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Unit 2: Inca Empire

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Inca Empire was located in ________________________________

___________________________ pre-Columbian Empire in America
Before Columbus arrived, it was the __________________________ empire
in America
__________________________ , the capital city of the Inca empire, is in

________________________________________ cuts steps into a

mountain to create flat surface to grow crops on

___________________________ allowed Inca empire to grow

Unit 2: Inca Empire

Inca Built at least 10,000 Miles of ___________________

Roads Crossed Deep Canyons and Rivers using _______


_________________________________carried Messages Across Empire

______________________________________Made it Difficult to Unify (Bring together) Empire

__________________________ was the Empire's Official Language

Inca _________________________ have a written language
Kept records with _________________________ - knotted strings in patterns

Inca Worshipped many gods, ancestors and their _______________________

Believed King was a Descendant of the ________________________________

Unit 2: Inca Empire

Inca: __________________________________________
Used _____________________ and ________________________

City of ___________________________________________
was unknown during Spanish conquest (takeover)

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