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Solaris Command Reference

HD info(vendor, RPM, capacity)

oasis:/home/tse/dxy[9:18pm] iostat -E sd0 Soft Errors: 0 Hard Errors: 3 Transport Errors: 0 Vendor: SEAGATE Product: ST34371W SUN4.2G Revision: 7462 Serial No: 9742K71685 RPM: 7200 Heads: 16 Size: 4.29GB <4292075520 bytes> Media Error: 0 Device Not Ready: 0 No Device: 3 Recoverable: 0 Illegal Request: 0 Predictive Failure Analysis: 0 sd1 Soft Errors: 0 Hard Errors: 3 Transport Errors: 0 Vendor: SEAGATE Product: ST32171W SUN2.1G Revision: 7462 Serial No: 9736T74649 RPM: 5400 Heads: 19 Size: 2.13GB < 2127708160 bytes> Media Error: 0 Device Not Ready: 0 No Device: 3 Recoverable: 0 Illegal Request: 0 Predictive Failure Analysis: 0 sd6 Soft Errors: 0 Hard Errors: 3 Transport Errors: 0 Vendor: TOSHIBA Product: XM5701TASUN12XCD Revision: 0997 Serial No: 04/09/97 RPM: 0 Heads: 0 Size: 18446744073.71GB <-8589934591 bytes> Media Error: 0 Device Not Ready: 3 No Device: 0 Recoverable: 0 Illegal Request: 0 Predictive Failure Analysis: 0

Display the number of used and free i-nodes

impulse:/home/dxy[4:07pm] df -F ufs -o i Filesystem iused ifree %iused /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 38555 403045 9% /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0 160761 345607 32% /dev/md/dsk/d20 149826 1905214 7% impulse:/home/dxy[4:07pm] /usr/ucb/df -i Filesystem iused ifree %iused /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 38555 403045 9% /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0 160761 345607 32% /dev/md/dsk/d20 149826 1905214 7% impulse:/home/dxy[4:07pm] Mounted on / /export/home /usr/local Mounted on / /export/home /usr/local

Display processes with the highest CPU utilization

velocity:/home/dxy[4:54pm] ps -eo pid,pcpu,args | sort +1n

Display processes with the highest memory usage

velocity:/home/dxy[4:54pm] ps -eo pid,vsz,args | sort +1n

Printing disk geometry and partition info

oasis:/home/dxy[4:16pm] prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 * /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 partition map * * Dimensions: * 512 bytes/sector * 135 sectors/track * 16 tracks/cylinder * 2160 sectors/cylinder * 3882 cylinders * 3880 accessible cylinders * * Flags: * 1: unmountable * 10: read-only * * First Sector Last * Partition Tag Flags Sector Count Sector 0 2 00 0 7855920 7855919 1 3 01 7855920 524880 8380799 2 5 00 0 8380800 8380799 oasis:/home/dxy[4:16pm]

Mount Directory /usr/local

Checking whether it's running in 32-bit mode or 64-bit mode

64-bit mode
% isalist -v sparcv9+vis sparcv9 sparcv8plus+vis sparcv8plus sparcv8 sparcv8-fsmuld sparcv7 sparc % isainfo -v 64-bit sparcv9 applications 32-bit sparc applications

32-bit mode
% isalist -v sparcv8plus+vis sparcv8plus sparcv8 sparcv8-fsmuld sparcv7 sparc % isainfo -v 32-bit sparc applications

Verifying a route to a specified network

# route -n get xxx.yyy.zzz.0 route to: xxx.yyy.zzz.0 destination: default mask: default gateway: interface: hme0 flags: recvpipe sendpipe ssthresh expire 0 0 0 0 #

rtt,msec 0

rttvar 0

hopcount 0

mtu 1500

print the version of OBP

% prtconf -V OBP 3.3.2 1996/06/28 08:43 % /usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin/prtdiag -v | grep OBP OBP 3.11.1 1997/12/03 15:53 POST 3.11.4 1997/05/27 02:26 % {2} ok .version Release 3.23 Version 1 created 1999/07/16 12:08 OBP 3.23.1 1999/07/16 12:08 POST 2.0.2 1998/10/19 10:46 {2} ok

print the version of Open Windows

% showrev -w OpenWindows version: OpenWindows Version 3.6.1 25 January 1999 %

To determine which monitor resolution is available

% /usr/sbin/ffbconfig -res \? Valid values for -res option are: 1024x768x60 [1] 1024x768x70 [1] 1024x768x75 [1] [2] 1024x768x77 1024x800x84 1152x900x66 1152x900x76 1280x800x76 [1] [2] 1280x1024x60 [1] [2] 1280x1024x67 1280x1024x76 1280x1024x85 [1] [2] 960x680x112s 960x680x108s 640x480x60 [1] [2] 640x480x60i [1] 768x575x50i [1] 1440x900x76 [1] [2] 1600x1000x66 [1] [2] 1600x1000x76 [1] [2] 1600x1280x76 [1] [2] 1920x1080x72 [1] [2] 1920x1080x76 [1] [2] 1920x1200x70 [1] [2] 1920x1200x75 [1] [2] svga [1] 1152 1280

