ABAP Interview Questions

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1) How to maintain lists in dialog programming? 2)How to send greeting with different languages to different regions in smartforms? 3)Can we transfer 100 screen data to pass 200 screen? 4)In reports 1st list o/p can be consider as i/p of 2nd list how it maintains? 5) In lsmw data length 20 chars only but there is 24 chars field how can u manage? 6)What is the diff b/w OK_CODE n SY_UCOMM?

Ans: 1)by using table control

2)by using tcode se63 3)yes we can transfer 100 screen data to pass 200screen. 4)by using at line-selection 6)1. It is not possible to clear the content of sy-ucomm since it is a system variable but we can clear the content of ok_code. 2. The length of sy-ucomm is fixed but the length of ok_code is not fixed. we can take any length 2.how to change col colors in alv reporting? Ans. HERE we have 2 ways t display the colors. 1.slis_specialcol_alv. 2.lvc_s_scol & Emphasize 3. How to maintain subtotals n grand totals in smart forms? Ans. subtotal: for dis initially find which field having price values, Then go to table inside we are having Headder,Mainarea,footer then go for main area,select the field right click select->Flow logic-> program lines here u have to specifyI/p & O/p parameters. Grand total: for this go to table-> right click ->select Text then write the grand total is &v_total&.

4. In smart forms page no will be displayed as 2 of 15, 9 of 15

but while printing 10 of 15 it does not print correctly tell me how to handle this scenario.

Ans. For this create a window name is "PAGENO",Right click on it create text- from there u Have to specify "&page&/&smartforms-formpage(C)& Then it will declare in the form 1/10, 2/10......like this.

5. Types of updating in call tr? Ans. There are three types of updating in Call transaction.
1.Synchronous update 2.Asynchronous update 3.Local update

6. Modes in Call Tr?


7. How you prepare documentation?

There is an option in se38..Go to Utilities and there u can find option called documentation. Click that and u can write ur documentaion.

8. Differentiate select and select single?

ANS. A> select statement which is used to read all the records from the database.select single statement read the single record from the database. B> Select statement can be executed without where clause but,select single needs to have where clause and we need to specify the full primary key. 9. Suppose in the Report Program I want to pass data to another Report Program ..how will you do that one?

ANS. U can do this by EXPORT IMPORT concept...

u export all the data which you want may it be an internal table or just a structure or some data object using the command... EXPORT <f1> <f 2> ... TO MEMORY ID <key>. for individual variables and for exporting internal table the command is EXPORT <Table name> to MEMORY ID <Key>. Then, u can import them in some other program by using the command ... IMPORT <f1> [TO <g 1>] <f 2> [TO <g 2>] ... FROM MEMORY ID <key>. 10. What are steps involved in creating ALE? the following steps will be done when creating ALE: 1.DEFINE LOGICAL SYSTEMS BOTH SENDER & RECEIVER USING SALE TRANSACTION. 2.ASSIGN CLIENTS TO LOGICAL SYSTEMS USING SCC4 TRANSACTION. 3.CREATE PORT USING WE21 TRANSACTION. 4.CREATE MODEL VIEW USING BD64 TRANSACTION. 5.GOTO ENVIRONMENT & CLICK ON GENERATE PARTNER PROFILES GIVE PARTNER SYSTEM NAME & F8. 6.YOU GOT THE RESULT MODEL VIEW HAS BEEN CREATED. F3 ,F3 GOTO EDIT->MODEL VIEW->DISTRIBUTE


11. what is Tcode for Basic ALE configuration?

ANS. SALE is correct - through this we can define all the basic's of IDoc 12. how you identify errors in call tr? ANS. With Call Transaction statement we can give the addition as MESSAGES INTO <internal table> which is of type BDCMSGCOLL which will contain all the messages.then loop through this table to analyse the messages. 13. what are the fields in BDC Data? ANS. BDC Data is a structure with 5 fields. 1.program char holds program name responsible for the scrn 2.Dynpro numc screen number 3.DYnBegin char 'x' indicates start of the screen. 4.Fnam char Field name 5.Fval char(80) Field value 13. tell me about status codes? ANS. these r the mile stones in transfer of IDOC by which the IDOC sending system knows the status of IDOC . there are 75 status record 0 to 49 are recorded for outbound and 50 to 74 are for inbound.

14. What is the Difference Between basic list and interactive

list? ANS.A> THERE IS ONLY A SINGLE BASIC LIST WHERE AS WE CAN HAVE ANY INTERACTIVE LISTS IN WHICH THESE SHOULD BE BETWEEN 1 AND 20. BY USING LSIND WE CAN GET THE LIST NUMBER. B> Basic list is nothing but classical list it will display only one single list.we can not possible to have trigger secondary lists. so we will use interactive reports to triggering the secondary lists using At line-selection,At user-command,At pf-n. 15. what are parameters of BDC OPEN AND INSERT fun module ?


TCODE = <>TRANSACTION CODE DYNPROTAB = <> BDC INTERNAL TABLE NAME 16. what is the status code when IDOC is created? ANS. 01 for Outbound side

18. Recording -- Transaction code?

ANS. SHDB/ SM35 for Bach input session over view 19.STEP BY STEP DETAIL PROCEES OF BDC. ANS. General flow of a BDC program is like this.... 1) First create recording for the T code which you want to make BDC for... Use T code SHDB for recording. 2 ) Now save that recording and create pogram from that recording using Create Program button. give the BDC driver program name and create. 3 ) Now the general logic of BDC program goes like this.... - Upload Flat file into and internal table using function module "UPLOAD" - OPEN BDC GROUP. - Now loop at that internal table which contains the data from flat file. - move data from internal table to fields of BDCDATA using automatically gebnerated code from BDC. - CALL TRANSACTION <T CODE> using BDCDATA... - CLOSE BDC GROUP 20. Run Time Analysis - Transaction code? ANS. SE30 : FOR RUN TIME ANALYSIS. ST05 : FOR SQL TRACE SCI : FOR CODE INSPECTOR SLIN : FOR EXTENDED CHECK ST22 : FOR SHORT DUMP ANALYSIS 21. what is the difference between session ,call Transaction? ANS. session method: 1.Asynchronous processing i.e we can process multiple transaction codes in a single program. 2.Synchronous data base updation 3.Error log created. 4.No significance for sy-subrc. 5.It is slower than call transaction method. 6.We cannot execute this method directly. call transaction method: 1.Synchronous processing i.e we can process single

transaction in a single program. 2.Synchronous and Asynchronous database updation. 3.Error log cannot be created. 4.Significance for sy-subrc. 5.It is faster than session method. 6. We can directly execute this method. 22. APPL2? ANS. APPL2 Organization and customizing. This is used at the time of system configuration. it is done one time and rarely changed. 23. How to find Buffered or not? ANS. We can find buffured or not by going to the technical settings of a table .There is an option called 'Buffering allowed'.If that option is checked ,that means the table is buffured. 24. what is table maintenance? ANS. Table maintainance is nothing but adding / modifying / deleting records from table. You can use transactions SM30 / SM31 for the same.Also SM13/SM14 can be used. 25. what is search helps..How many types are there? ANS. 1.elementary search help i.e to give help for a single table 2.collective search help i.e to give help for multiple Tables. 26. what is exact difference between uline and sy-uline? ANS. WRITE: uline. --- does not work. WRITE: sy-line. --- Correct 27. In Background Report, how to handle errors? ANS.USING ERROR LOGS. 28. How to process the session dynamically? ANS. Here two ways for processing sessions. 1.Go to SM35 process the session. 2.By executing RSBDCSUB. 29. what are Conversion Routings? ANS. IT CONVERT SAP STANDARD TABLE DATA TO NORMAL DATA EXAMPLE: 00000038 -> 38 USING TWO FUNTION MODULE CONVERSION_EXIT_xxxxx_INPUT CONVERSION_EXIT_xxxxx_OUTPUT The INPUT module performs the conversion from display format to internal format. The OUTPUT module performs the conversion from internal format to display format. 30.Sort statement? ANS. its is used for sorting internal table. synatx : SORT <itab> by <field> Ascending/descending. 31. How to fetch all the data from the Internal table? ANS. EXAMPLE: LOOP AT IT_TAB INTO WA_IT_TAB

WA_IT_FINAL-MATNR = WA_IT_TAB-MATNR WA_IT_FINAL-ERNAM = WA_IT_TAB-ERNAM ENDLOOP. 32. WHAT IS READ STATEMENT? ANS. READ STATEMENT IS USED FOR READING THE RECORD FROM INTERNAL TABLE NOT FOR DATABASE TABLE. EXAMPLE: READ TABLE IT_TAB INTO WA_IT_TAB WITH KEY MATNR =WA_IT_TAB1-MATNR. 33. what is check table?..what is domain? ANS. WHEN WE DEFINE A FOREGIN KEY IN A TABLE (A). IF THIS KEY REFERS TO PRIMARY KEY OF ANOTHER TABLE (B) THEN TABLE (B) IS CHECK TABLE. DOMAIN: TECHNICAL CHARATERESTIC OF THE TABLE IS CALLED DOMAIN. 34. WHAT IS Select option? ANS. Select option is a type if internal table it has four options . They are 1. Sign 2. Option 3. Low 4. High it is used for multiple selection 35. At selection-screen on Fields output? ANS. we can change field before going to display like hide. this will process before at-selection screen and after initialization events. 36. can anyone give me notes on bdc direct input method? ANS. WE HAVE SOME STANDARD PROGRAM FOR DIRECT INPUT. RMDATIND-MATERIAL MASTER INPUT 37. In ABAP What is the Use of "FOR ALL ENTRIES" Clause & when it is being used. And what it really does? ANS. 1. duplicate rows are automatically removed 2. if the itab used in the clause is empty , all the rows in the source table will be selected . 3. performance degradation when using the clause on big tables. EXAPLE: SELECT MATNR ERNAM FROM MARA INTO TABLE IT_MARA FOR ALL ENTRIES IN IT_VBAP WHERE MATNR = IT_MARA-MATNR. 38. what is Initialization Purpose? ANS. THE USE OF INITIALIZATION EVENTS IS WE HAVE TO CALCUTATE THE LOW AND HIGH VALUES IN THE INITIALIZATION EVENT THEN IT WILL DISPLAY ON THE SELECTION SCREEN. FOR EX: LOW = SY-DATUM. HIGH = 10 + SY-DATUM. SELECT-OPTIONS: EVBELN FOR VBAK. APPEND EVELN INITIALIZATION. EVBELN-LOW = '7580'. EVBELN-HIGH = '7590'. EVBELN-SIGN = 'I'. I MEANS INCLUDED EVBELN-OPTIONS = 'BT'. 39. WHAT IS THE RECORDING PURPOSE? ANS. to upload the multiple data from flat file.

40. What is Internal Table? ANS. Internal tables provide a means of taking data from a fixed structure and storing it in working memory in ABAP. The data is stored line by line in memory, and each line has the same structure. A particularly important use for internal tables is for storing and formatting data from a database table within a program. 41. Types of BDC? ANS. there r 3 types (or) methods of BDC. 1. call transaction 2. session method 3. direct input method 41. What are Call Transaction Modes? ANS. The call transaction mode can take the following values: 'A' Display screen 'E' Display only if an error occurs 'N' Do not display 'P' Do not display; debugging possible If the MODE addition is omitted, then the processing mode is 'A'. 42. what are system Variables? ANS. system variable r sap defined we can use anywhere of a program and also these r global. 43. WHAT ACTUALLY IS REAL TIME IMPLEMENTATION HOW MANY PHASES ARE THERE IN THAT. ANS. Best implement of ERP can be done using its 11 stages and these are as follows -Pre-evaluation and screening -Package evaluation -Project planning phase -Gap analysis -Reengineering -Configuration -Implementation team training -Testing -Going live -End-user training -Post-implementation 44. Select .. Up to one row will have better performance than the Select single *? ANS. 1)SELECT single retrives only one record which ever come across first in data base query SELECT ..upto 1 row , all records are fetched into a buffer which are satisfied from Where condition in Data base query , and from buffer first record is fetched . >>same as Answer 2 2) If you know all the primary keys in WHERE condition , use SELECT single. If you dont know all primary kyes in WHERE condition , use SELECT...UPTO

45. In an Internal table how do you suppress or add the leading Zeroes for a particular field in your itab? ANS. Unpacks the packed field A and places it in the field B with leading zeros. If B is too short, it is truncated on the left. Exampl: DATA: p_field (2) TYPE p VALUE 103, c_field (8) TYPE c. UNPACK p_field TO c_field. WRITE: p_field, c_field. Output: 103, 00000103. OTHERWISW We can use a function module 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT' to add the leading zeros. example: CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT' EXPORTING INPUT = P_KUNNR IMPORTING OUTPUT = P_KUNNR. 46. Suppose u r using FOR ALL ENTRIES. What happens when there is no data in the itab which is using all the entries? ANS. If the table on which the For All Entries IN clause is based is empty, all rows are selected into the destination table. Hence it is advisable to check before-hand that the first table is not empty. 47. How can u transfer the data from one itab to another without using move & write statements? ANS. using itab1[] = itab2[]. 48. After the SESSION is created where is it stored? ANS.HEDER SECTION SESSION INFORMATION ARE STORED IN APQI TABLE DATA SECTION ARE STORED IN APQD TABLE. **49. In SE11 we created two database tables say some 1000 fields each.Now f we want both the tables combined into one table, how do we do that? ANS. 50. How many fields(max) can be there in a transparent table? ANS. A table may not have more than 249 fields. 51. how to create a button in selection screen? ANS. we can create the buttons like this selection-screen pushbutton 10(4)'button name' user-command but1. 52. what is the difference betn end-of-page and end-ofselection? ANS. End-of-page : is footer of the page. End-of-selection: is triggered At the end of the processing block. 53. How do you write technical specs? ANS. There we write description, selection screen variables,

output variables, custom tables, pseudo code, error msgs, UTP(unit test plan). 54. what are the differences between scripts & smart forms? ANS. 1.Sapscript is Client dependent Smartform is Client independent. 2.Sapscript can uploaded/Downloaded whereas smartforms cannot. 3.protect/endprotect command in sapscript will not work in smartforms 4.Transaction for sapscript is SE71 For smartform SMARTFORMS 55. You are running a report. It is taking long time for execution. What steps will you do to reduce the execution time. ANS. just go through st05 and se30. inner select statements r not acceptable. select ...endselect is not suitable more inner joins r not recommanded 56. what is a value table? ANS. a value table is nothing but a domain level checking 57. how many indexes can be created for a table? ANS. we can create 16 indexes 1 primary index 15 secondary indexes 58. How can i develop more than 30 interactive lists in reports. ANS. We can develop maximum 20 interactive lista using At line-selection. If we need more than 20 interactive list use user-command. set pf-status<xxx>. 59. what are SPA and GPA parameters?What the Purpose?Examples? under ABAP Memory. ANS. Within a main session, when ever you start an application program, it opens up an internal sessions with in the main session. The internal session has a memory area that contains the ABAP program and its associated data. So when ever you want to pass data between two internal sessions, then you can use ABAP Memory (i.e import, export). When comes to SAP memory (also known as global memory), if the data has to be passed b/w two main sessions, we can use SAP Memory(SPA/GPA Parameters). SAP Memory can also be used to pass data b/w internal sessions.

60. what is Import and Export Memory? 61. in an interactive report i want to trigger both 'at

line selection' and 'user command'....if possible then how? ANS. YES BOTH THE VENTS ARE TRGGERED IN THE SAME PROGRAM. AT LINE SELECTION EVENT THE VALUE OF THE CURRENT ROW IS STORED IN THE SYSTEM FIELD OR THE HIDE WORK AREA AND THE TIME THE USER DOUBLE CLICK THE SCREEN THE AT USER COMMAND EXECUTES WHICH GIVE THE DESIRED FUNCTION CODE TO PROCEED FURTHER. 62. SUPPOSE WE ARE RUNNING A BDC PROGRAM IN BACK GROUND AND AT THE END WE FOUND THAT SOME RECORDS ARE NOT UPDATED?WHAT IS THE SOLUTIONS ANS. according to your question , error records will move to log file,go to log file and rectify the errors what ever you have,again start the process from begining onwards, so in seesion method because of synchronous updating the process will be stoped,so you have process from begining onwards. 63. give examples of pool,cluster tables? ANS. Pool tables are: A005,A001 Cluster table:BSEG 64. How do you get output from IDOC? ANS. Function moudles or processing routines are alloted dynamically based on message type andn IDCO type. We use these function modules to process IDOC segments to get data and move this segment data into internal tables. 65. Explain about roll area , Dispatcher, ABAP-Processor? ANS. Application server contains Dispather. Dispatcher contains queue file and workprocessors. When we execute object, the request goes to dispatcher and dispatcher sends it to queue file. after that dispatcher allocates the request to available work proecessor to process the request. The work processor contains screen processor, abap processor and flow logic. ABAP processor process the abap code. For each request in workprocessor contains user context and roll area. Roll area contains program name, variables, memory area, dyanmic variables, etc. 66. What is the main point while using control break in internal table ? ANS. The main point is that we have to first sort out the Table in Asce/Dese order and we can use control beark with in loop and endloop. 67. What is Field symbol? ANS. Field symbol is a place holder for existing fileds. Does not reserve place physically but point to the field which is not known until runtime. We can assign sections of fileds(offset, lenght can be specified dynamically in prg.) and may extend beyond field boundaries. syntax: FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs>[type/structure <s> defualt <wa>]. We can also assing components of structure to field symbols.


68. How to transfer legacy data into base tables by scheduling a time frame using bdc? ANS. First we need to create a session for this process. After creating session, we can schedule this job using tcode SM36 or we can schedule in SM35 itself by giving schedule time. 69. how to handle the errors (duplicate records) in CALL TRANSACTION METHOD and HOW CAN WE SHOW THE ENDUSER ABOUT THE ERROR RECORD ANS. Declare one structure of type BDCMSGCOLL and then create the internal table for the same. Then use the Call transaction using statement with the Messages addition then call the function module Format_message to convert the systems error messages into the desired format so that user can understand. 70. How to debug a smartform? ANS. STEP1-> AFTER ACTIVATE SMARTFORM YOU GET A NAME OF FUNTIONMODULE. STEP2-> GO TO TCODE SE37.GIVE NAME OF FUNTION MODULE. AND GET FUNTION DETAIL AND PROGRAM NAME. STEP3-> GO TO TCODE SE38 RUN THAT PROGRAM. STEP4-> GIVE BREAKPOINT AND DEBUG. 71. What is mean SY-SUBRC=8 in BDC(while uploading data). ANS. the meaning of sy-subrc = 8 Means the Record is not FOUND. 72. what is template in smartform? ANS. Template having fixed size but a table will be expandable. 73. what is ALE, Debugging, Smart Forms ,IDOC'S & BDC'S? ANS. ALE(Application Link Enabling) is a Network.it used to communicate two or more servers which are geographically existed. Debugging : Detailed error analysis source code level.it is executed the program in line by line . Smartforms : Smartforms is a TOOL .which is used to generate Business Legal Processing Documents .The Tcode of Smartforms is SMARTFORMS.it is advanced version of Scripts. IDOC's(Intermediate Document) : it is a collection of segments .segment is a collection of fields.IDOC is used to transfer the data between two servers.Tcode for IDOC is WE30. 73.What is the diff b/w OK_CODE n SY_UCOMM? ANS. 1. It is not possible to clear the content of sy-ucomm since it is a system variable but we can clear the content of ok_code. 2. The length of sy-ucomm is fixed but the length of ok_code is not fixed. we can take any length 74. how to change col colors in alv reporting? ANS. Use the LVC_S_SCOL structure gives the column name in FNAME and give the color in COLOR.

75. How to maintain subtotals n grand totals in smart forms? ANS. subtotal:


for dis initially find which field having price values, Then go to table inside we are having Headder,Mainarea,footer then go for main area,select the field right click select->Flow logic-> program lines here u have to specifyI/p & O/p parameters. Grand total: for this go to table-> right click ->select Text then write the grand total is &v_total&. 76. In smart forms page no will be displayed as 2 of 15, 9 of 15 but while printing 10 of 15 it does not print correctly tell me how to handle this scenario. ANS. For this create a window name is "PAGENO",Right click on it create text- from there u Have to specify "&page&/&smartforms-formpage(C)& Then it will declare in the form 1/10, 2/10......like this. 77. I am transferring 10 data records from outbound though idocs but 8 records are transferred , what about reaming records but it did not show any error? ANS. Just Check the Filter settings.Remove the filter for the fields and then transfer the datarecords again.If the filter is set it will not show any error. 78. what is the meaning of SCREEN-INPUT = '0/1', SCREEN-ACTIVE = '0/1'. in event AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT ANS. when screen-active component is zero then input = 0,output = 0 statically.screen field is invisible they are not ready for input. when active component is 1 then field is ready to accept the input from user. 79. How will you add color in a row using ALV ? ANS. use the follwing in SLIS slis_t_specialcol_alv 80. why SAP script is clint dependent and smartform is clint indepedent ? ANS. sapscript is Clint dependent and smart form is Clint independent bcz of smart form creates a function module which sap script doesn't create 81. Report zabc. Top-of-page. Write : 'Hello'. End-of-page. What is the output of the program? ANS. There is no output.Because,Top-of-page triggered when first write statement encountered. 82. A database table contains 3 fields(Student_no,Section,Total_marks).I want retrieve top 10 students from each section.Note:(Section contains data like A,B,C.Each section contains more than 10 students). ANS. REPORT zscenario. DATA itab LIKE zabc OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.


SELECT * FROM zbad5 INTO TABLE itab UP TO 10 ROWS. ENDSELECT SORT itab BY sclass smarks. LOOP AT itab. AT NEW sclass. WRITE: / itab."-sno1 itab-sclass itab-smarks. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. 83. can any body tell what is idoc archieving and how to do that? ANS. Archiving means collection of HISTORIAL Idocs that can be stored out side of The Database,By using this We can reduce load on the data base. "WE10" is the TCODE for archive idoc info structure. Here 2 options is availabale. 1. Database 2. Archive -> We can select Archive idoc then it give the information about This. 84. What is partner profile? ANS. The tcode for creating the partner profile is WE20 . These partner profiles are used when generating idocs i.e sending and receiving idocs. (partner profiles are nothing but sender and receiver information ) In this the mandatory things to remember is port number , logical system , inbound parameters , out bound parameters. 85. how to create form without mainwindow? ANS. We can create a smartform without a main window. In smartform we can directly loop by right clicking on table, which gives a loop window and also we can create a window and a table line outside the main window. In table line we can give data in main area. 86. what is sap package ? ANS. A Package is Type of Development object which act as a container to store a development objects such as screens , menus, function , transactions 87. you have to select fourth vendor no in basic list go to open new list ( secondary list) . what is the coding in interactive report ?.. tell me the coding clearly plz?.. ANS. data : vvbeln type vbeln. form usercomm using rucomm type syucomm rselfield type slis_selfied. case rucomm. when '&IC1'. if rselfield-fieldname = vbeln vvbeln = rselfied-value. select vbeln *** from vbap into table it_vbap where vbeln = vvbeln. endif. endcase. endform. 88. what are various ways of triggering a new page in reports ? ANS. trigger the command new-page.


89. How do you set background job automatically ? ANS. program RSBDCSUB. 90. How do you call a report from a transaction ? ANS. Create a new z-transaction form se93 & specify the report name. when this newly created tcode will be executed the specified report will be triggered. 91. How do you call a transaction from a report ? ANS. By using CALL TRANSACTION <transaction name> function module. syntax: Write:/ 'Click Here' Hotspot. AT Line-Selection. call transaction 'se11. Press F8 And Transaction Se11 will open. 92. CAN ANY ONE TELL ME What is the use of fallowing structures 1)BDCDATA 2)BDCMSGCOLL ANS. BDCDATA standard structure contains following parameters. program :name of the module pool programm. dynpro :screen number dynbegin:it indicates for the new screen fnam :name of the fields in database fval :fields values are assinged with the fields by defineing that structure bdcdata as it_bdcdata and work area wa_bdcdata and we can pass above values. ex: wa_bdcdata-program = name of the module pool program. And BDCMSGCOLL this is the structure to keep the errors while we are using call transaction method in bdc. ex syntax: call transaction 'va01' using it_bdcdata mode a/n/e update s/a messages into it_bdcmsgcoll. 93. what are medruck, rvorder01? ANS. These r standard script forms MEDRUCK - Purchase orders RVORDER01 - Order conformation 94. What is direct input method ? ANS. In bdc, direct input method can handle exclusively large amount of data only.It is also can process foreground and background. It also having log file default. difference with session method is validations can be done by sap predefine function modules. It is faster than session method. In case of errors direct input mechanism provides restart mechanism for this we have to execute in the background only this rbmvshow or tcode bmv0. 95. After running a BDC program in background, next day morning when you see the results, few records are not updated(error records). What will you do then ? ANS. In case of session method we have to download the records through log file. again reload the records.


96. Can we use Session method & Call transaction both in one BDC if yes please give me example and scenario where we use this ? ANS. we can use both call transaction and session method in one BDC Program.. If we want to use call transaction method, In Call transaction Method there is no error log will be generated...So we use Session Method In the Same BDC Program... 97. Is it possible to include two transactions with one group name in one program in session method ? ANS. Yes, it is possible, for every new transaction we need to use bdc_insert function module. 98. what is the Currency and Quantity field in BDC? ANS. In BDC, for currency, quantity, date and time fields you need to take the data into a char variable of enough length and use WRITE TO statement to take care of user settings. EG: WRITE l_curr TO l_char CURRENCY 'Currency code'. CONDENSE l_char. Pass l_char to BDC. 99. what is difference between REUSE_ALV_GRID_display and reuse_alv_list_display? ANS.A> In Grid display TOP-OF-PAGE event will be used and we can display logos in REPORT. But where as in case of LIST display it is not possible. Even edit is not possible in LIST display but in grid display it is possible B> By using REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY we can display only a normal list it it not a user friendly . but where as using REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY we can calculate grand total ,sub totals, and filter the fields with out using any functions. C> moving of colum position one place to other place in griddisplay, but not posible in listdisplay. 100. What are the tables using in diff modules like SD, PM, MM, QM AND FICO? give me some example names ? Do we need to use the existing tables in R/3 most of the time? ANS. Tables for SD: These are somr of main tables in SD For Sales Document ie SO :VBAK & VBAP For Shipping: LIKP & LPIS For Billing : VBRK & VBRP. Tables for MM: These are some of main tables in MM For Material info: MARA, MAKT, MARC, MBEW. For PR : EBAN , EBKN. For PO : EKKO , EKPO. For GRN : MKPF , MSEG. Tables for FICO: These are some of main tables in FICO For Financial Acc: BKPF , BSEG For Vendor : LFA1 , LFB1 , LFBK For Customer : KNA1 , KNB1. 101. how can u move a logo from presentation server to application server ?


ANS. 1) when we upload a graphic from SE78 tcode its moved to application server 102. The logo uploaded using rstxldmc prog . where it is going to store ? ANS. The report RSTXLDMC allows a TIFF graphics file to be uploaded from the file system of the R/3 GUI to a standard text in the R/3 word processor SAPscript 103. what r clients ? what r the client no available in a company ? 800 client for which application ? ANS. Client is a there didgit number which we enter while logging which helps in data security by preventing the data from being visible to users in other client 1) A commercially, organizationally, and technically selfcontained unit within an SAP system 2) Clients have own master records and set of tables 3) Client is the highest level in the SAP system hierarchy I think 800 client is IDES server for traing purpose ***104. if i will display data by writing statement on start-ofselection then what is need of end-of-selection in classical reporting ? ANS.

105. can u use at-line-selection & user-comand at atime in same program ? ANS. yes we can use. In the PF STATUS we must give the tcode PICK beside the function key F2 in freely assigned keys 106. what is the diff between parameter & range ? ANS. Difference between Parameter & Ranges : Ranges :it gives 2 values ie) fromvalue and tovalue.we can use select-options also ranges.It creates 4 selection table (sign,option,low,high). parameters do not create selection table and it shows only 1 value.with paramters we can define checkboxes and radiobuttons. 106. HOW DO YOU CONFIGURE ALE BETWEEN TWO DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF SAP ? ANS. ALE is configured like this: First setup logical system (BD54) Assign the logical system to respective clients (SCC4) Define the RFC destination (SM59) Distribute the customer model(BD64) Create the port(WE21) Create the Partner profile (WE20) To check the the Idocs (WE02/05) 107. What is the difference between field string and internal table?


ANS. Field String is nothing but a work area and it holds only single record where as Internal table holds multiple records 108. What is the purpose of Edit Masking? ANS. Edit Mask is Used for Editing Output in ABAP Editor. for example : DATA TIME TYPE T VALUE '154633'. WRITE (8) TIME USING EDIT MASK '__:__:__'. Output: 15:46:33 109. How many types of organization data? ANS. the organization data is can be categeroised by three types. These are given below. Master data transaction data organization data master data: it can be fixed it cannot be changed during the execution of the program. Transaction data: rarely changed. Organization data: daily changes the data . 110. Withou using SLIN transaction how would you check custom programs? ANS. SLIN: is the transaction code is used to check the program extends 111. What are different types of windows in Smartform? ANS. 1.main window 2.secondary window 3.copies window 4.final window 112. You have 5lakh records to transfer to sap from flat file.which method of bdc you wiil choose and why? ANS. 5 laksh records is not a small amount of data it is large amount. for largee amount we use the session method 113. Can we have two reports running parallely and both the reports sharing the same internal table for processing the data? ANS. yes, two reports are running parallely because both have two different objects and they have their own independent context.Due to this we can share same internal table for data processing. 114. What is the difference between field string and internal table? ANS. Field String is nothing but a work area and it holds only single record where as Internal table holds multiple records 115. How would you debug custom programs at runtime? ANS. Give /h to go to debug when executing. This is also applicable for standard code. But system debugging has to be switched on.

