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Lifegroup Guide
“To the Least of Them” – Matthew 25:31-46


1. When growing up, how many of you played that thoughtless “germ” game?

2. Who were the victims of this “game” and why were they selected? How are their lives now?


3. Share one thought or insight you gleaned from Sunday night …

SCRIPTURE – Read Matthew 25:31-46

4. What is the context of this passage?

5. At least according to this passage, what is the basis for someone inheriting the kingdom?

6. At least according to this passage, on what basis are some assigned the fate of the eternal fire?

7. At least according to this passage, what is the core factor determining one’s destiny?

8. Who, in this world in which we live, would constitute “one of the least of them”?

9. How do you currently respond to those people and why?

10. How does society respond to those people?

11. How does the church respond to them?

12. The Bible teaches that our eternal destination rests on what we do with Jesus. How does that
align, or does it, with what Jesus is teaching here?

13. What is the point that Jesus is seeking to make here?


14. As a group, identify a person or group of persons who would seem to fit “the least of them”.
Strategize how you as a group could practically offer them a “hand up” versus a “hand out”.


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