9 Merit Narratives

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9 Merit Narrative Stories

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Jordan Albowicz Sparky Hello my name is Sparky; I am a pink and purple spotted frog with one blue, and one brown eye. I am tiny. I live in a pearly white seashell with a black door that has a door handle of a sharks tooth about 30 feet underwater. One day I was swimming by and heard all the clams yelling STOP STOP, let go, so I turned on my invisible power, and I went to go see what was happening. As soon as I turned the castle I saw that the bull frog was trying to steal the jellyfishs eggs. So I ran over, and took a piece of seaweed and hit the bullfrog in the head for trying to eat the jellyfishs eggs. The clams were screaming and yelling. The bullfrog passed out, and let go of all the turtle eggs within seconds of being hit. All types of creatures that lived near me, where going to see the bullfrog and take pictures of him. The bullfrog woke up, and saw that the whole city was laughing at him. His face turned blood red, and I could see the devil in his eyes as he ran home. So later that night, I went back to my seashell shack and slept safe and sound. The next morning I woke up and fixed myself seaweed Wheaties, and flipped on the tv. It was the news. The first thing I saw was a red bubble that said MISSING in big white letters, and a siren sound, and there was a picture of my mother. My mother was missing. This couldnt be true. So I tried calling her, no answer. I tried again, and again no answer. So I hopped in my car, and drove myself to my mothers house. As soon as I arrived, I started to beat on the door. Than the neighbor ran over to me, and said that he heard that Bullfrog took her, and kidnapped her. I was furious. I drove myself to Bullfrogs house, and he answered the door. I screamed at him and said WHERE IS MY MOTHER. He said Im not telling you, why would I tell you? That would be dumb. I punched him in the face, and he passed out. Again. Ran into his kitchen and saw my mother tied up. I untied her, and let her go. My mom was safe. I was happy. I killed the Bullfrog. I killed the bullfrog.

Nicole Baye January 15, 2013 Mrs. Garst United I dont remember much of my past; thats because I dont want to. I was thrown into an orphanage when I was a baby and I was the weird child. I was different from the other children; nobody understood the things I was going through. Nobody wanted to play with me so all I did was sleep, eat, and bathe. I was raised in Maryellas Orphanage on twenty second street, house number 6745, located in New York City. After turning eighteen I hit the road to have a house to myself, and I found one; a little apartment on Broadway. I started college soon after and majored in English, but I dropped out because of my differences. I knew what I was, how I became that I dont know, but I knew I had to do this. Become a Super Hero. The sun was setting on the Manhattan shore; the waves crashing against the pier. The steam rising up from my hot cup of tea; the wind dying down from the rough windy day. I sighed in relief knowing that my job was done for the day. This tea should be cool by now. I mumbled to myself and before the hot liquid could travel down my throat out of the corner of my eye I saw the L sigh appear. I sighed. Not one day. I assured myself knowing being a super hero came with a price. I wonder what is going on now. I thought to myself while I flew to the scene. I soon found out that Lord Psymon was abducting Paula Abdul for her summer home in Manhattan. Not again Psymon! Ugh! I groaned as I formed a marble wall around Lord Psymon to weaken his grip on Paula. He let her go while screaming out in pain; before she could fall to her death I caught her. So Paula how are you? I asked as we flew to her summer home; she sighed before replying. I could be betteryou know with Lord Psymon trying to make me his slave and all. Then it became silent for a while, but as I caught sight of her summer home somebody knocked me out of the way. Watch it kid! A female voice growled as I set Paula down before confronting this girl. She held herself proudly and then I noticed she looked familiar with the long wavy red hair with light blue eyes. She cleared her throat before I looked her in the eye. You hit my craft, say youre sorry. She said with her arms crossed, she had an annoyed look to her small heart shaped face. I stood up tall and inhaled No. I said simply, and she seemed to get aggravated. Who are you? I questioned; it took her a minute and then she sifted her weight. I am Louyse Carter and you? She asked, something was different but I ignored it and went on telling her my name. Leyumm! I heard Paula screech and as Lord Psymon flew away with her in hand. Louyse and I looked at each other before we flew off to save Paula. Get in! Louyse yelled from the driver side. We were on the tail of Lord Psymon. Im going in for it! I said as I jumped out of the craft and caught Lord Pysmon off guard. Why cant I keep her?! Lord Pysmon s British accent squealed as I threw a pair of marble handcuffs on his wrists. I fell instantly from the

sky with Paula in my hands. I was drowning in a deep ocean, an ocean filled with black waters and no air. Wind was whipping around this ocean and creating huge waves, but then it all stopped. A bright light appeared in front of me, and soon appeared Louyse. Leyummdont leave me brother. Her voice rang in my ears and then everything went black. The air was still and I could not see; I gasped for air and opened my eyes as the cold air inflated my lungs. I was in a white room with a lot of bright lights. Can we turn off a couple of lights? I asked while getting up from the bed I was laying on. Leyumm, you have to know something. Louyse said while I grabbed the cup of water that was sitting on the table. I quenched my thirst and sighed, a fashback for when I was born appeared. Louyse is my twin sister Youre my sister. I said and she looked amazed at me like I read her mind.

MacKenzie Wilson January 15, 2013 Mrs. Garst Together at last

I, louyse, come from the outskirts of Huntington Beach, CA. where I lived with my parents as an only child. We were quite wealthy with a big house that was right on the beach; we had no neighbors for miles looking from either direction. But it was nice, no distractions or rude people to deal we had it all to ourselves. From time to time it would get lonely but then my parents would take me to the toy store and get me a new toy to play with, thats how it always was until one month when we had gone under a little bit and they were unable to pay for the toy, I screamed and I kicked until my mom had to drag me out of the store, once outside I let out the most gut wrenching screech anyone had ever heard, and thats when she knew, mom and dad are both supers, they were just waiting to tell me until they knew whether or not if I was a super also. One rainy day as I was sitting and enjoying my tea I heard the emergency phone ring, I answered and was instructed to go stop Lord Psymons Danosaur from destructing Hollywood. I sprang into action, hopped into Looooooooooouuuuyse craft, and flew to Hollywood. Once there it didnt take long to find the Danosaur because of all the woman and children screaming in terror. Wait a minute Danosaur is very weak and cant handle lot of high pitched sounds; I am surprised that he can with stand all this noise. So I belted out one of the softest noises I have ever made. After defeating the Danosaur encounter, the mayor of the came to me and demanded that I fly to Manhattan, there is something wrong with Paula Abdul! I hopped into Looooooooooouuuuyse craft and was on my way. It was a tough journey; I hit so many lightning storms. But I was determined to make it there alive. As I made it into the city I hit something, wondered what it could have been, a goose or human! I quickly parked my craft, Watch it kid i yelled as I jumped out once I realized it was a human You hit my craft, say youre sorry I said with a very annoyed voice and crossed arms. NO He replied. Who are you? He asked me. Louyse Carter, and who are you? I am leyumm! He replied with excitement and confidence.

Paula screamed, I looked to the sky and with no surprise it was lord Psymon with Paula on his side. I looked at leyumm, Get in I exclaimed We were on the tail lord Psymon when leyumm jumped out and handcuffed Lord Psymon with marble hand cuffs. He screeched out Why cant I keep her? And suddenly all I see is leyumm hurdling to the ground with Paula by his side. Before I got to them both they hit the ground with a thud that shook everything within a 5 mile radius. Got down there as soon as I could have, Paula was fine but leyumm needed to be taken to a hospital, once there he woke up and claimed he had a vision of the day we were born, he said we are twins, and I replied with I know the doctors told me. So this means we are twins and you were supposed to grow up with me!

Alex Beaumont Lonely Island Once there was a young man named John Paxton. He wasnt much of a brave guy. Think of him as a person always on edge, like someone who thinks everything is always going to end up going wrong. Anyways, John is vacationing on this lonely island with his two friends, Oliver and Jason and his brother Ryan. They found the island by chance when they chartered a party boat. Ryan just finished getting his pilots license, and they were all celebrating. They were doing things like jumping off cliffs, jumping of waterfalls, diving to enormous depths, and visiting new parts of their lonely island or is that island really so lonely. Later that night at their camp, everyone was in their cabin, except Oliver. He was sitting by the camp fire. John heard Oliver scream. Jason, Ryan and John went out to see what happened. Pirates came rushing at them and knocked them all out and took them back to their camp. Now I start you (the reader) off with John, Oliver, Jason and Ryan still captive in the camp. John and Ryan found themselves in a small cell with no windows. Jason and Oliver are nowhere to be seen. All of a sudden, a large, dark skinned man walks into their cell and says, Do you think youre going to escape here rat? You havent got a fat chance. I have 50 pirates guarding this one building so Id take a second thought before you try. I also have tons of camps around the island held by my men, so you will be heard anywhere. John and Ryan suddenly heard Oliver scream in the background and then a gun shot. Did you hear that, muskrat? Your friend is dead and there is zero chance that youll escape here alive. Ramirez, stop meddling with the captives and come help with the rejects, one of the pirates says. The man called Ramirez walked away and out of the area. John we got to get outta here, said Ryan. I know, Im thinking, Im thinking, said John, hoping that some idea would come to him. They both wonder if Jason is still alive, fearing the worst. Then John looks at the lock on the door. Ryan, the lock is broken. Kick the door, said John. Ryan kicks the door and it creeks softly as it opens. Ssshhh, quiet Ryan, John hisses. Ok, ok said Ryan. We are going to have to get out now and come back later with help to see if Jason and Oliver are still alive, said John. I hate leaving without them, but I think youre right and its our only chance, said Ryan. They quietly move out of the door and make a run for the jungle. Were almost there Ryan. We can make it. said John. Then they ran into a waterfall and dove down and got caught in the current. They woke up the next morning on the beach. They looked up and saw three people. Dave, an ex marine who found John and Ryan on the beach, Konitia, the village priestess, and a village guard with an ak-47 pointed right at their heads. Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Its ok, were enemies of Ramirez, said John. Weapon down, said Konitia. The guard obeyed her order and put his weapon down. So you two are enemies of Ramirez? asked Konitia. Yes, answered Ryan. We were only here to enjoy the sun, but turns out Ramirezs pirates kidnapped us and tortured our friends. One of them is dead and the other is being held captive. Will you help us? asked Ryan. Yes, here drink this, both of you, said Konitia. John and Ryan both drank the bottle and they blacked out