116. What is Deep structure and Flat structure? ANS. Flat structure:


1.IF you have a structure with list of fields on it. 2.You can have a structure with in the structure included Deep structure: If you have tabletype(internal table) included in the Structure. 117. How to disable the function in alv tool bar? ANS. for example . CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' EXPORTING i_callback_program = sy-cprog i_background_id = 'TRVPICTURE32' i_grid_title = text1 is_layout = S_layout it_fieldcat = T_FIELDCAT it_events = event[] "comment i_save = 'A' " this line will not all u to save the layout. TABLES t_outtab = I_FINAL. IF sy-subrc <> 0. 118. My internal table exceed the limit. then it goes to dump. how will u handle this issue? ANS. using 'occurs 10' for u r internal table then internal table occupy maximum length(2gb). if the problem will happend same,u can contact u r basis consultant. 119. What are the components in technical setting while creating a table? ANS. Technical setting are mandatory to maintain when you create a table. Data class, size category and buffering things are must be maintained in the technical settings of table. ***120. how to debug the program based on the user? ANS. 121. how to create the new page in alv.(ex: after 50 records it will trigger new page or based on some condition). ANS. if the curent page line count has got finished it will automatically move to next page. i think u know about line-size as well as line-count. 122. what is standard , sorted and hash in abap ? ANS. In ABAP we have two kinds of internal Tables. 1)Index Internal Tables 2)Hash Internal Tables Again Indexed Internal tables further divided into two types i) Standard Internal Tables ii)Sorted Internal Tables So Both Standard and Sorted Internal Tables Can be accessed by Indexes. Whereas Hashed Internal Tables Can be accessed By Only Key Fields. For Hashed Tables System automatically maintain a Hash Algorithm to retrieve the records with one time hit. For sorted Tables system automatically uses Binary


Search to retrieve the records. For Standard Tables System Follows Linear Search. 123. what is 'at line-selection' and user command? ANS. at line-selection validates the entire line and displays the secondary list based on 1st list condition means where ever u double-click on line it validates. sy-lisel+0(field_length) = <conditin>. at user-command validates the function keys to displys the secondary list based on primary list conditions. for this we are using sy-ucomm = <fcode>. 124. What is a text table? ANS. text table is the contan of description of code contain in multiple language 125. Difference between check table and value table? ANS. we create value table for domain level validation and check table for field level validatin.check table will come in the concept of foreign key table. ***126. What is the significance of Data element and Domain? ANS. 127. Explain the Importance of each type of window in Smart forms? ANS. Main window: In a main window you display text and data, which can cover several pages (flow text). As soon as a main window is completely filled with text and data, the system continues displaying the text in the main window of the next page. It automatically triggers the page break. Secondary Window: In a secondary window you display text and data in a predetermined output area. There is no flow text display with page break. If you position a secondary window with the same name on several pages, the system displays the contents of this secondary window on each page. Copy window You use the copies window to define an output area for the print output, whose content you want to appear either only on the copy or only on the original. This allows you to flag copies as copies when the form is printed. Final window: You may want to display or query values on the first page that are determined only during processing. For example, you may want to name the grand total in the letter text of an invoice. However, this amount is determined only after listing all individual items. Or you may want to query on the first page within a condition the total number of pages, which the system calculates only after processing all pages. In such a case, you use the final window: Processing first skips all windows of this type in the tree and works its way to the end of the tree. Only after the actual


processing is finished, the final windows are processed in the order in which they appear in the tree (from top to bottom). Now any information is available that is known only at the end of the form processing. 128. Can we create more than one main window in smartforms? ANS. No, we cannot maintain more than one main window in Smartforms. 129. What is the difference bewtween client dependent tables and client independent tables? ANS. client dependent tables : the tables which has the fields mandt is a client dependant. these tables details cannot be viewed in other client. client independant: these tables will not have the mandt field , the details of the table can be viewed by in any client. 130. How will you validate selection screen elements? EXAMPLE: DATA:L_TEMP_MATNR TYPE MATNR. SELECT MATNR FROM MARA INTO (L_TEMP_MATNR)UP TO 1 ROW WHERE MATNR IN S_MATNR. ENDSELECT. 131. Is BSEG and BKPF transaparent tables? ANS.BKPF TRANSPARENT TABLES BUT BSEG CLUSTER TABLE. 132. Purpose of the statemement TABLE in a report? ANS. Declaration of TABLE statement in Report Program Creates a WORKAREA for that table(s) in thr Report program. TABLES: MSEG, MKPF. This comes handy when you write SELECT QUERY as select single * from mseg client specified where mandt = sy-mandt and mblnr = pmblnr and mjahr = pmjahr. So your Data against the parameters will be colected in the workarea(MSEG). 133. How to get POPUP SCREEN in a program? ANS. 1.If you want to get a popup in normal report program, call function module POPUP_TO_CONFIRM. 2.If you want to get a popup in ALV program, then call function 'REUSE_ALV_POPUP_TO_SELECT'. If you want to display alv in POP UP window then use parameters I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN , I_SCREEN_START_LINE , I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN , I_SCREEN_END_LINE . CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' EXPORTING I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM = V_REPID IS_LAYOUT = WA_LAYOUT IT_FIELDCAT = T_FCAT * IT_EVENTS = T_EVENT I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN = 10


I_SCREEN_START_LINE = 2 I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN = 100 I_SCREEN_END_LINE = 20 TABLES T_OUTTAB = ITAB EXCEPTIONS PROGRAM_ERROR = 1 OTHERS = 2. . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. 134. How to add Text Modules in SMARTFORMS? ANS. Tcode : smartforms > select 3rd radio button i.e. Text Module > create < write there what ever want.> How to call: smartforms > create text > general attribute > Type : Text module , give name and language. 135. We give KEEP in BDC structure...what is its purpose? ANS. It is Indicator to keep processed sessions. i.e. If this flag is set, then session is kept after processing also. Otherwise, session will be deleted after processing. 136. What are the compulsary values in RESUSE_LIST_DISPLAY and RESUSE_LIST_GRID? ANS. Compulsory values in ALV_LIST_DISPLAY are:(a) I_callback_program : report_id. (b) I_callback_pf_status_set : (c) I_callback_user_command: (d) It_fieldcat. Compulsory values in ALV_Grid_DISPLAY are:(a) I_callback_program : report_id. (b) I_callback_pf_status_set : routine for pf status (c) I_callback_user_command: routine for user command (d) it_fieldcat (e) Is_layout 137. Want to stop the BDC session in progress.How? ANS.A>DELETE TRANSACTION(/BDEL) B>NEXT TRANSACTION(/N) C>PROCESS /FOREGROUND(/BDA) D>DISPLAY ERRORS ONLY(/BDE) E>CANCEL(/BEND). 138. What happens if there is no CLOSE_GROUP in a BDC. ANS.THE SESSION WILL NOT EXECUTE BY DOESNOT GIVE ANY SYNTACTICAL ERROR. 139. What is the difference between TYPE and DATA? ANS. TYPE: is used to define new data types and will not occupy any memory space. DATA: is used to define the variables representing the exisitng data types. and will hold the memory space.


140. What is the difference between TYPE and LIKE ? ANS. TYPE: represents the data types. LIKE: represents the data objects type wont take any memory like -allocate memory 141. how to code in SMARTFORMS for MULTIPLE RECORDS? ANS. But u know nobody can give answer to it and everybody will say "WE CAN USE LOOP FOR FUNCTION MODULE GENERATED BY SMARTFORM".... I think nobody cannot send code for this... 142. what is the diff b/w error and ANS. "Syntax Errors": exceptions?

The mistakes done while writing statements. For example, instead of "WRITE", if you type "WIRTE" it is a syntax error.Compiler can detect these types of errors. You will not able to be run the program till these errors are rectified. "Runtime Errors (Exceptions)": Runtime Errors are thrown when the situation occurs during execution of program where the system will not know how to deal with such situation. For example, you have written a program that takes an excel file and reads the data and stores in the database. You have done the program perfectly. No syntax errors.But while executing the program, if the user enters a filename that does not exist, the program will not know what to do next, at that time runtime error occurs. 143. I have 10 records in flat file. In that 7th record is error record. I want to update to data base. If i used Call transaction method what about 7 record and what about 8,9,10 records. If i used Session method what happen. Is it updated or stop at 7th record? ANS. In call Transaction method it depends upon the synchronous and asynchrounous update in synchrounous it will stop at 7 th record and 7,8,9 record is not updated and BDCMSGCOLL gives error msg the 7th record. in asynchronous all the records are updated except 7 record In sesion method database table is not updated and it will go to sesion log file . and can analise or correct the error foud in the data file or program. if find the error in data file u can correct them interactevely . other wise u modified the batch input program. 144. in which ANS. EDIDC EDIDS EDIDD table idocs are stored? ---Control record IDoc ---Status Record IDoc ---Data records

145. which of the following are used to define data in abap 1)parameters 2)tables 3)class 4)data


ANS. we use all the four for defing data in abap 146. what is pf status interactive report? ANS. SET PF-STATUS : This statement is used to set your own GUI status to the report or the program that you develop and PF status is developed in the transaction code SE41 147. .wat is difference b/w dilldown and interactive report? ANS. When a basic condensed list is processed further into a secondary list and then succesive secondary lists, it is a drill down report. When the basic list or one of the secondary list is processed further to a transaction code, it is an interactive report. 148. why u select the session method in bdc ? how many records wil be updated on that time? ANS. If there is a huge amount of data is to be transferred from non-sap to sap system we use Session menthod.But session method also has its limitation. We can transferred max. of 999 records using the session method.If we have have thousands of records to transfer then we will use Legacy System Migration Workbench (lsmw) tool that can transfer max. of 5000 records at a time. 149. what is Catch Command? ANS. Syntax CATCH cx_class1 cx_class2 ... [INTO oref]. Effect Introduction of a statement block of a TRY control structure in which exceptions can be handled. Syntax TRY. [try_block] [CATCH cx_class1 cx_class2 ... [INTO oref]. [catch_block]] ... [CLEANUP [INTO oref]. [cleanup_block]] ENDTRY. Effect The statement TRY introduces a control structure with several statement blocks. The first statement block try_block is always run, whereas a branching off to exactly one of the remaining statement blocks only occurs if a class-based exception occurs in the try_block. 150. write the codes for how to fetch data from a select query written under end-of-setection event. ANS. The code is given below. End-of-selection. select * from <table> into <itabl> where <condition> then populate the fields are like this loop at itab. write: itab-field. Endloop. 151. How we can Hide buttons on application toolbar? ANS. You can hide specific buttons on application toolbar by


using the command SET PF-STATUS .... EXCLUDING ..... DATA: fcode TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sy-ucomm. APPEND 'SAVE' TO fcode. APPEND 'PRINT' TO fcode. ->SET PF-STATUS 'PF' EXCLUDING fcode. 152. explain the scenario of ALE/IDOC. ANS. ALE: is nothing but application link enabling is used to connect with the non sap systems to the sap systems. and also the used to connect with the legacy systems with the sap systems. just its a link between the two process. IDOC; is nothing but intermediate document. IT is the container of the message. idoc can be transferred between the two process to send the data or container of the message. Every idoc have three types of records. these three types are records are given below. ----> data record ----> control record ----> status record data record: is contains administration data header data and item data. control record: is contains of sender information reciever information , message type, idoc type , idoc number. status record: is contains of all the status of idocs. process steps: -->define the logical systems -->assign the logical systems to the respective clients -->define the RFC destination -->create the customer distribution model -->create the patner profile -->creat the port -->create the message type -->assign the message type into the idoc type --> to check the status of idocs. 153. if i want to insert 10 laks MM records and for inserting one record it takes 1 min by using call transaction or session method . so here is there any alternative ANS. Break the records into 100/1000 sessions and process ur session it ll take same time as it takes for single sessions. 154. how to see the last updated record in a table? ANS. Generaly in SAP we have the update date , update time and updated by user field , we can find by using these field. if you dont have the above stated fields then you need to use native sql using row id to select the last row id. OTHER WISE WE HAVE TWO TABLE WHERE WE CAN SEE THE UPDATION OF TABLE. 1. CDHDR 2. CDPOS

155. wat is a source list? ANS. Source list is nothing but the list of vendors providing


the rawmaterials or the goods required for the cmanufacturing customer. Tcodes related to Sorce list ME01 ME03 ME04 ME05 ME06 ME07 ME08 ME0M Maintain Source List Display Source List Changes to Source List Generate Source List Analyze Source List Reorganize Source List Send Source List Source List for Material

156. when are this three events fired and tell me whuich event is fired first ,second and third --at selection screen, at selection -screen output, and at selectionscreen on value request. ANS. 1) at seletion-screen output (when the screen is displayed its same as PBO in module pool-- generally we use this event for scenerio like filling the list box etc.) 2) at selection-screen (this event gets called when the user presses enter or execute -- generally we use this event to carry out validations) 3) at selection-screen on value request(this event will get called only when the user presses F4 on a specific field on the selection screen.) 157. without debugging key how can i debug function module? ANS. /h can be used to debugg. AND You can use break or break-point statements in your function module. 158. CAN WE DEBUG A IDOC? IF YES HOW TO DEBUG IN INBOUND SIDE AND OUTPUT SIDE. ANS. Yes We can Debug. Outbound IDOC is just Program to prepare IDOC. Go to that program and put a break-point and debug. debug the inbound idoc 1) we 19 give the idoc number execute 2) click on inbound function module select the radio button in fore ground 3) check the check box call in debug mode enter in will go through the function nmodule debug mode. 159. What is SQL Trace, how would you carried out performance analysis of ABAP code using SQL Trace? Give the steps? ANS. SQT Trace is used to analize the performance of select queries.Transaction code is ST05. STEPS: go to ST05. select Active mode select Trace on .select application provide the transaction code in command line like xk01,xd01 like that. now enter the data in application again go for ST05. select Inacivemode .Trace off.List Trace

160. A function group contains globally defined internal tables and function modules defined in it.


FMOD1 populates itab1 and when FMOD2 is called will itab1 contains those values being populated by FMOD1? ANS. If FMOD1 is called before FMOD2 then itab1 contains values. 161. What is the system field that stores the level of the list? ANS.SY-LSIND 162. Internal table itab contains some records. If the code is like this : LOOP AT ITAB. APPEND ITAB. ENDLOOP. What ill be the result?? ANS. It will go to infinite loop 163. what is difference between include structure and append structure? ANS. Include structure allows to add one or more structure into structure or table.Also placed positioning anywhere. Upto 6 include structure can be used in a table. Append structure can be placed only at the end of a structure or table which also stops further insertion of fields.Only one append structure can be used 164. when we are using at new?should we use this inside the loop or outside?what will be the effect? ANS. At New 1. When a new record comes at new triggers. Atnew only used inside loop and endloop. 2. At new is controlbreak statment on at new the left side field change, the event trigers and the values become 0 and * 165. when we are entering a purchase order it goes to which table? ANS. all header details go to EKKO and all line item details go to EKPO others are EKBE ,EKET 166. what is use of material master c segment(marc) table? ANS. MARC - it contains material plant data 168. whats the difference between range & select-option? ANS. mainly Select-options is used for selection screen.. where as ranges is used inside the program.. Ranges cannot visible in selection screen Functionality wise there is no difference except SELECTOPTIONS are visible in the selection screen while Ranges are not visible. Both have same structure. One restriction in Ranges is u can't use Range in Select query if it has more than 2000 entries. Ranges are used just like we use temporary internal tables. 169. what is the importance of macros? is it that it is useful only for addition or subtraction operation (arithmetic


operations) ? I need more information regards this? ANS. MACROS -- it is just the abbreviation of the piece of code (Set of few lines). When the same piece of code is repeated multiple times in a program, they can be replaced with a MACRO. Unlike sub-routines, during run time the control will not call the routine, instead it will just replace the MACRO with the piece of code. MACROS can not be debugged. 170. what is itcsy structure? what is the importance of it? give me the detailed information of it ? ANS. ITCSY is a sturcture. It is used to pass data from the form to subroutine without modifying the print program. perform <formname) using itcsy changing itcsy. endperform. 171. In interactive reporting, suppose i go to N'th list from basic list(primary data) & i wanna come back directly to basic list. So how can i achieve this without using ESC or back button?? Is it possible using set screen 0?? ANS. using sy-lsind we can move from one list another list as sequence only not posibble come back from nth list to basic list. using at-user command event only possible. 172. In report, we should have to write events in sequential order or not, if we write events insequential then what will be the drawback and if we will sequential what will be the advantage. 2.what is the function of end-of-selection event? if we would not write this event in report what will happen? 3.top-of-page event will trigger before the initialization, and at selection-screen event or after these two event. ANS. Not Necessary for the events to be in a sequential order. During run time, the events will be triggered automatically in the sequence. But it is suggested to write the events in a sequence for the user to easily understand the flow of program and for the efficiency purpose. END-OF-SELECTION: Will be normally used to free the memory and display the write statements once all the fetching is done. But it is not mandatory or necessary to write END-OF-SELECTION. If any event is missing in the sequence, the next event will be triggered automatically. INITIALIZATION initializes the filed values in the selection screen. This is done before at-selection screen, before PBO. TOP-OF-PAGE: This is used to display the required text on the top of the page as header. This event will come AFTER INITIALIZATION event only !! 173. How to implement a program (batch input) which reads a external text file with inventory data, and write these data


in sap? ANS. If u implement to batch input program we should these guide lines. guide lines. 1. Analying the data from the local file or flat file. 2. Analying the transaction. 3. Declaring the internal table (BDCDATA)


program: Name of the module pool program name dynpro: it indicate for screen no dynbegin: it indicates for new screen no fname: Name of the fields in the database table fval: values area assinged with the fields 4.Transfeering the data from local file to internal table. 5. Populating the internal table . (BDCDATA) Then call either Transaction or session method to pass the data into the SAP Database table. 174. Between select .........endselect write one statement executes the cursor goes to dump analysis?what is the statement ? ANS. Statements like CALL SCREEN , CALL DIALOG , CALL TRANSACTION or MESSAGE are not allowed within a SELECT ... ENDSELECT loop. 175. What will happen if we write WRITE statement in the TOP_OF_PAGE? Can we write? ANS. THIS EVENT WILL TRIGGERED ONLY WHEN GENERATING THE BASIC LIST. THIS IS ONLY EXECUTED BEFORE OUTPUTTING THE FIRST LINE USING ANY OUTPUT STATEMETN LIKE WRITE , ULINE, SKIP ON A NEWPAGE. 176. Would WS_UPLOAD function module work if the BDC is run in Background? If yes explain, If no explain ANS. WS_UPLOAD will not work in case of background As background jobs run in application server and WS_UPLOAD is the FM which require input from the Prsentation server, so it will not get the file at run time and will give error. 177. What is a view? ANS. It is a logical collection of fields from different tables. 178. How do u know that updation is successful in BDC? ANS. using bdcmsgcol we can find out it is success or not After run the BDC PROGRAM (CREATING BATCH SEESION). USING SM35 YOU CAN PROCEED BATCH SESSION, IF UPDATION IS SUCCESSFULLY DONE THEN STATUS SHOWING GREEN TICK. IF ANY ERROR OVER THERE THEN ITS SHOWING RED TICK ***179. How do u handle a button in ALV report. Like in which event? 180.I have 2 fields like customer and name having 20 records on basic list. When I select 5 records randomly, I want to get the address of


particular customer selected in secondary list? ANS. In the above mentioned scenrio, u need to assign the checkbox at runtime. You need to assign a variable intially and later in the write statement, declare the variable as checkbox. Then using At User Command, u can randomly select the records and display in the secondary list. AT A TIME U CANT SELECT FIVE RECORDS. 181. User has given the specification to display the Check boxes on the list, how will you handle this situation.? ANS. WRITE - Output as checkbox Effect Outputs the field <f> as a checkbox. The contents of the first character of f is interpreted as the "status": ' ' = not selected 'X' = selected The user can change this as required. DATA: chkbox(1) TYPE C VALUE 'X'. ... WRITE chkbox AS CHECKBOX. "checkbox selected chkbox = SPACE. WRITE chkbox AS CHECKBOX. "deselected WRITE chkbox AS CHECKBOX INPUT OFF. "deselected, protected 182. What are reference fields in data dictionary ? how do u assign them to a table field? ANS. For Currency And Quantity fields Reference Table is required. In the Currency/Quantity fields You need to specify the reference table name. For CURR field.. there must be a corresponding CUKY field For QUAN field there must be a corresponding UNIT field. Can be in the same table or we can give reference of any other table. 183. What is an index ? Types of index and there uses ? ANS. There are two types of indexes: 1.Primary Index 2.Secondary Index. While creating a table or in an existing standard table the key fields are the default primary indexes. If we require to fetch records from non key fields we need to provide Secondary Indexes.i.e., we need to explicitly make non key fields as indexes. This can be done by clicking on Index and adding the fields for secondary index. 184. What is the difference between view and table ? ANS. View is a virtual table. Like table it contains fields but it does not contain any data.In run time it contains the data and after that it gets free.But table stores the datas in database occupy some space. 185. What is the difference between value table and check table? ANS. Value Table


1. NO 4. No Check 1.

Input check 2. no Validation 3. Generates automatic proposals F4 Help table Does Input check 2. Does Validation 3. Provides F4 Help

186. In data element how many domains were defined? ANS. For one data element you have to have atmost one Domain. 187. Types of internal table? how do u decide which type u have to use? ANS. there are 3 types of internal tables 1.standard- index,keys type. 2.sorted -keys,index type. 3.hashed -key type. to decide the usage of internal table u need the modifications requirements of the table. 188. what is selection text in ABAP? ANS. At the selection screen we would assign a text to the selection screen parameter for display. This is actually called as selection text in abap. 189. what is backend and frontend in case of sap abap? whom we are supposed to call as backenduser and frontend user. ANS. Frontend in SAP ABAP is nothing but the presentation layer. Backend is nothing but the Database layer. 190. can any post me all steps in MM ,SD? ANS. SD FLOW 1) INQUIRY 2) QUOTATION 3) SALES ORDER 4) DELIVERY 5) BILLING 6) INVOICE MM FLOW 1) purchase requisition 2) request for quotation 3) purchase order 4) goods issue 5) goods receipt 6) invoice verification 191. Which client is called as golden cient? IS it 100, if yes why? ANS. Golden client contains all the configuration data and master data so some extent. All the configuration settings are done in golden clients and then moved to other clients. Hence this client acts as a master record for all transaction settings, hence the name "Golden Client". It's client is 000. 192. How to create the ur own barcodes? ANS Using 'SMARTSTYLE' CREATE character format with ur barcode font,In smartform create window Assign the style into the chracter format where u want to display the barcode for that window. 193. what type of error exactly you will be seeing in the log file while using call transaction mode E? ANS. Your Question is Wrong. No LogFile is generated for CT Method. For Session Method a Log file is generated. 194. how do put the data in the application server in BDC? ANS. To transfer the data from database server to application server using TRANSFER <WA> TO <OPENDATASET> 195. how many type of index are there? ANS. Indexes are used for Fast access of records from database


tables. There are two types of indexes. 1)Primary Index: these are created automatically while table is activating. It comprised of all the primary key fields only. 2)Secondary Index: these are created manually on rare situations. These contains combination of primary key fields and Non-primary key fields or Only Non-primary key fields. 196. WHAT IS DOCUMENTATION?WHY IT IS USED? ANS. check it out SE39 IT SHOWS CLEARCUT IDEA HOW U DEVELOPED AN OBJECT SO THAT ANY ONE CAN EASILY UNDERSTAND , IN FUTURE IT WILL BE USEFUL FOR OTHER CONSULTANT WHO TAKE UR PROJECT,ANALYSES EASILY AND HELPFUL DURING UPGRADATION OR DURING MAKING ANY ENHANCEMENT. ***197.when does the secondary index should be used what role it play when we use secondary index in tables? ANS 197. what are the Events in Application Server? ANS. events are 1 - OPEN DATA SET 2 - READ DATA SET 3 - CLOSE DATA SET.. 198. With out any Write statement will the Top of the Page and End of Page trigger? ANS. No. Without any Write statement top-of-page will not trigger. Because top-of-page will trigger only after executing first write statement. 199. what are Program Events and Run time Events in Reports? ANS. Program Events are: TOP-OF-PAGE END-OF-PAGE Run tine Events: INITIALIZATION AT SELECTION SCREEN OUTPUT AT SELECTION SCREEN START-OF-SELECTION GET EVENT(IF WE USE LOGICAL DATABASE) END-OF-SELECTION 200. How you can handle errors in BDC.IN the log file what type of error mostly will be facing in real time? ANS. The errors we will face during BDC real time are 1) Duplicate Records 2) Field of not CHAR type 3) Batch input data is not available for screen xxxx 201. Difference between interactive and ALV Reports? ANS. Interactive or drill-down reports are for navigation purposes to get the most information to a deeper level on a particular field or for a record from the basic list to the secondary lists or vice-versa . Whereas ALV is a sap defined standard table format for display purposes and for


doing enhnacements on the output( to excel sheets).

Eg: downloading ALV data

202. How you will doing the bypass by using select statement? ANS. 203. what will be the size of transparant table? ANS. It is depends upon the data class and size category. It can be maximum of the size of tablespace(data class) assigned to a table. Tablespace is a container of tables in database. Tablespace can be a auto extend ON or OFF depends upon configuration. **204. i had to write the code in such a way that duplicate entries should not entered in sap data base. ANS. 205. I have two internal tables itab1 and itab2 and I had move the content of the itab1 to itab2 and then itab1 had to deleted. ANS. itab2[ ] = itab1[ ] refresh itab1 alternatively: append lines of itab1 into itab2. pay attention that your internal tables must have the same structure. if diff structure (not in order) loop at itab1. move corresponding tab1 to itab2. append itab2. endloop. refresh itab1. **206. what is the differnce between normal funcational and ALV funcational module? ANS. 207.what is naming conventions given for lock object and how you create the lock object? ANS. Go to SE11 2. Give the lock object name EZDUSH(lock object name start with EZ) and click 'Create' Button. 3. Enter the short description,Table name<XXXX>, lock mode and key fields which is used to lock the entry. 4. Save and activate, it will generate 2 FM. Ex: DEQUEUE_EZDUSH Release lock on object EZDUSH ENQUEUE_EZDUSH Request lock for object EZDUSH In your program, 1. First loop the table. 2. call the FM 'ENQUEUE_EZDUSH' to lock. 3. Update the dB.4. Release the lock using DEQUEUE_EZDUSH. endloop. DEQUEUE_ALL this FM will release all the lock. 208. Where does the Hide data stored? ANS. It is stored in a temporary Hide area.In other words it is


stored in buffer. 209. When you are in support, who will give you a Flat file or Excel file(Legacy Data) to upload into SAP System in day-today activity? ANS. functional people can supply data depends on project 210. how we output smartform in pdf format??? anyone give me steps on that. ANS. data: i_otf LIKE itcoo OCCURS 100 WITH HEADER LINE, i_pdf LIKE tline OCCURS 100 WITH HEADER LINE. data: op_option type SSFCTRLOP, job_output type SSFCRESCL. op_option-getotf = 'X'. CALL FUNCTION '/1BCDWB/SF00000005' EXPORTING JOB_OUTPUT_INFO = job_output IF sy-subrc 0. MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERT_OTF' EXPORTING FORMAT = 'PDF' TABLES otf = job_output-otfdata lines = i_pdf IF sy-subrc 0. MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_DOWNLOAD' EXPORTING BIN_FILESIZE = filename = 'c:\test_pdf_sf.pdf' FILETYPE = 'BIN' tables data_tab = i_pdf. IF sy-subrc 0. MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. 211. why we call smartform as a client independent? (as we are able to retrive data from any client dependent d/b table in smartforms. ) ANS. when we execute a smartform a function module is being created.we call this fm in our program using another function module SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME.As fmodules are client independent smartforms are also client independent.. 212. how to keep pushbuttons in application toolbar in alv? ANS. You need to copy the GUI status to the zprogram and add the


new buttons in the new GUI status/ you can create a new GUI status using SE41. When calling the FM 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' set the status I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET = 'F_SET_STATUS' and write a perform Form F_SET_STATUS using rt_extab type slis_t_extab. set pf-status 'GUI_DEMO' excluding rt_extab. set titlebar 'D0100'. endform. "f01_alv_event_pf_status_set 213. if there is no top-of-page event in reports then what happens? ANS. Top-of-page event is not triggered,heading is not printed. Genarally if Top-of-page is used,Heading of the report is printed in every page. If Top-of-page is not used heading of the report is not printed. 214. what is the use of help view?how can we create search help for a field?in how many ways we can give search help? ANS. Help view is used to display the list of possible values for a particular help. Helps are of two types. Elementary Search help. Collective Search Help. 215. what is ment by view?how many types are there ?what are they?and what is the difference between data base view and projection view? ANS. View is an imaginary table. It does not lies under database. Actually the View data is stored in database tables only. Views are filled during runtime only. There are 4 types of views: Database view, projection View, Maintenance view and Help View Data base view implement Inner join whereas Maintenance view and Help view implement outer join projection views can be created only on single table select condition cannot be specified for projection views since the database view is implemented on a database, only transparent table can be used to create them it is possible to access pooled and cluster table using projection view 216. what is ment by buffering? ANS. Buffering is temporary storage of data in application server. If ur using buffering, the data retriveing is very fast. Buffering is selected during the creation of table only. full Buffering, Buffering but switched off, no buffering. these r the types. 217. what is the functionality of data class? ANS. Data class tells how the table is automatically going to be assigned to the correct area of table space or Data base space of the database when it is created. Each data class corresponds to a physical area in which all the tables assigned to this data class are stored. Following are the data classes: APPL0 (master data): Data which is seldomly changed. An


example of master data is the data contained in an address file, such as the name, address and telephone number. APPL1 (transaction data): Data that is frequently changed. An example of transaction data is the goods in a warehouse, which change after each purchase order. APPL2 (organizational data): Customizing data that is defined when the system is installed and seldomly changed. An example is the table with country codes. 218. how to use binary search in internal table?what is the use of indexes and secondary indexes? ANS. In binary search, the total records are divided in to two parts. It will search the particular record in first half and then in second half. Binary means, dividing in two parts. Indexs are used to get the data very fast. Indexs are 2 types, primary and secondary. Primary indexes are crated during the creation of table. By defaultly primary indexes are created. But secondary indexes are created by used according to user need. 219. functional spec given by whom? ANS. Functional people will create the functional spec according to client requirement. Then they will pass the functional spec to Technical people.Technical people will create the Tech. spec and forward to developer.Developer will dev the object 220. in report gui we are giving customer number if it is wrong entry then how to write the code to restrict wrong entry? ANS. parameter : pa_kunnr type kunnr. (This is input field) select single kunnr into pa_kunnr from kna1 where kunnr eq pa_kunr. if sy-subrc ne o. message i000(zexp). ( zexp is message class, i message type 000 message number) endif. 221. what are selection screens which one triggers first? ANS. AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT 222. how we insert record in to data base table ? how many ways are there what are there? ANS. Following are the ways which I can promptly think of: 1.Using internal table: INSERT <dbtab> from table <itab>. where itab (internal table)contains the entries to be inserted into the database table2. Using work area: INSERT <wa> into <dbtab>. 3. USING BDC 4. Table maintenance view through SM30 222. why we use matchcode object?without using match codes how we use search helps?


