Tenant Agreement in Malaysia

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This Agreement is made the day and year stated in Section 1 of the First Schedule hereto Between the

person whose name and description stated in Section 2 of the First Schedule hereto (hereinafter called the Landlord) of the one part And the person whose name and description stated in Section 3 of the First Schedule hereto (hereinafter called the Tenant) of the other part. WHEREAS the Landlord has agreed to let and the Tenant has agreed to
take all that premises more particularly described in Section 4 of the First Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as the Demised Premises) upon and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter contained. NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows:1. The Landlord hereby lets and the Tenant hereby takes the Demised Premises for the period stated in Section 5 of the First Schedule hereto commencing on the day stated in Section 6 of the First Schedule hereto and terminating on the day stated in Section 7 of the First Schedule hereto at a monthly rental stated in Section 8 of the First Schedule hereto payable in advance on or before the 7th day of each and every succeeding tenancy month, the first months rental shall be paid forthwith on the execution of this Agreement by the parties hereto. 2. The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord the sum stated in Section 9 of the First Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as the Deposit Sum) as deposit for the due performance and observance by the Tenant of the several covenants stipulations and conditions on the part of the Tenant herein. The Deposit Sum less such sum or sums (if any) as may due to the Landlord shall be refunded to the Tenant on the expiration of this Agreement free of interest provided always that in the event that the term herein created is terminated due to the Tenant breach of the terms and conditions herein of this Agreement or the Tenant determining this Agreement before the expiry date then the Landlord is absolutely entitled to forfeit the Deposit Sum as liquidated damages. 3. The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord a further sum stated in Section 10 of the First Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as the Utility Deposit) upon execution of this Agreement as deposit by way of security for the prompt and punctual payment of the electricity and water charges consumed in the Demised Premises which deposit shall be refunded to the Tenant free of interest at the expiration of the term hereby created upon production of documentary evidence that all outstanding bills thereof have been fully settled up to the date of termination of this Tenancy. 4. The Tenant hereby covenants with the Landlord as follows:a. To pay the said monthly rent on the days and in the manner aforesaid.

b. To pay all charges and outgoing in respect of electricity, telephone and water which shall be consumed or supplied on or to of the Demised Premises and to produce evidence of payment if and when requested by the Landlord;. c. To keep the interior of the Demised Premises including the flooring and the interior plaster or other surface material or rendering on walls and ceilings and the Landlords fixtures therein including doors, windows, wires, installations and fittings in goods and tenantable repair and condition (fair wear and tear and damage by fire or other cause beyond the control of the Tenant excepted) and to make good to the satisfaction of the Landlord any damage or breakage caused to the Demised Premises or to the Landlords fixtures and fittings therein by the bringing in or removal of the Tenants goods and effects or resulting from any neglect or malicious act or default of Tenant or his employees or invitees; d. Not to assign, underlet or part with the actual or legal possession or the use of the Demised Premises or any part thereof for any term whatsoever without having first obtained the written content of the Landlord which shall not be unreasonably withheld but subject to such terms and conditions which the Landlord may reasonably set at its discretion; e. To permit the Landlord and his duly authorized agents with or without workmen and others at all reasonable times by prior appointment to enter upon the Demised Premises and to view the condition thereof and to do such works and things as may be required for any repairs alterations or improvement to the Demised Premises and to repair amend and make goods in a proper and workmanlike manner any defects for which the Tenant is liable and provided always that written notice shall be given to the Tenant or left on the Demised Premises and the Tenant shall pay the Landlords cost of survey or otherwise in respect of the preparation of such notice and if the Tenant shall not within seven(7) days after the service of such notice proceed diligently with the execution of such repair or then the Landlord may enter upon the Demised Premises and execute such repairs or works and the cost thereof shall be a debt due from the Tenant to the Landlord and recoverable forthwith as such; f. Not at any time to make any alterations in or additions to or install or cause to be installed in the Demised Premises any fixture or fitting without the prior consent in writing of the Landlord Provided Always that such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld by the Landlord;

g. Not to used the Demised Premises or any part thereof for any unlawful purposes and not to do or permit to be done any act or thing which may become a nuisance to or give cause for reasonable complaint by the occupants of neighboring premises; h. Not to do or suffer to be done anything in or upon the Demised Premises or any part thereof of an illegal or immoral nature; i. Not to hold or permit or suffer anything to be done whereby the policy or policies of insurance on the Demised Premises may become void or voidable or whereby the rate of premium thereon may be increased and to repay to the Landlord all sums paid by way of increased premium or increased contribution for premium or increased contribution for premium and all expenses incurred by the Landlord or contribution thereof in or about the renewal of such policy or policies rendered necessary by a breach or non observance of this covenant; j. Not to use the Deposit Sum or any part thereof as payment of rental agreed herein; and