and both woke up in a village with tattoos on their arms with ancient markings on them. Dave was at the village when they woke up, but Konitia went back to her temple. Whats this on my arm? asked Ryan. Its the tattoo of the warrior. It will give you the bravery and courage to fight Ramirez. Dave said. Konitia said it will let out your inner warrior, said Dave. Inner warrior? asked John. Its the magical warrior inside of your soul, said Dave. Oh, and John, take this. Dave handed John money. Youll need this to buy weapons, said Dave. Alright, Ryan, theres a doctor on top of Boar Hilltop. He owns a chopper, if you can fly it. His house is also a good place to hide out. His name is Dr. Montgomery, said Dave. Thanks a lot Dave. It was nice meeting you, said John. Goodbye Dave, goodbye Ryan. See you later hopefully, John said. Dave went back to Konitias temple. John went to go buy weapons and Ryan went to Dr. Montgomerys house to find out about the chopper. Ok, now where to find some weapons? Oh, I bet the general store has some. said John. John walks into the general store. Hello. So youre the new guy. What would you like? asked the cashier. Uh, Ill take a Colt 1911 suppressed, with an AK-47 suppressed with an extended magazine, and a suppressed Barrett 50 caliber please. said John. Sure, that will be $250,000 USD, the cashier said. Just take this. John handed the cashier the money. Ok, so that will be all? asked the cashier. Yes, that will be all, said John. In the meantime, Ryan was finding gasoline around the island to fill up the chopper that Doctor Montgomery gave him to escape with his friends. Ryan checked out the chopper and found out he could fly it to leave the island with his friends. John left the village with his weapons and went to the first outpost he could find and killed all the pirates there. He kept on moving from outpost to outpost taking out all the pirates he could find. Then he went to the few beach outposts, conquered them and decided to go diving. He went on a dive and found a mysterious knife at the bottom of the ocean. When he found it, he was so surprised he didnt know what to say. After he got back on land, John took the knife to Konitia. She took the knife and put John through the final warrior test by making him walk the path of the warrior, and made John ready to fight Ramirez. After completing the path of the warrior, John Paxton went to the compound they were holding their friend Jason. When John got there, he put C4 everywhere in the compound. John snuck silently into the compound. He opened what looked to him like a cell door. Jason, Oliver, John whispers. Yeah whos that? asked Jason. Its John. Im getting you outta here. Where are you? Jason asked. Oh, here says John. John flipped on the flashlight on his AK-47. Im right here. What about Oliver? John asks. I dont know if he is alive or dead, Jason said. I heard him scream, and then I heard a gunshot. The big guy who calls himself Ramirez came into my cell and told me Oliver was dead, Jason said. But through a crack in the door, I saw Oliver being dragged away with Ramirez to a boat by the beach. Jason said. Hes not here, but he may or may not be alive, Jason said. Ok, Ill deal with it later. Lets get you outta here, said John. Jason and John ran to the closet hilltop and looked down on the compound. Say boom you s*n of a %^&$#! said John. All he had to do was press a button and the whole compound went up in a ball of fire. John detonated

the C4 and the whole compound lit on fire and exploded in a ball of fire. Wow, said Jason. Just wow, he said again. Alright Jason, go back to Boar Hilltop. Thats where Doctor Montgomerys house is. Thats where youll find Ryan and can hide until Ramirez is dead, said John. Jason left, and John took off after Ramirez. John goes to Ramirezs island with only his sniper rifle and the ancient knife or the Blood luster that Konitia gave him. John reaches Ramirezs compound, lays down about 50 yards away from the compound and takes aim with his sniper rifle. He sees Ramirez in his sights, and fires, but misses. Damn, said John. RAMIREZ, COME OUT, COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE! John yells. Here I am! said Ramirez in a taunting voice. Ramirez used his ancient teleporting ability. Ramirez throws a few punches at John, and John throws a few punches at Ramirez. Finally after all that hard work to get revenge, John pulls out the Blood Luster and stabs Ramirez multiple times in the chest area. Ramirez falls to the ground dead and the remaining pirates leave the island when they see John kill their leader. All of the tortured villagers, or POWs, from the island village returned to the village with feelings of great joy and happiness. John investigated the uninhabited compound. He heard a voice and something banging on a door from inside a room in the compound. He went to investigate. He opened the door slowly and he looked in the room and said, Oh my G%D! Oliver, youre alive! Oliver was too beaten and tortured to talk. Jeez, whatd they do to you Oliver, said John. Come on, Ill guide you to the others. said John. John and Oliver go back to the doctors house to see that Ryan filled the gas tank of the chopper and it was ready to go. They all thanked the doctor and got into the chopper on their way home. So John, Ryan, Jason, and Oliver flew home in the chopper that the doctor gave to them. Ramirez is dead, John and Ryan and their friends are safe and headed home, and the villages and tribes are happy that they can have their island back and live in peace. THE END

Elizabeth Boone Mrs. Garst January 15, 2013

The Mind Controller

My name is Amy a.k.a Fireball I was born with the power of catching people on fire with my mind and controlling things with my mind. I got the power of catching people on fire when my house caught on fire when I was two the fire burnt part of my head. My family and I were homeless and living on the streets since I was two. With me being homeless my power has become stronger because I see a lot of things happen every day on the streets, but my weakness is that Snake eye is my dad but hes the meanest villain in the town. My name is Ralph a.k.a. Snake eye. I got my power when I was a teenager, I took a sip of the tea my father made and I instantly turned into a snake I also have the power to freeze time. I only turn into a snake when I get really mad. My weakness is that Im really stupid. One day it was a dark night and my family and I were just settling down sleep in the cold blissful night, the streets were quiet. All of the sudden from across the street out ran Snake eye he just robbed a store across the street. He was running like nobody would ever find out that he robbed the store. The next day he was walking passed the store like nothing had happened so I used my power and I made him trip and fall. He got really mad and out of nowhere he turned into a snake. Snake eye then figure out that it was me doing all those things to him with my mind, he demanded war. Snake eye was now out to get me since I had done all those things to him. Snake eye knew that I could control things with my mind but he didnt know that I catch people on fire with my mind since he left my mom when I was still a baby. So Im doing the worst thing ever by fighting my dad. There has to be a way I could trap Snake eye without killing him because I wouldnt want to disappoint my mother. Snake eyes favorite thing is pie so maybe I could trap him with pie. The best way to trap him would to be with pie then he can go to jail once we trap him, but this is not going to be an easy thing to do because if Snake eye finds out that Im trying to trap him he will probably be furious because he is already mad at the other stuff I did to him and he doesnt know that I know hes my father. A few days passed. I was walking around town one day and I happened to run into Snake eye. Snake eye was still very mad at what had happened and he started turning into a snake. Snake eye was the ugliest snake I had ever seen. Now I really dislike snakes after that. Lets get back to what happened. After snake eye turned into a snake he started shooting venom at me, it didnt work I started getting mad and was trying to catch him on fire but then I realized that it couldnt work because he was a snake. I tried making this happened to him since I could control things with my mind, but that didnt work either. Then I came to realize when he

turns into a snake it blocks me from using my powers on him. I finally realized that it time to trap him because if I cant use my powers on him, theres nothing I can really do except trap him. A few weeks passed.. No one has seen Snake eye in a few weeks Im starting to wonder if hes really trying to hurt me or is he coming after me to tell me that hes my father. I started to trap him day by day I put pie on every street corner that hes usually on and in every stored that he has robbed. The next day I had realized that all the pies were gone but one and the one that was left had a note on it from my father that read Dear Amy, I know we have been coming after each other, but I want to make things right and tell you Im really your father. I dont think that a daughter and father should be going after one another, so I think we should stop this war. Sincerely, Snake eye After I read the note I went right to my mother and she demanded that the war should still go on and that she will help me this time and I agreed. Finally one day the trap work we caught Snake eye at the corner of the street eating the last pie. I started a fire and he realized he was starting to burn so he tried to freeze time but he couldnt it was too late. After we caught Snake eye on fire my mother was re ally upset she didnt want him to go to jail she was in love with him only if there was a way for him to give up his power a turn back to human form forever. My mother then realized that she could get him to give up his powers by him marrying her again. Snake eye and my mother met again in a long time. My mother had a friend that was a genie and the genie gave my mother a liquid to put into Snake eyes drink that will want him to give up his power.

A couple months passed. The liquid worked, and Snake eye and my mother got married. I agreed to not use my power unless I really had to.

Corinne Bremer 01/15/2013 Period 4 Heroes and Villains: Two Halves Dont Make a Whole Twins were born during the summer solstice on the planet of Nargonia. There was one girl and one boy, the girls name was Rosa, and the boys name was Bradley. They were born to keep the universe at peace, but also with the right amount of destruction but later the problem being fixed. Rosa was the sweetest little girl who made everyone happy and kept mass destruction away from where she was at, but she couldnt be around flowers because every time someone had given her a flower she would completely shut down for 24 hours and she wouldnt be able to move until those 24 hours are up. In 2002 she traveled to earth, and its now 2013 and she lives in New York City on 24th Street. Bradley was the brittle one. He always wanted to destruct everything that got in his way. It has been that way since he was in kindergarten. On their birthday every year he would put flowers in Rosas room so she wouldnt be able to fix all of the destruction he was planning since his last birthday. He traveled to Earth 4 years after his sister and lives in New York City on 25th Street and to this day he still pulls tricks on his sister to keep her on her toes. The thing about the twins is that they have really interesting super names. Rosa got hers because as a child Rosa always won the class running competitions so they called her Rosa Rocket. Bradley got his because every time Rosa fixed his mass destruction he would try to mess it up but he just made things better and it made his mad. So since that would happen they called him Dr. DoGood. He hated that name so much so he perfected his work since he was younger. Since they both live in New York City and only a street apart they still hate each other. Rosa helps at a soup kitchen every day while Bradley owns a flower shop on 56th Street. One day, the day before their birthday, Dr. DoGood had been cloning for years without Rosa Rocket knowing. While Dr. DoGood was too busy cloning, Rosa was planting trees, plants, and vegetables because she refused to spend her money on produce when she could easily grow her own. Anyway, they both had secrets they didnt tell each other. What Dr. DoGood was planning to do was to take every natural resource on earth. So he put 1,000 clones on each continent. They destroyed every natural resource on each continent and while all of the humans would starve and get sick the clones would eat them. Rosa was at the soup kitchen when she heard screaming outside the building.the clones had made it to NEW YORK CITY!!! She was furious because she knew it was Dr.DoGood. So she did as she always does and comes up with a plan and kills all of the clones around the world. One of the clones went into Bradleys Flower shop. Rosa hadnt paid attention to where she was headed because she was too focused on killing all of the clones. So the clones had knocked all of the flowers on her and disabled her. What she didnt know was that on her calf there was a spot that the flowers didnt get. So a little girl about the age of 8 had seen Rosa among the flowers and pulled her out. She took

some water that she had with her and tossed on Rosa to see if she would wake up. The water hid that spot without the flowers and she immediately woke up and rushed out of the door yelling THANK YOU to the little girl. Rosa finishes of the clones and where they were generated from. Dr.DoGood was furious and actually tried to hurt his twin but they were linked so if he hurt her he could feel the pain. So Rosa Rocket took her homegrown plants that the clones never found and sprinkled them across the world and generated a liquid that made the plants grow back quicker than what they would have. The world was saved and there was peace once again thanks to Rosa Rocket. They both kept going with their destruction an peace and havent cause pain to one another.

