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EE1100-Basic Elec Eng.

ASSIGNMENT-3 August-November 2012

Q1. Consider the following shown in figure. The circuit has reached steady state with the switch in position 1. At time t=0, the switch moves from position 1 to position 2. Find v 0(t) for t>0.

Ans: [27-9e(-8t/3)] volts Q2. The voltage v(t)=100 cos(314t+15 0) V is applied to a 100uF capacitor. Find the current. Ans: i(t) = 3.14 cos(314t+105 o)A Q3. Determine iR(t) for t 0. Assume, network is in steady state.

Ans: [5 + 3.16 cos (2t + 18.44o)] A.

Q4. The currents at a node (shown in the fig.) are I 1(t) = - 6sin(t) mA and I 2(t) = 8 cos(t) mA. Find I3(t).

Ans: I3(t) = - 10cos(t + 36.80)mA.

Q5. In the circuit shown, find by what angle I1 lags/ leads I2? Given that, = 2 rad/s for the voltage source V.

Ans: I1 leads I2 by 1350. Q6. a) Find impedance Zab. b) Find phasors I, I1, I2, E2 and E0 and draw the phasor diagrams

Ans: a) Zab = 1.4 + j0.8 b) I = 6.11 j1.04, I1 = 5.5 + j2.8, I2 = 0.59 j3.8, E2 = 8.34 j2.69 and E0 = 0.296 j1.93

Q7. Find Yab, Zcd, and Yef. ( = 1rad/s)

Ans: Yab = 1+j2, Zcd = 1.2 + j0.6, and Yef = 0.667 + j0.667

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