AND. match code object is a tool to get search help in selection screen Example: select-options: s_vbeln for v_vbeln matchcode object zdodo. Otherwise we can use at selection-screen on value request event we get this Facility. Example: parameters: p_ebeln type ekko-ebeln
TYPES: BEGIN OF t_ekko, ebeln TYPE ekpo-ebeln, END OF t_ekko. DATA: it_ekko TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_ekko INITIAL SIZE 0, wa_ekko TYPE t_ekko, it_return type STANDARD TABLE OF DDSHRETVAL, wa_return like line of it_return. at selection-screen on value-request for p_ebeln. select * up to 10 rows from ekko into CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_ekko. CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING RETFIELD = 'EBELN' WINDOW_TITLE = 'Ekko Records' VALUE_ORG = 'S' TABLES VALUE_TAB = it_ekko RETURN_TAB = it_return EXCEPTIONS PARAMETER_ERROR = 1 NO_VALUES_FOUND = 2 OTHERS = 3. READ TABLE it_return into wa_return index 1. p_ebeln = wa_return-fieldval. 223. what is the difference between at selection-screen output

and at selection screen? ANS. at selection screen is used for validating fields, At selection screen out put is used for setting field property like enable , disable, input etc 224. what is use of STOP stsment? ANS. When the stop statement is executed , the runtime environment triggers the event END-OF-SELECTION. 225. HOW TO CREATE INDEXES IN TABLES? ANS. Go to transaction SE11, open your database table. Choose the menu, Goto->Indexes to create index. Give your index name and choose the fields of the table. Be careful, an additional index may vanish with the next upgrade or hotpackage. 226. In real time how we get the tickets? whether it is through email or any thing else. ANS. In Real Time tickets will issued through a Ticketing Tool ...It depends upon the company which tool they use .....The Client will send the ticket through that tool and Attachment documents for clearity of the ticket and provide Priority whehter it is high, Medium , low... This is how tickets will be handled and received.. 227.what are the main events that are used in an ALV report? ANS. * Events


slis_ev_item_data_expand type slis_formname value 'ITEM_DATA_EXPAND', slis_ev_reprep_sel_modify type slis_formname value 'REPREP_SEL_MODIFY', slis_ev_caller_exit_at_start type slis_formname value 'CALLER_EXIT', slis_ev_user_command type slis_formname value 'USER_COMMAND', slis_ev_top_of_page type slis_formname value 'TOP_OF_PAGE', slis_ev_data_changed type slis_formname value 'DATA_CHANGED', slis_ev_top_of_coverpage type slis_formname value 'TOP_OF_COVERPAGE', slis_ev_end_of_coverpage type slis_formname value 'END_OF_COVERPAGE', slis_ev_foreign_top_of_page type slis_formname value 'FOREIGN_TOP_OF_PAGE', slis_ev_foreign_end_of_page type slis_formname value 'FOREIGN_END_OF_PAGE', slis_ev_pf_status_set type slis_formname value 'PF_STATUS_SET', slis_ev_list_modify type slis_formname value 'LIST_MODIFY', slis_ev_top_of_list type slis_formname value 'TOP_OF_LIST', slis_ev_end_of_page type slis_formname value 'END_OF_PAGE', slis_ev_end_of_list type slis_formname value 'END_OF_LIST', slis_ev_after_line_output type slis_formname value 'AFTER_LINE_OUTPUT', slis_ev_before_line_output type slis_formname value 'BEFORE_LINE_OUTPUT', slis_ev_subtotal_text type slis_formname value 'SUBTOTAL_TEXT', slis_ev_grouplevel_change type slis_formname value 'GROUPLEVEL_CHANGE', slis_ev_context_menu type slis_formname value 'CONTEXT_MENU'. 228.what is the role of extended syntax check in performance tuning? ANS. Extended syntax check identifies unused variables, obsolete statments etc. which is important for performance tuning. 229. in a loop of an internal table, what is the use of at first & at last statements? ANS. These come under Control Break Statements : At FIRST : This is used for system Field Heading in ABAP program At NEW : This is used to display the fields. Ex At New Carrid. write : /Carrid.


endat. when ever the new carrid is reached, carrid wiil be written. At END : This is used for row-wise Calculation i.e, Sub-total. Ex : At End Carrid. uline. Endat. The end of carrid is reached, a line will be drawn. At LAST : This is used for Calculation of Grand total Ex: At Last. wirte : / Grand-Total. Endat. When entire processing of entire internal table is over. 230. what is the difference between at first & at new Statements? ANS. At First - Get triggered for the first loop iteration. Can be used for printing report headers. At new - This event gets triggered when a new value is assigned to the field loop. This event is normally used for Group headers. Example: At First At new At new Item no 101 101 102 102 103 Name chris Mathew Rachel Natasha Chait

231. what are ALV reports? how they are different from normal reports? ANS. ALV: Abap list viewer are user friendly reports. in alv reports data will be displayes in a table.we have to maintain some operations(asending, descending,filter) with out writing any code in alv's. 232. what is the use of start-of-selection event? what is the difference betn end-of-page and end-of-selection? ANS. Start-of-Selection-This event gets triggered when the user clicks on execute button on Selection screen. All the Data retrieval and data processing logic will be written in this event. End-of-page- This event is used to print page footers for a report End-of-selection- Any processing required before exiting the report is done in End-of-Selection.

232. what is the use of SLIS type pool in alv reports? ANS. SLIS is a type pool defined in the ABAP dictionary.


This contains some structures and table types used for ALVs 233. Difference bet'n simple and interactive reports? ANS. in simple reports we directly interact with report in which all data is present.in case of interactive reports we interact with specific data.this is the main difference. 234. what is the role of ST05 in performance tuning? ANS. To calculate the performance of programm. We can see in which particular area the programm is taking the time that is database level are internal processing (programm ). 235. What is performance tuning? ANS. performance tuning....... Avoid the following things in ur abap code 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Avoid using nested select statemtns Avoid using global varaibales Avoid using move-corresponding Avoid using '*' in ur select query use key fields in where calues Avoid using query llooop

ST05 is Tcode for performance tuning. 236. You are given functional specs for a BDC program and you need to decide whether to write a method call transaction or a session. How u will decide? ANS. That is decided to depend on the client requirement. if it is a large data then u will use to session method if it is small data the u will used to call transaction 237. You are running a report. It is taking long time for execution. What steps will you do to reduce the execution time. ANS. check programs performance by using tcode se30 238. what is difference between MOVE and MOVE-CORRESPONDING? ANS. move-corresponding is the one used to move internal body work area to screen fields. move-corresponding itab to lfa1. where as move statement is used to move field by field from internal body to screen fields. move : itab-lifnr = lfa1-lifnr. 239. what is difference between commit and rollback.? ANS. suppose u have one table which is in database. The table contains some records. U want to modify one record of table. after modification, u don't want that new values for the record. just u use rollback command. previous values are placed in database.

Example: Case 1: Roll Back


sno 1 2

name abc xyz

palce hyderabad bangalore.

This is the table and it contains some records. Suppose if u want change the 2nd record, means palce is changed to chennai. After modification: sno name 1 abc 2 xyz palce hyderabad Chennai.

Suppose if u want old values, means u don't want new values. At that time u use roll back command After useing rollback: sno name palce 1 abc hyderabad 2 xyz bangalore. after using roll back, the records are comes like above(original records) Case 2: Commit sno name 1 abc 2 xyz palce hyderabad bangalore.

This is the table and it contains some records. Suppose if u want change the 2nd record, means palce is changed to chennai. sno 1 2 After modification: name palce abc hyderabad xyz Chennai.

After useing commit: sno name palce 1 abc hyderabad 2 xyz Chennai. after using commit, the table is finilased.u can't get old values by uisng roll back. Once if u use commit,u can't get old values for using of rollback. Before commit, u can get old values for rollback. 240. Why we need IDocs...? What is the purpose of IDocs...? ANS. IDoc's are ment for transfering data from one SAP/Non SAP system to SAP/Non SAP System. IDoc stands for Intermidate Documents. Eg. Receiving orders from Vendor and passing them the invoice can be done using IDoc.Even using web services we can send or recived data to and from SAP using IDoc. Hope i answered your question, if you need more info do let me know. ***241. Pls tell me, we r using at line-selection,at user-command and at pf-status for generating the secondary list in


report then what we will use in ALV for generating alv list. pls tell me what r the important thing to read in alv for interview purpose. ANS. 242. can any one tell me if i will put mode as error(E) in session or call transaction for at background and if any error data is there in flat file , then what will be happen , ANS. U can set the Mode as E in call transaction only.But in Session method u can verify the logs only. Actually E means Errors in screen mode only. If any errors will come, automatically it comes to screen mode from back ground.So u can identify the errors. 243. What type of reports (ALV, Interactive, Classic) we can generate in SAP ABAP? ANS.REPORTS BASICALY TWO TYPES CLASSICAL AND INTERACTIVE BUT ALV IS NOT A TYPE REPORT THIS IS REPORT OUTPUT TYPE. IT ALSO TWO TYPES CLASSICAL ALV AND INTERACTIVE ALV. 244. Explain about No intervals, no extension in select options. ANS. In the select options it show the ranging values. If we define no interval, no extension it will act as a parameter. Please check this code. TABLES: vbak. SELECT-OPTIONS : s_vbeln FOR vbak-vbeln NO-EXTENSION NO INTERVALS. by using no extension we give range of values but we cant see extension tab right side on selection screen. 245. have you used performance tunig?what major steps will you use for those? ANS. 246. How to join 3 tallies & looping. We have developed a program in a client say (200- client) and 210 has test data. No developing rights. How to test data? ANS. Program is client independent so you can very well logon to 210 system and test it. 247. How to transfer data which is coming from are report as output to another report? ANS. PERFORM FORMA IN PROGRAM ('ZABC') TABLES ITAB. IN PROGRAM ZABC IMPLEMENT FORMA FORM FORMA TABLES ITAB. ENDFORM. BY THIS WAY U CAN GET DATA OF INTERNAL TABLE FROM ONE PROGRAM TO ANOTHER REPORT 248. In start of selection, if we perform validation, what happens ? ANS. Nothing happend, because start-of-selection triggers after displaying the selection screen. 249. Will 50,000 records be uploaded directly into APPS? Server?


ANS. Occurs: when you specify occurs to table it allocates some space to that paricular table when the program is running. occurs 0 means minimum 8kb space is assign to the table 250. how to fetch data form without header line internal table ? ANS. It is not possible to fetch data from Internal Table without header line. u have to give explicit work area I mean header to handle the records. Ex code : Types : Begin of ty_marc, matnr type matnr, werks type werks_d, end of ty_marc. TYPES:TY_T_MARC TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF TY_MARC Data : it_tab ty_T_marc, wa_tab type ty_marc. * select statement to read the data. * Display the output. loop at it_tab into wa_tab. write : endloop. / wa_tab-matnr, wa_tab-werks.

251. difference between the workarea and headerline? ANS. Workarea and headerline both are contain single record structure.normally we have two types of internal tables. 1. with headerline 2. with out headerline in with headerline internal table it self first row contains workarea. In case of without headerline internal table it will contain work area and body. 252. defination of workarea? and header line? ANS Workarea: Workarea as the same structure as table...and contains only one record(last) record...no internal table declaration: begin of wa, headerline: in this v have internal table with headerline means that internal table will have workarea..and data is pulled from that internal table body... 253. what is the difference bet ween the appened and insert Statement? ANS. append :- By using this we can add a record at the end of the table only Insert :- By using can we can add a record in between the records of table where ever it is neccesary Append can be used only with the internal tables where as insert can be used with both. 254. Can u give me one example where we should use only CALL TRANSACTION method in BDC? ANS. we have to use process the only one application at time and update the database is asynchronously and synchronously.then


we have to use call transaction in BDC **255. We execute the BDC program in foreground and got list in C drive. If the same program we can execute in back ground what happen? ANS. 256. Can we write inner join between transparent table and cluster table? If both having common fields? ANS. We can only use inner join in Transparent table not in pool or Cluster Table. 257. When using call transaction method for 1000 records , If u found error in 64th record then how can u find it and how can u send this to user? ANS. Using BDCMSGCOLL structure you can capture the error records. 258. Scenario 1: I am uploading 1000 records using session method. I have an error in 950th record. What will happen and howmany records will upload? Scenario 2: I am uploading 1000 records using Call Transaction method. I have an error in 950th record. What will happen and howmany records will upload? ANS. Scenario 1: upto 949 records will upload Scenario 2: expect 950th record, all records will be uploaded. 259. How to do sorting in classical report? ANS.BY THE SORT STATEMENT WE CAN SORT THE INTERNALTABLE IN CLASSICAL REPORT EXAPLE: SORT IT_MARA BY MATNR. 260. How to call transaction( Any transaction ex:xk03)from ALV Report. Where should I write code? ANS. DATA: c_user_command TYPE slis_formname VALUE 'USER_COMMAND'. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' EXPORTING I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND = c_user_command. FORM USER_COMMAND USING F_UCOMM LIKE SY-UCOMM I_SELFIELD TYPE SLIS_SELFIELD. DATA: F_SUBRC LIKE SY-SUBRC, s_arseg like tab_arseg. READ TABLE tab_arseg INDEX i_selfield-tabindex INTO s_arseg.CASE F_UCOMM. WHEN '&IC1'. CASE i_SELFIELD-SEL_TAB_FIELD. WHEN 'TAB_ARSEG-BELNR'. CHECK NOT S_ARSEG-BELNR IS INITIAL. SET PARAMETER ID 'RBN' FIELD S_ARSEG-BELNR. SET PARAMETER ID 'GJR' FIELD S_ARSEG-GJAHR. CALL TRANSACTION 'MIR4' AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN.


ENDCASE. ENDCASE. ENDFORM. 261. How to display footer in every page in ALV report? ANS. In my opinion, You can display the footer, by using the event - end of page event. by using top of page event, u can give the heading or comment. 262. How to do sub totals in classical reports? ANS. hi use control break events to calculate totals (at first,at new f,at end of f,at last) 263. What is the exact use of Reuse_alv_field_catlog_merge? ANS. This FM is used to populate a field catalog which is essential to display the data in alv. EXAMPLE:A)row_pos (row position)B>col_pos (column position) value set: 0, 1 60

C>fieldname (field name) value set: internal output table field name (required parameter) D>Tabname (internal output table) value set: SPACE, internal output table name E>ref_fieldname (reference field name) Value set: SPACE, Data Dictionary field name F>ref_tabname (reference table/structure field name) value set: SPACE, name of a Data Dictionary structure or tablE G>outputlen (column width) value set: 0 (initial), n H> key (key column) value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = kex field (key field output in color) I>no_out (field in field list) value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = field is not displayed in the current list. J>emphasize (highlight columns in color) value set: SPACE, 'X' or 'Cxyz' (x:'1'-'9'; y,z: '0'=off '1'=on) 'X' = column is colored with the default column highlight color. Cxyz' = column is colored with a coded color: C: Color (coding must begin with C) x: color number y: bold z: inverse K>hotspot (column as hotspot) value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = column cells are output as hotspots L>do_sum (sum over column) value set: SPACE, 'X' 'X' = a sum is to be calculated over this internal output table field M>Just (justification) value set: SPACE, 'R', 'L', 'C'. **264. What is updated Function Module?
a = 2. CALL FUNCTION 'UPD_FM' IN UPDATE TASK EXPORTING PAR = A... a = 3. COMMIT WORK. Here, the function module UPD_FM is performed twice in the update task: the first time, with value 1 in PAR, the second time with value 2 in PAR.

265. what is partner profiles?

ANS. Patner profile is nothing but which patner u will have to asigned that is either outbound partner or inbound partner. The transaction code is for partner profile WE20. In this partner profile u will define the these parameters. Sender receiver message type


these above define of both inbound as well as outbound partners. 266.1.How can we validate single selection screen field and multiple selection screen field in report and also in module pool programming.pls give answer in brief with example. 2.What is search help ? pls tell search help type breifly with example? ANS. 267. what is the difference between templates and tables. ANS. TABLE IS DYNAMIC ,TEMPLATE IS STATIC 269. how to write a Classical batch input program using transaction FK01 to create vendor/change the vendor address into R/3 system. (Call Transaction Method) plz mention the detail coding ANS. FK01 is for create vendor t-code. FK02 is for change vendor t-code. the steps as follows: 1.Recording through SHDB 2.Transfer the recording into Program zxyz... 3.Define BDC structure and internal table 4.Decomment the BDC open grp , BDC insert and BDC close group functions in appropriate steps. 5.Fetch the data from LFA1 or ADRC table into internal table and assign the internal table fields to BDC structure inside the loop. 270. How to Modify the standard invoice and sales order form to generate purchase order for printing and upload the company logo. ANS. Copy the standard forms in zforms and you can upload logo by using RSTXLDMC or SE78. 271. How to create Reports with Radio Buttons, which gives sales information, Delivery information and Billing information. ANS. Parameter: sales_information radiobutton group g1. Delivery_information radiobutton group g1. Billing_information radiobutton group g1. u write it for selection criteria. then u write the event at selection-screen on radiobutton group. u write query for each one here. when u select first one, first query is executed, then second executed for second etc. 272. How to Create an Interactive List based on the selection criteria specified for the customer number for displaying the customer information on the basic list, their corresponding order details on the secondary list. Plz specify the coding details. ANS.in selection criteria u use select-options statement eg: select-options <field> for <table-field> here <field> is name of field and <table-field> is name of table filed( ur field customer no)


u write a query for basic list in start-of-selection block. and u must write hide statement after first sql query only. hide is mainly used to display secondary lists. then u write write At line-selection event for secondary lists. in this event u write sy-lsind=1 for first secondary list and for second secondary list sy-lsind=2. so on. up to u can write 20 secondary lists, but only one basic list. 273. What is the role of an abapper in developement process? What is the process of technical specification and how it is carried out? ANS. Abaper main role is to develop the objects according to Technical Spec. Functional people develop the Functional Spec according to the client requirement. they will send to technical people. Tech lead is changed the Functional spec to Technical spec and forward to Abapers. Abapers will develop the objects by using spec 274. If i work in an implementation project will i have to register with SAP?What is the process of blue printing?What is the role of an abapper in implementatin project? ANS. This is correct one u don't want to register with sap, just u can work only that project. everything do company.register with sap is company's work. that is not developer. blue print meals, suppose one company wants to start sap, ie. newly development. at that time technical managers prepare some blue prints, means how many developers need to develop project (for abap,sd,mm etc) that blue print contains the what are the aims and goals of company. in implementation project abapers will do develop thereports,scripts,bdcs etc according to there requirement.
275. what is need of function group for function modules whereas

there is no need of f.group for subroutines? ANS. 1)Need of function modules is to avoid the lengthy and faster accessing data,how means,suppose for example: i want the previous month first day and last day based on Today date(means day Sunday or Monday or etc)Actually today date is 19Apr2008,Saturday. I want previous month first day and last day, ie first day is 1Mar 2008 it is Sunday or Monday or Tuesday etc and like last date 31Mar 2008 is Monday or Tuesday etc. Generally you need to write lengthy coding , so to avoid lengthy coding just u use date function module in coding and pass the parameters, it will give the out put to u(just few lines of coding) 2)Function groups means, some related function modules are grouped in to one function group. For Example: For date lot of different date function modules are available in SAP R/3, so these function modules are grouped in to one Function group. 3)Subroutines are used in only with in the program. Frequently used part of program is keep in to subroutines. Globally not available. But where as Function modules are


available in central library of R/3 and global access. 276. how many types of windows are there in SMARTFORMS?not in scripts? ANS. 1.main window 2.secondary window 3.copies window 4.final window 277. what is the use of OK_CODE in BDC? ANS. BDC_OKC0DE will store all the ok codes in the BDC program, when you pass the Fields to a scrren after filling the fields we need to click any button to move other screens, so here the Button will be have a OK_CODE internally to know this we do the recording of the Program, after that we will store this OK code in the BDC_OKCODE field to trigger the next operation. 278. which command is used to flushes the database buffer? ANS. $tab is command which flushes database buffer. 279. how to change the package of an object?i.e a report stored in ymadhuri package.now it should be changed to ysaru? ANS GOto SE38-->Goto-> Object dictionary entry-> Click on change button->Remove previouis package name. Enter your new package name.Click on save. If you want a new request you can create. 280. what is cardinality?how it works in ABAP? ANS. The cardinality (n:m) describes the foreign key relationship with regard to the number of possible dependent records (records of the foreign key table) or referenced records (records of the check table). The left side (n) of the cardinality is defined as follows: n=1: There is exactly one record assigned to the check table for each record of the foreign key table. n=C: The foreign key table may contain records which do not correspond to any record of the check table because the foreign key field is empty. This can occur for example if the field of the foreign key table is optional, in which case it does not have to be filled. The right side (m) of the cardinality is defined as follows: m=1: There is exactly one dependent record for each record of the check table. m=C: There is at most one dependent record for each record of the check table. m=N: There is at least one dependent record for each record of the check table. m=CN: There may be any number of dependent records for each record of the check table. 281. can labels generate in smartforms?if yes how? ANS. in ecc 5.0 there is one smartforms lable printing example . go to smartforms - search by *label* ,you will get it . 282. whai is the transaction code or table to see all print programs? ANS. Use NACE transaction and then select the output type from


that list. we can see the print programmes 283. which type of problems we generally face in reports and BDC in real time? ANS. in BDC: 1 Incorrect session 2 incorrect transaction 284. What is the difference between normal report program and module pool program? ANS. Reports are created from abap editor Report is evaluate data from database,and displayed in list. Report are standalone programs. Reports are controlled be events. Module pool is nothing but transaction, created from object browser. Transaction is the sequence of screens. In module pool at least one screen is participated. Module pool is not standalone programs. PBO,PAI and screen flow are important events 285. How many sessions will be opened using bdc_open_group? ANS. Only One 286. What do you do when the system crashes in the middle of batch session? ANS. if system crashes in the middle of batch session.we check the log.howmany records are successfuly updated and delete those records from source file.and re run the session. 288. What are the problems in processing batch input session? ANS. sessions can not run fast and not in parallel 289. How to generate and processing the session in the same program? ANS. Write BDC Program then call "RSBDCSUB" using "Submit" Command 290. What table stores online messages? ANS. T100 291. What is the Difference between Header and Item in ABAP? VBAK-Sales Order Header,VBAP-Sales Order Item, how can u use these tables in one query,means by using these tables write a select query. ANS. Header is always standard and Item is variable. Ex: If one visits the Doctor, the prescrition would contain standard text i.e Doctor name, Qualification, address etc. This info can be considered as Header and the Drugs that are prescribed for the patient, which varies from person to person can be considered as Item. 292. could u plz provide me the details of blue printing? Role of an abapper in implementation project? Details steps of implementation? ANS. Implementaion Phases 1) Project Preparation.2) Business BluePrint. 3) Realization. (ABAPers) 4) Final Preparation 5) GoLive and Support.


293. what is the RANGES stmt used in ABAP? ANS. ranges are just like select-options but you dont get the option to enter at seletion screen . ranges: gr_hkont for bsis-hkont. you can use it in the select queries 294. how to run bdc program in background? ANS. by using RSBDCSUB we can do this 295. how to send the idoc to multiple sub systems? ANS Before send IDOc to multiple system you haveto configure logical system(SALE), Maintain RFC destination(SM59), Create Port(WE21) in all recevied systems.. Next step In sender sytem maintain message type in Distribution Model(BD64) and maintain outbound partener profile(we20) in sender system.. In receiver reciver system just maintain inbound partner profile(we20).. The above steps repeat for all receivers and finally send IDOC. 296. there is size categery(0,1,2,3)if i need more space after giving the size 0.what i have to do now? ANS. The size category is used to define initial space require in database. If due to overload of data more size is require then it will automatically increase in the ratio of size category. For example category 0 can contains 0 to 630 records. When 631 item will be inserted into table automatically space for next 630 records(as category is 0) will be provided in database. Appreciate it helps; 297. types of buffering techniqes. 1.bufering not allowed 2.buffering swithed on 3.buffering not allowed but switced on what does it means? ANS. Hi First of all please correct 3rd option: It is buffering allowed but switched off. Answer: Buffering depends on table is selected; 1. Volume of Data and 2. Access type(read or write) Buffering techniques Buffering not allowed : No buffering Buffering switched on : buffering allowed but it depends on buffering type (Single record buffering; Generic Area buffering; Fully buffered) Buffering allowed but switched off : buffering is allowed on the table as per above two parameters but currently it is switched off. 298. what is collective search help? ANS. Collective search helps combine several elementary search helps. Collective search help thus can offer several alternative search paths.