Perry butler Jan 15 Pd 4 Super guy vs. evil man Super guy is young he is very strong and lives in new yourk at a hotel complex with his daughter sonya. Super guy does have a nemesis its evil man! Evil man can fly he is very smart and knows supermans one weakness. Super guy knows that he knows and I very caustios about that and his daughter. He knows one day will come when evil guy will attach but he will be prepared for evil man. One day in the nice city of New York, super guy was cooking breakfast for him and his daughter, when all of a sudden he hears a scream. He rushes up stairs only to find his daughter is gone! Nooooooooooooo! Super guy screamed. How could I let this happen I will find you evil man!!! all of a sudden he finds a note that reads: I have your daughter I have planted a bomb under Neath youre apartment-um I mean no, theres no bomb there is no need to look under their. Aha! So theres a bomb I should go get it I am so smart! then super guy lifts up him apartment complex and he goes down to get the bomb and sees something shiny. I found it! I should probably get it out now. Then when he reaches down to get it it its tin foil! Ahhhhh oh no my only weakness! Ahhh its straining my powers getting weakerwhen all of a sudden a random citizen falls on the tin foil.Ah my powers are back I guess I can put this apartment complex back down. aw oh aw my ribs awe ahhh im getting crushed ah him dying aw what the heck man aww im dead now aw said the man on the tin foil. Whoops said super guy quietly. I will find you evil man then he looks on her floor again. their another note. it reads: hahaha I was just messing with you but seriously I want to have 60 million dollars in 3 days or ill kill sonya in time square and theirs nothing you can do about it muhahahahahahahahahahhaahah. Oh noo! How am I suppose to get that much money in 2 days? Ill steel it! Ill just go in the bank rip opean the vault and take it Super guy is getting ready for the robbery. hes walking down the street as just a normal person he is now just walking into the bank . he has gotten in the bank some one trys to stop hum and bang! He throws him agents the wall then he rippes opean the vault and takes the money and runs away. muhahahahahaahaha I have gotten the money now I should go to evil mans house.as soper mans flying to evil guys house boom a bomb goes of and nearly kills him! Then all of a sudden evil man comes with the dead body of sonya, NOOOOOOOO! You killed her! I will kill you know! then they start battling building flying every where then evil guy shoots lazers out outhis eyes and hits super guy right in the heart! hes dead! Whooo I win! said evil man with a smile.

Scottie Colvin 1-15-13 Mrs.Garst 4th period The adventures of Fly Boy! Fly boy was born and raised in Maryland. He is 23 years old and he lives by himself in an apartment building. He worked in a scientist lab before he got his super powers. One day at work he picked up this substance and he spilled it all over himself. Over the next two weeks he saw differences in his body, he gained more muscle, lost weight, and he got better eye sight. Then he notices he has super powers, and he could fly, he has super strength, and he has the capability to have see through vision. So what he started to do with his powers was help people that were in need of help. One day he was helping a man that feel off of a roof he was fixing, but the man had a harness on so he was hanging off the side of the building. Right as fly boy was pulling the man up when he was hit by Shaun. Shaun was fly boy best friend until flyboy figured out that he was an evil villain. Then fly boy and Shaun were fighting while the man hanging off the building was still dangling there, and the harness was almost about to snap. Right as the harness snapped fly boy flew over and catched him out of the air, and then flew him down to safety on the ground. After the fight with Shaun, He figured out that Shaun is trying to kill him because Shaun doesnt want fly boy helping people. But the hard part about fighting Shaun is that when hes within two feet of him he gets weaker. So a month or two go by and they get into more fights but they never could kill each other. One day fly boy had a good idea and thought if he could find a way to defeat Shaun by being a farther distance away from him he could win the fight. One day fly boy was crying to save a child that was stuck under a car and Shaun attacked him from behind and fly boy got mad and through him off of himself. Then fly boy thought about his idea about how to defeat Shaun so while saving the child from under the car, fly boy used his super strength and picked up the car and he threw it at Shaun and it smashed him and killed him. So fly boy defeated Shaun and he is looked like as an international hero to the world.

Devin Fisher 1/15/13 Mrs. Garst Period 4 The adventures of Falco

A small boy was raised in a horrible neighborhood, his name was Ryan. As one of the poorest kid growing up all he wanted was better for his family and himself. Going through school he was always getting beat up and shoved around. Once highs school came he trained himself to get stronger and faster. Through high school he was very smart and graduated at the top of his class, getting a full scholarship to the University of Atlanta. While he was in college he played quarterback for Atlanta. His arms were so built and he was so fast he could launch a pass all the way down field and dodge sacks. He later got the name Falco from his team and coach. Four years later he graduated from college and got his masters degree in business. Five years after living in a small two bedroom house, He had his business built up enough to where he had enough money to buy a nice house. About a year later his business was very large. He expanded his work size of Falco Industries and with the more work he had the more money he was gaining. He bought a very large house with a lot of money that he was getting. Where his new house was built and where he bought it, there seemed to be a lot of violence. Growing up around violence and now having to live around it he didnt like it. The only way he could change that was by him making the difference, because the police couldnt stop it all they needed help. He then made himself a cape and used his nickname Falco. About a day later Falco came out that night and heard a scream for help down an alley. He found where the cry for help came from and was able to go to save the women. She was being mugged by a large man. Although Falco was smaller than this man, Falco still put up a fight. The man punches left as Falco dodges and comes back with a hard right. Falco punched so hard you could feel the spit out of the mans mouth and hit Falco in the face. Falco took the man to the local jail and when there a cop asked who you are, Falco responded as the man who saves lives. After weeks and months of protecting the city and sending people to jail, someone else heard about what was going on.

A man who has been known for murdering many people and causing a large disruption in many cities came to Falcos city. This mans name was Russ. Russ was born in a jail deep in the ground where almost no one made it out. The most despicable of people went to this jail and the only way you could stay alive was to fight for your life. As a small boy Russ made it out of this jail. Ever since that day he was able to start a gang and increase its size. When Russ got to Falcos city the crime rate increased. Falco couldnt stop it all. The only thing Falco wanted to know was where Russ was hiding. Falco got his wish later that night he caught someone, someone who worked for Russ. After Falco caught the man he asked him where Russ was hiding and found out he was in the sewers. The next day Falco finally said hes ready and went down there to the sewers and found the place in which Russ was hiding. When Falco went down the only thing he worried about was that there was too many men. Russ saw Falco trying to get in and stopped him. Russ heard stories about Falco and knew he was coming. Falco was prepared though. Once Falco got down into the sewers the battle began. It was hours before Falco was finally able to get to Russ they could finally meet each other, and then it began. Russs punch is very fast; he got Falco in the mouth twice. Then Falco came back with his super strength kick and knocks Russ back off his feet. Russ knew that Falco was slower than him so Russ used his speed to take down Falco and get him on his back. Falco couldnt do anything but when he was on the ground he remembered that Russs knees were weak so Falco gets one more kick out with the strength he has left and kicks him in the knees taking down Russ and killing him. About a week later he realized he was done with his career and hung up his coat. He went back to just staying home and being with a woman he met a little after. Although Falco said he was done he knows if there was trouble in his area and someone needed his help he would be the person to come.

Chesney Gosnell

Once upon a time there was a super hero named Super Woman. She was very outgoing and a caring person. She always worried about other people more than herself. She is pretty tall for being a girl; you could tell she had lots of powers. She normally wears a cape that says S.W. in bold, standing for super woman. There was one problem she had and enemy and his name was Black Falcon. They had most of the same super powers as each other. They could both fly, but super woman is super strong and she blows out water. Black Falcon blows out fire. Each time they saw each other it became war!! One day Super Woman was flying around checking out Sharksville City and she was making sure everything and everybody was ok. She suddenly saw black Falcon and it was very unusual to see him. Normally when she sees him he is just up to mischief and just up to no good. So she just minds her own business and kept flying around doing her own business. Later on that day Super Woman was at her secret spot where no one knows where its at. She started hearing screams. So she hurried up and went to see what was going on. She went to where the screams where at and it was Black Falcon catching the city on fire! So she uses her super strength to pin Black Falcon and push him to the ground and tie him down for the cops to get him. Then she swoops and drops all her water on the ground and SAVES THE DAY!!! The whole city was so happy that Super Woman was able to save the city and capture black Falcon so that he cant ever torment their city ever again!

Carly Gregory 1/15/13 Mrs. Garst

Super Woody! One day Woody was taking his morning run like a normal person would. Everything is normal and he walks by a jello store he felt weak until he passed it. There was a car accident on the corner and he went to move the cars off each other with his super strength. It all happened in a small town woody took the injured people to the hospital and went back to the damage. There was a strawberry colored blob on the ground that he stepped in he couldnt take his foot back out because it was his worst enemy Strawberry Jelly. Woody fell over and jelly grew bigger into a really flexible blob. Strawberry jelly threw woody across the park. Woody got up and sees jelly vandalizing everyones property and making a huge mess. A fire truck approached the scene and woody knew just what to do. Woody runs to the fire truck and puts the hose on the closes fire hydrant. He Jelly! woody yelled. The jelly turns around and sees that woody is pointing a hose at him jelly will not be a normal blob he would get watery and unable to move. Are you gonna leave this town or ya gonna take a chance? woody said. This isnt over! Mr. Jelly replied. So they cleaned up the mess and made sure everything was normal before everyone went home.

Woody was at home watching the news and saw that whole thing over again and was disappointed because it was put on tv. Woody heard a disturbance outside and he went to the window he looked outside but he didnt see anyone. Woody went to sit back down and he saw strawberry goo. Woody got up really fast and ran to the kitchen for a cup of water. He heard a glass break upstairs so he went up the stairs very fast and very quiet he turned into the bathroom. He didnt see it but a piece of the blob was on the ceiling. Woody walked in the bathroom and leaned in the shower when the little jelly fell into the shower woody turned on the shower quick and killed the little jelly. Woody decided to go to bed for the night. When woody woke up the next morning there was a disturbance in the city all he heard was car sirens and crashes. Woody ran as fast as he could to the city. When woody got to the city he saw Mr. Jelly eating a whole car. When Mr. Strawberry Jelly eats he grows bigger. Woody called the fire station and called them to bring their biggest hose they got! When they got there Mr. Jelly had done ate the park bench. Woody had to move cars and line them up for a shield he moved the trucks with his super strength. Woody hid behind his shield of cars and called for Mr. Jelly. Hey Lardo! Woody yelled. He turned around and woody squirted water on the lower half of Mr. Jelly and he molded into a smaller blob. Mr. Jelly slithered into the woody beyond Woodys home. Woody had the fire department to clean up the watered down jelly. While he went home to get prepared to destroy Mr. Strawberry Jelly.

