And what are ______ doing tonight? Linda: _____ are going to the cinema! And where are you? Brian: First, ____ are drinking something and then ____ do not know yet. My friend is here since this morning. ____ is just on vacation here. Linda: Are ______ also new here? Brian: Yes, ____ am actually from Germany and my friend is from Sweden. My father, however, is British. Linda: Oh, that is interesting. Unfortunately, __ have to go. ______ are very nice. Brian: Thanks! ______ are too! Maybe __ will see you around!

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