The user can thus choose one of several alternative search paths with collective search help. It combines all the search paths that are meaningful for a field. Both elementary search helps and other search helps can be included in a collective search help. If other collective search helps are contained in collective search help, they are expanded to the level of the elementary search helps when the input help is called. 299. how to create lock object? ANS. Transaction : SE11 and go to last option Lock object name should always start from 'E' and it will generate two fuction module enqueue (Activate the lock) and dequeue(Deactivate the lock). Use update sql between these FM's. 300. what is the difference b/w linear search and binary search? ANS. in case of linear search system will search from begining. that means Example : z table contains single field with values 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 if u r searching for a value then system will starts from first position. if required value is founded then execution will comes out from z table. in case of binary search system will starts from mid point. if value is not founded then it will search for upper half. in that upper half it will check mid point.like that search will takes place. 301. what is the keep parameter in BDC_OPEN_GROUP function module? ANS. If KEEP = 'X' Parameter is passed. The session will remain in SM35 even after successful execution otherwise it will be deleted. 302. what is the difference b/w database and data dictionary? ANS. 303. if we are inserting record in BDC,if poweroff how can you know how many records inserted?(poweroff yourside) ANS. These types of logs are called as Application logs. In SLG1 tcode we can find those the records which r not updated. 304. 1.What is the difference between append structure and include structure. 2. what is the logging of technical setting while creating db table. ANS. Append structure and Include Structure both are used to appened table/structure in DDIC. 1)Append Structure is to add fields to the SAP standrad Table/structure. 1)Include structure is used to add field in ztable/zstructure. 2)You can append structure only at the last of table/structure. 2)you Can use include any where in your Table/structure. 3)If the structure or table contains the last field as long


data type then you can't use append structure becoz append structure should be last entitity in this Scenario you can use include structure. 3) you can append exactly one append structure to a table/structure if u need it to add more than in a table you can do it with different name and append it. examaple: if your Table contain fields AAA ,BBB, CCC and you want to include a structure to it with field DDD and EEE after Activating table you will fine AAA,BBB,CCC,DDD,EEE. In ABAP point of view there is almost no difference in handling .Include and .Append. Technical settings determines data class, SIZE category and buffering details 305. Suppose, we are creating one table. at that time we are mention table space and size category. Generally size category is from 0 to 6 is available. suppose if we are declare size category as 0(zero). For 0 (zero) the size of rows is from 0(zero) to 19000. I have 25000 records to insert into table. but table size is declared as 0(zero). i.e 19000 records. what about remaining 6000 records. shall i insert in to table or not? if insert how can i do? if not insert what can i do? ANS. It will create another extent . suppose the primary extent contain the 19000 record and the next extent or secondary extent contain the remaining 6000 record . Its created automatecally by the RDMS. 306. how to calculate the difference between two date type of variables ? ANS. data : date1 type sy-datum , date2 type sy-datum , days type i . date1 = sy-datum. date2 = sy-datum - 7. days = date1 - date2. write : days. "Answer should be 7 307. How many servers present for Database servers,Presentation and Application servers in Landscape? All these servers are present at client side or company side,means where the Database server is Located, where the Application and Presentation servers Located in a Landscape? ANS. all the servers are located at client location only. Client is giving authorisation(user id and password to us) to offshor people to work on that 308. What are types of Projects ? ANS. implementation support rollout upgrade

309. What is an index? By default system will create the primary index or User can create,if user How? And also Secondary indexes by User or by defaultly system? ANS. Indexes are a sorted copy of the table that exist in the database which helps in faster retrival of data from the


database. Primary Index : User cannot create a primary index, the system creates a primary index by default based on the primary keys of the table. Secondary Index : The secondary indexes are created by the user.we can create a maximum of upto 15 secondary indexes for a table. 310. what is cardinality.how it will work in abap? ANS. Cardinality is defined during foreign key relationship.The cardinality of the foreign key relationship describes, for each value in the check table, how many rows of data are allowed to be in the foreign key table. Cardinality is defined as X:Y, where refers to the check table and Y refers to the foreign key table. X can have only values 1 or C and Y can be 1,C,N or CN. 1,C,N,CN has specific descriptions. cardinality is not enforced by the system.It is optional. 311. what is difference between update and modify? Ans. update:- update not inserte new record but change the existing record. modify:- it is used to modify the record but if record does not exist then it insert the new record. 312. am facing problem in inserting multiple data from user defined selection screen to internal table can anyone tell me any small code the can insert multiple data from screen to internal table. ANS. *For example i have used the scarr table *Internal table declaration. Data: Begin of Itab occurs 0, carrid like scarr-carrid, carrname like scarr-carrname, currcode like scarr-currcode, end of itab. *Fields on selection screen. parameter : carrid for scarr-carrid , carrname for scarr-carrname, currcode for scarr-currcode. *To insert data from Selection screen fields to the *internal table loop at itab. itab-carrid = carrid. itab-carrname = carrname. itab-currcode = currcode. append itab. clear itab. endloop. 313. explain abt EXTRACT STATEMETN? ANS. Once you have declared the possible record types as field groups and defined their structure, you can fill the extract dataset using the following statements: EXTRACT <fg>. When the first EXTRACT statement occurs in a program, the system creates the extract dataset and adds the first


extract record to it. In each subsequent EXTRACT statement, the new extract record is added to the dataset. 314. What is the use of " TABLE MANTENANCE ALLOWED " . And itts transaction code? ANS. The main purpose of the table maintenance generator is to Create/Change/Delete the table entries with out writing any code. When ever we create table maintenance generator it will generate a standard program. 315. What are the function module types? ANS. Basically,the word function module come from reusability technique. Depending on this reusability and scope we can categorize the types of function modules. 4 types of function modules: 1. Subroutines - scope is within program or package (using external calling mechanism). 2.Normal function module- scope is within R3 system. 3.Remote enable function module(RFC)- scope is between R3 systems 4. BAPI - scope is between sap and non-sap legacy systems and can be used within R3 systems also. 316. What is the significance of keyword " H I D E" ANS. This statement stores the content of a variable dobj together with the current list line whose line number is contained in sy-linno in the hide area of the current list level. The data type of the variables dobj must be flat and no field symbols can be specified that point to rows of internal tables, and no class attributes can be specified Ex: DATA: A TYPE i, B TYPE i. START-OF-SELECTION. FORMAT HOTSPOT. DO 10 TIMES. A = sy-index ** 2. B = sy-index ** 3. WRITE / sy-index. HIDE: A, B. ENDDO. AT LINE-SELECTION. WRITE: A, B. 317. What is the difference between occurs 1 and occurs 2? ANS. The main difference between the occurs1 and occurs 2 is given below. occurs1: is used to the system allocate the 2 memory locations are cratead. occurs2: is used to the system allocate the 3 memory locations are crated. 318. Can we have more than one selection-screen . And how ? ANS. We have created the more than one selection screen by using the call screen statement . This is the syntax for the more than one selection screen. call screen (sno) including program (program) (screen no) AND BY THIS COMMAND EXAMPLE: SELECTION-SCREEN:BEGIN OF BLOCK B1 WITH FRAME TITLE TWXT-001 SELECT-OPTIONS:


PARAMETERS: SELECTION-SCREEN:END OF BLOCK B1. SELECTION-SCREEN:BEGIN OF BLOCK B2 WITH FRAME TITLE TWXT-001 SELECT-OPTIONS: PARAMETERS: SELECTION-SCREEN:END OF BLOCK B2. 319. what is the significance of keyword "LIKE "? ANS.A> LIKE is used to refer the existing DataObjects EXAMPLE. TYPE: REFER THE DATA TYPE.(NO MEMORY CREATED) LIKE: COPY THE DATA TYPE.(ITS OWN MEMORY WILL BE CREATED) Data: Price Like Num. Here Like is used to refer existing DataObject Num. 320. how do you pass table to function module? ANS. pass the data from the table to the function module is used to the by using the import and export parameters. import: is used to the transfer the data from the table to the function module export: is used to the transfer the data from the function module to the table. 321. what are the similarities between internal tables and structures? ANS. 1)Both Internal Tables and strucures do not have enries stored in data base. 2) Both of them do not have a primary key or a forieng key relation ship with any table in the data base. 3) Unlike database tables both internal tables and structures do not have technical settings. Internal table is a temporary storage area that exits at runtime of the program . Structure also exists at runtime of the program. Structute does not have allocate memory in the system. where as Internal table allocate memory in the system. 322. which state ment is used to move identically named fields between structures? ANS The statement Move-Corresponding can be used to move data related ti identically named fields between structures. 323. How to create a index on views? ANS. We can creat the index on views like this. go to the abap dictonary transaction code is SE11 and select the radiobutton type as view and select the particular view type and creat the index for that table based on the primary key value. So mandatory key is important role in the while creating the index based on the views. Index: is a sap provide mechanizam to retrive the records fastly from the database based on the primary key value of the table. 323. What is binary search? where it is used? ANS. If the data in the Internal table is huge and you are trying to read the data from the Internal table then it is recommend to use binary search.


EXAMPLE. Read table <itab> with key <fieldname> binary search . 324. What are the errors occurred in a report? ANS. In the report the these types of errors occured . Errors: 1. syntax errors 2. naming conventions errors 3. dump errors 4. runtime errors 5. declaration errors 6. terminating errors 7. sucessful errors 8. warning errors 325. what is long text? ANS. A long text is nothing but a text is assinged with the standard text which is assioated with the text elements. This is defined by the transaction code is SO10. syntax: selection-screen begin of block bl1 with frame title text-001. (If u double click on the text will go open the one pop-up window for entering the text. 326. How to change the development class of any object? ANS. In development class is nothing but all the objects are stored into the development class. for that purpose we will create the one customer development names space and what are all the objects are created these are put into the that development class. if u want to change the objects we can easily change the objects. But where as in $TMP development objects are cannot transportable from one system to another system. Because of the this is system we can use se80 and se03 transactions to change the development Class. 327. Difference between Occurs0,occurs10 and ANS. The differneses are given below. 1. occurs 0: (It means it will create the default rows internal table depend on the requirement) 2. Occurs 10. (It means it will create the 11 rows for 3.Occurs 100. (It means it will create the 101 rows for But where as in defauty the system is create the memory space for the internal table. occurs100? for the the internal table) the internal table) the 8KB size of

328. what is ASAP methodology? How many phases are there? what is the percentage of each phase? ANS. 1.PROJECT..PREPARATION 2.BUSINEES..BLUEPRINT 3.REALIZATION 4.FINAL..PREPARATION 5.GO..LIVE..AND..SUPPORT 329. hoe can we write the include programs in reports? ANS. INCLUDE ZDODO. CLICK ON THIS AND WRITE YOUR CODE. 330. how to retrieve the field label of data element in reports.(not in alv).


ANS. 331. can we write any interective or classical reports in alv reports if yes how? ANS. Yes, we can generate both classical and Interactive reportS in ALV.. For classical report in ALV.. Type-pools : slis. DATA : it_Fcat type slis_T_fieldcat_Alv wa_fcat type slis_fieldcat_Alv. Data : itab type standard table of (SOme Structure) wa like line ot itab. Start-of-selection. Select..... after readig data from database.... we use FM REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE After that We display the Output We use FM : REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY ( for Grid Format) OR REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY(for list format) ***** *&----INTERACITVE ALV******* We take two Internal tables ... Data : itab type standard table of ty_marc (Type structure) itab1 type standard table of ty_mara(TYPE structure) data : it_fcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv, t_Event type slis_t_event, t_listheader type slis_t_listheader. we use FM : REUSE_ALV_GET_EVENT This is function Module is used to catch the EVENTs like TOP-OF-PAGE and END-OF-PAGE, USER_COMMAND....etc For interactive Report: we will give form like Form User_Command Using ucomm like Sy-ucomm selfld type SLIS_SELFIELD, *& we'll call this Subroutine in the FM GRID DISPLAY.. case ucomm. when '&IC1'. " this is FunctionCode which catchs when user do some actions. READ TABLE Itab INTO WA_tab INDEX RS_SELFIELD-TABINDEX. perform buildcatlog. perform DataRetrieval.l Perform Listdisplay. Perfrom Dispaly. endcase. THIS IS HOW WE DO INTERACTIVE ALV... I THINK THIS WIIL U IN DOING CLASSICAL AND INTERACTIVE ALV.. 332. 1. How can we create PUSH Botton in presentation layer. 2.How can we print the record. 3.If database has nor records & if we write 'for all entries' in select statement then what will be happen.


ANS. 1.create the pushbutton in Presentation server by using the syntax is given below. for creating the pushbutton: selection-screen pushbutton 10(06) 'name of pushbutton' user-command cli1. This is initilized into the Initialization event in the classical report. 2.print the record by using the statement Loop at Loop at Itab write: itab-field. Endloop. 3.if database has no records it will work as like this. first up all it will check the base table if this table is empty then it will retrive the data from the destination table based on the condition. 333. can onyone tell me , how many data classes and size categories are there ? ANS. Its totally three classes are there. these are given below. data classes: 1.APPL0 : Master data (its fixed it cannot be changed) 2.APPL1: Transactonal data (changed rarely in the business) 3.APPL2: organizational data.(dialy changes the data in the Business) 334. how many records are updated from a flatfile to sap database in one shot? ANS. ALL the records present in the flat file are updated to SAP Database in one shot, it intents that we do not have to execute it repetedly to upload the record set. So ans is All the records present in the flat file. 335. you have own g table & kna1 table how to attach the search help for g table as well as kna table?if u press f4 on selection u should display only primary key field of kna1 as well as g table fields ANS. You can do this by creating two elementary search helps and including these elementary search helps in the collective search help for that field. Let's say we have a Z-Table as ZEMPLOYEE1 with key field EMPNUM and We have standard table KNA1 with key field KUNNR. We want a search help with data of EMPNUM and KUNNR. For this we create two elementary search helps for EMPNUM and KUNNR and include them in the collective search help and assign this to the field in the ztable. Also we can create a elementary search help for the ztable and display it with the key field of the KNA1 table. 336. 1.If a table is fully buffered?can we fire single select? 2.Diff between submit progam name and submit program name and return? main criteria for using loop at read table? ANS. Answer 1. Full table buffering :- here entire database table buffered to application server. So further access to same table can be access from


application server so, which interm reduces database traffic. Fullbuffering can only applies to tables which have less data and rarely changed. Ex-tcodes, company master data like T100, etc Here Select Single cannot be used. Answer 2. The SUBMIT statement accesses an executable program. And executes the report program called thru Submit. The addition AND RETURN starts the executable program in a new internal session. The session for the calling program is retained. Once program access is completed, program execution for the calling program continues after the SUBMIT statement. 337. without using matchcode ,help view ,check table , domain how to create the search help anybody know this answar plz post imdtly ANS. Steps for Creating Searching Help Screen 1. SE11. Choose Radio Button Search Help. Enter the name of search help starting with y/z Click Create. Screen 2. Write Short Description. TAB Defination Enter Selection Method TABLE NAME. Enter Dialog Type Display values immediately Enter Search Help Parameters Fields to which search help is to be attached. Check Imp and exp Box Lpos and spos. Screen 1. SE11. Choose Radio Button Database table. Enter the name of table to which the search help is to be attached. Click Change. Screen 4. Check the fields in the table to which the search help is to be attached.(They should be the same as defined in the Screen 2 Search Help Parameters Fields) Click the Search help button . SCREEN 3. Enter the search help name Click Generate purposal Click Copy. Screen 4. Click on Utilities on MENU BAR Choose Table maintenance generator Screen 5. Enter Authorization Group &NC& Enter Function Group Choose maintenance type Maintenance screen NO. Choose create. Save and Activate


Screen 4. Save and Activate. 338. HOW MANY EDITORS ARE THERE IN SAP ABAP. WHAT ARE THEY AND THERE USES. ANS. In SAP ABAP, 3Editors are using ABAP Editor-SE38, which is used for developing ABAP programs. Script Editor- SE71, which is used for Script Control commands,Text elements. Screen Editor-SE51, Which is used to develop PAI and PBO events in Modulepool 339. Why long time required to copy the file than delete the same file. ANS. COPY: It copy the content of a file from one place to another.so,it require long time. DELETE: It won't delete the entaire content intead it delete the address of the file.so,it require less time than copy. 340. how to download sap Smart form in text format? ANS. it con be saved as a PDF file using otf function module.. 341. how to upload logo in the smart forms? ANS. use T-code SE78 to upload logo. Click on 1)from graphics 2)stored on document server 3)GRAPHICS general graphics 4)BMAP bitmap images then click on import tab which is there on tool bar 1st button. 342. what is the use of 'split' in BDC? Is it related to some tab adjustment to the flat file during BDC? ANS. spilt is a keyword which can split data based on seperation in inter face programming,,,,,,,,,, example; 1 in,in,in tab x,y,z tab 11,12,13.........this is flat file,...... split it_itab-banks at ',' in to table banks, split it_itab-bankl at ',' in to table bankl, split it_itab-bankn at ',' in to table bankn.......

343. Which is the event trigger last?

ANS. we generally use end of selection for display of report. So its a gud practice to put the write statements in end of selection. When the control comes to the first write statement in end of selection and if this write statement is a valid one then immediately the event triggered is topof-page. In this top-of-page event we generally write the headings. So after printing the headings the control comes back to end of selection and prints the corresponding data. After this if the report has footer lines reserved in end of page event then this will be triggered. So we can say that end of page can be the last event which is triggered if the data is filled upto reserved lines.


344. What is the MM Flow with Transaction Codes?

ANS. MM flow is given below. 1.Purchase Requstion 2.Request for Qutataion 3.Qutation from differnt vendors 4.price comparsion 5.purchase order send to vendors 6.goods reciept 7.logistic invoice verification. (ME51) (ME41) (ME47) (ME49) (ME22) (MIGO) (MIRO)

345. what is macro?

ANS.MACRO IS NUMBER OF INSTRUCTION.HERE EACH TIME WHEN YOU CAL MACRO THE SET OF INSTRUCTION WILL BE INSERTED IN THAT LOCATION.IT REQUIRE MORE MEMORY THAN FUNTION REPORT demo_mod_tech_macros. DATA: result TYPE i, n1 TYPE i VALUE 5, n2 TYPE i VALUE 6. DEFINE operation. result = &1 &2 &3. output &1 &2 &3 result. END-OF-DEFINITION. DEFINE output. write: / 'The result of &1 &2 &3 is', &4. END-OF-DEFINITION. operation 4 + 3. operation 2 ** 7. operation n2 - n1. This produces the following output: The result of 4 + 3 is The result of 2 ** 7 is The result of N2 - N1 is 7 128 1

In this example, the two macros operation and output are defined. output is nested in operation. operation is called three times with different parameters. Note how the placeholders &1,&2,... are replaced in the macros.

346. what is advantages and disadvantages in call by value and call by reference? ANS. In call by reference the the object will get change. In calle by value it won't. call by reference passes the address of the argument into the required subroutine, thenh when it is altered in the subroutine, its altered value will overwrite the original argument value. call by value only passes the value to the subroutine(i.e. the subfunction defined)and this does not overwrite the argument value.


EXAMPLE: PERFORM <SUBROUTINE> USING AABBCC->CALL BY VALUE. PERFORM <SUBROUTINE >USING VAR1,VAR2->CALL BY REFERENCE 347. how to added data in list box? ANS. WE CAN ADD DATA IN LIST BOX BY USING FUCTION MODULE VRM_SET_VALUE TYPE-POOLS: VRM. DATA: NAME TYPE VRM_ID, LIST TYPE VRM_VALUES, VALUE LIKE LINE OF LIST. PARAMETERS: PS_PARM(10) AS LISTBOX VISIBLE LENGTH 10. AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. NAME = 'PS_PARM'. VALUE-KEY = '1'. VALUE-TEXT = 'LINE 1'. APPEND VALUE TO LIST. VALUE-KEY = '2'. VALUE-TEXT = 'LINE 2'. APPEND VALUE TO LIST. CALL FUNCTION 'VRM_SET_VALUES' EXPORTING ID = NAME VALUES = LIST. START-OF-SELECTION. WRITE: / 'PARAMETER:', PS_PARM. 348. how to transport request give step/producer of transport request give step? ANS. go to se80 click package-go to program(or its depends upon u what u transport request)] fallow these path right click on program->more function->write transport entry click pop up window open create request pop up window open select request task -> click request will be cteated note request no. save back se80 click on transport(truck symbol) now go to se01 click on request type click display 349. how to identify all the BDC Programs running in Client SAP Environment? ANS. SM36. 350. what is the table name of stock of material? ANS. MARD Material stock MBEW Material stock with valuation 351. types of smartforms? windows in smartforms? ANS.


352. CAN U TELL ME ATTRIBUTES OF BOTH DOMAIN AND DATAELEMNT SCREEN? ANS. first of all give the attributes of the domain attributes of domain: table type size length. attributes of data element data element is nothing but technical fields of table field.it is a field in data base. 353. WHAT IS PEFORMANCE TUNING? ANS. 354. MM Flow & SD Flow? ANS. MM flow: purchase requstion ME51 request for quatation ME41 quatation from differnt vendors ME47 price comparision ME49 purchase order send to vendors ME22 goods reciepts MIGO logistic invoice verification MIRO SD flow Enquirey VA11 Qutataion VA21 sales order processing VA01 delivery VF01 billing VL01 354. When we append a record to a sorted internel table how it is appended? ANS. If an internal table is defined Sorted, then dont even think about Appending. Always use INSERT. Append will only append data after last record in internal table. INSERT will find the index and insert the record. e.g. itab contains data like A, D, F, J, K etc..now i want to add B to it.. INSERT will update internal table like A, B, D, etc...If used APPEND, program will abend. 355. which one is efficient in following command to copy data from one itab1to another itab2 . both itab table has same structure. 1. move itab1 to itab2 2.move corresponding field of itab1 to itab2 3. itab2[] = itab2[] 4.appends line of itab1 to itab2.. ANS. To move all entries from one internal table to another which has the same structure use the following statement: ITAB2[] = ITAB1[]. 356. how many structures are in sap R/3(ABAP)? ANS. deep structure.


nested structure simple structure 357. how to write code alv with interactive?when i clicked 1field i will generated next-level report,is it possible in alv? ANS. Building Interactive ALV list using 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY'. By DODO This program displays the Purchase Order header details on the basic list and on double-clicking any of the record on the basic list, the item-level information is displayed on the secondary list. REPORT ZPURCHASE_ORDER. ************************************************************ *********** * TYPE-POOLS DECLARATION ************************************************************ *********** TYPE-POOLS: SLIS. ************************************************************ *********** * DATA DECLARATIONS ************************************************************ *********** DATA: W_EBELN TYPE EKKO-EBELN, W_PROG TYPE SY-REPID, T_FIELDCAT TYPE SLIS_T_FIELDCAT_ALV, FS_FIELDCAT LIKE LINE OF T_FIELDCAT, T_EVENTCAT TYPE SLIS_T_EVENT, W_EVENTCAT LIKE LINE OF T_EVENTCAT. ************************************************************ *********** * SELECT-OPTIONS DECLARATION ************************************************************ *********** SELECT-OPTIONS: S_EBELN FOR W_EBELN. ************************************************************ *********** * INTERNAL TABLE AND FIELD-STRING DECLARATIONS ************************************************************ *********** DATA: T_EKKO LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF EKKO,


FS_EKKO LIKE LINE OF T_EKKO. DATA: T_EKPO LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF EKPO, FS_EKPO LIKE LINE OF T_EKPO. ************************************************************ *********** * START-OF-SELECTION ************************************************************ *********** START-OF-SELECTION. SELECT * FROM EKKO INTO TABLE T_EKKO WHERE EBELN IN S_EBELN. W_PROG = SY-REPID. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY' EXPORTING I_CALLBACK_PROGRAM = W_PROG I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND = 'PICK' I_STRUCTURE_NAME = 'EKKO' TABLES T_OUTTAB = T_EKKO EXCEPTIONS PROGRAM_ERROR = 1 OTHERS = 2 . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. *&-------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form pick *&-------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->UCOMM text * -->SELFIELD text *--------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM PICK USING COMMAND LIKE SY-UCOMM SELFIELD TYPE SLIS_SELFIELD. READ TABLE T_EKKO INTO FS_EKKO INDEX SELFIELD-TABINDEX. CASE COMMAND. WHEN '&IC1'. SELECT * FROM EKPO INTO TABLE T_EKPO WHERE EBELN EQ FS_EKKO-EBELN.





359. which of the command flushes the database buffer?

a) $free b) $tab. ANS. $TAB resets the TABLE buffers of the application server
360. what are use of ok_code in bdc?

ANS The OK_CODE field stores the function code in your program. It is always the last field in the field list of a screen. You need to assign a name to this field in the Screen Painter. Traditionally, this field is always called "OK_CODE". However, you can call it anything you like. Once you have assigned a name to the OK_CODE field, you need to declare a field with the same name in your module poo
361. in select _upto N ROWS IF N=0 THEN------------------are rows

are selected? ANS. All rows will be selected

362. what is the structure of itab of screen?


you can declare internal table with scrren structure in itab DATA: BEGIN OF it_screen OCCURS 0. include structure screen. DATA: END OF it_screen. it_screen-active = 0 append screen. This is how you can use the components in the itab screen.
363. what is the purpose of RDBMOIND RPOGRAM?

Ans. RBDMOIND is used to update the status of Outbound IDoc from 03 to 12. 03- Idoc pasted to communication layer 12- data passed to port OK
364. what is the difference detween EDI AND ALE?

Ans. EDI: edi is electronic data interchange is exchange the data by electronically from one system to the another system that is weather is document or anything.ex:if you send the purchase or der from the (sender) system that means outbound system that is recieved to sales order to the inbound system(Reciever) so that means that document is changed by electronically from the outbound system to the inbound system. ALE: Application link enabling it provides the link between the two systems that is the sap or non-sap or third party systems within the distributed systems only. ex: if u send the purchase order from the outbound system the inbound system also recieves the same purchase order . that means


there is no change. so changes not possible in ALE. 365. what is process code? Ans. which code is used for read the data from ci(communication idoc) and it stores the data in perticular data base table. that code is process code. ex : matm . it reads CI and stores the data in mara table.
366. what is the difference table type and structure?

ANS. Structures (structured types) Structured types describe the structure and functions of any structured data objects, that is of data structures with components of any type. A component can be a field with an elementary type or can itself be a structure. A table can also be used as a component in a structure. A database table always has a structure and is therefore implicitly a structured type. However, the fields of a database table can only have an elementary type. Table types Table types describe the structure and functions of internal tables in the ABAP program. Their rows can have any row type. Table types with elementary row type therefore can be defined just the same as multi-dimensional table types (table types with a table type as row type) or table types using structures with table-like components. In a simple words, Structure is just a flat structure but Table type is an internal table. Sample code how to use them to create internal table: * Create Internal table from a structure: DATA: IT_DATA TYPE STANDART TABLE OF Structure. * Create Internal table from a table type: DATA: IT_DATA TYPE table_type.
367. can we insert two records in internal table?

if yes give code. ANS. Ofcourse we can insert two receods to an internal table. Here is a sample code. *Internal table declaration. Data: ftab like scarr occurs 0. Data: begin of itab, carrid like scarr-carrid, carrname like scarr-carrname, currcode like scarr-currcode, end if itab. itab-carrid = BB. itab-carrname = British airways. Append itab to ftab. clear itab. itab-carrid = AA. itab-carrname = American airlines. Append itab to ftab. clear itab. by using append we can insert multiple records to an


internal table. 368. what is the event while entering data in screen to get next field? ANS. start-of-selection 369. difference b/w classical report and intractive report? ANS. 370. what is diffrence between table control and alv grid in dialog programming in abap? ANS. Alv Grid control is advanced for Table control. table control means we have to use in Dialg Programing But grid control is having features like ALV Programing.
371. what is difference betwen type and like statement?

ANS. 372.Smartform : how to print a smartform with portrait style and landscape style at the same time? ANS. Double click on page and go to OUTPUT OPTIONS tab. And choose the radio button for the landscape and portrait style. But you done only one Style in one time.
373. A report has statements like:

top-of-page. write :/. End-of-page. write:/. But the end-of-page is not displayed ?please verify? ANS. in top-of-page no need to reserve space for header in apage. in case of end-of-page u need to reserve some space for footer in the report program by using line-count 20(2). in that 2 lines of space is reserved for footer then only it display the footer in those 2 lines in out put. 374. How to debug an Idoc at runtime? ANS.IDocs are processed by a function module, which are mapped against in table EDIFCT. When you process an IDoc with BD87 you can have a breakpoint in the function and it will stop. For outbound processing it depends on which program is sending the IDoc. For transactional data like purchase orders, the IDoc is created via RSNAST00 which in turn calls a function module assigned to the processing code (BD41).
375. what class is used to display the ALV grid control?

ANS. Use the Class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID To display the ALV grid control and call Method SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY.
376. parter profiles are stored in which table?



THESE TWO FIELDS WE NEED TO USE FOR INPUT PARAMETRS. 378. what is the standard program to check the consistency of the partner profiles? ANS. To check the consistency of partner profiles, we can execute the program RSECHK07. You can do this via transaction SE38. 379. what is the field to be used in field catalog of an ALV report to hide the relevant column in the list? ANS. Field 'NO_OUT' 380. what the tcode to check the consistency of work flow for ALE /EDI in a inbound error processing? ANS. Ale system provides a tool to test the consistency inbound parameter for error handling by using this we can test all the process codes or one process code at a time. out put is color coded report thsi displays possible cause of errors for process codes use RBDMOINC or RBDMOINF. By using this u can find the link between process code and function module, object type for message idocs ,object type for message idoc packet size and task for error handling 380. to explicititly intialize the selection screen for each call you must you the event ________________? ANS. initialization event 381. tcode to find applicatin server directories? ANS. AL11 382. what is the standard program to check the consistency of partner profiles? ANS. RSECHK07 383. what is the flag? ANS. flag is a variable which contains only two value like ( 0 or 1) or ( true or false ). 384. how to debug a popup window? ANS. Create a small text file(notepad) on your local computer with the following content [FUNCTION] Command=/H Title=Debugger Type=SystemCommand Start Debugging, whenever you want to debug a popup take this file and drop it over your popup. 385. what is the difference between functional spec and technical spec? ANS. Functional Specs, These are generally given by the Client as per their business flow and their products list / requirement list.. Technical Specs, These are generally analysed and created by Offshore team during the Requirement gathering, this will be generated based on the Functional specs which was


387. what is Transport Request? why it is needed for us?

ANS. Transport request is a request which is used to transport the object from testing to the production sever. Each and every task will be stored in the transport request
388. What type of transport requests?

ANS. Transport Requests are 4 types. 1) Customizing requests : Changes to Customizing settings are recorded in Customizing requests. 2) Workbench requests : Workbench requests record changes made to ABAP Workbench objects. 3) Transport of Copies : Transports of copies allow you to transport (sub-)objects in an object list into any other SAP System you want. 4) Relocations:
389. After sending the data(any type) from SENDER to RECEIVER can

we send the ANS. YES we vice versa. distributed

same data to SENDER by using ALE? can send the data Either from receiver to sender and Because already we have partner profile in both systems and we that by using CMD TX BD64.