Woody was at home and he got water guns loaded with water and water bottle and he put on camouflage and got some gear on then was off into the woods to find Mr. Jelly. When woody was walking through the woods he stepped in squishy mud woody hates anything squishy and wet because he hates the sound and feeling. Woody stepped in squishy mud and got his foot stuck then he heard moans coming from deeper in the woods it sounded like Mr. Jellys moan! Woody pulls his foot out of the mud and walks towards the sound. When woody approached Mr. Jelly he saw he was upset and crying. Woody walks over to Mr. Jelly and asks if he is ok and he didnt answer. Woody sat next to him and would not get to close to him or he would get eaten or stuck because he does hate sticky and squishy things. Woody went to get a stick for a fire when Mr. Jelly tries to attack woody. Woody turned around and through water all over Mr. Jelly. Mr. Jelly wasnt very jelly after that. Mr. Jelly turned into a red colored puddle hes nothing but watered down strawberry jelly! I hate strawberry jelly!! said Woody. Woody left the woods and came out to a group of city folks and folks from the town. Woody was silent at first. No more worries about Mr. Jelly! Shouted Woody! Everyone cheered for woody! Woody became the most popular man in the City and Town.

Maddie grodahl 1/15/13 Mrs. Garst Period 4 Power Flash

My story is not that of an ordinary college girl, for example: not every college girl has an evil scientist as a professor, not every college girl can shoot lightning out of their hands, or have to fight an army of teenage kids. Even though Im one of the smartest kids in my class I feel as if I am smarter than before I got my power. You may think that most college kids are nineteen or twenty when they first start, but not me, Im only sixteen. Ive been a local kid my entire life, and I know Frederick like the back of my hand. Anyway, my powers didnt come out of the sky; it all started after I got a mysterious invite from my college professor (Tim Johnson) saying that I had been offered an internship at Ft. Detrick! My name is Jo-Lon, and this is my story. Somewhere at Ft. Detrick in the middle of the night, Tim Johnson is in his lab when there is a knock on the door. Come in, he said. Then four men in black military suites came through the door and said, Doctor Johnson, you are under arrest for assaulting and testing on innocent teens! Stand up slowly and put your hands behind your head, NOW! Then as he did so he said, No, Its YOU WHO SHOULD BE ARRESTED! and hit the officer behind him, then ducked under his desk and pressed a button and heard crackles of electricity and sounds of the men screaming in pain and agony, and then a Thud as the officers fell to the floor, dead. He stood with an evil smile across his lips and said, What fools! Thinking they can outwit a mad scientist; ha, ha, ha, ha, ha never! I need to get them out of here, he thought, looking down at the corpses; before my next victim arrives. He looked to a monitor in the corner of the ceiling that was filled with the images of the security cameras; He saw the headlights of a car in the night time sky headed westbound towards the entrance of the fort and said, and I think she just did, and with that and an evil grin he started making preparations for his new disciples arrival. Along the road to the fort, Jo-Lon has no idea of whats about to take place. Hey, thanks for driving me Bobby, I owe you one, I said to the young man and he said, Awe, dont worry about it, were friends, and thats what friends are for, as I got out of the cab I said, Thanks, and dont worry about staying, Im working late, and as I tried to pay him he said, put that away, you be careful now you hear? Call me when you want me to pick you up, I have an hour left of work then Im done,, Thanks, I will, bye, I said as he drove off back to the city. I then went up to the entrance and scanned my authorization code that was in the invite, and walked inside to find that it looked like a normal hospital would, spacious , white, and clean; but with mostly everyone gone, it felt eerie, and uncomfortable. I went up

to the reception desk only to find no one there. Curious, I said aloud, and then I saw on the wall next to the desk a huge list of peoples names and the rooms they worked in. I scanned the list muttering as I go, Johnson Johnson where are you Johnson Aha here we go, Johnson, Block- H, rooms 57-60; Wow, thats a long, long walk from here. Oh well, I guess I need to start exercising, I said as I started to walk down the hallways finding my way to the labs that Dr. Johnson worked in. In some of the labs I walked passed there were covered with all kinds of jars that looked to be full of some type of green liquid and on counters lots of microscopes. Finally I got to two huge double doors that were painted orange and on them they said, WARNING BIOHAZARD PLEASE USE CAUTION, so I entered and the hallway was dark so I took one step after another, and as if on cue the lights turned on and I found myself in another hallway with one door leading to who knows where? As I neared the door it opened and a figure clad from head to toe in a formfitting black suite of light armor and a white lab coat said, Welcome my dear, join me, wont you? Who are you? I said as I started to back away, when I took a step back he took one forward, and then I ran for the doors and he said, Now, now my dear, there is no hope of escaping me, your destiny lies with me, who are you, what do you want with me? I said again in a worried tone as I watched him near me. Step by step he closed in on me and for the first time I saw in his right hand was a syringe filled with a blue liquid that I didnt know of. Then as he took his last steps toward me he said to me something that made chills run down my spine, like an evil scientist he said, I, I am Vortron, and I want your mind, body, and your soul, then I tried to say no , but it was too late. The syringe had already penetrated my neck and I was encased in the depths of unconsciousness. When I woke up I was in a bed strapped down to it with people all around me like an operating room watching me and one of them said, Please, dont struggle, you are safe! You are in a hospital, she said. Then I asked, What happened to me? The lady said, you just went through an electric shock of a thousand volts, we think you did it to yourself, thats why we had you strapped down and sedated. Now you will be in pain for the next couple of hours, but then you will be fine, I asked, What did you sedate me with, and how did you find me? She said, Its called Lothrem. Its a chemical compound that absorbs electricity, and some cabbie found you and brought you hear, says you didnt call him back so he came and got you,, Thanks, I said. She said, No problem, happy to be of help. Now get some sleep, its two oclock in the morning,, Ok, I said. As I woke up from a night of tossing and turning, a nurse was there to tell me that I was free to go home after I ate something and took some pills. I left the hospital knowing that I had to find answers, and I intended to find them; starting with Dr. Johnson. I then called the university and asked if Dr. Johnson was available, the lady said that he took all of his equipment and left for the week. Then I asked if he said where he was going, she said, Washington D.C., I thanked her and hung up. It was around seven PM, I was walking home when I heard screaming coming from down the street. I followed the scream to what looked like an abandoned factory, and went inside to find myself in the midst of a seven on three fight, and said, HEY, why dont you pick on someone your own size! they all stopped and looked at me, and the leader of the bad guys said, GET HER! His henchmen charged at me, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck start to rise. All of a sudden, my fingers lit up with crisp blue lightning and I launched it at them, they fell down screaming in pain as it arced

through their bodies. Then I looked to the leader, who was in shock, stood in a fighting stance and said to me, You may have defeated my men, but you can never defeat me! He charged for me and me to him, but at the last second I jumped and flipped to land on my feet behind him. As he skidded to a stop, I launched myself in the air with a war cry and lightning on my hands, to meet my cowering foes daring fate. Contact, a scream, then silence. I stood there, over my unconscious foe when a girl, one of the three, came behind me, You killed them? She asked as the other two followed her to look at the bodies, No, theyre unconscious I said as I turned to face them, Who are you? One of the boys asked as he saw that I was a teen like him, The names Jo-Lon and I think its about time for us to get out of here, before they come to, I said to them gesturing to the men on the floor. They nodded their heads in agreement and we ran our separate ways as they went north to Pennsylvania and I headed south to Washington D.C., where Dr. Johnson lays in the shadows and with him, my answers. Dawn had arrived and I was on the move, as an hour passed my mind was in frenzy with this identity crisis of who Vortron is and how I was going to take him down! Speaking of Vortron, I thought, I wonder what hes up to. Two hours earlier, Washington D.C., inside the White House Mr. President, there is a man here to see you, he is with the USAMRIID (U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases) and says its urgent, sir, The assistant informed. Send him in, Said the President from inside the oval office with his seven year old daughter (Claire). Then three kids came through the door dressed in black military grade armor and small grapple guns. Also two other people came in the room, a kid with street cloths on and a figure clad from head to toe in a formfitting black suite of light armor with a white lab coat. The figure nodded to the kid next to him, the kid stretched his arms and blue lightning came out of his hands and danced around the room. When it dissipated the figure spoke to the two kids in front, Secure them! Then the two kids pointed their grapple guns at the President and fired, they bounded to the Presidents wrists and pinned them to his desk, and the other one grabbed the daughter and tied her up. Then the figure spoke to the President and his daughter, Now, that we have settled down, let us get down to business, Said the figure. Who are you? the President asked. I, I am your worst nightmare; Oh and dont even think about sending a rescuing party for your daughter, cause if you do, he said in the Presidents ear, she will most certainly die!. Then the figure stabbed a syringe in the Presidents shoulder, and Claire screamed, Daddy, as the figure turned and walked over to the girl and said, Dont worry my dear, Daddys just sleeping. Move out! He said and was gone. I walked to Frederick and found a payphone and called Bobby. Hey Bobby, listen I need a ride to Washington D.C. Can you take me? I asked the young man. Of course I can, Ill be right there. He said. Soon when he picked me up we were on 270 headed southbound in a matter of minutes. Can you tern on the radio, please? I asked Bobby. Sure, he said as he turned it on, and we listened to this message. We are still getting reports that the President of the United States was in the White House when he said it was attacked by a man in a black body suite and a white lab coat, and also that his daughter has been