Notes: [1] monitor does not support this resolution. [2] this version of FFB (FFB1) does not support this resolution. %

stereo vga [1] [2] ntsc [1] pal [1] none

system configuration
% sysdef

Display the device list (and drivers attached to devices)

% prtconf -D System Configuration: Sun Microsystems Memory size: 256 Megabytes System Peripherals (Software Nodes): sun4u

SUNW,Ultra-1 packages terminal-emulator deblocker obp-tftp disk-label ufs-file-system chosen openprom client-services options, instance #0 (driver name: options) aliases memory virtual-memory counter-timer sbus, instance #0 (driver name: sbus) SUNW,CS4231 (driver name: audiocs) auxio flashprom SUNW,fdtwo, instance #0 (driver name: fd) eeprom (driver name: eeprom) zs, instance #0 (driver name: zs) zs, instance #1 (driver name: zs) sc SUNW,pll SUNW,fas, instance #0 (driver name: fas) sd (driver name: sd) st (driver name: st) sd, instance #0 (driver name: sd) sd, instance #1 (driver name: sd) sd, instance #2 (driver name: sd) sd, instance #3 (driver name: sd) sd, instance #4 (driver name: sd) sd, instance #5 (driver name: sd)

sd, instance #6 (driver name: sd) sd, instance #7 (driver name: sd) sd, instance #8 (driver name: sd) sd, instance #9 (driver name: sd) sd, instance #10 (driver name: sd) sd, instance #11 (driver name: sd) sd, instance #12 (driver name: sd) sd, instance #13 (driver name: sd) sd, instance #14 (driver name: sd) SUNW,hme, instance #0 (driver name: hme) SUNW,bpp (driver name: bpp) SUNW,UltraSPARC SUNW,ffb, instance #0 (driver name: ffb) pseudo, instance #0 (driver name: pseudo)

processor type, speed

% psrinfo -v Status of processor 0 as of: 06/16/99 12:38:51 Processor has been on-line since 02/07/99 01:47:11. The sparcv9 processor operates at 200 MHz, and has a sparcv9 floating point processor.

patch applied on the system

% showrev -p

exported file system on NFS server

% showmount -e NFS_SERVER

display current run level

% who -r

Find out a package which a file belongs to

% pkgchk -l -p /usr/lib/sendmail Pathname: /usr/lib/sendmail Type: regular file Expected mode: 4555 Expected owner: root Expected group: bin Expected file size (bytes): 650720 Expected sum(1) of contents: 22626 Expected last modification: Apr 07 04:13:53 1999 Referenced by the following packages: SUNWsndmu Current status: installed %

Examining gcc behavior

% gcc -v -x c /dev/null

Display the version of CDE

% /usr/ccs/bin/what /usr/dt/bin/dtmail /usr/dt/bin/dtmail: CDE Version 1.3.4 CDEVersion1.3.4

Display the version of BIND

% nslookup -class=chaos -q=txt version.bind Server: Address: Aliases: VERSION.BIND text = "8.2.2-P5" % dig version.bind chaos txt ; <<>> DiG 8.2 <<>> version.bind chaos txt ; (1 server found) ;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch ;; got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 6 ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0 ;; QUERY SECTION: ;; version.bind, type = TXT, class = CHAOS ;; ANSWER SECTION: VERSION.BIND. ;; ;; ;; ;; % 0S CHAOS TXT "4.9.7-REL"

Total query time: 81 msec FROM: velocity to SERVER: WHEN: Tue May 9 17:26:23 2000 MSG SIZE sent: 30 rcvd: 64

system configuration
% /usr/platform/`uname -i`/sbin/prtdiag System Configuration: Sun Microsystems 4000/5000 System clock frequency: 82 MHz Memory size: 512Mb sun4u 8-slot Sun Enterprise

========================= CPUs ========================= Brd --0 CPU --0 Module ------0 Run MHz ----248 Ecache MB -----2.0 CPU Impl. -----US-II CPU Mask ---1.1

0 2 2

1 4 5

1 0 1

248 248 248

2.0 2.0 2.0


1.1 1.1 1.1

========================= Memory ========================= Brd --0 2 Bank ----0 0 MB ---256 256 Status ------Active Active Condition ---------OK OK Speed ----60ns 60ns Intrlv. Factor ------2-way 2-way Intrlv. With ------A A

========================= IO Cards ========================= Bus Freq Brd Type MHz Slot --- ---- ---- ------------------------1 SBus 25 3 1 SBus 25 3 1 SBus 25 13 5 SBus 25 3 5 SBus 25 3 5 SBus 25 13 Name -------------------------------SUNW,hme SUNW,fas/sd (block) SUNW,soc/SUNW,pln SUNW,hme SUNW,fas/sd (block) SUNW,soc/SUNW,pln Model

501-2069 501-2069

Detached Boards =============== Slot State Type Info ---- -----------------------------------------------------3 disabled disk Disk 0: Target: 10 11 7 disabled disk Disk 0: Target: 14 15 No failures found in System =========================== No System Faults found ====================== %

Disk 1: Target: Disk 1: Target:

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