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Lab Assignment#10

Industrial Electronics

Submitted By:
Naveed Mazhar FA09-BEE-143

Submitted To:
Sir Muhammad Sajjad Durani Date: 15th November, 2012

Automated To & Fro Motion of DC Motor with delay using Limit Switches & Relays
The purpose of this lab is to elaborate the purpose of Limit Switches and Time Delay Relays. Consider a bed is moving upon a motor by a gayer. Two limit switches LS (A) and LS (B) are placed on both sides of motor at certain distance. When the bed presses the LS (A), the motor moves towards LS (B) and vice versa. The whole operation starts with pressing Start PB and ends with pressing Stop PB. The whole scenario is shown in figure:

Our goal is to implement this whole scenario using relay logic. We want the bed to move, 10s after the start PB is pressed and stop 5s after stop PB is pressed. For that we have to use two Time Delay Relays and four multi-contact control relays. This controls the forward and reverse rotation of motor and ultimately the bed through gayer. The ladder diagram for implementation is shown in figure below:

Automated Bidirectional DC Motor with Delay

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