kidnapped by the mysterious figure, it is a fact that we dont know who this man Is and if you have any information on this man, please call the police. Lord have mercy, the President! Who would attack the President? asked Bobby. I thought for a minute and then I realized who this is Vortron, I said aloud. Who? Bobby asked. Vortron, the guy who knocked me out at Ft. Detrick, I need to get down there, Bobby, STEP ON IT! I exclaimed. Im on it! Bobby said as he laid his foot on the gas. Thirty minutes later we arrived in D.C., we were a block away from the hospital that the President was staying in, I told Bobby to pull over and I got out and he pulled into a car garage to wait for me. I then went to see what the fuss was about. In front of the hospital there was the S.W.A.T. team holding back the press. The Vice President was giving a speech on what had happened. I tried to hear the conversation, but there were too many people talking. I needed to make a plan and fast, so I squeezed through the crowd until I was in front of the Vice President. After he was done I chased him until I was right behind him and yelled to him, Mr. Vice President! I yelled and his guards grabbed me on my wrists, Get her out of here said the Vice President. Wait, Mr. Vice President, wait! I said still struggling against the guards I yelled, I HAVE INFORMATION ON THE PRESIDENTS ATTACKER!!!! He stopped abruptly and turned to me, all eyes were on us, Sir, I have information on the Presidents attacker, Sir, I said again to him. He nodded to his guards and they released me, Come with me, He said and I followed him to his car. Once we were in he asked me what information did I have, I have two names Sir. Vortron, and Doctor Tim Johnson. I said to him. Vortron? Thats a fictional name isnt it? He asked. Yes Sir, thats why I suggested the name Doctor Tim Johnson because I think its him. I said to him. Do you have any proof that hes the man behind all of this? He asked me. No Sir, not yet, but I will have proof after I take off his mask and show the world who a mad scientist truly is! Sir, you say he was stabbed with a syringe? Well I was to when I met him and when I woke up I had a new power, I showed him my hands and they lit up as lightning danced across them, my guess is that he did more than just assaulting the President and his daughter, I think that he experimented on teens like me to have his revenge on something or someone, I said to him. Alright, you have twenty-four hours, and if you need anything, contact me with this Bluetooth, he said to me as he handed me it. I will, Sir thank you, I said to him as I got out of the car. After I walked a few blocks I saw a TV store with the news on the front TVs. The anchor stated that one witness saw a man like Vortron walking towards the Capitol Building, and thats where I was headed. In a matter of minutes I was there I front of the building. It was around six and there was a slight breeze as I climbed the stone steps to the Capitol Building. Then I opened the door and walked inside only to find no one there. Strange I thought, havent I been in this situation before? I shrugged it off and started to look around when I heard a sound behind me, I turned around to find a kid charging at me full speed. I jumped side ways only to get knocked to the ground by a hit in the head, and I looked to see that there were at least twelve kids in the room with me. I stood up and they came at me like Im a bobble head that will always bounce back, I dodged and weaved and they could never hit me, until I saw a flash of something out of the corner of my eye, I saw lightning, and it hit me square in the chest and I fell to the floor. Ok, you want to play, Ill play! I exclaimed as got off the floor and pulsed so hard that it filled the entire room with blue lightning, and the screams of the

other kids getting shocked. When it dissipated all I heard were the sounds of my own labored breathing. I walked over to one of the kids and felt his pulse; he was ok, which means that all of them were fine. I stood up from the kid and was about to leave when I heard, That was quite a show, what you did just now, truly amazing, Said Vortron. Oh really? I can do it again, unless you would like to be called French toast from now on then Im not so sure, I said to him sarcastically. Ah, but you wont, not with a life on the line that is, He said as he pointed to the ceiling where young Claire was hanging from a rope. That may be true, but that wont stop me FROM KILLING YOU! I exclaimed to him as I charged at him with hands ablaze with lightning. He just stood there as if waiting for me to come to him I thought, its a trap! But then it was too late, a syringe already penetrated my shoulder and my lightning dissipated, no I thought, lightning isnt what will save Claire, its my spirit that will. I turned around and launched myself at Vortron and with all of my might, I shoved him against the wall and punched him in the face and stomach and he fell to the floor in a heap. Then remembering the Bluetooth I called the Vice President, The jobs done, hes down, I said. Thank you, whats the condition of the girl? He asked. Just as he said that, the rope snapped under pressure and Claire began to fall. I went under her as she came down and caught her just in time. Shes fine, I said as I untied her. Good, Im sending a squad of troops to your position, He said. Well be waiting for them, I said to him. What do you want us to call you for the paper? he asked. Jo-Lon, just Jo-Lon, I said to him as I hung up. Then I went over to Vortron and pulled off his mask to revel the face of Dr. Johnson, and then I took one of his own syringes and used it on him just to make sure. The headlines were big, so big that they even made books about me. My life was returned to normal and was never the same again, with school Im super busy and dont have as much time as I used to. Every once in a wile I see things pop up about a teenage mutant kid saving the Presidents daughter, but hey that a story. Every now and then you may see the headlines saying that there have been some power outages do to the weather, but their wrong, when they those happen its me fighting crime, saving the world one power flash at a time.

Grace Hagy Electric Shock


Once upon a time, there were two super heroes. They were married, and had a son named Jerulo, who had natural super powers since he was born from two radioactive people. He grew up and met a beautiful girl, they started dating, and Jerulo was planning to propose to her surprisingly. One day the God of weather sent a giant storm and captured Jerulos girlfriend in a twister with only two weeks before their wedding. Jerulo left his home and went on a hunt to find his girlfriend. Every day after Jerulos girlfriend was captured it stormed. Jerulo got closer and closer to finding Galpagos, the God of weather. Jerulo could track him because his power was electricity so he followed the strips of lightning whenever it was storming. The only thing that was stopping him was the rain. He lived in Louisiana so it wouldnt rain that much. The only time his power would work during rain was if there was lightning. One day there was a heat storm, so Jerulo knew where Galpagos already was hiding and where he was about to go. The first day of the second week Jerulos girlfriend was missing; he found Galpagos walking along a cave shaped cloud with his phone which also had his evil plans, and a map of where hes has been. Jerulo came up behind him and electrocuted him while holding him up in the air. He screamed at Galpagos Where do you have my girlfriend?!!! Tell me where you have her locked up and captured! Galpagos didnt respond. Jerulo threw him on the ground, but first he took Galpagos phone. He pinned Galpagos down with a radioactive force field, so every time Galpagos would take one step hed get electrocuted. Jerulo found were his girlfriend was hidden. It was blocked by two 100 ft. boulders and a waterfall. Jerulo could easily move the boulders by making them shatter. The problem was the thick waterfall he had to get through. His girlfriend could hear the boulders being shattered, and she knew instantly it was Jerulo. She switched the lever which turned the waterfall off for a certain amount of minutes.

Jerulo hugged his girlfriend, and bent down on one knee and proposed to his girlfriend. His girlfriend started crying while she nodded her head. Jerulo swept her off her sweet, and flew back home. A month later they got married. Galpagos was forgotten and was forever trapped down under the electric force field. Jerulo then

spent his days guarding the state of Louisiana from any harmful storms, or major hurricanes or Tsunamis. THE END.

The Very last Forerunner Didact

Hello, I am Didact, the supreme commander fleet of Forerunners; however I am the last of Forerunners and my race were wiped out by other evil race, known as Aliens. The Aliens are very dangerous and merciless race, they are like the Locusts as you humans would call it because they just eaten everything life on my planet and we couldnt stop them. Also I tell you this because the Aliens are on way to your planet and beware they are almost impossible to be stopped but I am on way to your planet, prepare yourself humans.

Hmmm, so the Aliens got there before I could, Didact thought. Didact walking around the bridge room, until the screen in front of him, blared and flashing red light, what is this? Oh no, not good. Didacts eye widened and ran for escape pod before his ship could burn out in earths atmosphere. Didact slammed inside the escape pod before he could strap in and he shout computer respond!!! In about 5 minute later, his escape pod crashed unto forest, and then Didact climbed out the escape pod and vomited hard as he did. He checked his GPS to find out where he is and it was not what he expected, because he was about 1 mile from the Pakistan and he chuckled then moves on to find the Queen and kills it because it is control the minions. And then all sudden he hear multiplies gunshots and screams in distance and So there is it, I wonder if humans can handle the Aliens as long as they can?, hmm Didact thought and ran in the direction of sounds.

Didact was disgusted at the view because there were lot of dead humans, mostly civilians and police but then he detected an Alien nearly, armed his lightrifle, for Forerunners! Didact thought. Didact moving silently around the building and the Alien minion and fired three shots, the Alien shrieked and turned but it was too late when Didact bought his light sword down into Aliens head. Queen I killed one of your minion and I shall find you before you find me and you are coward! Didact shouted. Suddenly his HUD detected unknown five movements two yards from him and he teleported in front of unknown five movements and aimed at the humans. Hold your fire! shouted the man in middle group and walked to Didact and spoke what the heck are you? And you sure not one of these freaks aliens I am Didact of the Forerunners and I am searching for the Queen Alien and who are you humans? responded Didact. It take few minute until the man spoke Forerunners? never heard of them, and I am Captain Maccake of ISA and what queen alien are you talk about? Didact sighed So they never see an Alien Queen before, then I will have to find her and slay her. But as his GPS beeped that it has located the Queen, Finally I have found you, thought Didact and shouted I have located the Alien Queen!

Huh, why do we need to kill the queen? Maccake said. Didact responded Because she controls the minions and if we kill her, then all of her minions will die. The men of ISA just stared at him for few minutes and then Maccake spoke up So we kill her and her minions will die? Oh well, where she could be? The Queen is inside the police station and she is breeding answered Didact. The men nodded and followed Didact to police station and that is when the situation became an ambush and the Aliens were swarming them. AMBUSH! shouted Maccake, Didact used his force to throw the Aliens away but they got two men and tear them up. Didact shouted I must find Queen and we can stop the Aliens! Yeah like you think! Go go! We will hold them off! Maccake shouted as he and his men fired at Aliens. Interesting, the humans are not weak as I thought hmmm. Didact thought as he stormed into nest of Aliens that once was police station. This was what he expected, hundreds of eggs lay everywhere in the police station and there she is Didact widened his eye as he saw huge Queen Alien laying there against the wall. Didact switched his lightrifle to scattershot and aimed her but too slowly and the Queen spit her acid on Didacts should, he screamed but charged at her with his light sword. The Queen swings her tail to slam Didact but he jump into air and flies at her. The Queen spitted her acid at him but Wrong move, Didact thought as he teleported in face of her and stabbed his light sword into her head. The Queen Alien shrieked as her acid spitted over her body and melted. Didact move away from the Queen and leaving the police station but found Mccake and his men shredded to pieces and he nodded for his honor. Didact thought I have avenged the Forerunners! and he shouted out we have won and the aliens are gone!

Corey Kraus 1/15/13 Mrs. Garst

The Super Bouncy Ball One day the kids were playing with Mr. Bouncy Ball. They loved playing with him, bouncing him up and high into the sky. They would do this for hours and hours a day. They did this all the time because he wouldnt ever leave. Once school started they had to wait till school to end to play with him. When the day was final over the kids returned home to play with Mr. Super Bouncy Ball. They played with him till dark. At night when the kids are asleep Mr. Bounce turns into a ball with hands and feet and a cape. He wonders the back streets of the town to see if there is any trouble. One night on his patrol he ran in to his enemy Mr. Cattie picking on a poor little dog. He started after him and started bouncing around him distracting him so the puppy could get away and to safety. After making the cattie retreat back to where he belonged. He only came out with little scratches all over. He went over to the dog to make sure if it was okay. It had little prickles in him which he carefully pulled out. The dog whimpered a little then stopped after the last one was out of him, then started to lick mister Bounce in appreciation and went back home. Mr. Bounce returned to the backyard of the kids houses and tried to rest for the next day. The next morning the kids woke up and did their normal day of chores and school. When they came home from a long day and went into the backyard to find their hero Mr. Bounce somewhat deflated. They tried to fix him up with tape but it wouldnt work. They asked their parents to help them! They didnt want to lose their favorite friend, the one that they play with every day of every hour of the day. Their parents also tried to help out by putting air into him. He got better; he got even better when the kids started to play with him again. His scratches started disappear and he was becoming fully healed again. Months later after many battles with the Cattie he finally defeated his enemy and became bigger and strong. He became the most powerful bouncy ball in the whole wide world and he was the most important thing that ever happened to the kids. They finally moved on to college and brought him with them. They all still knew each other when they got to collage. They would all met up from time to time and talk about their old times together. Every once and awhile they would bring him out and play with like old times.