390. in ALV reports how double click event works? ANS. The event which is used is '&IC1' . when ever a double click event is worked the above is used. apart from USERCOMMAND. 391. where u can find out the check table? ANS. goto SE11- > give table name ->click on entry help push button -> u can view a new column in the table i;e CHECK TABLE where the check table name is defined 392. How to create our own data types in a Report?? ANS. using syntax "TYPES" we can create our own data types. for ex:-types : name(15) type c. types : name1 type name. 393. Can we use same Domain for more than Data element? ANS yes we can use same domain for different data elements, data element gives documentation i;e f1 help for a field and domain describes the size and type of a field ,so there can be many fields having different f1 help , but same size and type. field1_|- data element1 ____| field2_|_ data element 2 ____|_____domain | |


field3_|_ data element 3 ____| 394. hat are the Joins used for internal Table? ANS. If you want to retry the data from more then one table connected with common key , we will go for joins (Inner joines and outer joins). 1. First we will create an internal table wih fields. example. tables: mara. data:s_matnr for mara-matnr. data:Begin of itab occurs 0, MATNR TYPE MATNR, "FROM MARA TABLE ERSDA TYPE ERSDA, "FROM MARA TABLE MAKTX TYPE MAKTX, "FROM MAKT TABLE end of itab. 2. write select statment. select a~matnr a~ersda b~maktx from makt inner join mara on a~matnr = b~matnr into table itab where a~matnr in s_matnr. 395. How to search a Internal Table Fields? ANS. SORT itab by BINARY SEARCH LOOP at itab. write:... ENDLOOP. 396. while running bdc call transaction method for user defined table, all the records are saved except the last record. whats the problem? can anybody clarify me? ANS. 397. Explain the SmartForm with an Example? ANS. 398. How to Split one delivery into many ( Step by Step)? ANS. when orderd qty < delivered & the remaining qty has deliverd some other time,there may be the possibilities to split.so once again it effects from picking,packing & delivery with different document numbers poooled to reach the desired delivery. 399. What is user specific parameter? ANS. The values in SPA/GPA parameters are user-specific. ABAP programs can access the parameters using the SET PARAMETER and GET PARAMETER statements. 400. Screen wise process for creating sales order quotation through transaction code VA21 AND What are the mandatory fields to be filled in Transaction VA21 for 'Creation of sales order Quotation'. ANS. We need to set job processing as By using Set the session as foreground Job scheduling. and keep the Session as TRUE or 'x'. Matnr field (material no)


Werk field(plant) and some of fields used as mandatory 401. when u create an index in Data Dictionary..how do we call it in a program or report..? ANS. if we want to get the records very fast by using it is possible by using stmt called READ.....index <idxno> statement in program or report Suppose you have created a secondary index for a field EMPNAM in the table ZDETAILS. Then you can use the statement select * from ZDETAILS where EMPNAM = 'XXX'. 402. what is the difference between at line selection and at line selection on field. ANS. 1)at line selection: it is used to capture all the field values 2)at line selection on filed: it is used to capture only particular field value. 403. how to upload open purchase order through BDC? ANS. by using some of functionModules like in both AS,PS we have to create internal table 1)UP-LOAD 2)DOWN-LOAD these are used if the data is in Presentation Server 3)READ-DATASET 4)TRANSFER these are used if the data is in Application Server (Or) By using Manualprogramming like BDCDATA structure there we have fields like program,dynpro,dynbegin,fname,fval 404. how many no of buttons we can create on Apllication tool Bar? ANS. 8 button & 6 menu 405. I have two selection screens, i gave values in first selection screen but i din't give any values in second screen. will it display or not plz tell me? ANS. It depends on your code. If you have enterd some values in frst screen and used the levae to list processing statement then it will display values of the first screen else if you directly called the second screen then it might not display any values. 406. What is the significance of at line-selection event? ANS. at line-selection is an event which is trigerred when ever u double click a record line in the primary list.... or single click onthe record if u using HOTSPOT command.... so when this event is triggered it will fetch that row's information in the system variable SY_LISEL...as it is displayed on the screen.... so again u will have to use the offsets to fetch that information only which u want.... or instead of this... use HIDE command ... to fetch those fields only which u want.... simple buddy.... hope u have got it.... mainly this event is used whenever we r using lists... one list under the other



ANS. its an customer master , vendor master, and sales order t.codes in BDC to give the input field screen
409. what is difference between parameter & select-option?

ANS. select-option: is used for the whenever create the select-options the system creaat the one internal table same variable name. that table name is called selection table. the main purpose of the internal table is used to stored the selection text.but at the same time the system create the Sign ,Option,Low,High implicitly. it will accept the value ranges from the selection screen. means lower range and higher range value. parameters: is used for the it will accept the value from the user.the system doesnot create the internal table implicitly. it will create the explicitly.
410. how to debug background jobs?

ANS. In SM37: Select the job, type JDBG in the OK-code and press enter. This can be used for both completed jobs and jobs to be processed (just make sure you have enough time to debug before the job actually starts). Breakpoints set in the job flow works. This method has been successfully used in R/3 4.6C.
411. how can you call a function module in smart form..??

ANS. when u right click the new node create->flowlogic->programlines. then a window opens for program lines.. there in the left side u can find the icons.. check,pretty printer and a statement struct... clicking his statement struct icon u can call funtion module...
412. How to call A report from other report widout using include

program..?? ANS. one command is using for calling other report. 1.report 'report name' mode display. 2.using submit submit 'zsat' via selection-screen and return.

413. what are the roles and responsibilities of a technical

consultant will be assigned in idoc development in real time? in case of a)IDOC EXTENSION b)sending TRANSACTIONAL IDOC c)CHANGE POINTERS


ANS. 1)IDOC Extension is nothing but Extending the Existing IDOC as an Enhancement 2)Transactional IDOC is means that sending the IDOC from place to an another by using FM called INBOUND-IDOC_PROCESS 3)Change pointers are menat for Activate the IDOC by using TX Code BD61 414. I have a table with 400 recs. among some are duplicate records. how can I remove the duplicate records from the table. ANS. Sort internal table according to field which is having repeated values. And the use the statement "DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM <internaltable> COMPARING <the field with which u sorted the internal table>. 415. wahts is the diff between the transaction... VD01 and XD01??? ANS. Both are used for Customer creation but in VD01 we dont specify company code details whereas in XD01 we have to. 416.I HAVE REQUIREMENT LIKE THIS, I HAVE TWO INTERNAL TBALE LIKE ITAB AND ITAB1 IN ITAB I HAVE 50 RECORDS, IN ITAB1 100 RECORDS ARE THERE. WHEN EXECUTE THIS QUESTION WHAT WILL BE THE OUTPUT A]50 B]100 C]150? AND HOW TO JOIN TWO INTERNAL TABLES WHAT IS THE SYNTAX FOR THAT? ANS. U can't simply display the values of two tables itab and itab1 without linking/merging it. 1.Linking: If itab & itab1 requires only one loop then either itab or itab1 should be read and append to itfinal. 2.Merging: If itab & itab1 requires two separate loops,then u need to merge those two internal table. IF u want to merge it,u need to create itfinal or itab2 or whatelse u wish,which should be declared by the fields of both itab and itab1. But while merging internal tables,those tables should have atleast one linking fields.
417. what is the remote system in ale whether it is sender /

receiver? ANS. remote system is receiver system

418. Difference between select and select single statement?

ANS. select statement extracts all the records from the table of database whereas select single will extract only a single record.
419. what is a TEXT Table ?

ANS. Table A is a text table of table B if the key of A comprises the key of B and an additional language key field (field of data type LANG). Table A may therefore contain explanatory text in several languages for each key entry of B.
420. what are steps of smart form.


ANS. there are five steps in while creating the smartforms.

1.create the new smartform 2.defining the looping process for the internal table 3.define the data into the form. 4.call the smartform function module from the normal abap program in se38. 5.process the internal table.

INPUT ANS. Direct input method

Batch Input Method

1) We cannot send the fields | 1) We can send fields as per according to our requirement| requirement. | 2) validations are done based | 2) validations are done based on pre-defined function | on applications. modules
422. Why can we get the Function module when we activate the

Smartform ? ANS. we get a function module b'coz function module is globally created and we can access it through any client .Therefore , we can say that smartform is client independent.

ANS. Split Command Split word in two patrts

424. what is field string ?

& where we are using field strings? ANS. Field strings are a special form of dynamic string, which have all the capabilities of a dynamic string, but may also represent a defined part of a random file buffer or a defined part of a dynamic string. Field strings must always be declared using LOCAL.They may be used in the same manner as a dynamic string variable, or they can be bound to a file buffer for an open randomaccess file or a dynamic string using a corresponding FIELD statement. Each field string occupies sixteen bytes of memory, and requires slightly more general overhead than a regular dynamic string variable The TABLES statement automatically defines a field string . they are mainly used in screen painter.
425. how to transfer two idoc simeltaniously,

ANS. select the option collect idoc instead of tranfer immediately. then schedule the transfer of idocs at periodicity
426. what is the difference b/w driver program & print program?

ANS. driver program internally created. print program we have to create


427. how to call the function module generated in smartform for

printing the form ? ANS. in smart forms the function module will be generated automatically by the system when activate the smart form and provides a name for function module as name. you can call that function module in the print program using pattern ( ctrl + f6).

428. what is the print program for smartforms .pls give me one

example . ANS. the smart form print programm is the one where the majority of data extraction occurs. typically,one smart form print program should be associated with one type of form. for example the smart form purchase order has a corresponding smart form purchase order print program tat only handles data extraction for tat form.this one-one relation ship improves the transparency for the user between what is being performed in the form versus the print program always remember tat customer specific customiozation must be performed in the smart form print form and not in the smart form print programme. The major benfit of smart form print solutions over sap scripts tat if the layout or order of information changes in the smart form print form,you do not need to alter the print programme.the lay out of the data on the form is controlled only in the smart form print form.
429. i want to know abt. IDOCs and ALE like what's the role of

messege type in IDOCs and how things goes on in background i know i sound absurd but as i m not clear abt. ANS. Message Type for an Idoc is used to indentify the contents of the Idoc or a breif context under which the IDOC has to be sent. Suppose you have an IDOC to be sent to your vendor which has purchase details . U also want to send the same data to Vendor's Plant as an acknowlkedge to the receipt of material. Sending the same idoc with same message type to both of them might lead to confusion. IN order to avoid this you attach our idoc segment to a message type whih defines what is it carriying. You do this assiging a segment to Message type in WE81 430. what is meaning of idoc monitoring? ANS. Idoc monitoring means Idoc Status
431. what is the function module to read the standard text?

ANS. or read texts asociated to an standard object use READ_TEXT. If u want read a standard text created by the so10 (like the texts for smartfoms) transaction use


READ_STDTEXT instead. 432.transaction code for assingning the function module to the process code? ANS. WE41(for out bound side) WE42( for in bound side) 433. how can I assign a foregin key relation ship for a structure? ANS. we cannot assign forien key relations to structure.it willnot be possible.strucure itself has many records and we can assign forien key records to the structures. 434. how to fill the select options from an internal table dynamically ie can i use the loop in the initialization ANS. TABLES : mara. DATA : BEGIN OF itab OCCURS 0, matnr LIKE mara-matnr, END OF itab. SELECT-OPTIONS: s_matnr FOR mara-matnr NO INTERVALS. INITIALIZATION. CLEAR : itab, s_matnr. REFRESH : itab, s_matnr. SELECT INTO FROM WHERE matnr TABLE itab mara meins EQ 'CS'.

* fill select option. LOOP AT itab. s_matnr-low = itab-matnr. s_matnr-sign = 'I'. s_matnr-option = 'EQ'. APPEND s_matnr. ENDLOOP. 435. how to print amount in words in alv ?? will the function module spell_amount work ?? ANS. the function module spell_amount will work but there is some limitation to it as well. for eg: if amount is '6000' it will read as six thousand. if amont is '6078',it will read as six thousand seventy-eight. but for 6000.78,it will read as six hundred thousand seventy-eight. You can try out other combination as well. 436. can we debug the smartform if yes how can we debug? ANS. 1.GOTO T-code SMARTFORM-> give the smartform name-> press F8 2.After executing function module will generate.open function module in display mode.


3.: press source code tab of the function module. In the source code there is a perform %GLOBAL_INIT. In this perform all the code of initialization and program lines is display as perform. Here you can easily find your table and variable by find command and set session break point on it. 437. 1.BAPI 2.BADI 3.USEREXITS. 4.ALE,IDOCS,REPORT,SAPSCRIPTS,SMARTFORMS. And their uses,what is it process in realtime. ANS. IDOCS -DATA CARRIES B/N R/3 AND R/3 TO NON SAP ALE- iNTERGACE B/N SYSTEMS REPORT - RETRIVE DATA FROM DATABASE AND DISPLAY IT. IT CAN BE USED FOR DATA ANALYSIS. SAP SCRIPTS- USED FOR CREATING SALES ORDE, PURCHASE ORDER, IT IS USEFUL FOR BUSINESS COMMUNICATION. SMARTFORMS-USED FOR BUSINESS COMMUNICATION, IT is client independebt.multiple forms can be created, web based.create colorfull manner. BAPI- IS USED FOR DATA MIGRATION B/N SYS. 438. HOW MANY WAYS TO DEFINE INTERNAL TABLES. ANS. there r so many ways to define internal table 1. data: begin of itab occurs 100, matnr like mara-matnr, mtart like mara-mtart, end of itab. 2.data: begin of itab. include mara. data: end of itab. 3. data: begin of itab. matnr like mara-matnr, mtart like mara-mtart, end of itab. data: jtab type standard table itab, gtab type itab. 4. data: itab like standard table of mara. data: jtab like table itab. 5. data: itab like table of mara with header line. 439. what is data structure and data table ANS. data sturcture: data structure is nothing but its create only at runtime. it doesnot allocate the memory. and also it contains no data. because of its only structure.no memory is allocated for the sturcture. data table:its nothing but sap predefined the table. its allocated the memory at the runtime.while u defining the data table u can assign the table type ,length. these all tables are stored into the database.


440. can u send the results from report to sap memory? ANS. yes ofcourse we can send through SET PARAMETER. CHECK THIS OUT...... SET PARAMETER ID pid FIELD f. Effect Writes the contents of the field f to the global SAP memory under the key pid . If the key already contains a value, it is overwritten. The key pid must consist of three characters. You can find a list of the keys (parameters) used in the SAP system description or in the ABAP/4 Development Workbench. Notes The global SAP memory remains available to the user during the entire terminal session. This means that set values are retained when you leave a program. You should not use the SAP memory for temporary storage of values because other modes use the same global memory. If you need a new key (parameter), you can create this in the ABAP/4 Development Workbench. EXAMPLE: DATA: REPID(8) VALUE 'RFSCHU01'. SET PARAMETER ID 'RID' FIELD REPID. Sets the program name, e.g. for transfer to another program. Notes Runtime errors SET_PARAMETER_ID_TOO_LONG : Key longer than 3 characters. SET_PARAMETER_ID_WRONG_TYPE : Key neither type C nor type N. SET_PARAMETER_VALUE_TOO_LONG : Value longer than 250 Characters 441. what is meant by filtration in alv? how to do it? ANS. in output of alv list we can remove some field rows this is filtration. -in the output one pushbutton is their for filter . if u press that u will get one screen it will ask wt fields u need to hide. 442. what is the button to change the variant in alv? ANS. It depend when these "specific circumstances" are occurring? Before displaying the ALV, then force the value of the variant used in set_table_for_first_display, CALL METHOD GRID1->SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY EXPORTING I_STRUCTURE_NAME = 'SFLIGHT' IS_VARIANT = GS_variant I_SAVE = X_SAVE CHANGING IT_OUTTAB = GT_SFLIGHT.


If you want to simulate multiple "default variant" you should "mislead" the ALV by changing the report name used for storing variant (IS_VARIANT-REPORT) But in this case you will no longuer see every variant when in the ALV, only those of the "report name" passed when setting for first display. 443. how to field properties are set with **** as a password. ANS. at election-screen output . loop at screen. screen-invisible = 1 . modify screen. endloop . 444. in start of selection if we perform validation ,what happens? ANS. 445. what is the diff b/e function module alv and oop alv. ANS. The function module ALV uses FM to trigger display and sorting appending think for alv report, where as Methods are used in the OOPs concept fo the ALV. the other difference is the user has more flexablity fi he uses the OOPS ALV than the FM ALV. 446. can u add a new view to the existing view? ANS. no . view is using created one or more tables. actually view is used for read only purpose.we cannot manipulate the existing tables or system defined tables. views created on transaparent tables only. 447. how to call the function module generated in smartform for printing the form ? ANS. in smart forms the function module will be generated automatically by the system when activate the smart form and provides a name for function module as name. you can call that function module in the print program using pattern ( ctrl + f6). 448. what is the print program for smartforms .pls give me one example . ANS. the smart form print programm is the one where the majority of data extraction occurs. typically,one smart form print program should be associated with one type of form. for example the smart form purchase order has a corresponding smart form purchase order print program tat only handles data extraction for tat form.this one-one relation ship improves the transparency for the user between what is being performed in the form versus the print program always remember tat customer specific customiozation must be performed in the smart form print form and not in the smart form print programme. The major benfit of smart form print solutions over sap scripts tat if the layout or order of information changes in the smart form print form,you do not need to alter the print programme.the lay out of the data on the form is


controlled only in the smart form print form. 449. at the checking of sy-subrc after call transaction stmt,if it is zero what is the meaning of that of syn and asynch updates explain. a.)update of database table is success. b.)execution of call transaction is success. For syn update which one is correct? For asyn update which one is correct? ANS. For both sy-subrc will return zero if the database update is successful,irrespective of situations if sy-subrc returns 0 its success message. 450. can u create internal table dynamically ? how? ANS. Use this method. call method cl_alv_table_create =>create_dynamic_table and assign this to a field symbol. 451. what r the main events that r used in alv? ANS. TOP_OF_LIST END_OF_LIST END_OF_PAGE TOP_OF_PAGE TOP_OF_COVERPAGE END_OF_COVERPAGE 452. if u write a write statement after end of selection ,will that be triggered? ANS. Without Stop statement also it will trigger. End-of-selection normally triggers when all the records have been read from database. start-of-selection. end-of-selection. write : / 'endofselection' 453. in bdc which method is suitable for back ground processing? ANS. in bdc session method is best for the background processing. because of all error records are stored into the creat the error logs in session method. records are not updated until to rectify the errors. if any error record is that is not updated into the database.. to correct the error record then u can process again then is stored into the data base. 454. can u save internal table in sap memory from abap memory? ANS. If you want save ITAB in sap memory then you have to use IMPORT nad EXPORT statements The followin exapmles will explain how it will works Here i created two report progrmas 1==> ZSHAN_EXPORT_ITAB ---> TO EXPORT THE ITAB INTO SAP MEMORY 2==> ZSHAN_IMPORT_ITAB ---> TO IMPORT THE ITAB FROM SAP MEMORY --------------------------------------------REPORT ZSHAN_EXPORT_ITAB DATA TEXT1(10) VALUE 'Exporting'. DATA ITAB LIKE SBOOK OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE.


DO 5 TIMES. ITAB-BOOKID = 100 + SY-INDEX. APPEND ITAB. ENDDO. EXPORT TEXT1 TEXT2 FROM 'Literal' TO MEMORY ID 'text'. EXPORT ITAB TO MEMORY ID 'table'. -------------------------------------------------------=========================================================== -------------------------------------------------------REPORT ZSHAN_IMPORT_ITAB. DATA: TEXT1(10), TEXT3 LIKE TEXT1 VALUE 'Initial'. DATA JTAB LIKE SBOOK OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE. SUBMIT ZSHAN_EXPORT_ITAB AND RETURN. IMPORT TEXT3 FROM MEMORY ID 'text'. WRITE: / SY-SUBRC, TEXT3. IMPORT TEXT2 TO TEXT1 FROM MEMORY ID 'text'. WRITE: / SY-SUBRC, TEXT1. IMPORT ITAB TO JTAB FROM MEMORY ID 'table'. LOOP AT JTAB. WRITE / JTAB-BOOKID. ENDLOOP. 455. iam internal ANS. you internal having 3 internal table how can i pass data to the 4th table have 3 internal tables u want to populate these 3 tables data to 4th internal table ..right

Check out this eg code : suppose we think u have 3 Internal tables i.e., t_marc,t_mara,t_makt and 4th internal table is itab[final interanl table] Start-of-selection. Select matnr werks lvorm from marc Into table t_marc Where matnr = s_matnr And werks = p_werks.

If t_marc is not initial. Loop at t_marc . Read t_marc into itab with key matnr = t_marc-matnr. Select matnr Mbrsh Meins maktl from mara Into table t_mara For all entries in t_marc Where matnr = t_marc-matnr. Select matnr maktx spras from makt Into table t_makt For all entries in t_marc Where matnr = t_marc-matnr. Move :


T_mara-mbrsh = T_mara-meins = T_mara-maktl = T_makt-maktx = T_makt-spras = Endloop. Else . Write : / No data table T_marc. Endif.

itab-mbrsh. itab-meins. itab-maktl. itab-maktx. itab-spras. is found in the first internal

456. what is the difference between message type and basic type? ANS. MESSAGE TYPE IS THE MESSAGE WHICH IS TRANSFERRED IN BETEEN THE BUSINESS PARTNERS. BASIC TYPE IS THE CONTAINER OF THE MESSAGE. 457. How can I pass SELECT-OPTIONS to function module generated by SMARTFORM? ANS. decalre ur select options there n call that generated FM in ur driver program n pass the parameter 458. How to transfer a smartform from Development to Quality Server? ANS. assign smartform into a transport request and release it from development sever and import it in quality using SMTS transaction 459. How to debug a smartform otherthan putting break-point in initializatin section? ANS. Execute the smartform, u can see a function module /000012. Click on GOTO on the menu bar. Click on Main program. You canm see the includes. click on the last include i.e F01. and keep the break-point(Shift+Control+12) at ur desired point. 460. how we can take a file from Presentation server to Application server? ANS. To upload a file from presentation server to application server we have to do the following : 1. upload the file from presentation server in to an internal table using gui_upload. 2.open dataset 3.loop the internal table 4.use transfer statement to write into application server 461. which of the following is more efficient when we are retrieving data from more tables. select statement using innerjoins or select statement using for all entries? ANS. For Key Field Inner Join is most appropriate if all keys are matched. For example: EKKO-EKPO based on EBELN. It reduces the network traffic for selecting data from both the tables. 462. what are the loop events and what is the difference between Them


ANS. AT FIRST - trigered when the loop exectutes for the 1st time AT NEW <field> - trigered when the a new value is to the field. AT END OF <field> -trigered when the last occurance of the value for the <field>. AT LAST - trigered at last of the loop. ON CHANGE OF - some what similiar to AT NEW. 463. what is the difference between function modules and Subroutines? ANS. funtion modules subroutines 1.they can be tested by itself 1.they cannot . 2.they can be remote enabled 2.they cannot . 3.they can handle exceptions 3.Only a few can handle. 4.they have to be maintained in 4.It is not necessary. a function group. 464. how to design checkbox on the o/p of the list ,not on the selection screen. ANS. data: begin of i_marc occurs 0, matnr like mara-matnr, werls like marc-werks, pstat like marc-werks, c1, end of i_marc. ................ ................ ................ loop at i_marc. write:/ i_marc-c1 as check box, ........ endloop. 465. the control commands in the report program are atfirst,atnew,atlast,atend of and what is the difference between them? ANS. At first this event is trigerred when it encounter the first record At new This event is triggered whenever the value of thge field specified as part of at a new event changes At end of this event is triggered at the end of current field value which is specified as part at end of event At last this event is trigerred when it encounter the last record 466. how to creat a table with out primary key? Ans. A table can be created without using the primary key. first understand why we use primary key on a table:1.in order to avoid inserting of duplicate values in a primary key,we can create a table with different values.

table,we use

2.in order to establish the relation with other table by the use of primary key in parent table and foreign key in child's...without establishing the relation with any other table also ,we can create a table without having any primary key


467. How to handle Errors in Function Modules? ANS. To handle errors in function modules we have to use the exceptions attribute. When the function module is called we have to handle is by RAISING the exceptions. 468. how can u write in single program call transaction and session method logic? ANS. It is possible to use : call transaction , and session method in the same program. First , try posting using call transaction, if sy-subrc is ne 0. save bdctab. open a BDC session. insert data. and close session. endif. 468. say in selection screeen (ie is in select-options) i have selected record range from 1000 to 2000 but in the final display list i sholud not get 1200 to 1300 records it should be hide how is it posible ANS. click on the arrow tab beside the outer range and give the range in excluding the range it will apper on red colour LED in such range will be exclde from ur selection range. 469. in the final display list how can i change rows to columns and vice versa ANS. This is possible using dynamic internal table. Declaration DATA : IFCAT_TAB TYPE LVC_T_FCAT, FCAT_TAB TYPE LVC_S_FCAT. DATA : TLINS TYPE I. FIELD-SYMBOLS : <LIST> TYPE TABLE, <L_LINE> TYPE ANY. FIELD-SYMBOLS : <FVAL> TYPE ANY, <FPOV> TYPE ANY, <TFVAL> TYPE ANY. DATA : IDATA TYPE REF TO DATA, NEW_LINE TYPE REF TO DATA. LOOP AT ALV_FLDCAT_T INTO ALV_FLDCAT. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ALV_FLDCAT TO FCAT_TAB. APPEND FCAT_TAB TO IFCAT_TAB. ENDLOOP. After creating normal alv field catalogue we can add rows info as column.... DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM IFCAT_TAB COMPARING FIELDNAME. SORT IFCAT_TAB BY COL_POS ASCENDING. "FIELDNAME CALL METHOD CL_ALV_TABLE_CREATE=>CREATE_DYNAMIC_TABLE EXPORTING IT_FIELDCATALOG = IFCAT_TAB IMPORTING EP_TABLE = IDATA. ASSIGN IDATA->* TO <LIST>. CREATE DATA NEW_LINE LIKE LINE OF <LIST>. ASSIGN NEW_LINE->* TO <L_LINE>.


470. how many types of idoc'c? ANS. there are 2 types of idocs 1. Basic idoc 2. Extended idoc Basic idoc one controll record one data record one or many status record Extended Idoc One controll record one or many data records one or many status records. 471. how to stretch the report size in standard tool bar. ANS. in alv reports how i insert logo into alv grid(if it is tcode 'oaer' )?tell me procedure, in the same report how insert background logo tell me the procedure please? ANS. to show LOGO in ALV grid with header details, in REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY, I_CALLBACK_HTML_TOP_OF_PAGE = 'TOP_OF_PAGE' *****at the end of main program******* form TOP_OF_PAGE. **********Declaration************* data : glistheader type slis_t_listheader, llistheader type slis_listheader. ******Populate header data************ clear llistheader. llistheader-typ = 'H'. llistheader-info = 'This is Grid Title'. append llistheader to glistheader. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE' EXPORTING it_list_commentary = glistheader I_LOGO = 'ENJOY_SAP_LOGO' * I_END_OF_LIST_GRID = . endform. 472. I am trying to automate a manual processing of iDOCs in BD87. I used the following code to pass idoc-id to global variable 'DCN' and then skip the first screen of BD87 to go to processing directly. After running this code SET PARAMETER ID 'DCN' FIELD itabhdr-idoc_id. CALL TRANSACTION 'BD87' AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN. it takes me to the first screen because it cannot recognize my idoc-id. How I can pass idoc-id to global? I have used the above code to goto VA02 with VBELN and it worked perfectly. ANS. This is because BD87 is a report. Try n use Submit RBDMON00 with selection-table <seltab>. fill seltab with your IDOC


ID. 473. what is meant by idoc filtering? ANS. I Doc filtering is nothing but wipout unwnted idoc's that ar not required to recevingpartner. Let us suppose some message type iam sending from my central datbase sever to 5 no's application severs let it take as some plants in my company code . The master idoc will contains the data pertaining to the five plants. in thia case for plant No1 date is not reqiured pertaining to all the remaining plants i.e 2 3 4 5. in this case while creting the distribution model whe have to mention the filter key's Then when ever the master IDOC passe through ALE service layer it will check;s for filter key' values s for a receiver and it will wash out's the all the idoc's otherthan the values and cretes the communication IDOC. alwys communication Idoc is the subset of Master Idoc. 474. what is meant by ale configuration? what can u do in ale configuration? ANS. ALE configuration : Goto SALE T-code then 1) Design LogicalSystem and go back to IMG initial Screen and 2) Assign Logical System to the client. 3)then Goto SM59 to create RFC Destinatio for the Logical System (i.e.receiver system.). 4) then Goto WE21 T-code for Port Creation in WE20 select TranscationalPort and create your Own Port. 5) Goto BD64 T-code for Distribution Model here we create Model view and specifies the what kind of Message is distributed between them . 6)we'll save and goto environment in the menu bar.. 7) goto we20 T-code for Partner Profile ..create the Partner file ..and give inbound and outbound messagetypes. These r the steps for ALE Configuration. Suppose If u Specify Matmas as Message type ...got BD10 and sent the material . 475. if u take one worst program how can u bebugg in application server & database server? ANS. by maintaning break points in the program (ie for the statements which you want to debugg) 476. how can u write in single program call transaction and session method logic? if u write logic in call transaction ,is there any errors ? how can u see in session ? ANS. You can set radio button in select options call transation call session method if call transaction = 'X'. call transaction. else call session method. endif.


