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Analia Torres's mother died of a delirious fever when she was born and her father could not

bear the sorrow and two weeks later there was a pistol shot in the chest. He agonized for several days with his wife's name on his lips. His brother Eugenio managed the family land and ordered the fate of the little orphan's discretion. Until six years Anala clinging to the skirts grew a love india in the servants' quarters of the house of his tutor and then just had to go old school, was sent to the capital, internally in the College of the Sisters Sacred Heart, where he spent the next twelve years. It was a good student and loved the discipline, austerity of the stone building, the chapel with her court of saints and aroma of wax and lilies, naked runners, shady courtyards. What attracted her was less bustle of the pupils and the acrid smell of the classroom. Whenever he could escape the vigilance of the nuns, was hiding in the attic, among decapitated statues and broken furniture, to tell stories herself. In those moments stolen plunged into silence with a sense of abandon sin. Every six months received a short note from his uncle Eugenio recommending he behaved and honor the memory of his parents, who had been two good Christian life and be proud that his only daughter devote their existence to the highest precepts of virtue, that is, a novice entering the convent. But Anala him know from the first hint that he was not prepared to do and firmly maintained its position just to contradict him, because deep religious life liked. Hidden behind the habit, in solitude ultimate renunciation of any pleasure, maybe I could find lasting peace, he thought, but his instinct warned him against the advice of his tutor. He suspected that his actions were motivated by greed for land, rather than family loyalty. Nothing from him seemed trustworthy, a loophole in the trap was. When Analia was sixteen, his uncle came to visit the school for the first time. Mother Superior called the girl to his office and had to submit, because both had changed a lot since the days of love india in backyards and not recognized. I see that the Sisters have taken good care of you, 'said Uncle Anala stirring his cup of chocolate. You look healthy and even pretty. In my last letter to notify you that as of the date of this birthday will receive a monthly allowance for your expenses, as stipulated in his will my brother, rest in peace. - How much? A hundred pesos. - Is all that left my parents? -No, of course not. You know that the property belongs to you, but agriculture is not a task for a woman, especially in these days of strikes and revolutions. For now I will get one month each year to increase again, until you come of age. Then we'll see. - Will we see what, man? -We will see what suits you. - What are my alternatives? -Always need a man who manages the field, girl. I've done all these years and it has not been easy, but it is my duty, I promised my brother in his last hour and I'm ready to do for you. -You should not do it for long, man. When I get married I will take care of my land.

- When you marry, said the girl? Tell me, Mother, is that you have a suitor? - How is it, Mr. Torres! We care much for girls. It's just a manner of speaking. What things does this girl! Analia Torres stood up, stretched the folds of the uniform, made a rather mocking curtsy and left. The Mother Superior poured more chocolate to the gentleman, saying that the only explanation for such behavior was rude little contact that she had with her family. She is the only student who never takes a vacation and who have never sent a Christmas nun said dryly. -I am not a man of pampering, but I assure you I consider much I care my niece and their interests as a parent. But you're right, Anala need more affection, women are sentimental. Thirty days before the guy came back in school, but this time he did not ask to see his niece, simply notify the Mother Superior that his son wanted to correspond with Analia and make him come begging letters to see if the camaraderie with his cousin strengthened family ties. The letters began arriving regularly. Plain white paper and black ink, a great writing and precise lines. Some spoke of country life, the seasons and animals, and other dead poets and thoughts they wrote. Sometimes the envelope included a book or a drawing made with the same firm strokes of calligraphy. Analia was proposed not to read, true to the idea that anything related to his uncle hid some danger, but the school boredom letters represented her only chance to fly. He hid in the attic, not to invent improbable stories, but avidly reread the notes from his cousin to know by heart the inclination of letters and paper texture. At first the answer, but soon could not stop. The content of the letters was becoming increasingly useful to circumvent censorship of the Mother Superior, who opened all correspondence. Intimacy grew between the two and soon to agree on a secret code with which they started talking about love. Analia Torres not remember having ever seen this cousin who signed Luis, because when she lived with her uncle, the boy was boarding school in the capital. I was sure he would be an ugly man, maybe ill counterfeit, because it seemed impossible that such deep sensitivity and intelligence as accurate will add an attractive appearance. I tried to draw a picture in your mind's cousin stubby horn his father with the pockmarked face, lame and balding, but the more defects you added more inclined to love. The brightness of the spirit was all that mattered, the only thing that stand the test of time without deteriorating and would grow over the years, the beauty of those heroes utopian tales was worthless and could even become a source of levity, concluded the girl, but could not avoid a shadow of uneasiness in his reasoning. He wondered how many would be able to tolerate deformity. The correspondence between Analia and Luis Torres lasted two years, after which the girl had a hat box full of envelopes and soul definitely delivered. If crossed his mind the idea that this relationship could be a plan of his uncle to the property she had inherited from his father at the hands of Luis pass, immediately dismissed it, ashamed of his own meanness. The day I turned eighteen Mother Superior called the refectory because there was a check waiting. Analia Torres

