Lot To Do About Nothing

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Act I: Guiding Questions Act I, Scene I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why, according to what he tells Rodrigo, does Iago hate Othello?

What is Iagos immediate plan? What is Rodrigos previous relationship to Brabantio and his daughter, Desdemona? How does Brabantio assume that Othello, the Moor, won his daughters affection? If giving Iago a grade for sensitivity, what would you give him? Why?

Act I, Scene II 1. Describe how Iago operates. How does what he says compare with what he does? 2. How is the Othello that we meet in this scene different than the one we learned about in the first scene? 3. What three adjectives would you use to describe Othellos attitude toward Desdemona? Explain why you chose each adjective. 4. What is Othellos background? How might his background impede his ability to be accepted completely by the Venetians? 5. The group that enters this scene at line 28 is looking for Othello. Why? 6. Describe Brabantio and Rodrigos meeting Othello at line 54 onward. In what terms does Brabantio accuse Othello? Where does he want Othello taken? Where do they end up going? Act I, Scene III 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What danger is Cyprus facing? Why does the Duke summon Othello in line 48? What powers does the Duke give Brabantio? Why? Look carefully at lines 76-169 what do we learn about Othello in his long defense of himself? What do we learn about Desdemona from her father during that defense? What do we learn about Othello and Desdemonas marriage from lines 248-259? From lines 260-274? Why might Othellos leaving be a problem? What warning does Brabantio give Othello in lines 292-3? Look at what Iago tells Rodrigo in lines 319-369 what does Iago say must happen to Desdemona? How well does what Iago says about Desdemona actually match what we have just seen of her? Does Iagos advise work on Rodrigo? Read Iagos soliloquy carefully in lines 375-69. Why does Iago hate Othello? What plan does Iago devise? What does his language suggest about Iago?


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