477. How Calculate TOTALS,SUBTOTALS in ALV Reporting? ANS. data: wa_fieldcat type slis_fieldcat_alv, it_fieldcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv. data: wa_sort type slis_sortinfo_alv, it_sort type slis_t_sortinfo_alv. wa_fieldcat-do_sum = 'X'. append wa_fieldcat to it_fieldcat. wa_sort-fieldname = 'KUNNR'. wa_sort-tabname = 'IT_FINAL'. wa_sort-subtot = 'X'. append wa_sort to it_sort. 478. If suppose There are 10 records in flat file then how many times BDC_open_group, BDC_INSERT, BDC_CLOSE_group executed? ANS. open group once,insert 10 times ,close group once 479. Can Top-of-page trigger with VLINE.? ANS. one thing remember top of page will be triged only after write statement only if a report is having no write statement no top of page will be triged) TOP OF PAGE is triggered with write or skip or uline or not with vline. 480. what is meant by maintenance allowed(if it can provide authorization, what is authorization) ANS. Table maintenenece will give authorisation to add or all the enetries into any database table . authorisation is nothing but it is to give authorisation to particular user for a transaction. 481. why u can call(r using) ssf_function_module_name in smartforms? ANS. By using "ssf_function_module_name " the user can obtain the function mudule generated by the Smartform. The input parameter is the SMARTFORM name the output parameter is the function module generated .It has to be type RS38L_FNAM. After getting the output parameter . CALL FUNCTION(output parameter name). A function module is generated whenever a Smart Form is activated. This Smart Form could be called from the driver program by calling the function module generated in the system directly. But this is not an efficient way of calling Smart Form for the following reason: Whenever a Smart Form is generated, a function module is generated and the naming convention for that Smart Form is done internally by using Number range object or something similar. Let us consider the function module name as /1BCDWB/SF00000359. The function module for the next new


and activated Smart Form would be /1BCDWB/SF00000360, one more than the previous one. So when this Smart Form is transported from the development to Quality or Production system, a new function module name is generated according to the number series available in that system. If the above program is transported to either quality or production system, the program might go for a dump as the function module is not available in that system, because the number series generated in the for example in development system will be different from that of the quality system . To handle this situation, we use the function module SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME to get the name of the function module for a Smart Form dynamically. If the form is not active, the function module SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME raises the exception NO_FORM. 482. how to transfer smartforms? ANS. by transport request but remember funtion modules of smart forms not transfort.they have to generate in taget system. name of sf may change on transport 483. if take one table with max no of records,in that i transfer only three records to quality r production r anywhere how it is possible? ANS. by using TABINDEX 484. if idoc generated successfully where it can be stored i know database)? ANS. EDID4 - Data Records are Stored in this Data Base Table. EDIDS - Status records are Stored in this DB Table. EDIDC - Control Records are Stored in this DB Table 485. how to process the idoc? ANS. idoc can be processed by using processing codes transaction codes for processing codes: we41 for out bound process codes we42 for in bound process codes 486. how can i fetch the records of 3 tables with a single select query,without using join. ANS. using nested select statement we can fectch the data from 3 table. like select f1 f2 f3 from table1 into table wa_t1 slect l1 l2 l3 from table2 into table wa_t2 select e1 e2 e3 from table3 into table wa_t2 endselect. endselect. endselect. 487. could you tell me the difference between an INTERFACE AND CONVERSION? ANS. both methods belongs to BDC . Interface means transfering data between two systems. CONVERSION one time data transfer.


488. difference between at new and on change of pl its urgent? ANS. 1.It can be used in any loop construct, not just loop at. For example, it can be used within select and endselect, do and enddo, or while and endwhile, as well as inside get events. 2. A single on change of can be triggered by a change within one or more fields named after of and separated by or. These fields can be elementary fields or field strings. If you are within a loop, these fields do not have to belong to the loop. 3.When used within a loop, a change in a field to the left of the control level does not trigger a control break. 4.When used within a loop, fields to the right still contain their original values; they are not changed to contain zeros or asterisks. 5.You can use else between on change of and endon. 6.You can use it with loop at it where . . .. 7. You can use sum with on change of. It sums all numeric fields except the one(s) named after of. 8.Any values changed within on change of remain changed after endon. The contents of the header line are not restored as they are for at and endat 489. I want to give a input/output field on list, where can i define it. ANS. when you are writing that field. ex: write:/ wa_fname input/output. 490. I have one selection screen field which is meant for only display what will you do? ANS. field to be display but no value is inputed into that field :. Ex: code : parameters : p_matnr like marc-matnr modif id S1. At Selection-Screen Output. loop at screen. if screen-group1 = 'S1'. screen-input = '0'. modify screen. endif. endloop. 491. If s1 and s2 are different structures how will u transfer ANS. move corresponding s1 to s2 492. I have two structures s1 and s2 have same struture of five fields each how can u transfer data from s1 to s2 ANS. s2 = s1. or move s1 to s2.(because both have same structure so, we don't need move corresponding) 493. In data element how many domains were defined ANS. one domain


494. How can you call a subroutine which is located in program A from program B? ANS. BY USING "INCLUDE" PROGRAMS WE CAN CALL A SUBROUTINE FROM ONE PROGRAM TO ANOTHER,"INCLUDE" IS A EXTERNAL SUBROUTINE OBVIOUSLY..... 495. What is the use of event AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON FIELD? ANS. We can give F4 help to selection field or restrict the F4 help for specific values. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR so_vaplz-low. SELECT werks arbpl ktext INTO TABLE it_vaplz FROM m_crama CLIENT SPECIFIED WHERE mandt = symandt AND werks = '4000'. CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING retfield = c_vaplz dynpprog = sy-repid dynpnr = sy-dynnr dynprofield = c_so_vaplz_low value_org = 'S' TABLES value_tab = it_vaplz * FIELD_TAB = * RETURN_TAB = * DYNPFLD_MAPPING = EXCEPTIONS parameter_error = 1 no_values_found = 2 OTHERS = 3 IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO Note --Validation is not possible with AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON FIELD, Because it comes before entering the value in selection screen. AT SELECTION-SCREEN event comes in picture after entering value in selection screen, so validation is possible only here. 496. What is the maximum value for Line-Size in the Report? ANS. The maximum width of a list is 1023 characters. You should keep lists to the minimum possible size to improve useability and performance(recommendation: LINE-SIZE < 132). For very wide lists (LINE-SIZE > 255), you should consult the notes for using LINE-SIZE greater than 255. 497. how to debug a screen without using /h,break-point,debuging,stop. ANS. Wite this code in a notepad [FUNCTION] command = /H Title=DebuggeR Type=Systemcommand save to your local PC. after execution of the t-code drage


and drop the notepad file on the screen debugging will


498. in which method i can upload data to two transactions? and how? ANS. Using session method you can upload data for 2 or more transactions.The procedure is 1)open the session using FM : BDC_OPEN_GROUP 2)Insert the transaction using BDC_INSERT repeat the second step for as many tcodes as you need just by calling the FM : BDC_INSERT 3)End the session using FM : BDC_CLOSE_GROUP 499. can we write at-line-selection and at-user-command at a time in same program. ANS. YES BOT THE EVENTS ARE TRIGGERED IN THE SAME PROGRAM. AT LINE SELECTION EVENT SELECT THE CURRENT ROW WHICH IS STORED IN SY-LSIND. IF THE USER DOUBLE CLICK ON THE LINE THE AT USER COMMAND TRIGERS. THIS CONTAINS THE FUNCTION CODE OF THE FIELD.NOW YOU CAN CALL LIST SCREN THERE AFTER. SO ITS MANDATORY BOTH THE EVENTS SHOULD TRIGGER IN ONE PROGRAM. 500. Can we use more than two field in SELECT-OPTION? For example Normally we get two field which is from and to fields, but i want to get more values.... ANS. if You want to assign values in select-options write the code in the initlization event. you can include more than one values in inclusive option provided by select-options. or use Ranges where you can specify range of values in selec-options. 501. Can we call one program(not include) from another program? ANS. By using SUBMIT Statement. SUBMIT <rep_name> USING SELECTION-SCREEN scr SUBMIT <rep_name> VIA SELECTION-SCREEN USING SELECTION-SET 'VARIANT1' USING SELECTION-SETS OF PROGRAM <rep_name> AND RETURN. 502. what is difference between occurs1 and occurs2? ANS. if its occurs 1 then only one record will be copied to the internal table among the total number of entries selected as the selection is restricted by the internation table. if its occurs 2 then only 2 lines would be displayed or fetched to the internal table. if you know the number of lines then you can specify that in OCCURS statemnt that would take that much of space but if not sure then its better to take OCCURS 0. 503. If we will display the data by writing write statement on start of selection then what is the need of end-ofselection in classical report


ANS. This event is useful if ur report is using a Logical Database. The event End-of-selection is triggered once Logical database has finished reading all the data. And one more thing if u have coded a STOP statement in ur report, if some condition inside the loop fails STOP statement is executed & control will be transfered to the End-of-selection...... 504. What is read with binary search? I have initialization write ?a? Top-of-page write ?b? what is the output for this? If I don?t have start of selection event in report will it execute?it is mandatory or not? Is it advisable to have secondary index ? What is process code in idoc? Where warning msg will display? Where we use watch point?what exactly watch point means? How to transfer std text from production to quality? ANS. BINARY SEARCH DIVIDES THE ENTIRE SELECTION PROCESS INTO TWO PARTS SO ITS HELP FOR PERFORMANCE TUNING. 2) I GUESS ONLY 'b' WOULD BE PRINTED. 3) NO ITS NOT MANDATORY TO CALL THE START OF SELECTION EVENT. 4) bY RUNNING THE TABLE MAINTENANCE GENERATOR THEN YOU CAN MAINTAIN THE TABLE THROUGH SM30 DIRECTLY. 5) YES IF ITS A HUGE TABLE AND THE VALUES ARE RARELY CHANGED. 6) THROUGH CALL FUNCTION AS BAPI IS A FUNCTION MODULE. 8)IN THE STATUS BAR WITH A COLOUR YELLOW 9) I GUESS A POP UP SCREEN OR THE STAUS BAR. 10) IF YOU DEFINE A FIELD NAME IN A WATCH POINT AND YOU RUN YOU PROGRAM, IF THE VALUE IN THAT PARTICULAR FIELD CHANGES THEN THE PROGRAM HAULT THERE. ITS VERY MUCH USEFULL FOR DEBURGING. 11) THE SPOOL CONTAINS ALL THE PRINTING REQUEST. IT IS A WORK PROCESS IN THE APPLICATION SERVER. YOU CAN SEE IT IN SPAD T-CODE. 12) NO I DONT KNOW. 13) THROUGH RETURN CODE THAT IT EXPORT AFTER RUNNING. 14) RAISE A REQUEST THROUGH SO10 THEN THROUGH STMS TRANSPORT. 505. How do you do BDC field Validtaions ? can any one help with syntax? ANS. BDC Field Validations are Done by the system while processing the Data through Screens by executing Screen Flow Logic. 506. sy-field for internal table process? ANS. SY-TABIX. IS USED TO PROCESS THE DATA IN INTERNAL TABLE. 507. which is not a table? ANS. Structure is not table. because it creates WorkArea and Body is same acts as Header.and it is temp memory location




509. final entry BDC table? Ans. BDC_CURSOR. can be the final entry of the BDC table. Actually it depends on the transaction you are processing. The Final entry in BDC Table is Save for that BDC_CURSOR value is '/11'. 510. three jobs are there if one fails wat happens? ANS. roll back and start all over again 511. wat does BDCRECXX contains? ANS. this is a SAP Defined Include Program used in BDC. It Contains 1) Subroutines to Populate the Data to BDCDATA Internal Table 2) Subroutines to Open, Insert and Close The Session. 3) Subroutines to Call the Call Transaction. 512. one time loading 10000 records? ANS. YOU CAN LOAD UPTO 65000 DATA AT ONE TIME COZ THE EXCELL SHEET CONTAINS THAT MUCH OF DATA. 513. which is a statement used to write a record to a file in ABAP? ANS. DATA: MESS(60), FNAME(10) VALUE '/tmp'. OPEN DATASET FNAME FOR OUTPUT MESSAGE MESS. SELECT * FROM TAB1. ENDSELECT. 514. wat is a field symbol? ANS. Field symbol is a pointer dynamically assigned to a field. After assignment we can use the same field-symbol in our program in place of actual field name. Use FIELD-SYMBOL statement to define a field symbol & use ASSIGN to assign a field to it. The FIELD SYMBOL name must begin & end with angular brackets. Ex:- FIELD-SYMBOLS <f>. ASSIGN f1 TO <f>. Where F1 is a field defined in the program. 515. does select single *.. / select * .. affect performance ? how? ANS. select single * ---> retrieves all the records in that particular row defined by our selection citeria. select * ---> retrieves all records from all the coloumns of the table i.e., the entire table. so the time consumed in retrieving all this information is very high atleast in terms of programming and so it significantly affects the performance.


516. will where conditions in a sql query help improve performance? ANS. If a table has an index for a key in the order f1,f2,f3 then from the point of view of performance the where clause should specify the fields in the same order select .. from ... where f1 = v_f1 and f2 = v_f2 and f3 = v_f3. Note that the MANDT is implicitly compared first in the order, and if using CLIENT SPECIFIED queries, ensure that MANDT precedes the list. 517. will sorted internal tables help in performance? ANS. Yes definitly it increases the performance. When ever binary se19.arch is used, sort the internal table. 518. will join conditions in sql queries affect perfomance? how? ANS. THAT ENTIRELY DEPENDS ON THE CRITERIA YOU HAVE USED. IF THE WHERE CONDITION HAVE ALL THE PRIMARY KEY FIELD THEN THE PERFORMANCE WILL NEVER BE SLOW. ITS ONLY ADVISIBLE NOT TO HAVE MORE THAN 5 TABLES IN THE JOIN OR ELSE THE PERFORMANCE WILL BE SLOW. 519. what is the role of extended syntax check in performance tuning? ANS. for extended syntax check, we used tr.code SLIN. the main purpose is if we declare somany unnecessry variables in our program ,then easyly we can find it through SLIN.different ares are availavle like check load tables,set/get parameter,package check,field attributes,screen constincy etc. go through slin . 520. what is the role of ST05 in performance tuning? ANS. SQL trace it tells how much microsecond does it is taking to execute the program 521. what is the role of secondary index in performance? ANS. If you cannot use the primary index to determine the result set because, for example, none of the fields primary index occur in the WHERE or HAVING clause, the system searches through the entire table (full table scan). For this case, you can create secondary indexes, which can restrict the number of table entries searched to form the result set. You should only create secondary indexes, for database tables from which you mainly read, since indexes have to be updated each time the database table is changed. secondary indexes should contain columns that you use frequently in a selection, and that are as highly selective as possible to improve performance.. 521. What are steps you follow to improve the performance of a report ? ANS.


521. What is performance tuning? ANS. increasing effeciency of programs thru optimized coding eg : select ... table itab... instead of loop at itab select ,...into itab.. endloop Performance tunning. There are various steps to increase the performance of ABAP report. * should not use * in the select query ,instead use the appropriate field names. * In the occurs clause avoid using 0 instead use the number. * try to use move-corresponding . * use the aggregate statement. 522. difference betn top-of-page and top-of-page during atline-selection? in an interactive report, after going to 5th list, can you come back to 2nd list? how? ANS. Top-of-page event trigger when ever new page start or when ever write statement trigger in the start-of-selection. Top-of-page during line selection triggers when ever secondary list displays. By using Function Key F3 we can come back to 5ht list to 2nd list . [or] at line-selection. if sy-lsind = 5. sy-lsind = 2. endif. write : / 'Secondary List:' sy-lsind . U can also use AT PF#. And the rest remains same. 523. what are ALV reports? how they are different from normal reports? what are the main events that are used in an ALV report? what is the use of SLIS type pool in alv reports? ANS. ALV means ABAP List Viewer.ALV is available in two modes: list and grid. List mode is good old list processing with standard functionnalities, and grid mode is using a new OCX object displaying grids. introduce a type group with type-pool. maintain a type group via abap dictionary. for simple alv: slis_alv_fieldcatalog : populate the fieldcatalog slis_layout_alv : it is for layout slis_alv_events : it is for internal tables events 524. how to create a button in selection screen? how to add a gui status in a selection screen? ANS. TYPE-POOLS icon. TABLES sscrfields. " screen fields DATA functxt TYPE smp_dyntxt.


and in selection-screen SELECTION-SCREEN: FUNCTION KEY 1, FUNCTION KEY 2. AT SELECTION-SCREEN. CASE sscrfields-ucomm. WHEN 'FC01'. endcase. This will give you the ida how we can add a button in the Applicationtool bar . 525. can you create a table with out a data element? can you create a field with out a data element? ANS. Yes, We can create using buit-in type button on fiedls tab of table creation. and it is not recommanded cos table to table relation is not possible using the direct data type... 526. Give few names of cluster tables in sap? Give few names of pooled tables in sap? give few names of transparent tables? ANS. cluster tables: MHND Dunning Data MMIM_PRED MM-IM Temporary Data SFHOT SAPfind: Active Structures BSEG Accounting Document Segment BSED Bill of Exchange Fields Document Segment BSEC One-Time Account Data Document Segment BSES Document Control Data BSET Tax Data Document Segment BSSEG Accounting Document Segment transparent tables: mara-material master table kna1 - customer master lfa1 - vendor master SKA1- G/L Account Master MSEG -Document Segment- Material pooled tables: T040, T040A 527. what will happen if you don't give occurs clause while creating an internal table? ANS. occurs 0 is used for mem allocation. I believe it means 8kb. As per new version of sap,occurs sud be avoided as its a obsolute statement. Data t_mara type standard table of mara. or types : begin of ty_mara, matnr type mara-matnr, mkart type mara-mkart, end of ty_mara. Data t_mara type standard table of ty_mara.


528. what does it mean occurs 0 while creating an internal table? ANS. occurs 0 means a internal table will be allocated 8kb of memory initially.if it needs more then again 8 kb of is allocated to it 529. when do you need to create an internal table with header line ?and with out a header line? ANS. in this question we can proceed like this. with header line. data:itab like lfa1 occurs o with header line. itab:internal table body. with out header line: data:begin of fs, field1 like lfa1-field1, end of fs. these are syntaxes for both...but if u want to extract all the fields from predefined table or exhisting table.. very complex to write all field names in internal table declaration.so that time use with header line syntax. fields are very few..go for with out header line..performance wise with out header line is better. 530. what is a binary search ? and how it is useful in a sorted internal table? ANS. The solution provided by Siddhart is though correct, I would like to project the solution in a much detailed with example. Binary Search Basic rule - Sort the data in Ascending order. Suppose we have random numbers ranging from 1 to 10000 and we are searching for 4219. If the data is unorganized and random....a sequential search would be time consuming. Hence once the data is sorted in Ascending order. Binary search would reduce the LOOKUP time. In the FIRST PASS BINARY search would split the range of 1 10000 in to two halfs (i.e 1 - 4999 & 5000 - 10000) and compares the 4219 which happens to fall in the first half. In the next pass again two halfs are made and compared. This way BINARY SEARCH works by dividing either data into two halfs. For internal table......or for anything else....this is it 531. when you are using 2 internal table in program, you have decided to use for all entries statement to retrieve data but unfortunately there are no records in the first internal table. What will be the result? (2nd internal table contains records). ANS. The driver Internal table 0r First internal Table Must have records in it , if u use For All Entries . If the First Internal table is initial (means no records in it) then the For All entries will fetch all the records from the DB table , which can be real perfromance Issue. so before making a 'For all entries" for a table make a check that its not empty. eg. code :


select matnr werks from marc into table t_marc where matnr = p_matnr. if t_marc is not initial. select matnr mbrsh meins matkl from mara into table t_mara for all entries in t_marc where matnr = t_marc-matnr. else. write : / 'No data was fetch by t_marc'. endif. 532. what is the use of select for all entries in an internal table? ANS. To avoid nested select statement we use For All entries statements. If there r more than 1000 records select for all entries is used. Performance o For All Entries is better to use...when we are using more than One table 533. can you create an internal table dynamically?(at run time) ANS. Internal tables can be created dynamically using object oriented abap.chek out the method CL_ALV_TABLE_CREATE=>CREATE_DYNAMIC_TABLE 534. In the function module for reading text from the S.O header what needs to be specified? ANS. Using "Read_Text" Functional Module we can read the S.O Header Text,Before that we have find the Object name and Id,That can be acheived by using SE75(Sap Scripts Setting).Select object name and Id's option and Click on display,Then From the application Toolbar click on Find type Sales order,select the sale order header from that list.note down the object name and id....... Execute the Read_text From SE37. Provide the Sales Order No,Object name and Id number. Execute we can get the S.O header text from here. 535. differences between events? ANS. Events are Two types 1)List events Uesdt to disolay the outputlist. Ex:End-of-Page,Top-of-page 2)selection Events:used to selecting the data from database for validation and retrival. Ex:At selction-screen,End-of-selection etc.. 536. What is the difference between macro and subroutine? ANS. 1.macro doesn't have any return statement...but a subroutine can have .. 2.execution time needed for a macro is much lesser than subroutine 3.memory requirement for a macro is generally heigher.. 4.subroutine can be classified as stated in Previous answers..but no such classification is available with macro although macro can have different types of nested form 5.generally no of instructions in macro are smaller than subroutine


6.macro is always local to the program that defines it.. subroutine may or may not be local.. 537. How can I make a differentiation between dependent and independent data? ANS. Client dependent or independent transfer requirements include client specific or cross client objects in the change requests. Workbench objects like SAPscripts are client specific, some entries in customizing are client independent. If you display the object list for one change request, and then for each object the object attributes, you will find the flag client specific. If one object in the task list has this flag on, then that transport will be client dependent. 538. What is Smart Forms? ANS. Smart Forms allows you to create forms using a graphical design tool with robust functionality, color, and more. Additionally, all new forms developed at SAP will be created with the new Smart Form solution. 539. What is CTS and what do you know about it? ANS. The Change and Transport System (CTS) is a tool that helps you to organize development projects in the ABAP Workbench and in Customizing, and then transport the changes between the SAP Systems and clients in your system landscape. This documentation provides you with an overview of how to manage changes with the CTS and essential information on setting up your system and client landscape and deciding on a transport strategy. Read and follow this documentation when planning your development project. 540. What is ALV programming in ABAP? When is this grid used in ABAP?PARAMETERS OF GRID DISPLAY? ANS. ALV is Application List viewer. Sap provides a set of ALV (ABAP LIST VIEWER) function modules which can be put into use to embellish the output of a report. This set of ALV functions is used to enhance the readability and functionality of any report output. Cases arise in sap when the output of a report contains columns extending more than 255 characters in length. In such cases, this set of ALV functions can help choose selected columns and arrange the different columns from a report output and also save different variants for report display. This is a very efficient tool for dynamically sorting and arranging the columns from a report output. The report output can contain up to 90 columns in the display with the wide array of display options. 541. What are internal tables? ANS. intermediate tables are called internal tables which exists only during the runtime of program. two types of internal tables are there, 1) internal table with header line 2) internal table without header line 542. What are the functional modules used in sequence in BDC?


ANS. These are the 3 functional modules which are used in a sequence to perform a data transfer successfully using BDC programming: BDC_OPEN_GROUP - Parameters like Name of the client, sessions and user name are specified in this functional modules. BDC_INSERT - It is used to insert the data for one transaction into a session. BDC_CLOSE_GROUP This is used to close the batch input session. 543. What is an ABAP/4 Query? ANS. ABAP/4 Query is a powerful tool to generate simple reports without any coding. ABAP/4 Query can generate the following 3 simple reports: Basic List: It is the simple reports. Statistics: Reports with statistical functions like Average, Percentages. Ranked Lists: For analytical reports. - For creating a ABAP/4 Query, programmer has to create user group and a functional group. Functional group can be created using with or without logical database table. Finally, assign user group to functional group. Finally, create a query on the functional group generated. 544. Difference between transparent tables and pooled tables ? ANS. Transparent tables: Transparent tables in the dictionary has a one-to-one relation with the table in database. Its structure corresponds to single database field. Table in the database has the same name as in the dictionary. Transparent table holds application data. Pooled tables: Pooled tables in the dictionary has a many-to-one relation with the table in database. Table in the database has the different name as in the dictionary. Pooled table are stored in table pool at the database level. 545. What are indexes? ANS. An index helps to speed up selection from the database. An index is a sorted copy of selected database table fields. The primary index is always automatically created in an ABAP-based SAP system. It consists of the primary key fields of the database table. This means, for each combination of the index fields exists a maximum of one record in the table. This kind of index is called a UNIQUE index. If the primary index cannot be used to determine selection result, (for example, the WHERE condition does not contain any primary index fields), the system searches the whole table. To prevent this, and determine the selection result by searching through a restricted number of database records, you can create a secondary index. However, you should not define an index for all possible fields in the WHERE condition.


Creating a secondary index : You can use the transaction ABAP Dictionary Change &#8594; Indexes... &#8594; Create to create an index. To make the index unique, select UNIQUE. To specify the fields that will comprise the index, choose "Choose fields". Then save and activate the index. Optimal number of indexes for a table : You should not create more than five indexes for any one table because: Whenever you change table fields that occur in the index, the index itself is also updated. The amount of data increases. The optimizer has too many chances to make mistakes by using the 'wrong' index. If you are using more than one index for a database table, ensure that they do not overlap. 546. What is foreign key relationship? ANS. A relationship which can be defined between tables and must be explicitly defined at field level. Foreign keys are used to ensure the consistency of data. Data entered should be checked against existing data to ensure that there are now contradiction. While defining foreign key relationship cardinality has to be specified. Cardinality mentions how many dependent records or how referenced records are possible. 547. difference between cluster and pooled tables? ANS. pooled tables: these r small small tables having 100 records in each of them!but, these tables were used for storing the system data!in these tables there will be no keys!these tables r having many - to - one relationship! these tables r having different names which doesnt match with database tables. cluster tables: these r very large tables so many records in each of them!but, these tables were used for storing the system data!in these tables atleast one primary key will be present to find the record!these tables r having many - to one relationship! these tables were used by basis people to calculate the system performance! 548. what is the syntax for eliminating duplicate values in internal table. ANS. First sort the internaltable using Syntax: Sort iTab using <field-name> Ascending/decending Then Use the Delete adjacent Duplicate statement Delete adjacent duplicate entries from <iTab> [comparing <F1><F2>....]


549. what is the Tcode to send customer master data to another system. ANS. SEND MATERIAL MASTER: BD10 GET MATERIAL MASTER: BD11 SEND CUSTOMER MASTER: BD12 GET CUSTOMER MASTER: BD13 SEND VENDOR MASTER: BD14 GET VENDOR MASTER: BD15 550. Will the views get effected when updating the database? ANS. Yes. Since views do not exist in physical memory but are only the logical representation of the physical tables. Queries made on these views just fetch data from the database tables. Changes made in these tables will definitely affect the results the Views generate. 551. what is check statement ANS. If you use the CHECK <expr> statement within an event block but not within a loop, and the condition <expr> is not fulfilled, the system exits the processing block immediately. <expr> can be any logical expression or the name of a selection table. If you specify a selection table and the contents of the corresponding table work are do not fulfill the condition in the selection table, it is the same as a false logical expression. If you use the CHECK <expr> statement within an event block but not within a loop, and the condition <expr> is not fulfilled, the system exits the processing block immediately. If the CHECK statement occurs in a loop using DO, WHILE, or LOOP, it is the loop that terminates, not the processing block. A subroutine normally ends at the ENDFORM statement. However, you can terminate them earlier by using the EXIT or CHECK statement. In loop structures like DO ... ENDDO WHILE ... ENDWHILE LOOP ... ENDLOOP SELECT ... ENDSELECT CHECK with a negative outcome terminates the current loop pass and goes back to the beginning of the loop to start the next pass, if there is one. In structures like FORM ... ENDFORM FUNCTION ... ENDFUNCTION MODULE ... ENDMODULE


AT 552. what do u mean by one to one relationship in the database of transparent and many to one relation in pooled table could ANS. Actually, SAP itself defines some pre-defined tables. All these table details will be maintained in Data Dictionary. For transparent table it is always one to one relation. It means, there exist only one table in the DB for an table in Data Dictionary. For Pooled table it is always many to one relation. It means, there exist only one table in the DB for more than two table in Data Dictionary. Physically one table exists in Database level, however the tables in Data Dictionary are act as views. This concept is implement only to use by SAP itself. In general, we dont make use of this concept. This concept meant of better performance of the SAP application. 553. what are logical and physical databases? ANS. LOGICAL DATABASE: ================= To read data from a database tables we use logical database. A logical database provides read-only access to a group of related tables to an ABAP/4 program. Advantages: i)check functions which check that user input is complete, correct,and plausible. ii)Meaningful data selection. iii)central authorization checks for database accesses. iv)good read access performance while retaining the hierarchical data view determined by the application logic. dis advantages: i)If you donot specify a logical database in the program attributes,the GET events never occur. ii)There is no ENDGET command,so the code block associated with an event ends with the next event statement (such as another GET or an END-OF-SELECTION). Logical databases are special ABAP programs that retrieve data and make it available to application programs. The most common use of logical databases is still to read data from database tables by linking them to executable ABAP programs. Logical databases contain Open SQL statements that read data from the database. You do not therefore need to use SQL in your own programs. The logical database reads the program, stores them in the program if necessary, and then passes them line by line to the application program or the function module LDB_PROCESS using an interface work area. A logical database provides a particular view of database tables in the R/3 System. It is always worth using logical databases if the structure of the data that you want to read corresponds to a view available through a logical database. The data structure in a logical database is hierarchical. Many tables in the R/3 System are linked to each other using foreign key relationships. Some of these dependencies form tree-like hierarchical structures. Logical databases read data from database tables that are part of these structures.