guessed who he was and was about to run and hide in the attic of forgotten saints, terrified at the possibility of finally confront the man who had for so long imagined. When he entered the room and stood before it took several minutes to overcome the disappointment. Luis Torres was not the twisted dwarf she had built in her sleep and had learned to love. He was well built, with a pleasant face with regular features, mouth still childish, a dark beard and well maintained, long-lashed blue eyes, but empty of expression. It looked a little like the saints of the chapel, and a little too pretty goofy. Anala recovered from the impact and decided that if his heart had accepted a hunchback, a fortiori could love this smart young kissed her on the cheek leaving a trail of lavender on the nose. From day Anala detested married Luis Torres. When crushed between the sheets of a bed embroidered too soft, he knew he was in love with a ghost and could never translate that passion imaginary reality of their marriage. He fought his feelings with determination, first discarding as a vice and then, when it was impossible to ignore them, trying to get to the bottom of his soul to tear them root. Luis was gentle and even funny at times, did not bother with disproportionate requirements or tried to change his tendency to solitude and silence. She herself admitted that with a little good will on their part could find some happiness in that relationship, at least as much as would have been obtained after a nun's habit. He had no precise reasons for this strange revulsion for the man she had loved for two years without knowing. Nor could put words to their emotions, but if I could do would not have anyone to comment. He felt cheated by not being able to reconcile the image of pretending that correspondence with the husband of the flesh. Luis never mentioned the letters and when she touched the subject, he closed his mouth with a quick kiss and some slight observation on the right as little romance to married life, in which trust, respect, common interests and future of the family mattered more than a match for adolescents. There was no real intimacy between the two. During the day each served in their work and at night were among the pillows, where Anala-accustomed to his bunk school-believed suffocate. Sometimes embraced quickly, she still and tense, with the attitude he who fulfills a requirement of the body because it can not help it. Luis immediately fell asleep, she stayed with her eyes open in the dark and crossed a protest in the throat. Anala tried various means to overcome the rejection that he inspired, from the resource set to memory every detail of her husband in order to love him by sheer determination, to empty the mind of all thoughts and move to a dimension where he could not reach it. I prayed that it was just a temporary disgust, but months passed and instead of the expected relief animosity grew to become hatred. One night he surprised a horrible man dreaming that caressed her fingers inky black. Spouses Torres lived in the property purchased by the father of Anala when that was still a half savage region, land of soldiers and bandits. Now he was beside the road and within walking distance of a thriving town where fairs were held annually farming and ranching. Legally Luis was the administrator of the estate, but in reality was the uncle Eugenio who fulfilled that role, because she was bored Luis affairs field. After lunch, when father and son were installed in the library to drink brandy and play dominoes, he heard his uncle Anala decide on investments,

animals, crops and harvests. On the rare occasions when she dared to intervene to give an opinion, the two men listened with apparent attention, assuring that their suggestions would be taken into account, but then acted to his rigging. Sometimes Anala gallop out to the pasture to limits being willing mountain man. The birth of a child did not improve anything Analia's feelings for her husband. During gestation reinforced its retracted, but not impatient Luis, attributing it to his state. Anyway, he had other business in which to think. After giving birth, she moved to another room, furnished only with a narrow bed and hard. When the child was a year old and still the mother locked the door of his room and avoided every opportunity to be alone with him, Luis decided it was time to demand a more thoughtful and his wife warned him most value change of attitude, rather than break the door to death. She had never seen him so violent. Obeyed without comment. In the seven years following increased tension between the two so that eventually become secret enemies, but they were people of good manners and before others were treated with exaggerated courtesy. Only the size of suspected child hostility between their parents and crying woke at midnight with a wet bed. Analia was covered with a shell of silence and slowly drying seemed to go inside. Luis, however, became more expansive and frivolous, many are left to their appetites, drank too much and usually lost for days in unspeakable mischief. Then, when she left to conceal their acts of dissipation, Anala found good excuses to get away from it even more. Luis lost all interest in work in the fields and his wife replaced him, glad that new position. On Sundays Uncle Eugene was arguing in the dining room with her decisions, while Luis was sinking into a long nap, which revived the evening, drenched in sweat and stomach churning, but ready to go again jarana with friends. Anala taught his son the rudiments of writing and arithmetic and tried to start it on the love of books. When the child was seven Luis decided it was time to give a more formal education, away from the pampering of the mother, and wanted to send him to a school in the capital, to see if it was fast man, but he Anala went ahead with such ferocity that he had to accept a less drastic solution. He took it to the village school, where internal remained Monday through Friday, but on Saturday morning the car was going to look for him to come home until Sunday. The first week Anala watched his son full of anxiety, looking for reasons to hold your hand, but could not find them. The creature seemed happy, spoke of his teacher and his companions with genuine enthusiasm, as if born to them. He stopped bedwetting. Three months later he arrived with his report card and a brief letter from Professor congratulating him on his good performance. Anala read it trembling and smiled for the first time in a long time. He hugged his son moved, questioning every detail, as were the bedrooms, which fed him, if it was cold at night, how many friends he had, what his teacher. He seemed much more quiet and did not talk out of school. In the months following the guy always brought good grades, which Anala collected as treasures and reciprocated with jars of jam and fruit baskets for the whole class. He tried not to think that barely solution for primary education, which in a few years would inevitably send the child to a school in the city and she could only see during the holidays.