Kyle Lednicky 1/15/13 Mrs. Garst Period 4

The Adventures of Superboy

Billy Johnson was not a popular kid when he was growing up. He was always getting beat up and shoved in lockers. One day he finally stood up for himself but, he ended up getting thrown in the dumpster, knocked out behind the school. That day the dump truck came and didnt know he was in there; he was taken all the way to the county dump. A couple hours later he woke up and felt really funny. As he was walking down the street he saw the kid that beat him up. So he walks over there and says, Why do you like to beat me up? He said, Because youre a nerd and youre pathetic. So Billy makes his hand into a fist and punches the bully right in the stomach, and he was punched so hard he flew into a building. That afternoon little Billy Johnson discovered he had super powers.

15 Years later after Billy Johnson found out he had super powers, he had been stopping bank robbers, saving lives and he started a family. He works as a scientist in Washington D.C. for a company that manufactures nuclear airplanes. No one except his wife and child know he is a super hero. A couple days after Billy found out about his super strength. A news reporter said that there was a chemical leak in the dump and thats how he found out how he received his powers, and called himself Chemical Man. One day he was sitting in his layer and he received an email with no email address. He opened it, and it said that there was an evil villain and was going to destroy the nations capital and was going to kill Chemical Man. The villains name was Mega Girl.

Mega Girl was a known villain; she is originally 5 feet 6 inches. When she becomes Mega Girl she is 100 feet tall! She is super strong and is super smart like Chemical Man. She is also a scientist but she is a scientist for human mutations. She

got her powers by secretly testing herself with one of her experiments. No one but her knows about her mutation and is keeping it a secret from her family. A couple days after that Mega Girl started to destroy Washington D.C.! She first started and the capital building and destroyed it to pieces. The President of the United States called in the Armed forces to destroy Mega Girl.

The troops got there with fighter jets and tanks, they opened fire on her but it didnt do anything but aggravate her so she came running after them but they are too slow. Then out of nowhere Chemical Man came flying in and flew right into Mega Girl and knocked her over on the remaining pieces of the capital building. Mega Girl came up strong and punched Chemical Man so hard he went through 10 building before he stopped. Mega Girl picked up the Washington monument from the ground a hurled it at Chemical Man. Chemical Man got up quickly and caught it right out of the sky before it hit anything and flew up and hit Mega Girl right in the face with it and then hit her in the stomach and she stumbled right into the water. Then Chemical Man had to think fast, he thought to himself, what was Mega girls weakness. Then he remembered she absolutely hated doughnuts. So he asked a police officer for a dozen doughnuts and so he got some and while Mega Girl was knocked out under water he forced doughnuts into her mouth and she started to wake up. And as she was waking up she started to shrink down to normal size.

After Mega Girl came down to normal size the local police units put her in hand cuffs and sent her to an isolated prison in Alaska. Chemical Man is still working as a scientist and still having a family.

Maddie Messier January 13, 2013 Pd 4

Battle Of Elements

Element Man was young, but powerful. He had the power to change the elements and weather. His only weakness was water, no one knew why, but when it rained or he got water on him his powers were defective, thats why the city almost never got rain. No one ever tried to interfere with Element Man and his power, except one person, his name is Machine Man he controls all machinery. His plan is to make it rain all year so Element Man is useless. As Fall is Almost at a end , it is time for Element Man to prepare to hibernate for winter, Machine Man is quite aware of this, and is making his plan to make it rain all year round. One night Element man prepares for bed, while Machine Man thinks this is the first night of hibernation for him, sadly he is wrong . Element man is fast asleep, when he wakes up he is tied up in a tank of water. He looks over and sees Machine man sitting in a chair waiting for him to wake up. Machine man wants to make a deal with him, He wants Element Man to make it cold all year and he will un-tie him and let him free, but he can never change it back. Element Man disagrees and ignores him. Machine Man leaves for the night and comes back first thing that morning`, Element Man is wide awake as he didnt sleep. Machine Man asks him again and he agrees . Machine man unties him and after a few minutes he has his powers back. Element Man then freezes Machine Man and goes straight to Machine Mans hide out and destroys all of his machines and technology so he has nothing. Soon after he makes it spring and Machine Man is no more, just a regular person. Element Man remains controlling the Elements and Seasons.

Kyle Metz January 15, 2013 Mrs.garst Magician One day a man named Paul was walking around New York, then out of know where this big green bobble came out of know where. Then Paul passed out, and ended up in on top of a building. When he woke up he was in an all-black uniform that said THE MAGICIAN. Paul didnt know what to do. He quickly put his clothes back on. When Paul researched it he found out he had super powers. He found out he was invincible. Once he found out he was invincible he wanted see if I actually was. So Paul went and got his gun and shot his foot, nothing happened to his foot it was magic. Paul didnt want to make a big scene about having super powers so he let things die down. Once he let things die down he went to get coffee and found someone he didnt like. He went up and started talking to him and found out he was a real jerk. Once he finished his coffee he found out he has an enemy now.

As time passed he found his name was jack, jack became a real pain in the butt. Then one day the magician came out and found jack, jack said we are now arch enemies. One day Paul was at the coffee shop and found jack he a costume on, he was all green. Then Paul got in his costume and they started to battle over coffee. The magician kicked jack in the face and knocked him out cold!!

Jack let time pass and found out his weakness is he cannot touch LIGHT. Every day Paul would go to the coffee house and get coffee and read the newspaper. Jack had it all figured out, when Paul came out of the coffee house he would be trapped in a box. Once jack got Paul back to his layer he would put him in a room full of just light. Jack gets Paul in the room and turns on the light, he is trapped no one way out, Paul was dying every second. Once Paul was dead Jack got a big ray gun and destroyed the world and no one has ever been alive since.

Jessica Mullins On one sunny Wednesday two little girls Katie and Charley where born in Boston. As they grew they started noticing weird things like hearing peoples thoughts and turning invisible. As they grew Katie moved away for collage and Charley stayed and went to college at home. While Katie was at college she discovered that she had super powers and started to help the cops fight crime. While back in Boston Charley was just discovering her powers to and started to fight crime in Boston. Five years later Katie is graduated from college and moves back home to start her new job. Charley is still in college and is graduating in three months. Charley is also still fighting crime and keeping Boston a safe place for people to live. A few months later Katie doesnt like her new job so she quits and starts looking for a new job when she gets an idea to use her powers and do something to keep people safe so she became a super hero and called herself Invisible Woman. But what Katie didnt know was that Boston already had a super hero until one day there was a bank robbery and the cops called Katie (invisible woman) because she could become invisible and she could also fly and was very smart and Charley (mind control woman) because she could control peoples mind and was really smart. Invisible Woman rushed to the bank that had been robed. On her way she saw the two guys that robed the bank; she swooped down and grabbed them both. When they arrived at the bank Mind Control Woman was already there and jealous that Invisible Woman caught the men who robbed the bank. After that day Mind Control Women tried everything to get rid of Invisible Woman bust she just wouldnt die. After a few years Mind Control Became a villain and always tried to cause evil to Boston just so Invisible Woman would show up and she could try to destroy her and become Bostons super hero a gen but everything she tried didnt work. Invisible woman was in the park one after noon and Mind Control Woman caught her off guard and grabbed her and trough her into a huge sail boat. Invisible Woman turned invisible and snuck up behind Mind Control Woman and slammed her on the ground. Mind Control Woman struggled to get up for a while but when she finally got up she ran off. The next morning when the woman woke up they heard people screaming In panic Mind Control Woman got up and looked out her window. There where huge robots everywhere. Invisible woman put on her shoes and rushed out the house and started to try and fight the robots, but they were way to powerful she knew she wasnt going to be able to fight them on her own so she did the unthinkable and flew to Mind Control Womans house and begged for her help finally she gave in and said she would help. Together it took them almost three hours to kill all of the robots. Charley was so happy that she finally got to do what she loved so much and Katie was glad that they killed all the robots and saved Boston from being taking over by robots. Katie and Charley became best friend and fought crime together as a team.

Jada Oliveras 1/15/13 Period 4

The Birth of Sly Blue Sly was born on 11/11 that was the greatest date in history. Growing up Sly never fit in with the other kids at school, they would always pick on her because she wasnt the prettiest or the skinniest. She had these big green eyes that her mother had always said were her greatest feature. Her mom told her that kids will be kids, and that they can be really cruel sometimes but you cant let them bring you down. With that said she went off to bed and was out like a light, when she woke up all of a sudden to the blast of her alarm clock. It was 6:30 a.m. the usual time she would get up every morning; she would just sit at her vanity and stare at the mirror full of magazine pictures of superheroes that she adored with all her heart. She had whispered to herself Oh how I wish I could be as beautiful as wonder woman and I want everyone to look up to me and think Im great. She sighed and left her room and went downstairs to grab some breakfast. She ate really quickly and raced out the door to make it in time for her bus. She got on and stared out the window. She finally arrived at school and went straight to the area where they had the benches where everyone hangs out. There was always a little quicksand pit that the construction workers never seemed to get to patch up. For some reason Sly walked over to it... and the kids that picked on her laughed to themselves and walked slowly behind Sly as she was looking at it. They then pushed her and she fell into the quicksand, the kids started to panic as they watched her frantically squirm struggling to get out. They lent out their hands to pull her out but there was no hope she had already sunken in. The kids watched the pit like it was their job and kneeled down crying. The teachers all ran to the big group of kids huddled around it and asked them what was going on. The kids told the teacher what happened and she began to cry and scream because Sly was her favorite student. When her mother found out what had happened she lost her mind. She cursed the kids family who did that to her and said one day youre going to regret that. Some years went by and Slys mother had been going through Slys baby pictures and began to cry. The sinkhole was patched up after that incident. One night the ground where the sinkhole was shook crazily, and Sly came up slowly and broke the concrete. She arose now a woman and beautiful as ever, like she woke up from a 20 year sleep. She felt better than ever, she ran to a store nearby and had gotten some food and drink. She looked in one of the stands mirrors and was amazed at what she saw in the reflection. She was a gorgeous woman and she had long golden blonde hair, and her big green eyes were brighter than ever. The first thing she thought was that this was a dream all her wishes came true but for some reason she didnt remember anything that happened before she awoken. The man behind the counter was telling Sly that she was too young to buy the cigarettes, and that she needed to have an I.D proving that she was 18 or older. She searched through her bag and didnt have one. She looked up at him and reached for the pack and the man reached too, their hands met and Sly told him that she didnt have the I.D but he should give her the pack. The man was dazed and gave her the pack. She thought it was strange that