Physical Database is actual Database. 554. what are conversion routines? ANS. conversion routines are used to convert the fields either from display format to SAP internal format or from SAP internal format to display format. For this the following routines are used. Conversion_exit_xxxxx_input - display format to SAP internal format. Conversion_exit_xxxxx_output - SAP internal format to display format. we have to create the conversion routines while creating domains. 555. difference between structure and append structure? ANS. structure : Either a structured type in the ABAP Dictionary or a name for a structured data object in an ABAP program. You can access whole structures or merely by component. In ABAP, structures that contain only character-type, flat components can also be treated as elementary data objects in ABAP Append Structure : Structure in the ABAP Dictionary that is appended to another structure or a database table so as to add further components. Standard structures and database tables delivered by SAP can be enhanced by means of append structures in customer systems. 556. in session method sy-subrc is not returned whereas in call transaction method sy-subrc is returned . what does it mean? ANS. In both the case we can use "SY_SUBRC". It is system defined object. "SY_SUBRC" is mainly used in BDC Call Transaction and BDC Session. The "SY_SUBRC" object is used whether the records are Successfully Inserted or not, for that we can use "SY_SUBRC". IF SY_SUBRC=0 -->Successfully Insert/Updated the records in table. IF SY_SUBRC=4 --->Not Inseterd.Updated the records in table. In call transaction return the "SY_SUBRC",because records are dump at a time. but where as Session not return.why, because if any error occurs in the program it will not open the first. i.e (BDC_OPEN_GROUP) so that it can't be read the data from the table. The main thing is initially it can't be open the table. 557. In select-options, how to get the default values as current month first date and last date by default? Eg: 1/10/2006 and 31/10/2006 ANS. DATA : lv_last_day_of_month TYPE sy-datum, lv_datum_low TYPE sy-datum.


SELECT-OPTIONS : s_data FOR sy-datum. INITIALIZATION. s_data-sign = 'I'. s_data-option = 'BT'. s_data-low = sy-datum. lv_datum_low = sy-datum. REPLACE SECTION OFFSET 6 LENGTH 2 OF lv_datum_low WITH '01'. if sy-subrc eq 0. s_data-low = lv_datum_low. endif. CALL FUNCTION 'LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHS' EXPORTING day_in = sy-datum IMPORTING last_day_of_month = lv_last_day_of_month EXCEPTIONS day_in_no_date = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ELSE. s_data-high = lv_last_day_of_month. ENDIF. APPEND s_data. 558. Do you use select statement in loop end loop, how will be the performance? To improve the performance? ANS. inside loop use read statement. select f1 f2 f3(key fields) from db into iNtertab for all entries in itab where condition. sort intertab by f1. loop at itab. read intertab with key f1 = itab-f1 binary search. Endloop. 559. What are the output type and Tcodes? ANS. In short : outtype type means type of output..Ex print,fax,email,edi,ale..etc This come into picture in Sapscript...and Idoc also .. RSnast is the program used to precess all type of output..and I believe the tcode for this program is BD15. 560. Among "Move" and "Move Corresponding", which is efficient one? ANS. move statement is more effienet than move-corresponding. In case of dialog programming move/movecorresponding stsmt are used to put internal table workarea data into screen fields.


data: begin of itab occurs 0, lifnr like lfa1-lifnr, name1 like lfa1-name1, ort01 like lfa1-ort01, end of itab.(here lfa1 is DBtable name) : : * in case of movecorresponding Move-Corresponding itab to lfa1. (here:lfa1 is screen fields name). * in case of MOVE stmt. Move itab-lifnr to lfa1-lifnr. Move itab-name1 to lfa1-name1. Move itab-ort01 to lfa1-ort01. Movecorresponding : If DBtable having 1000 fields and you are using movecorresponding, then system has to check all the field in table to move. 561. What is pf-status? ANS. Pf status is used in interactive report for enhancing the functionality. If we go to se41, we can get menus, items and different function keys, which we are using for secondary list in interactive report. 562. What are Standard Texts? ANS. Its a sapscript component ... Tcode to define stand text is :so10. 1.Langauge specific.. 2.Include z_Standard_text object id 'sds' lang 'df'.( this type of statement is used in sapscript to include standard text z_standard_text.) 3. we can call the standard text in se38 program also ...using read _form fucntion module.. 563. What is the table, which contain the details of all the name of the programs and forms? ANS. TNAPR this table contains all print programs and forms. 564. What are the difference between Interactive and Drill Down Reports? ANS. ABAP/4 provides some interactive events on lists such as AT LINE-SELECTION (double click) or AT USER-COMMAND (pressing a button). You can use these events to move through layers of information about individual items in a list. Drill down report is nothing but interactive report...drilldown means above paragraph only. 565. How did you handle errors in Call Transaction? ANS. We can create a internal table like 'bsgmcgcoll'. All the messages will go to internal table. We can get errors in


this internal table. Below messages are go to internal table. when you run the call transaction. - Message type - Message id - Message Number - Variable1 - Variable2 - Variable3 566. How to transfer the objects? Have you transferred any objects? ANS. i believe its related to transportation of object from one server to other.. dev to testing or from testing to prod... Tcode is s09.. store u'r changes in a transport request ... After making changes release the task and transprt request and create a proposal from se09. 567. What is runtime analysis? Have you used this? ANS It's checks program execution time in microseconds. When you go to se30. if you give desired program name in performance file. It will take you to below screen. You can get how much past is your program. 568. What is the advantage of structures? How do you use them in the ABAP programs? ANS. you can make the structure as a separate table by referring an internal table for that structure, we can add fields from various transparent tables,hence we can use it for various purposes. 569. An ABAP program creates a batch input session. We need to submit the program and the batch session in back ground. How to do it? ANS. go to SM36 and create background job by giving job name, job class and job steps (JOB SCHEDULING) 570. what is the diffrence between Field String & normal Work area? ANS. Field string is nothing but structure or record. We create them manually. we can access them in different programs. Work area is automatically created in memory when we activate those field strings. they r limited to program. 571. In Function module SAP provieds Two Standard Exception, give name of that two exceptions ANS. in the function moudle two standard exception are 1.communication_failure


2.system_failure 572. when we use the SELECT statement along with FOR ALL ENTRIES then what type of validations we have do before executing this statement ANS. check Primary table should not be blank. If not itab1[] is initial. ... endif. 2. for all entries select statment should have all primary kyes in where clause. 3. it is good for small data but for larg data it is not good to use. 573. What are AUTHORITY OBJECTS ? ANS. Authorization Objects, 1) Protects actions and access data 2) Allows various users to perform various complex checks with varous conditions. 3) Conditions are descibed in Authorization Fields which are specified 10 at the max. 574. what is the use of free and refresh? ANS. Refresh : Refresh clears the data, at the same time it releases dynamically allocated memory. Predefined memory not released. Free : Free clears the data, at the same time releases both predefined and dynamically allocated memory. internal table structure will not available any more. 575. What is the difference between Collect statement and Append Statement? ANS. Append adds the record at the end of internal table. Collect sums up the numeric fields of the records whose primary keys are equal and adds it as a single record i.e To fill an itab with lines which have unique standard keys we use collect statement.If an entry with the same key already exists,the collect statement does not append a new line as append statement but adds the contents of the numeric fields in the work area to the contents of the numeric fields in the existing entry. 576. What are client dependent objects in ABAP or sap? ANS. Client Dependent objects r those objects whose records entered in one client for a client dependent table the same record is not visible for in any other client . eg: SAP Script , text element, and some DDIC objects Client Dependent Object are those objects whose Functionality is restricted to a particular client. 577. How do you get output from IDOC? ANS. Function moudles or processing routines are alloted dynamically based on message type andn IDCO type. We use


these function modules to process IDOC segments to get data and move this segment data into internal tables. 578. Explain about roll area , Dispatcher, ABAP-Processor? ANS. Application server contains Dispather. Dispatcher contains queue file and workprocessors. When we execute object, the request goes to dispatcher and dispatcher sends it to queue file. after that dispatcher allocates the request to available work proecessor to process the request. The work processor contains screen processor, abap processor and flow logic. ABAP processor process the abap code. For each request in workprocessor contains user context and roll area. Roll area contains program name, variables, memory area, dyanmic variables, etc. 579. What is the main point while using control break in internal table ? ANS. Field for which we are using the control break should be the first field of the internal table. Internal table should be sorted on the field for which we are going to use the control break statment. 580. what is the code for basic list to 2ndry list? ANS. Hi first retrive the data for basic list(from KNA1) after that write the fallowing code. AT LINE-SELECTION. CASE SY-LSIND. WHEN 1. SELECT


W_KNA1-KUNNR. SORT T_VBAK BY VBELN. NEW-PAGE LINE-COUNT SY-SROWS. LOOP AT T_VBAK INTO W_VBAK. WRITE:/10 SY-VLINE, W_VBAK-VBELN , 35 SY-VLINE, W_VBAK-ERDAT, 55 SY-VLINE, W_VBAK-ERNAM, 67 SY-VLINE, W_VBAK-NETWR, 90 SY-VLINE . HIDE W_VBAK-VBELN. WRITE:/10 SY-ULINE(81). 581. suppose you are using session method for 1000 records and there is error in 400 and 500 records.how many records will


be updated to the database? ANS. Remaining 998 records will be updated to DB and the 2 error records will be placed in session log for further correction. If you correct those 2 records and run the session again, the 2 records will also be updated to DB. 582. Function Module for smart forms? ANS. use 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME' in this u can pass ur smartform in report 583. How to get the no of records using select statement? ANS. data: wa_t001 type t001, t_t001 type table of t001. select * into table t_t001 from t001. loop at t_t001 into wa_t001. write: no.of records sy-tabix. endloop. 583. What are the pre requisites for For all Entries? ANS. FOR ALL ENTRIES is used to replace nested select loops by operations on internal tables. Things to be considerd when working with 'for all entries': 1)Make sure that the select contains atleast the primary key fields 2)IF NOT <ITAB> IS INITIAL. is a mandatory check before FOR ALL ENTRIES. 584. what are the Pre requisites for binary search? ANS. The pre-request for binary search is you have to do SORT the internal table. Then use binary search for the internal table. otherwise performance issue for the internal table. 585. what are the diff page formats available in SMARTFORMS ? ANS. Page formats in Smartforms : Landscape and Portrait. 586. what is meant by serialization ? ANS. Serialization plays an important role in distributing interdependent objects, especially when master data is being distributed. IDocs can be created, sent and posted in a specified order by distributing message types serially. Thus Errors can then be avoided when processing inbound IDocs. Types of Serialization: Interdependent messages can be serially distributed in the following ways: Serialization by Object Type Serialization by Message Type Serialization at IDoc Level (Not for IDocs generated 586. what data types allows length specification ? ANS. The ABAP types C - character, N -numeric and X -hexadecimal needs length specification.


If you do not declare a length when you define a data object, the system assigns the default length of 1. 587. There is a file in application server. How can you upload it and separate it as per different fields? ANS. open dataset p_file for input in textmode encoding default. if sy-subrc = 0. do. read dataset p_file into w_rec. if sy-subrc = 0. split w_rec at ',' into wa_final-fld1 wa_final-fld2 . . . append wa_final to i_final. enddo. 588. How do you monitor sessions? ANS. 1.Goto SM35, select the session and press F2 to monitor the processing details. 589. What are the steps need to setup ANS. Communication Settings: 1) Create and Assining Logical Systems 2) Maintain RFC destination 3) Maintain TRFC Port before creating an IDoc? -- SALE -- SM59 -- WE21

( Above configuration required irrespective of sending or receiving an IDOC). Mandatory Outbound Configuration: Matain Distibution Model Maintain Partner Profile -- BD64 -- WE20

590. How to put checkbox against a row in ALV display? ANS. CLEAR s_layout. s_layout-box_fieldname = 'FLAG'. s_layout-box_tabname = 'INTTAB'. DATA : BEGIN OF inttab OCCURS 0, flag(1), ... end of inttab. 591. What is parameter id? Where you can find parameter id for a field? ANS. Parameter id contains unique id for SPA/GPA Parameters. To find parameter id : Go to the field in transcation Press F1 in technical info u will get parameter id for that field 592. What are the developments you have done with data dictionary? ANS. In addition to above. Value Table Check Table


Primary Key Forign Key Append Structure etc.. these are also part of the data dictionary which an ABAPer do. 593. There are 4 internal into a final table? ANS. u have to do by loop compare to other internal read statement.After that tables containing data. How to put it the internal table which having more records table. Then read the other internal table by using move the records into final internal table.

594. How do you create secondary index. Do you have access to create secondary index? ANS. Creating Secondary Indexes Procedure In the maintenance screen of the table, choose Indexes. If indexes already exist on the table, a list of these indexes is displayed. Choose . In the next dialog box, enter the index ID and choose The maintenance screen for indexes appears. Enter an explanatory text in the field Short text. You can then use the short text to find the index at a later time, for example with the R/3 Repository Information System. Select the table fields to be included in the index using the input help for the Field name column. The order of the fields in the index is very important. See What to Keep in Mind for Secondary Indexes. If the values in the index fields already uniquely identify each record of the table, select Unique index. A unique index is always created in the database at activation because it also has a functional meaning (prevents double entries of the index fields). If it is not a unique index, leave Non-unique index selected. In this case you can use the radio buttons to define whether the index should be created for all database systems, for selected database systems or not at all in the database. Select for selected database systems if the index should only be created for selected database systems. Click on the arrow behind the radio buttons. A dialog box appears in which you can define up to 4 database systems with the input help. Select Selection list if the index should only be created on the given database systems. Select Exclusion list if the index should not be created on the given database systems. Choose . Choose . Result The secondary index is automatically created in the database during activation if the corresponding table was already created there and index creation was not excluded for the database system.


You can find information about the activation flow in the activation log, which you can call with Utilities Activation log. If errors occurred when activating the index, the activation log is automatically displayed. 595. Which function module you will use to attach a search help to a field in Selection screen? ANS. REPORT z_test11 . PARAMETERS: p_carrid(2). DATA: table1 LIKE ddshretval OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_carrid. CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING tabname = 'scarr' fieldname = 'carrid' * SEARCHHELP = ' ' * SHLPPARAM = ' ' * DYNPPROG = ' ' * DYNPNR = ' ' * DYNPROFIELD = 'p_carrid' * STEPL = 0 * VALUE = ' ' * MULTIPLE_CHOICE = ' ' * DISPLAY = ' ' * SUPPRESS_RECORDLIST = ' ' * CALLBACK_PROGRAM = ' ' * CALLBACK_FORM = ' ' * SELECTION_SCREEN = ' ' TABLES return_tab = table1 EXCEPTIONS field_not_found = 1 no_help_for_field = 2 inconsistent_help = 3 no_values_found = 4 OTHERS = 5 . IF sy-subrc 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. p_carrid = table1-fieldval. START-OF-SELECTION. WRITE: p_carrid. 596. Events in Reporting. Which events we can ignore while coding. ANS. we can ignore Start of selection,should not be preceeded by any Event. 597. Under which event we can make a filed disappear on selection screen. ANS. Under AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. loop at screen. if screen-name = 'P_MATNR'. screen-active = '0'. modify screen.


ENDIF. endloop. 597. How many records a Read statement will retrieve? ANS. Actually read statement for fetching only single record from internal table,if you are declaring ( with key,index) with read statement ,then you can focus the exact record,otherwise it will take the 1st index record by default. if you want more than a record,using loop statement,you can get it. 598. n an internal table you want to modify content of a particular field in a row. How to do it? ANS. First apply 'loop' or 'read' on the table to fetch that row into the work area. overwrite the field value by passing the data u want to modify with. Finally use the statement given below. If changing 1 or 2 fields, Better use Modify itab from wa index sy-tabix transporting 'fieldname'. If changing more fields Modify itab from wa index sy-tabix. MODIFY <Internal Table> transporting <FIELD (in INTERNAL TABLE)> 599. What are the things you did in ALV grid display? ANS. goto SE38 1)create a internal table with the structure field_catalog 2)call the FM Reuse-alv-grid-display 3)specify the import and export parameters in FM 4) Execute(F8) 600. How do you generate interactive lists in ALV? ANS. in FM reuse_alv_grid_display pass the value to the foll. parameters, callback_program = sy-repid. callback_usercommand = interactivelist. then create a subroutine like form interactivelist using r_ucomm like sy-ucomm using rfield like rs_selfield set parameter id id1 field r_field. ......... endform. 601. ANS. tell list What is field catalog? Field catalog comes in ALV. Through Field catalog, u can ALV as to which fields have to be displayed in the and at what position they have to be....

602. What is NAST Table, what it will consists? ANS. 'NAST' is a transaparant table.It is the table for Message status.It consists of applicationof message conditions, message type, message language etc. 603. how to transport abap workbench objects


ANS. SE09 transaction is for workbench transport request wherein the developers can track their changes or modifications to the workbench objects . 604. loop 5 times. sy-tabix,sy-index. endloop. what is the output? ANS. By looping 5 times(if the internal table has 5 records), sy-tabix will be 5 and sy-index = 0. sy-index will work sy-tabix will work will be changed if table using append only in do and while loops, where as only in loop..endloop and also sy-tabix we append the records into the internal statement.

605. what is Composite key in table creation? what is the use? ANS. A composite key consists of two or more columns, designated together as a table's primary key. Multiple-column primary keys can be defined only as table-level constraints: A composite key has more than one attribute (field). Used in database management systems as a key which has two or more fields in the columns in the table, or in a file. 607. differences between the sorted ,standard, hashed tables. ANS. 1.Standard Internal Tables: These tables have a linear index and can be accessed using the index or the key. The response time is in linear relationship with number of table entries. These tables are useful when user wants to address individual table entries using the index. 2.Sorted Internal Tables: These tables also have an index and the key. But, the response time is in logarithmic relationship with number of table entries, since it uses binary search algorithm instead of linear search. These tables are useful when user wants the table to be sorted while additional entries have to be added. 3.Hashed Internal Tables: These tables have no index, but have the key. The response time is constant irrespective of number of table entries, since it uses a Hash algorithm. These tables are useful when user wants to access the entries with key only. 608. which table contains the details of all Tcodes? ANS. TSTC ---> table for Tcodes TSTCT---> table for Tcodes with text 609. Are programs client dependent? ANS. NO, THE PROGRAMS ARE CLIENT INDEPENDENT BECAUSE, AS THIS SOFTWARE IS PLATFORM INDEPENDENT SO ANY CLIENT CAN USE ANY PROGRAM FROM ANYWHERE. 610. what is the functionality of Runtime Analysis? ANS. It is a tool used for optimising your programs. Generally used for performance of programs. Runtime analysis shows you how long it takes to process ABAP code, from single statements to a complete transaction. T-code SE30.


611. what is the difference between FOR ALL ENTRIES and SELECT * FROM ? ANS. For all entries is used to join the one or more tables based on condition.Select * from is used to fetch the data from db table,but don't use select * from due to performance standards. The code like this select vbeln erdat ernam vkorg from vbak into table it_vbak where vbeln eq v_vbeln. select vbeln posnr matnr matkl from vbap into table it_vbap for all entrie in it_vbak where vbeln eq it_vbak-vbeln The sequence of fields used in select query must be same as the sequence of fields in internal table. thanks,i hpoe this is corrct........... 612. when you are using 2 internal table in program, you have decided to use for all entries statement to retrieve data but unfortunately there are no records in the first internal table. What will be the result? (2nd internal table contains records). ANS.
613. How to populate signature in smartforms?where can we upload the signature?is der any tcode for it? Answer INSERT-->GRAPHICS--->graphics means it takes BMP so here u have to add ur BMP file. digital Signature : upload this digital Signature image to SAP . u have to two ways to upload image into SAP. 1.RSTXLDMC : which converts TIFF file to Standard text. 2.SE78 : which take BMP file into SAP and u can directly call this BMP in Smartforms.

614. i want to populate 10 fields in smartforms..uptil 9th it is taking but 10th one is not populating?what might be the reason? ANS. Main window may not have enogh space... 615. IS DOMAIN IS REUSABLE ? IS DOMAIN IS CLIENT DEPENDENT OR
CLIENT INDEPENDENT.. ANS. Yes, Domain is reusable. It's not client dependent


616. In smart form how can we convert the decimal to whole no.
for ex. i have date like 5.456. now i want convert to whole no. after point value more then 5 means the no should come 6. below 5 means its come 5. any body can help me with code. ANS.

DATA: AD(10) TYPE C, " before Decimal BD(10) TYPE C. " After Decimal SPLIT VALUE AT '.' INTO BD IF AD+0(1) GE 5. BD = BD + 1. BD. AD.


617. WHAT IS COMPOSITE KEY?? ANS. A table can have one or more primary key columns. EX: MARC (It contains both material number and plant as primary key) and When you have such a table which define more than one column as your primary key, then it is called a composite primary key. 618. what is the use append structure?? in data dictionary ANS. In Append structure means you have add fields into standard tables or other database tables.. ex: 1. first customize that Existing database, 2. added some field to exiting database. using append structure. 619. what is the use of lock object?? ANS. Lock objects are use in SAP to avoid the inconsistancy at the time of data is being insert/change into database. SAP Provide three type of Lock objects. - Read Lock(Shared Locked) protects read access to an object. The read lock allows other transactions read access but not write access to the locked area of the table - Write Lock(exclusive lock) protects write access to an object. The write lock allows other transactions neither read nor write access to the locked area of the table. 119

- Enhanced write lock (exclusive lock without cumulating) works like a write lock except that the enhanced write lock also protects from further accesses from the same transaction. You can create a lock on a object of SAP thorugh transaction SE11 and enter any meaningful name start with EZ Example EZTEST_LOCK. Use: you can see in almost all transaction when you are open an object in Change mode SAP could not allow to any other user to open the same object in change mode. Example: in HR when we are enter a personal number in master data maintainance screen SAP can't allow to any other user to use same personal number for changes. Technicaly: When you create a lock object System automatically creat two function module. 1. ENQUEUE_<Lockobject name>. to insert the object in a queue. 2. DEQUEUE_<Lockobject name>. To remove the object is being queued through above FM. You have to use these function module in your program 620. 1)How many layou types we have in smartforms & difference between them..? 2)how to do pagebreaks in SMARTFORMS..? 3)Do we develope Smartform from scratch or do we use standard smartforms in real time..? ANS. 1)layout type is one which we can modified the existing one or developed the new one from scratch. 2)in smartforms we will do the page breaks using of the command. 3) in real time it will depends on the requirement if client if the standard available we will continue with standard it is not available we will develope form scratch. 621. What is a difference between - RETURN, EXIT, CHECK, STOP & REJECT - To leave the processing blocks ANS. STOP: This terminates the block and executes end-of selection. EXIT: It terminates the loop processing and process the next statements. CHECK: It evaluates the subsequent logical expression if it is true the processing continue with the next statement. CONTINUE terminates the current loop pass, returns the processing to the beginning of the loop and starts the next 120

loop pass, REJECT: it terminates the current event, even from loops or subroutines. 622. How to reprocess the failed IDOC? How wil u know idoc is failed?What are tcodes? ANS. by using we19 we can reprocess idocs . through we02 can know idoc failed .


623. What is the difference between At first and On change control command. ANS. At fist : It Compare Previous Record. but it only use with in loop. On change : It compare with auxiliary memory.but it can use out side loop. 624. If we put Top of Page in between
Start-of-selection and End-of-selection and what happenes ANS. Nothing will happen! the run time system picks up the events always in its predefined order.eventough you code any event in any order always right event is picked and processed.

625. we can write the select query or any code after the end of

626. how do you send the BDCDATA table in a Call Transaction statement ANS. CALL TRANSACTION <tcode> USING <bdc_tab> MODE <mode> UPDATE <update> <tcode> : Transaction code <bdc_tab> : Internal table of structure BDCDATA. <mode> : Display mode: 627. if i remove the select stmt from start-of-selection and put the select stmt in end-of-selection it is triggering then what is the use of start-of-selection? ANS. Actually Start-of-selection is a default event that's been triggered while executing a ABAP Report or Program. Here if you've used Initialization event or AT Selection Screen event, then you need to mention the Start-of-Selection event explicitly. The use of Start-of-Selection is to fetch the data from the database. 628. How do u do performance analysis means and what is the diffrence between extended syntax check and code inspector and how do use them to test the performance of the any abap program ? 121

ANS Extended syntax check,ensures the removal of mistakes we overlook while coding. advantages: obsolete stmts. autorization checks problematic stmts. Code inspector is a tool that gives PERFOEMANCE OF PROGRAM. syntactical check security check performance check search func. 629. Is there any other way to create data elements apart from
se11 tocde as we dont use the se11 in real time generally ANS. ya we can create data element through se80. se80. select dictionary then select data type. here u can create data element. In real time we cant use se11, se38 etc. So we can do everything in se80.

630. what are the variants in alv reports ? and what is the use of reuse_alv_variants_get ? and what is the purpose of i_save parmaetr in the resue_av_grid-display funmodule? what is the purpose of reuse _av_default_varinat_get ? ANS. Variants in ABAP are like any other variants that we use in ABAP. It helps us get a default value on our screen fields. In short, it works like saving your pwds on your mail accounts. The reuse_alv_default_variant_get helps you to give a default value( had you mentioned in the program ) to your screen field. This default variant is generally stored in the struc CS_VARIANT of your program. i_save in reuse_alv_grid_display : As mentioned above cs_variant from the reuse_alv_default_variant_get is passed to your functional module via i_save.. If i_save = '' variants cannot be saved. i_save = X std save mode. You also have modes like U and A. 631. How we will handle the Page Breaking in Smart Form? ANS. We can do page-break forcibly in smart-forms using command node. and also every node has general properties tab. on that tab we have to check the check box 'pagebreak'.


632. querry is as follows How to trigger the page break in smartforms forcibly ? and how to trigger the page break in the scripts forcibly ? means for every 10 records i have to trigger the page break ? and in smart form also ? ANS. in SMARTFORMS. as of me we have to use 'command' from create------->flowlogic---------->command. but dont write command node in main window by using this u can do page break. in SAPSCRIPTS u have to use FM 'contorl_form' CALL FUNCTION 'CONTROL_FORM' EXPORTING command = new-page * EXCEPTIONS * UNOPENED = 1 * UNSTARTED = 2 * OTHERS = 3 . IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. 633. what exact functionality of the END-OF-SELECTION event? and in a report im using the END-OF-PAGE and END-OF-SELECTION events which one will triggers first? ANS. END-OF-SELECTION is the last of the events called by the runtime environment to occur. It is triggered after all of the data from the logical database, and before the list process is started.END-OFSELECTION occurs only once and its a Runtime event. END-OF-PAGE is an Output Event used for page footers. This event is triggered when the system encounters insufficient space on the current output page. The LINE-COUNT statement within the REPORT statement specifies the size of the page area. If a LINE-COUNT is not explicitly coded, the END-OF-PAGE event block will not be processed. 634. how can i transport a idoc from development system to production system? in idoc we are doing bd64 for distribution model view is it mandatory for idoc? and is it possible without creating a distribution model view we can 123

generate a idoc? ANS. In SM59 Lgoical Sytems area we will have to define the Source and Target client. Then partner profile has to be created to transport the Development to Production System. It's possible to generate an IDoc with out creating a distribution model. 635. What are Views, how they were useful. Types of Views ANS. Views are basically a join of two or more underlying database tables. Certain tables are logically related and make sense and more meaning when viewed linked together. Instead os making these joins at runtime and increasing overheads, views when existing can provide information readily such as in Search Helps in data entry screens. Another example is when there is a table with many fields and it does not make a lot of sense to see all of them together everytime, it is better we project only certain columns that we want to see. There are four types of views: a) Database View (Generally used a a read only view) b) Maintenance View (Used as a means to maintain the underlying tables participating in the view) c) Projection View (Single table view) d) Help View (used in 'search helps' got by pressing F4) 636. Difference between Maintanance view, Help view, Data Base View and Projection View? ANS. Maintenance View: Created by joining two or more related (by foreign key) tables. Join conditions are always using the foreign key. Data can be changed, viewed and created using such maintenance views. This type of view implements outer join (where those records that do not have a corresponding entry in some of the tables participating in the view also show up) against database views that implement inner joins (where the user sees only records which have a corresponding entry in all tables participating in the view). In tcode SE54, generate table view, and select view type as 'maintenance view'. More information is available in manuals/books on how to create a one step and two step maintenance view. A database view can be READ more tables) and of course, selected while creating it, underlying table also. If a one table, then it can only only (formed by joining two or if the appropriate option is it could write into the database view involves more than be a READ ONLY view. 124

Projection View is formed out of exactly only one table and it is a projection view (selective columns are displayed from the table). Help views also implement an outer join in the tables participating in the view. Typically these are used when one creates a F4 help in a field of a data entry screen. A database view could also be linked to a search help but must be avoided because database views use an inner join and therefore some records may get hidden and may not therefore really HELP. 637. How to get the table name from a field? ANS. we can find the table for a specific field from table DD03L which will contain all table names for corresponding fields. 638. tell me ddic objects ANS. tables, structures,views,data elements,domains,lock objects,search helps etc 639. how we link two fields by using foregin keys
between two tables in sap abap? ANS. Go to Se11, Give your table name click display. You will find attributes tab, delivary and maintance tab, fields, entryhelp/check tab and currency/quantity filed tab. In that select entryhelp/check tab. click foregin key check box for which field you to define foregin key relatiobship.

640. how to maintain the quantity field in bdc ANS. FVAL is the quantity field of an internal has a structure of BDCDATA. It is reference field to bdc_field subroutine. fnam and fval are its reference fields.
641. What is the difference between Search help and Match code ?

