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Panduan Wisata di Irak

Air Terjun Bekhal Air terjun ini terletak di Gubernuran/Propinsi Arbil dan merupakan salah satu daya tarik wisata terindah di Irak. Hanya berjarak sekitar 10 km dari Ruwanduz.

helical cycles. The height of the said mountain is 1090 m above the sea level, the highest summer temperature there is 36 0C. The resort lies on a wide area which overlooks the plain between the city of Arbil from a side and Safeen Mountain to another. It is characterized by oak and cypress trees.

Derbend Khan Lake About 65 km from Slaymaniyah and 268 km from Baghdad, the beautiful Derbend Khan Lake is located. It is considered a suitable place to practice boating and other touristic activities.

Salah ad-Din Resort It is located on Birmam Mountain and can be reached through 14

Ahmed Awah It is one of the most wonderful mountainous resorts. It can be

reached through a well paved road. It is located about 75 km from al-Sulaymaniyah.

Kirkuk Citadel It is one of the oldest surviving ancient monuments.

Baba Gurgur The Eternal Fire in Baba Gurgur shows how oil is cheaply and economically extracted in Iraq.

Al-Thurthar Lake It is one of the most beautiful artificial lakes in Iraq. It was formed after building Samarra Dam for irrigation and controlling the flood waters of Tigris and Euphrates. It may be reached from Baghdad via al-Fallujah and ar-Ramadi or from Samarra. Tourists may fish, swim and camp there.

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