after him giving her such a hard time, he had given it to her with no problem. She walked out with the cigarettes and opened the pack; there was a woman in the parking lot of the convenience store who kept staring at Sly. The woman walked over to her and said Im sorry to bother you but you look like my daughter that I lost 12 years ago. Sly replied Umm okay... I dont know who that is but thank you I guess. Sly walked away leaving the woman confused. Sly was walking past a jewelry store when she saw the broken glass all over the floor; she stood there for a second and saw a man run out with a bag full of diamonds. She ran to catch him and he dropped the bag, there were diamonds all over the floor. She held his arm and told him When the cops come youre going to tell them what you did, and youre going to do everything they tell you to, and when you go to jail youre going to feel so ashamed with yourself, and youre going to be depressed for years and you will be a better man when you get out and never do this again. She let go of his arm the man now frightened by her intimidating stare, nodded his head. The police came and he did exactly what she said to. She then went to gather up the diamond and felt weak; like she couldnt breathe her heart was beating oddly slow. She stepped away from the diamonds and instantly felt better. That was strange she thought to herself be this weakness? Besides that she finally realized that she could persuade people to do what she wanted them to. She thought Wow my wish did come true, I can finally be a hero and help people and everyone will love me. She then continued to do good and persuade bad people to do good, everyone adored her and wanted to be like her, she was more than satisfied with that. One afternoon, Sly took a flight to the Himalayans because it was always her dream to go there. Once she arrived she drove 800 miles to a little town that was known for their most beautiful diamond jewelry and crystal antiques that were very rare. So beautiful they built a big statue completely out of diamonds and crystals. She walked further from the statue and said I sure need to stay away from that thing, it could be dangerous. She then found a little cave completely made out of ice and she decided to take a peek inside. She walked further inside and then saw a man with a long white beard and bald head that had one good eye. She said Hello, you might know me Im Sly Blue... Im a pretty notorious super hero. He laughed Oh I know exactly who you are and I completely despise you, youre so cocky and you think youre the greatest super hero well youre not youre a wannabe. He snickered and the ice enclosed around them. You might not know me but Im Xavier Lasvenegas aka. X.L. the third. I tricked you into coming here you see I am too just as great as you but even more so better, I can shape shift and I led you the whole way here. I was the security guard at the airport, the pilot of your plane, and I know youre weakness. Sly Blue you are done in this world no one wanted you when you were normal, and no one wants you now. His workers wrapped her up in a tank and began throwing the diamonds in the tank by the pound. Sly coughed and held her chest as if someone was suffocating her, and got on her knees and curled up inside the tank breathing heavily. She then blacked out. Xavier laughed and felt such glory he had killed her finally. He then removed her from the tank and put her on the ice table he had in the back. He grabbed the knife and knew if he cut her stomach open he could retrieve the rock that was inside her. It contained her power and with it he could be anywhere and everywhere. He put the knife closer to her and touched her tummy to feel where the rock was exactly. She then woke up and grabbed him and threw him across the room, he got all of his guards on her but she easily persuaded them to attack him. He ran out of the cave and took the little defective flares and threw them at the buildings and sets them on fire. She ran after him tackled him to the ground and stabbed him with the knife in his other eye and told him make your heart stop It did. She

then got up and ran to each building and took all of the people out and healed them with her powers. They all tore were astounded that she had done that for them. She was thanked greatly and awarded. She was interviewed by a reporter and her mom was watching the interview. Sly said My name is Sly Blue. Thats all she said and her mom cried and smiled.

John Parise 1-15-13 Mrs.Garst 4th period Lightning Lightning is a super hero in Maryland and he lives with his girlfriend. Lightning is 20 years old just like his girlfriend. He became a superhero after one day finding out that he could run super fast and jump super high after he had been struck by lightning and almost killed. When Lightning got struck he went into a coma for 2 years and finally woke up and started to walk again. Then he got home and started running and out of no where he could dash from upstairs to downstairs in seconds. No one knows why he can jump high except him because he keeps it a secret. From then on his mother called him Lightning because he was so fast and could jump so high. His girlfriend had gotten thrown by Dr. Thunder the evil villain in Maryland so he is on a mission to beat him up and throw him in jail. Lightning is coming up with a plan to destroy Dr. Thunder because of what he had done to his girlfriend. His girlfriend had a broken arm and leg because of a steel wall she got thrown into. So Lightning is coming up with a plan to find him and get him somewhere Lightning can get his hands on him. Everyone knows Dr. Thunder weakness is water so Lightning is going to get him near water. But the only problem is Lightning has the same weakness. Dr. Thunder is attracted to thunder so he always goes to the bay bridge to cause trouble so Lightning is waiting for a storm to come. Dr. Thunder has super strength so his is planning to destroy the bridge and people will get hurt so Lightning has planned to get to the bridge before him just in case. But Dr. Thunder has planned to do it at 10 pm on Saturday and today is Friday. Since Lightning has a big day ahead of him he is going to go fight crime because he wants to be ready for tomorrow night at the bridge. So Lightning goes out to town and spots someone robbing a bank. He jumps on

top of the bank waiting for him to come out. It has been 5 minutes and he still isnt out. Lightning goes in to see whats going on and the man is putting all the money in his bag so Lightning dashes to him and steals the bag and sets it down and he is so quick he cant see him. Lightning comes back and picks him up and holds him down until the police come. After the police come they take him away and Lightning gets a huge reward for saving the money. He gets paid $50,000 for capturing him! Lightning has to catch Dr. Thunder tomorrow night so he decided to go by random parts and he puts together a gun that shoots lightning bolts which stuns people. He also buys a waterproof suite so that if he falls into the water he will not get hurt because his weakness is water. Lightings plan is to now stun Dr. Thunder with his gun and he will fall off of the bridge and a helicopter will scoop him up with a net and throw him in jail. So Lightning decided to get some rest so he can be ready for tomorrow because its already 5 am on Saturday morning. Lightning wakes up and its already 6pm so he eats to wake up and gets ready to leave. Lightning is hiding on top of the bridge waiting for him to show up and he see him climbing to the top of the bridge. Lightning dashes at him and makes him fall to the road and Dr. Thunder doesnt know what hit him so he climbs back up and Lightning gives him a stun with his gun and he falls into the water and the helicopter snags him but he gets out and falls back into water. No one can find him anywhere in the water. But he pops up on the other side of the bridge somehow. So the helicopter gets him with a double net and he cant get out. The helicopter flys him the police station. Lightning has completed his mission and he now goes back home. Lightning has solved his problem and destroyed Dr. Thunder and he will be gone for a while. Lightning solved his problem by using all of his equipment and his super power of speed. Dr. Thunder is now going to be locked in jail for 10 years for all of the crime he has caused in his past. But he also has to face another 2 years in jail for a trying to destroy a bridge with hundreds of people on it and running away from police after he first escaped from the helicopter. Lightning is now married to his girlfriend and he gets paid $1,000,000 for capturing the most wanted Dr. Thunder. And Lightning

and his girlfriend can now move to a big house and live the rest of their lives there because of the money that Lightning has earned for completing his biggest mission and capturing the most wanted criminal in all of the united states.

Jack sharpless Jan. 15 Pd. 4 Adventures of Doofy and Mr. ChubbyCat Volume one

On this day, the most evil villain ever to walk the face of the earth was planning a dirty bomb attack in the center of the city. Of course, nobody knows this yet.

One sunny day, in the city of Nowhere, Doofy was going for a walk in the park with his sidekick, ChubbyCat. ChubbyCat is no ordinary kitty; he is capable of biting very strongly and can eat nearly anything. Doofy, our hero is just that: Doofy. He is a goofy doofus, and can be quite dumb at times. On this day, however, he knew exactly what he was doing. As he walked by a tall building by the park, he noticed out of the corner of his eye, that our villain, evil Charlie-bob, was combining some uranium pellets with ANFO, a blasting explosive, inside his laboratory on the first floor. He knew this because he had worked in the mining business when he was younger. If evil Charlie-bob was combining radioactive uranium pellets with explosives, it could mean only one thing: evil Charlie-bob was making a dirty bomb.

Doofy, like anybody else, doesnt like their city to be blown up, especially with a dirty bomb. He decided to do something about it. He would send in ChubbyCat to eat the bomb while he went around the back to kill evil Charlie-bob. As ChubbyCat ate the window, the whole entire window, to get in, evil Charlie-bob was quite surprised. He never had to deal with anyone trying to foil his plans, as he was new to the villain trade. ChubbyCat charged towards the dirty bomb, wich was sitting on the floor in the center of the room. It was made of seven 55 gallon steel drums welded together, containing the mix of ANFO and uranium pellets. The detonator was not yet installed. ChubbyCat began eating the ANFO out of the drums. It would take a while to eat it all though, as it was 385 gallons of explosives and uranium pellets. Meanwhile, Doofy was entering through the back of the building. He moved through the loading dock and down the hallway to the lab. He snuck through the door and saw evil Charlie-bob staring in horror as ChubbyCat ate his dirty bomb.

Evil Charlie-bob ran to the wall and pushed the red button. It did actually say the red button on it. However, it was not actually red, it was white. When he did this, his sidekick, jimmy, fell through a ceiling tile and on the floor in front of Doofy. Jimmy is a honey badger, and dont care bout nothin. He eats snakes out of trees and really dont give a crap about it, cause he a honey badger. Doofy is allergic to honey badgers.

Jimmy approached Doofy, but as he did he began to fart wildly. He was having an allergic reaction to jimmy! He continued to fart until he passed out, and continued to fart unconsciously. Everyone was disgusted. They all ageed to go fight in the next room so they didnt die of fart poisoning. They proceeded to walk into a disused laboratory beside the other one. ChubbyCat began to fight jimmy, and eventually bit off his tail. Evil Charlie-bob didnt like that too much, as he was his sidekick. Meanwhile, in the other lab, Doofy was regaining consciousness and wondered where the others had gone. He knew they were in the next room when he heard evil Charlie-bob scream NNOOOOOO!! he ran inside and saw ChubbyCat eating jimmy.

Now that jimmy was gone, Doofy would be able to fight without having his allergic reaction. He did just that. He ran at evil Charlie-bob and wrasled him onto the ground. They rolled on the floor fighting. Doofy noticed that evil Charlie-bob was wearing a suicide vest, with sticks of dynamite in it. He jumped off of him and pulled out his gun, a North American Arms .22 magnum mini master revolver, and shot him with all five of his personal defense rounds. He fell back to the floor and was dead. He could not detonate his suicide vest.

