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Children's Church Newsletter

Welcome to the TWENTY-FIRST issue of our newsletter! This is the tenth issue with an interview! Learn a little more about the church kids! Thanks for reading!

Month 5, Week 3 January 20th, 2013

Interview with a Church Kid

Kynleigh Stull
1. Do you like coming to church? Yes, cause I get to learn a lot more about God. 2. What do you like about being a kid? Cause I can play with my friends. 3. What is your favorite thing to do? Go to church, cause I get to learn more about God and I get to see my family. 4. Do you read your Bible? Yep. 5. What is your favorite animal? Hm A monkey, cause I like bananas a lot. 6. What has been your favorite snack at Kid's church? Ice-cream. 7. Do you like going to school? No uh I like it because I get to see my friends, but I dont like it because its boring, kind of. 8. What do you think you will be doing 10 years from now? Hmm Hanging out with my friends. 9. How old is your mom? 33. 10. Where is your favorite place to eat? Chinese. 11. What is your favorite thing about Kid's Church? Crafts, I love crafts. 13. What is your favorite color? Hot pink. 14. What do you like most about your mom? Cause she takes good care of me and loves me. God.

15. Who is Jesus? God. 16. What has been your favorite game at Kids church? I like the game where like, you have the fruit and someone has to call it fruit basket. Can we play that next Sunday? 16. What does your dad do? To build doctors apartments. Hes not an iron worker, he used to be. And my dad is 38. 17. What did Noah do? Build the ark. 18. What would you change about Kid's Church? Nothing. 19. Whats your favorite holiday? Christmas, because its Gods birthday. 20. What would you do with a million dollars? I would buy stuff and give some stuff to people who are poor. 21. What do you think about God? That I love Him and He loves me. 22. What is your favorite chore? Feed my bunnies. I have two, because one is Shelbys and one is mine. 23. What do you want to be when you grow up? An artist. Im the best colorer in my class. I won every coloring contest, except the first one, first or second place. 24. What has been your favorite craft at Kid's church? Painting, like today. (Continued on back)

The Schedule 1st Sunday: Lesson & Science 2nd Sunday: Ocho & Craft *3rd Sunday: Video & Game 4th Sunday: Reflection & Music (and Souvenir shop)

01/20 Pearl Cookies, will be provided by Lisa/Eva 01/2 Goldfish, will be provided by Lisa/Eva

26. What do you think would be a good allowance? 5 dollars. 26. Can you remember any memory verses we have learned? Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give me this day my daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the glory and the power forever, Amen. We always say it every night. 27. Is there anyone special that you want to give a Valentine to? To my grandpas and grandmas. 28. What is your favorite thing about your dad? That he works to give us money to pay to give us food and our bills and everything. 29. What is your least favorite chore? Cleaning my room. 30. What is one thing you want to tell everyone who reads this? My mommy and my family, that I love them.

Childrens Church
If your child is between the ages of 2 years and 6th grade, please send them downstairs after the special. Thanks!

This week: Due to some scheduling issues, we had to switch a few things around this month. Ocho will make his last visit and we will be doing some fun experiments about change. Next week: We will take some time to reflect on what all we have learned this month. We will also dance around to some fun music and take a trip to the souvenir shop.

January 20
Game Leader Sarah Brands

Memory Verse:
Go into the whole world and proclaim the good news to every creature. Mark 16:25

January 27
Reflection Leader Julie Kay Howe We will have next months list out soon. We appreciate everyone who is willing to help us out!!!


If you sign up for ANYTHING and later find that you arent able to, please let us know as soon as possible so we can plan around it. Thanks!
Call Lisa Nuhn: 660-239-4638

Pizza Party!!!!!
What: JAM Kick-off When: Tonight at 4 p.m. Where: Here at church

JAM will resume every Sunday, starting at 4 p.m. with no meal provided.

ACC Children's Church "Don't let anyone look down on you for being young." - 1 Timothy 4:13

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