In a night brawl in the village Luis Torres, who had drunk too much, set out to do tricks on a horse outside to demonstrate their ability to jockey before a group of buddies tavern. The animal threw him to the ground and kicked him burst testicles. Nine days after howling in pain Torres died in a clinic in the capital, where he was taken in the hope of saving him from infection. At his side was his wife, crying guilt for the love that he could never hit and relief that would not have to keep praying for him to die. Before returning to the field with the body in a coffin for burial in their own land, Anala bought a white dress and stuck to the bottom of su.maleta. When people came to mourn, her face veiled widow for anyone to see the expression of the eyes, and likewise appeared at the funeral, at the hands of his son, also a black suit. After the ceremony, Uncle Eugene, who remained very healthy in spite of his seventy years well spent, he suggested to his daughter that ceded lands and go to live on their income to the city, where the child would end his education and she could forget the sorrows of the past. 'Because I am aware, Analia, my poor Louis and you were never happy said. He's right, man. Luis deceived me right from the start. Pos God-daughter, he was always very discreet and respectful to you. Luis was a good husband. All men have little adventures, but that has no importance. -I do not mean that, but a hopeless delusion. I do not want to know what it is. In any case, I think the child in the capital and you will be much better. Nothing will lack. I'll take care of the property, I'm old but not yet finished and I can turn a bull. -I will stay here. My son will too, because you have to help in the field. In recent years I have worked more on the pastures in the house. The only difference is that now I will take my decisions without consulting anyone. Finally this land is mine alone. Goodbye, Uncle Eugene. In the first weeks Anala organized his new life. He began by burning the sheets she had shared with her husband and move its narrow bed to the main room, once thoroughly studied the books of property management, and barely had a clear idea of their property searched a foreman to execute their orders without ask questions. When he felt he had all the reins under control sought her white dress in the bag, I carefully ironed, put it well dressed and left in his car to the village school, carrying under his arm an old hatbox. Analia Torres waited in the courtyard of the five bell announced the end of the last class of the evening and the crowd of kids out for recess. Among them was his son in joyous race to see who stopped short, because it was the first time her mother appeared at school. -Show me your classroom, I know your teacher, she said. At the door Anala told the boy to leave, because that was a private matter, and went alone. It was a large room with high ceilings, with maps and drawings on the walls of biology. It had the same smell of decay and sweat of children that had marked his own childhood, but this time did

not mind, however, sucked him warmly. The desks were cluttered by the day of use, there were some papers on the floor and open inkwells. He could see a column of numbers on the board. In the background, at a desk on a platform, was the teacher. The man looked up surprised and stood not, because his crutches were in a corner, too far to reach without dragging the chair. Anala crossed the aisle between two rows of desks and stood before him. -I am the mother of Torres said because they thought of something better. 'Good afternoon, ma'am. Take this opportunity to thank the sweets and fruits that sent us. -Let it not come to courtesies. I came to ask accounts Analia said placing the hat box on the table. - What is this? She opened the box and pulled out the love letters he had kept all this time. For a long moment he looked around on that hill of envelopes. -You owe me eleven years of my life Analia said. - How did you know I wrote them? He stammered when he managed to get the voice that had been stuck somewhere. -On the day of my marriage I discovered that my husband could not have written them and when my son brought home his first notes, I recognized the handwriting. And now that I'm watching and I have no doubt, because I've seen you in my dreams since I have sixteen. Why do it? -Luis Torres was my friend and when he asked me to write a letter to her cousin did not seem to be anything wrong. So it was with the second and third, then when you told me 'I could not go back. Those two years were the best of my life, the only ones I've waited to-go. I expected the mail. -Aha. - Can you forgive me? -Said to you to Anala passing crutches. The teacher put his jacket and stood. The two left the bustle of the yard, where they still had not put the sun.

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