Quiz - Game Theory

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Quiz | Game Theory

In-Video Quizzes Week 2

The due date for this quiz is Sun 10 Mar 2013 11:59 PM PDT.

Question 1
2-3 Computing Mixed Nash Equilibrium (I) Consider the predator/prey game with a mixed strategy: mixed p 1-p

Pred\ Prey Active Passive q 1-q Active Passive and


2,-5 3,-2

3,-6 -1,0

What are

in a mixed-strategy equilibrium? (Hint: payoff of the predator

)p 1( p3

Payoffs should be equal since the predator should be indifferent.) a) 2/3 ; 1/2. b) 2/5; 1/3. c) 4/5; 3/5. d) 4/5; 2/3.

Question 2
2-5 Example: Mixed Strategy Nash Consider the penalty kick game with a very accurate kicker: mixed p 1-p

Kicker\ Goalie Left Right q 1-q Left Right


0,1 1,0 1,0 0,1 and in a mixed-strategy equilibrium? (Hint: payoff of the kicker when
)p 1(0 + p

be equal since the kicker should be indifferent.)


)p 1( + p0

playing left is

What are

)p 1(3 + p2

when playing active is

; when playing passive is

; when playing right is

. Payoffs should



Quiz | Game Theory

c) 1/2; 1/2. d) 3/4; 3/4. b) 3/4; 1. a) 1/2 ; 3/4.

Question 3
2-6 Data: Professional Sports and Mixed Strategies Consider the following game: 1\ 2 L T B R

2,2 0,2 1,2 3,3

Find all pure-strategy and mixed-strategy Nash equilibria: d) All of above. b) (B, R); a) (T, L);
4/3 = p 1 = q

c) Player 1 plays T with prob

, player 2 plays L with prob

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