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Quadrilaterals I

by Monica Yuskaitis

Polygon a closed many straightsided figure.

Copyright 2000 by Monica Yuskaitis

Angle two rays that meet at a common end point.

Copyright 2000 by Monica Yuskaitis

Degree a unit of measurement of an angle or arc, represented by the symbol .
Copyright 2000 by Monica Yuskaitis

Quadrilateral a polygon with 4 angles and 4 straight sides.

Copyright 2000 by Monica Yuskaitis

Quadrilateral Family






Copyright 2000 by Monica Yuskaitis

Property of quadrilaterals
The sum of all the angles equals 360 degrees.
90 90



Copyright 2000 by Monica Yuskaitis

Property of Quadrilaterals
The sum of all the angles equals 360 degrees. 90 90 90 90 90 + 90 90 90 360
Copyright 2000 by Monica Yuskaitis

Property of Quadrilaterals
The sum of all the angles equals 360 degrees. 90 90 90 90 90 + 90 90 90 360
Copyright 2000 by Monica Yuskaitis

Property of Quadrilaterals
The sum of all the angles equals 360 degrees. 70 70 70 70 110 + 110 110 110 360
Copyright 2000 by Monica Yuskaitis

Property of Quadrilaterals
The sum of all the angles equals 360 degrees. 65 65 115 65 115 + 115 65 115 360
Copyright 2000 by Monica Yuskaitis

What is the missing angle?

90 90 90 ? 90 90 90 + ? 360

Copyright 2000 by Monica Yuskaitis

What is the missing angle?

70 70 110 + ? 360

70 ?

70 110

Copyright 2000 by Monica Yuskaitis

What is the missing angle?

? 65

65 115

65 65 115 + ? 360

Copyright 2000 by Monica Yuskaitis

What is the missing angle?

90 ?
90 90 90 + ? 360

90 90
Copyright 2000 by Monica Yuskaitis

What is the missing angle?

109 58


58 81 109 + ? 360

Copyright 2000 by Monica Yuskaitis

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