ANS. Search Help: is used to retrieve the possible values for the database field from the database. by pressing the function key F4 . Match code: is used to retrieve the search paths for the database field. Search Help - use Check table concept match code - uses the value table cocept 125

642. What is the SD Flow in SAP.Can you explain with Transaction codes... ANS. Enquiry VA11 Quatation vA21 Sales Order VA01 Delivery VF01 Billing VL01 643. What's the use of AT PF event? ANS. When the user chooses a function code PF<nn> (<nn> can be between 01 and 24), the system always triggers the AT PF<nn> event. In the standard list status, the function keys F<nn> that are not reserved for predefined system functions all have the function code PF<nn> as long as a corresponding event block is defined in the program. AT PF<nn>. <statements>. These event blocks are executed when the user chooses the corresponding function key. The position of the cursor in the list is irrelevant. If you use these event blocks at all, it should only be for temporary test versions. In production programs, you should only use AT USER-COMMAND with a dialog status of your own to assign function codes to function keys. When you use your own interfaces, the system displays a function text explaining what the function does. This does not happen when you use AT PF<nn> event blocks. 644. why cluster tables are not buffered? ANS. Cluster tables is acombination of less no. of large tables. Higly updated tables cannot be buffered,hence cluster tables cannot be buffered. 645. Can we create a search help for a particular user ? if yes..How ? ANS. It is not possible for user. 646. difference between at selection-screen and at selection-screen output? ANS At selection screen is used to validate input.. at selection screen on output is used to set screen attributes AT SELECTION_SCREEN OUTPUT LOOP AT SCREEN. if VIEW = 'X' " View radio button selects IF SCREEN-NAME = 'PR1'. 126

screen-INPUT = 0. modify screen. ENDIF. IF SCREEN-NAME = 'PR2'. screen-INPUT = 0. modify screen. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. AT SELECTION-SCREEN. *val....1 Variant check * Once the user has entered variant, check about its existence PERFORM CHECK_PVAR. "Using FM REUSE_ALV_VARIANT_EXISTENCE *val....2 Sd do not exists SELECT SINGLE VBELN INTO WA_HEADER-VBELN FROM VBAK WHERE VBELN IN S_VBELN. IF SY-SUBRC 0. MESSAGE E010 WITH TEXT-010. ENDIF. *val.....3 Date of creation check LOOP AT S_DOC. IF S_DOC-LOW > SY-DATUM OR S_DOC-HIGH > SY-DATUM. MESSAGE E011 WITH TEXT-011. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. *VAL....4 if P_DOWN = 'X' AND P_PATH is initial. MESSAGE E011 WITH TEXT-011. endif. if P_DW_RP = 'X' AND P_path is initial. MESSAGE E011 WITH TEXT-011. endif. 647. can we transport text elements and text symblos in reports from devlopment to quality?is it necessary? ANS. once we created text element or text symbols..we must assign text element to transport request through program RSTXTRAN. 648. what is the use of system field 'SY-LOOC'? when will we use it? Plz answer me its urgent!!! ANS. It might be sy-loopc, as you might be ware that all the system fields are found in structure call SYST. Number of lines currently displayed in a table control.It Can be used to determine the step loop blocks in the screen and for scrolling functionality. 649. How to put page-breaks in smartforms? 127

ANS.in smartfoms under loop statement in data tab select event on sort end checkbox .then one event on sort end node will be displayes just right click on this node & select command option . then in command select go to new page checkbox & give new page name . 650. What is collect statement?explain with example? ANS. if an entry with the same key already exists, the COLLECT statement does not append a new line, but adds the contents of the numeric fields in the work area to the contents of the numeric fields in the existing entry. 651. Is der any other criteria for using For All Entries except if not itab is initial? ANS. In case of FOR ALL entries, 1. Move the contents of the internal table to a local internal table. 2. Sort the local internal table with the key you are going to use. 3. Delete adjacent duplicates in the local internal table with the same key you have used for sorting. 4. Finally, before the select query check if the local internal table is not initial. 652. WHY WE NEED TO CREATE A PORT IN ALE IDOCS? ANS. port number is used to communicate the sender and receiver ,it is used to carry the data from sender to receiver system,one receiver can have more port numbers,it is the way of path.we can create a port number in we21 tcode 653. Difference between SY-CPROG and SY-REPID? ANS. SY-CPROG : ABAP program, caller in external procedures SY-REPID : Name of the Report program 654. How to debug smartforms? ANS. 657. If i double click on any sales order no it sud take me to the transaction how? ANS. Use AT USER-COMMAND. CASE SY-UCOMM. WHEN 'SONo'. GET CURSOR FIELD FNAM VALUE FVAL. SET PARAMETER ID 'VBE' FIELD VBELN. CALL TR VA01 AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN. 658. How to write file to application server? what is file handling? 128

ANS. ABAP contains three statements for working with files: OPEN DATASET for opening files CLOSE DATASET for closing files DELETE DATASET for deleting files Read dataset <file> for output. loop at itab into wa. transfer wa into <file>. endloop. close dataset <file>. 659. I want to disable a field in selection screen so that it does not appear while displaying.How can i do that?wat wud be the code? ANS. PARAMETERS: LIFNR like LFA1-LIFNR MODIF ID 'ABC'. AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. LOOP AT SCREEN. IF SCREEN-GROUP_NAME = 'ABA'. SCREEN-INPUT = 0. MODIFY SCREEN. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. 660. In Interactive Report : How to come from Secondary List 10 to secondary list 4? what is the Program code? ANS. from list index 10 to come bck to list index 4 we can use the code as follows.....put some function code button on application or menu tool bar then code as below case 'FNCODE'. when CLICK CHECK LSIND = 10. LSIND = 4. endcse. 661. I have 2 radio buttons with 2 fields each on selection screen.My requirement is like if click on 1st radio button the second radio button field should be disabled and and vice versa.How can i do that? ANS. AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. LOOP AT SCREEN IF R1 EQ 'X' AND SCREEN-GROUP EQ 'S2'. SCREEN-INPUT = 0. MODIFY SCREEN. ENDIF. IF R2 EQ 'X' AND SCREE-GROUP EQ 'S1'. SCREEN-INPUT = 0. MODIFY SCREEN. ENDIF. ENDLOOP 129

662. What will happen if i dont use initialization and start of selction event in report? ANS. Nothing will happen system takes by default those events.. 663. What are the different OK Codes that can be used in batch input processing? ANS. /n terminates current batch input transaction and marks as incorrect. /bdel delete current batch input transaction from session /bend terminate batch input processing and mark session as incorrect /bda change display mode to process the session on screen instead of displaying only errors /bde change display mode to display only errors instead of processing the session on the screen 664. what is the difference between se16 and se17 ??? ANS. The difference between se16 and se17 is 1. se16 icons will be available application. by pressing left corner Icon(f7) TABLE CONTENTS. it will display pop up window in that win we can choose the required fields. 2. se17 no icons will be available after giving the table name we have to press enter. then another screen will come we have to give X below (output) for the fields to be displayed. Then we have to execute it will display those fields. 665. what are nodes in smart forms? ANS. There are diff nodes avilable in SF like: -window -Graphic -Address -Text -Table -Template -FlowLogic -Folder, etc.. 666. What are the exact sequences in which the reporting events trigger.I mean starting from 1st to last.And how many times we can use At-Selection screen or Start-of-selection in a report?? ANS. Initialization : triggered when the report is loaded in memory, which is generally used for declerations. At selection-screen output : triggered when the selection screen is loaded in memory before being displayed which is used for scresn level validations At selection-screen / <field> : before leaving the 130

selection screen, which is used for field level validations. start-of-selection : the first event for displaying the report. end-of-selection : after the start-of-selection is completed. top-of-page : every time a new page is started in the list. end-of-page : every time the list data reaches the footer region of the page. top of page during line selection : top of page event for secondary list. at line-selection : evey time user dbl-clicks(F2) on the list data. 667. i have 4 primary keys and i want to use only one primary key for select single.What changes will occur in the system?can i use it? ANS. In select single, you have to mention all the key fields in where condition. Only in Select upto n rows there is no need to specify all the key fields
668. Why is bdc _cursor and GET_Cursor used?

ANS. BDCDATA-FNAM ='BDC_CURSOR'. BDCDATA-FVAL ='fieldx'. Then Enter value for the corresponding field. Eg : PERFORM bdc_field PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BDC_CURSOR' 'CSKSZ-KOSTL'.

USING 'CSKSZ-KOSTL' record-kostl. "value 669. what will happen if you dont give any value in parameter and select options in report??will it fetch any value?

IF you not specify any value in prameter then select query will fetch only those records where condition value is space or zero. If you not specifed any value in select-options, select query will fetch all records. 670. Is der any any alternative Statement instead of HIDE which u can use in reports? ANS. 1. Hide. 2. '&ic1' which is used with sel_field by declaring like sy-ucomm. 671. What is the use of AT Selection Screen output when we have At selection screen?Can u explain? ANS. AT SELECTION-SCREEN. 131

The event AT SELECTION-SCREEN is the basic form of a whole series of events that occur while the selection screen is be.ing processed. The standard selection screen in an executable program or in the logical database linked to it is automatically called between the INITIALIZATION and START-OF-SELECTION events. When you call the selection screen, and when users interact with it, the ABAP runtime environment generates selection screen events, which occur between INITIALIZATION and START-OF-SELECTION. AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT event is triggered. This event block allows you to modify the selection screen directly before it is displayed. 672. What is the difference between OpenSQL and Native Sql? ANS. OPEN SQL Open SQL allows you to access all database tables known to the SAP system, regardless of the database manufacturer. Sometimes, however, we may want to use database-specific SQL statements called Native SQL in the ABAP/4 program. Native SQL Native SQL allows you to use database-specific SQL statements in an ABAP program. This means that you can use database tables that are not administered by the ABAP Dictionary, and therefore integrate data that is not part of the R/3 System. 673. what is difference between break and watch point ANS. BREAK POINT The BREAK POINT is a debugging aid. When we run a program normally, it is interrupted at the statement, and the system automatically starts the debugger, allowing you to display the contents of any fields in the program and check how the program continues. If the program is running in the background or in an update task, the system generates a system log message. WATCH POINT Indicator in a program that tells the ABAP runtime processor to interrupt the program at a particular point. 674. What is a Text Table? 132

ANS. ABAP programmers are often suppose to save language depended data within ABAP applications. One of the possible way how to store such a data is to create a text table for transparent table in ABAP dictationary tool (TA code: SE11). 675. What is the difference between At New and On change Of inside a loop??I want inside a loop difference not basic difference?? ANS. 1.at new is always followed by single field. eg: AT NEW MATNR. if any changes in matnr occurs at new event triggers. at this case right side fields of matnr appears like this.right side character fields appears like **** & numeric field become null in work area. 2.on change of follows by single or more fields. eg: ON CHANGE OF MATNR OR LABST OR WERKS. here any change in any field on change of event triggers.here we can see all fields in work area. 676. With the use of secondary index we can make a program run
faster but we are advised not to use secondary index why is that so?? ANS. B'coz secondary index is just like a copy of data base table reduced to specific fields.So,insertion and updation in database become slow after creation of secondary index where as read from table become fast. This is b'coz additional indexes can also place a load on the system since they must be adjusted each time the table contents change. Each additional index therefore slows down the insertion of records in the table

677. If i have locked a program using Locking and iam in bangalore.How can i give authorization to other user to use my program who is another place say Pune?is it possible? ANS. f you wish to Lock or UnLock a program Editor Lock it can be done by the program given below. The SAP System Table TRDIR has a field called EDTX which is basically the EDITOR lock filed. Edit Lock facility is given in the PROGRAM ATTRIBUTES. The EDITOR LOCK is a check box given in the PROGRAM ATTRIBUTES. If this field is SET then the program gets locked and if this is Unchecked the the program is unlocked. If the EDITOR lock is ON then only the program's author user who has created the program can edit it. Please find the program below. REPORT ZEX_LOCKUNLOCKED . ************************************************************ ** 133

* * Editor Lock * * * ************************************************************ ** * Table Declaration TABLES: TRDIR. "System table TRDIR *Parameters-------------------------------------------------* Parameter: P_PROG LIKE TRDIR-NAME, P_EDITOR LIKE TRDIR-EDTX. * Select the entered Program SELECT SINGLE * FROM TRDIR WHERE NAME = P_PROG. * Set/Remove the lock TRDIR-EDTX = P_EDITOR. MODIFY TRDIR. IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0. WRITE: / 'Editor Lock update Successful ', TRDIR-NAME. IF TRDIR-EDTX = 'X'. WRITE: ' Lock'. ELSE. WRITE: ' UnLock'. ENDIF. ELSE. WRITE: / 'Editor Lock update Unsuccessful ', TRDIR-NAME. ENDIF. 678. By using which single table i can get all the detail from sale order to billing not used vbak, vbap, vbrk & vbrp. ANS. vbfa 679. how we can moddify a internal table without using modify statement


how can you expect the system to modify an interanl table without we write a code which is given by the ABAP Key words. please use modify statement. and i think even if you use field symbols then also the FS will not modify your internal table. may subroutines if you pass the value by reference and the form gets executed till the end , you may modify the values. hope this will serve your purpose. 134

and then also if ur rigid to use modify statement then Use Field Symbols Something like this DATA : itab TYPE TABLE OF string, wa TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS : <wa> TYPE string. wa = 'ABC'. APPEND wa TO itab. wa = 'ABC'. APPEND wa TO itab. wa = 'ABC'. APPEND wa TO itab. LOOP AT itab ASSIGNING <wa>. <wa> = 'DEF'. ENDLOOP. 680. what is the diffrence between inner and outer join ANS. difference between inner join and outer join is:
inner join means it selects same data only in both the tables outer join means first it selects same data and second it selects different data from the both tables. Outer Join: There are three types of outer joins namely: >>Left Outer Join---For retreiving all the columns from the first table irrespective of the column match. >>Right Outer Join---For retreiving all the columns from the second table irrespective of the column match >>Full Outer Join---For retreiving all the columns from both the tables irrespective of column match.

681. in interactive reports i can use hide field for secondary list out put in ALVs for secondary list as a out put which field r u using?in interictive list ican use HIDE in ALVs which field r u using? ANS. IN ALVs we have to add the record user_command and form name(EX:SUB1)in IT_EVENTS of REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY. As we are passing the user_command event,F.M automatically calls the subroutine with the two parameters:SY-UCOMM AND SLIS_SELFIELD. we have to write form definition in our program like below: 135

form sub3 using sy-ucomm like sy-ucomm field type slis_selfield. As slis_field is a structure, it contains the whole information about the field we have selected like field-index, field-fieldname,field-fieldvalue............ 682. ANY one can tell me what is basic diff b/w keywords
STOP,CONTINUE,CHECK,EXIT, AT-EXITCOMMAND? ANS. stop : The statement STOP is only to be used in executable programs and in the following event blocks: AT SELECTION-SCREEN (without additions) START-OF-SELECTION GET You leave these event blocks via STOP, and the runtime environment triggers the event END-OF-SELECTION. CONTINUE : The CONTINUE statement can only be used in loops. If it is used, the current loop pass is ended immediately and the program flow is continued with the next loop pass. CHECK : If the statement CHECK is executed in a loop and log_exp is incorrect, the statement CHECK immediately terminates the current loop pass and the program continues with the next loop pass. For log_exp, you can specify any logical expression. Note Outside a loop, the statement CHECK exits the current processing block EXIT ; If the EXIT statement is listed within a loop, it leaves the loop by ending the current loop process. Program execution is continued after the closing statement in the loop. Note Outside of a loop, the EXIT statement leaves the current processing block. AT EXIT-COMMAND : it is used in module pool programming to leave the screen without entering madatory fields.it is the 1st module in pai.

683. he material no,and sales orde number?in which table conpany masterdata will store? ANS. for Sales Order : Vbak and vbap for Material: mkpf, mseg


684. how can u highlight perticular row in report programming? ANS. By using hotspot.. eg. Hotspot on. <ur field> Hotspot off. Now to perform action after selection use : At Line Selection. if sy-lsind = 1 < to track current page number> ///write ur code endif. 685. please any one can tell me modifytable keyword used in DDIC? what is a basic diffrence between modify table and update key word? ANS. Both modifies DDIC table but the Difference btwn modify table and update table is : Suppose u write modify <DDIC Table > from <work area> then it will modify the row with same primary key value as that of work area. But if it donot find any row then it will NOT insert the work area row in DDIC table, whereas, update statement will insert a new row at last in DDIC Table. 686. In select-options,how to make high as madatory.....?if we use obligatory we'll get the low as madatory by default? ANS. Yes,You are right.If we write statement as : Select-options : vbeln for vbrk-vbeln obligatory. then low value gets mandatory. We have to write as : Select-options : vbeln for vbrk-vbeln. Now vbeln field is not mandatory. Now we have to explicitly write code for making high value mandatory in AT SELECTION-SCREEN event. At selection-screen. loop at vbeln where high is initial. endloop. IF SY-SUBRC ne 0. MESSAGE 'HIGH VALUE CAN NOT BE BLANK' TYPE 'E'. ENDIF. 687. How to write message without using message class in report? How to go to edit mode in classical display report, means that how to edit one of the column after displaying classical report, not in ALV. 137

ANS. We can display the fields on the report in edit mode using INPUT keyword... write:/ 'Buddula' INPUT. In the report this field will be displayed in the edit mode... 688. What event is trigger wen screen is displayed?Before displaying Initailization and Pressing enter At selectionScreen..............But at the selection displayed and we are entering values naa that time? ANS. LOAD-OF-PROGRAM : ================= The Purpose of the load-of-program is to load the program into system memory so that the program can be executed. INITILIZATION: =============== This triggers when the program is loaded into memory to initilize the values. => When you execute program load-of-program must be triggered and initilization event exist in the program then it triggers next. 689. When we copy any Driver Program from Nace............when we
copy into zprog,when we activate how it was linking to that particular std layout............what happening to the previous driver prog? ANS. In The NACE transaction you have to provide zprogram name and standard Form. System will take care of linking the form to the zprogram. But We should not modify a Driver Program. Instead of modifying Driver program, Using external subroutines we can write code for the print program without modifying tha standard Driver Program. Incase if you want to modify the standard driver program you can copy the program and you can modify it. After changing the Driver program configurations has to maintained in NACE transaction and provide modified changed program in the NACE for the standard Form. But it is not recommended to change print program.

691. Control Break St........i have written At new for customer and in the loop customer came in the 3rd record....weather it'll trigger in the 1st record of the loop or 3rd record ? ANS. the first and second records are empty and the third records onwards the customer there, if so means initially it'll trigger for the null value.. so we have to consider there is no null record, and we have to sort the internal table before the loop. its an manditory things while we using the break statement we have to sort them. 138

692. What is the purpose of buffering? How many types of buffering? ANS. Table buffering is used to increase performance when reading data from database table. Data from a buffered table is read from a local buffer on the application server thus reducing database access. There are three different types of table buffering that can be used in SAP: Full Buffering : All Records of the table are loaded into the buffer when a record in the table is accessed. Generic Buffering: All Records with the same key fields are loaded into the buffer when a record in the table is accessed. Single Record Buffering: The specific record that was accessed is loaded into the buffer. 693. Waht is "READ TABLE" command?? Whats the use of it?? Whats the syntax of the same? ANS. SORT it_tab2 BY fname1 fname2. LOOP AT it_itab1 into wa_itab1. READ TABLE it_tab2 into wa_itab2 WHERE fname1 = wa_itab1-fname1 fname2 = wa_itab1-fname2 BINARY SEARCH. IF SY_SUBRC = 0. Do the processing. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. Even if you read the table with INDEX you can sort the table depending on what result you are expecting from that read, means, the order and the priority of the value of the particular fields expected from that READ statement. 694. What is the difference between data base objects and runtime objects? ANS. Database objects are permanently stored in the database and exist even after the execution of program. Whereas, run time data objects are the variables, tables, constants that exist only during the execution of the program. They allocate memory only for the run time. The memory is released after that. 695. "What is NAST Table, what it will consists?" 'NAST' is a transaparant table.It is the table for Message status.It consists of applicationof message conditions, message type, message language etc. 696. what is the procedure for direct I/P method? ANS. In case of direct input method validations will be done 139

based on pre-defined function modules. PRE-DEFINED DIRECT INPUT PROGRAMS: 1.RMDATIND:Direct input program on material master application 2.RFBIDE00:Direct input program on customer master application 3.RFBIKR00:Direct input program on vendor master application. procedure for direct I/P method on MATERIAL APPLICATION ------------------------------------------------------RMDATGEN is the program to download data from material master application to flat file. 1.go with se38. 2.provide name:RMDATGEN 3.PRESS F8. 4.let us provide which material no data we want to download ex:628(go for any existing) 5.select option select write file to presentation server i.e ws_download executes 6.provide file name as for ex.c:\lakshmi.txt 7.press f8. 8.go with se38 9.provide program name:RMDATIND 10.press f8 11.select option :using physical filename 12.provide filename:c:\lakshmi.txt 13.provide option lock mode:E E indicates unlocking automatically 14.press f8. system will provide material no implicitly. 697. what is Delivery? In which tables delivery data will be stored? ANS. LIKP-Delivery Header Data LIPS - Delivery item document 698. How many Interactive lists can you create in One Report? ANS. The actual answer is 1 basic list and 20 secondary list. You can say this as 21. after you click on the 21st list the program will move into short dump as there is no further list available thereafter. 699. How can you see the errors displayed in IDOC? ANS. to rectify the erros in we19. 700. How you will catch errors in call transaction? ANS. We will catch errors in the call transcation explicitly by using Structure BDCMSGCOLL. and FUNCITNO MODULE 'WRITE_FORMAT'. Ex: 140

Data : bdc_msg type table of bdcmsgcoll with header line, bdc_tab type table of bdcdata with header line. CALL TRANSACTION 'MM01' using Bdc_tab mode N updte S messages into bdc_msg.

if sy-subrc = 0. perform Error. clear bdc_msg. refresh bdc_msg. endif. Read table bdc_msg with key msgtype = 'E'. if sy-subrc = 0. call function 'FORMAT_MESSAGE'. ... 701. Difference Between ATPF and AT user command? ANS. at pf<nn> will be triggered when a function key was pressed in any list. at user command will b triggered when a button or any element containing function code was clicked. 702. what will happen in Initialization event? ANS. the iniliazation event is used to fill the default the values into the selection screen before the display the screen program for first time in the execute it. this event is used to fill the default values into the selection screen. whenever u execute the program these values are displayed on the screen. 703. How do you define an internal using types? ANS. We can define internal tables in different ways. One way is by using types. ex: DATA: ITAB TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF KNA1. Instead of standard table , we can use hashed table, sorted table also. 704. what is the purpose of TYPES keyword? ANS. what is Application server? Part of the application layer of an ABAP-based SAP System. If the system is distributed to several application servers, these are usually installed on different computers whose operating systems do not need to be identical. However, several application servers of one or more ABAPbased SAP Systems may run on one computer. Application servers communicate with the presentation layer, the database layer, and with each other via the 141

ANS.MM flow:

purchase Requestion Request for Quatation Quatation from different vendors price comparision purchase order send to vendors

(ME51) (ME41) (ME47) (ME49) (ME22) 142

goods reciepts (MIGO) logistic invoice verification (MIRO) 709. Parameters used in Functions? ANS. import, export, changing, tables, exception 710. Commonly used tables in MM and SD? ANS. Commonly used tables in MM MARA,MAKT,MVKE Commonly used tables in SD, VBRK,VBRP,VBAK,VBPA,VBAP,LIKP,LIPS 711. System fields in Interactive reports? ANS. sy-cpage,sy-cucol,sy-curow,sy-lilli,sy-lisel,sy-listi,sylsind,sy-pfkey,sy-staro,sy-staco,sy-ucomm 712. what is the difference between upload and WS-Upload? ANS. Upload is function used to write data from a file in the presentation server to internal table.here you get a dialogbox to enter the path of the file name. Ws_upload also perfoms the same function , but without screen. here you do not get a dialog-box, rather you need to type the path of the file name. 713.. What is Macro? ANS. macro is a set of predefined statement. when this command is interpretted in the report,the predefined set of statements will be substiuted and will be execcuted . 714. What are the select-option fields? ANS. Select-options can be used if you want to give Upper limit and Lower limit values for example Date range. 1.Also if u want to just use it like range u can use NoDisplay 2.If To field is not required u can use option NoExtension / No-intervals. 3. but u can't use radiobuttons / checkbox with this option. 715. How to insert data in ternal table? ANS. There are 2 ways of populating an internal table 1. From Database Table 2. From Work Area of the same line type 1. SELECT <field 1>, <field 2>, ... <field n> FROM <db table> INTO table <internal table> WHERE <condition(s)> 2. INSERT <workarea> INTO <internal table> INDEX <positionto-insert> 143

OR you can use append to insert ... APPEND <workarea> TO <internal table>

716.Give the syntax of Inner,outer Join?" ANS. inner join : select P~<fieldname> d~<fieldname> into corresponding fields of table <internaltable> from ( <table> as p inner join <table> as d on <join condition> and <cond>. outer join: select P~<fieldname> d~<fieldname> into corresponding fields of table <internaltable> from ( <table> as p left outer join <table> as d on <join condition> and <cond>. 717. what are the Performance technic you used? ANS. ST05 - SQL TRACER WILL TESLL US ABOUT THE SELECT QUERY. SLIN: EXTENDED CODING CHECK. SE30: RUNTIEM ANALYSIS 718. what is Cross Applications? ANS. ALL THE ALE AND IDOC ARE KNOWN AS CROS APPLICATION.

719. What are the things you did in ALV grid display? ANS. goto SE38 1)create a internal table with the structure field_catalog 2)call the FM Reuse-alv-grid-display 3)specify the import and export parameters in FM 4) Execute(F8) 720. How do you generate interactive lists in ALV? ANS. in FM reuse_alv_grid_display pass the value to the foll. parameters, callback_program = sy-repid. callback_usercommand = interactivelist. then create a subroutine like form interactivelist using r_ucomm like sy-ucomm using rfield like rs_selfield set parameter id id1 field r_field. ......... endform. 144

721. What is field catalog? ANS. Field catalog comes in ALV. Through Field catalog, u can tell ALV as to which fields have to be displayed in the list and at what position they have to be.... 722. What are the FM you used in Session method? ANS. bdc_open_group: this function module is used to open the session. parameters related to this function module are client:sy-mandt uname:sy-uname holddate:sy-datum group: <groupname> keep: 'X' / ' '. 2)bdc_insert:this function module is used to insert the values to the session parameters related to bdc_insert are tcode: mention the transaction code dynprotab: mention the internal table having structure like bdcdata. 3)bdc_close_group: when ever u open the session it is must to close the session 723. We have 100 records in table how to fetch 10 th record? ANS.u CAN SELECT USING THE SELECT STATEMENT INSIDE THE LOOP UISNG THE INDEX. ALSO INCEASE THE INDEX BY ONE AS LOOP INCREASES... HOWEVER IT IS NOT ADVISIBLE TO WRITE SELECT INSIDE LOOP AS IT AFFECTS PERFORMANCE. 724. How to create hashed tables?and its purpose ANS. Hashed Table: You can imagine a hashed table as a set, whose elements you can address using their unique key. Unlike standard and sorted tables, you cannot access hash tables using an index. All entries in the table must have a unique key.Hashed table is useful when your have to work with very big internal table and to read it with "READ TABLE WITH KEY ..." . 145

Sample code for Hashed table Creation : types: begin of typ_pernr, pernr like pa0001-pernr, ename like pa0001-ename, end of typ_pernr. data: ls_pernr type typ_pernr, lt_pernr type hashed table of typ_pernr with unique key pernr. ... select pernr ename into table lt_pernr from pa0001. ... loop at itab. read table lt_pernr with table key pernr = itab-pernr into ls_pernr. write: ls_pernr-ename, itab-data. endloop. 725. What is the difference between data base objects and runtime objects? ANS. Database objects are permanently stored in the database and exist even after the execution of program. Whereas, run time data objects are the variables, tables, constants that exist only during the execution of the program. They allocate memory only for the run time. The memory is released after that. 726. Is der any other way or tcode to process the session except


id 'GROUP' field mtab-groupid id 'QUID' field mtab-qid id 'DISPLAY' field amodus id 'LOG' field lmodus id 'EXPERT' field d0300-expert id 'DYSIZE' field ldefsize id 'ERRORFORCEEND' field d0300-errfend id 'SIMUBATCH' field opt_simubatch.

727. Waht is "READ TABLE" command?? Whats the use of it?? Whats the syntax of the same? ANS. Below given are 2 types of syntaxes for READ statement which are used in common. 1)Read table itab into wa with key fname1 = fname2. fname1 is the field defined in internal table 'itab' and work area 'wa'. fname2 is the field defined in the table corresponding to which the read statement is used.


(or) 2)Read table itab into wa with index index_no.

* Here itab and wa should have the same structure.

728. What is the purpose of buffering? How many types of buffering? ANS. Table buffering is used to increase performance when reading data from database table. Data from a buffered table is read from a local buffer on the application server thus reducing database access. There are three different types of table buffering that can be used in SAP: Full Buffering : All Records of the table are loaded into the buffer when a record in the table is accessed. Generic Buffering: All Records with the same key fields are loaded into the buffer when a record in the table is accessed. Single Record Buffering: The specific record that was accessed is loaded into the buffer. 729.What is Diff b/w Basic type and Message type? ANS. Idoc Type ( Basic Type) defines the structure and format of the data being exchanged. Message type represents a specific type of document transimitted between two partners. To make it clear... Consider an example in which an IDoc type represents all possible(all segments) information about employee. One message type is employee salary(some segements) and other message type Employee leaves information (some segements). The difference between the message types is segments used.. 730. Can search help be assigned to more than one table? Can
matchcodes be assigned to more than one table? ANS. Search help can't be assigned to Table, it's to the field of table of sel-screen. Types of search help Elementary Collective (Multiple Elemetary)





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