k. At the expiration or sooner determination of this tenancy:i. to yield and deliver up the Demised Premises in the same state of repair and condition as the same are now in ( fair wear and tear excepted) together with all locks and key complete; ii. Within a week of the expiry of the tenancy the Tenant must remove all fixtures including partitions ( if Any erected by him with the consent of the Landlord provided the Tenant thereupon immediately makes goods all damage done to the Demised Premises by reason of such removal to match with the surrounding dcor failing which the fixtures and partitions shall become the property of the Landlord who may then remove them and restore the Demised Premises to its original state and condition at the cost and expense of the Tenant; and iii. At all time during the last calendar month immediately preceding the expiration of this tenancy to permit intending tenant and others with written authority from the Landlord or his duly authorized agent(s) to enter and view the Demised Premises at reasonable times of the day by prior appointment. 5. The Landlord hereby covenants with the Tenant as follows:a. That the Tenant duly paying the rent and observing and performing the several covenants and stipulations herein before on the Tenants parts

contained shall peaceably hold and enjoy the Demised Premises during the said term without any disturbance by the Landlord or any person lawfully claiming under or in trust for the Landlord; b. At the determination of the term hereby granted to allow the Tenant to remove all his movables, subject to the Tenant paying reasonable compensation for any damage caused by such removal; and c. To pay all present and future taxes assessments imposition and outgoings imposed upon or in respect of the Demised Premises save and except such as are herein agrees to be paid by the Tenant. 6. PROVIDED ALWAYS and it is hereby agreed between the parties as follows:a. if the rent hereby reserved or any parts thereof shall at any time be unpaid for seven (7) days after becoming payable (whether formally demanded or not) or if any covenant on the Tenants part which is herein contained shall not be performed or observed or if the Tenant enters into an agreement or makes any arrangement with his creditors for liquidation of his debts by composition or otherwise or if he shall become bankrupt then it shall be lawful foe to the Landlord at any time thereafter to re-enter the Demised Premises or any parts thereof in the name of the whole and thereupon this demises shall absolutely cease and determine but without prejudice to the right of action of the Landlord in respect of any antecedent breach of the Tenants covenants herein contained; b. In the event that the Demised Premises or any part thereof shall at any time during the term of this Tenancy be destroyed or damaged by fire, riot or civil commotion and/or act of God or otherwise so as to be unfit for occupation or use, the rent hereby reserved or a fair proportion thereof shall be suspended from the time it is unfit for occupation until the Demised Premises shall again be rendered fit for occupation and use. Provided Always that if the Demised Premises is for any reason not rendered fit for occupation within one (1) months of the occurrence of such event, then either party may by notice in writing terminate this Tenancy forthwith; c. During the term of the tenancy hereby created, any action or omission by the Tenant which causes any breach of the Governments City Councils laws, bye-laws, rules and regulations shall be the responsibility of the Tenant and if the Governments City Council on the said breach, the Landlord may forthwith determine this Agreement and claims indemnity and damages from the Tenant;

d. Any notice under this leased shall be in writing. Any notice to the Tenant shall be sufficiently served if left addressed to on the Demised Premises or sent to him by registered post to his last known address and any noticed to the Landlord shall be sufficiently served if sent by registered post to the preamble address of the Landlord. 7. This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors in title and permitted assigns of the parties hereto. 8. Each party shall bear their own solicitors cost, and the requisite stamping fees thereof shall be borne and paid by the parties hereto equally. 9. Time wherever mentioned shall be deemed to be of the essence of this Agreement. 10. Any indulgence given by the Landlord shall not constitute a waiver of or prejudice the Landlords rights herein this Agreement contained. 11. Words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter genders and words importing the singular shall including the plural and vice versa.

First Schedule
(Which shall be read and constructed as part of this Agreement) 1. Date of Tenancy Agreement

2. Name and description of the Landlord


3. Name and description of the Tenant


4. Description of the Demised Premises

5. Term of the Tenancy Agreement

6. Commencement Date of the Tenancy Agreement 1st day of

7. Completion Date of the Tenancy Agreement 30th day of

8. Monthly Rental of Tenancy Agreement

Ringgit Malaysia

) only

9. Deposit Sum of Tenancy Agreement Ringgit Malaysia ( ) only

10. Utility Deposit of Tenancy Agreement Ringgit Malaysia ( ) only

11. Extension Period of Tenancy Agreement

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written.

SIGNED by the above named Landlord In the presence of:-

) ) ) ______________________________ Name:

SIGNED by the above named Tenant In the presence of:-

) ) ) ______________________________ Name:

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