Doofy went to look for ChubbyCat, who had gone to finish eating the ANFO out of the bomb. He was finished, and was lying on the counter like nothing happened. As Doofy and ChubbyCat were new to the hero trade, they didnt really know what they were supposed to do now that they were done. They decided to get the police to investigate why he was making a dirty bomb and take away his body.

The police came and secured the building and disarmed the suicide vest. They also took Doofy and ChubbyCat to headquarters and asked them what happened. They were credited with taking down a domestic terrorist and saving the city of Nowhere, and were sent home, and Doofy began looking for a second sidekick, a gopher.

Gophers can survive explosions from squirrels made of plastic explosives dropped inside their tunnels, the perfect choice for a sidekick. Doofy and ChubbyCat became local celebrities and were known throughout the city.

Lindsay Stine 15, 2013 The flying pig saves the world!


Hello my name Oinkers I am pig, and I was born with invisible powers and I can fly. I was born in a little town called Watermelon town. That is where I grew up with all my friends. When everyone realized I had my special powers they didnt want to be my friend again. They thought I was too good for them. So I left the little town with all the people I grew up with. When I left I went to New York. That is when it all started with Mr. Fireball. When I made it to New York I got a hotel. I didnt have anywhere to live and I didnt know anyone. I got a call out for help but when I got to the call I saw this cat. No one was hurt or anything I didnt know why I got called out there. The cats name was Mr. Fireball. He told me that he was out to get me and that he was going to take over the world. He tried to trap me and take me with him. I was afraid and I didnt know what he was going to do with me. I fought for my life to get away from him. I used my invisible powers and he couldnt find me. I ended up getting away and I flew back to my hotel and went back to my hotel. I told myself I was leaving the next day and I was going somewhere else so I could get away from Mr. Fireball. The next day I left I made it to California I thought I would be fine there and nothing bad would happen. I stayed a week there and no one was calling for help. I didnt know what was going on, but that night I got a call for help. I made it out there in a few seconds. You would never guess who was there. Mr. Fireball he was there again, this time he had it all planned out of how he was going to catch me. I knew he wanted to destroy me so he could take over the world. Mr. Fireball and I started to fight. He said its on and youre going down! When I woke up I was in a basement and I was in cage. I didnt know what was going on. Mr. Fireball told me he was going to eat me and take over the world. I hate no idea what to do I didnt have anyone to help me.

I remembered when I was a kid and I was home in the town I grew up in that my friends and we had a thing that we can press a button and it would go to the other people when they need you. So thats what I did. I pressed the button but I doubt they would come because they are mad at me. So I just hoped for the best. I fought as much as I could to get away from Mr. Fireball but a week went past and he still planned on killing me and my friends never came. Next thing I know someone knocks down the door. And it was my friends they came to save me. They got me out of the cage and my friend bob got Mr. Fireball by his tail. We took him and put him out in the middle of the road and got hit by a car. Now he cant take over the work and me and my friends can live happily ever after.

Lauren Stutz January 15, 2013

Hello, my name is Stary the Starfish, and I am blue. I have lived on the moon since I was born. Since I was little I discovered that I could shoot little stars out of my mouth when I get angry or scared. My mother and father left me because I got to be big, and could live on my own. I am a hero because all the gravity that was making me floats, instead of staying on the ground. With me not being able stay on moons surface, I was beginning to lose hope in me staying on the ground but then I started to shoot stars, and the stars were sticking so I was able to grab on to one of them and then pull myself and everybody else down. My problem is Im running out of stars and my power is going away. I have no clue how to solve this, and Im running out of possibilities so I need to rethink what I am doing with my powers.
First my life started out good, I was little and I had a great life. I was an only child, I always got what I wanted, and my parents were proud of my. Now my life just keeps going downhill from there. While the moon didnt have gravity, everything was falling apart. Everyone and everything got separated, every family. No one has anyone to come too, or anybody to protect them. That is another one of my problems, that I dont have anybody to protect me, so on top of running out of powers, I dont have protection without it. When I walk around my home without my protection, I dont know what to do because Im always scared. While I was walking in the woods to my house, I had a feeling that someone was watching me, so I turned around to see who it was. I didnt see anyone. When I turned back around I could feel someone breathing on my back but I turned around and no one was there. This animal had to be invisible. I was really scared, and I didnt have any powers because I didnt want to waste them in case I was going to be in trouble later. I didnt understand why this animal was invisible, this was really confusing me. I wasnt even close to being home, I had to go to town and didnt understand why this creature was following me, scaring me, breathing on my neck, or anything. All that I want was for this thing to go away. Finally as I saw him starting to turn invisible, I saw a monkey, and was screaming and very scared. All that I wanted to do was get away, I didnt want to use my powers because this could be bad but I didnt think that the shark would hurt me. Turns out the shark wanted to beat me because he didnt know any better. He was a little shark and lost his family in the moons gravity problem. Sharky the monkey didnt know how to treat others so he went after them to beat them up. Meanwhile, Im sitting in the forest running away from this shark. The shark was very scary with many teeth, bigger than me, because Im a little starfish and everybody is bigger than me. I just kept running, and getting really scared.

As I was running to my house, the shark was still following me. I didnt know what to do, so I threw a star, not knowing that I was my last star. That last star was important. Sharky didnt get hurt because he turned invisible and it went right through him. So I lost my last star, and it didnt even work. I was really upset and depressed. I had to keep running tho and get away from this shark. I finally got to my house, and my house is shaped like a goldfish, and not knowing that the monkey was scared of them. A big monkey like sharky shouldnt be scared of little goldfish. This is funny but Im still scared of the shark. This is a big problem that I have with my stars. If I dont have stars I cant protect myself and if I cant protect myself. Sharky ended up running away because of the gold fish shaped house. I ended up being safe, but my stars are coming back because the world is going back to normal. I have lived a great life since then and I will be fine. Im really happy and I have found my parents so that makes me even happier.

Will Sutherland January 16, 2013 Period 4 Garst

The Perils of Waffle Man

Meet Waffle Man, a living, breathing waffle, in a world where some food and condiments live peacefully among man. He lives a normal life with a job and an apartment. But what people dont now is that in his spare time he becomes a super hero. He can grow to any size at will, and shoots chocolate chips, being one of the few inanimate foods left. He fears nothing, that is, almost nothing, his only weakness is fire, and his biggest fear are the deadly toasters, which have been outlawed by the government under the premise of them being a tool of murder. Our story begins in the apartment of our beloved hero, where he sits watching TV with his girlfriend, Blueberry, when there is suddenly a large crash and Waffle Mans arch enemy, the whipped cream stands before them. In a movement as quick and sudden as his entrance he throws an oversized plastic bag over Waffle Man and seals it remotely, trapping him. He then snatches up Blueberry and proceeds to say, in his metallic and muffled voice Follow me, if you dare, You wont like what you may run into! he then laughs a large, evil laugh, and makes his hasty exit through the window he entered from, propelling himself with his extremely compressed whipped cream Waffle Man before this moment, was too stunned to react, but now that his head was cleared, he used his power to grow at will to expand himself until the plastic bag encasing him broke under pressure. Quickly as ever, he grabs his cape hidden under his fridge, and proceeds to run down the stairs so quickly, others have to swiftly get out of the way, else he would have plowed straight through them, as if nothing where there. After reaching the bottom of the stairs and proceeding outside, he quickly looks around, desperate to find his arch enemy somewhere in the distance, Suddenly he spots him about a hundred yards down the street, flying right over the heads of bystanders, Blueberry still tightly in his grasp. Blueberry! waffle man screams, hold on, Ill save you! Waffle Man sprints down the street, dodging cars as he has many times before. Horns honk all around, the sound of screaming pedestrians echo off the tall

buildings of the city, and people walk onto their balconies to see what all the commotion is about. As Waffle Man makes his way ever so closer to his target he shoots his nearly unlimited supply of chocolate chips like a machine gun at his arch enemy, though in vain, as they simply bounce off of his metal exterior as if nothing were happening. The Whipped Cream laughs once again and shouts your puny weapons have no effect on me you foolish Waffle! He then reaches the end of the street, and enters the old abandoned factory that rests there shouting follow me if you dare! Waffle Man does indeed follow the evil topping into the rusty old factory, but when he enters it is quiet, with no evil villain or damsel in distress in sight. Although he barely takes two steps forward when the floor suddenly drops underneath him, and he is suddenly trapped inside of a large net, suspended over a gigantic toaster held up by ropes that look like they can barely hold its weight. Across the room stands The Whipped Cream, with Blueberry tied up in a corner. Of course, through instinctual fear, Waffle Man shouts No! Not the toaster! How could you!? and proceeds to panic, losing all sense for the time being. The Whipped Cream begins to monologue about how much better he is than Waffle Man will ever be. Of course, Waffle Man pays no attention, and as he starts to regain his ability to reason, he begins to formulate a plan. Noticing the thin ropes holding the toaster up, he thinks that if he could somehow get The Whipped Cream to stand underneath it, he may be able to break the suspenders with his chocolate chips. Conveniently enough, The Whipped Cream begins to pace the room, blissfully unaware of Waffle Mans desperate plan. Seconds felt like hours as Waffle Man eagerly awaited The Whipped Cream to walk under the shadow of the toaster, and when the time came, Waffle Man reacted so fast The Whipped Cream didnt even know what hit him, literally. Using the same trick he used to escape from the plastic bag, albeit, a bit slower this time, Waffle Man expands himself until the ropes constraining him finally break and he falls to the ground. Waffle Man walks towards Blueberry and unties her, and they embrace each other, well, about as well as a waffle and a blueberry could. He then calls the police and they arrive to take a very, very dazed Whipped Cream to jail from some cold, hard time. So ends one of the many perils of the great and wondrous Waffle man and his metallic arch enemy, The Whipped Cream.

Super hero story by Rainbow Man Hi! I am rainbow man I am a middle aged man that fell into a giant container of sticky white radioactive acid. About two weeks ago my skin turned multi colored. And I could fly on a rainy day or whenever its humid. I can also shoot rainbows and poop rainbows. My only weakness is prisms and crystals. About a week ago a man that goes by crystal man has been robbing stores and destroying rainbows. I noticed if I dont strike him first he`ll kill me and he`ll rob more stores. It was day one of my journey to stopping crystal man. The police radio I had sitting on the counter in my apartment went off there was a robbery at a hardware store on Market Street. It was a humid day it just rained an hour ago so I flew. I got to the hardware store and there was crystal man he came after me I ran into the ally next to the store I hide in a trash can then the crystal man walked slowly into the ally then I jumped out and cornered him. I could see the surprise in his face then he had a smirk. Then in no time crystal man climbed the ladder next to him I followed him up the ladder then when I got to the top he was gone. It was two days later when there was a report of a jewelry store being robbed. It wasnt humid or raining so I had to take the roof tops after nearly falling off a steep roof. I arrived at the jewelry store there he was crystal man making still grabbing earrings.

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