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Periodontology 2000, Val. 17, 1998, 7-21 Printed in Denmark.

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C o m r i a h t 0 Munksaaard 1998

ISSN 0906-6713

Titanium - the material of choice?


The foreign body

Surgical fracture-treatment implants have the function of a temporary splint. In the form of a screw or a plate or a pin, the implant stabilizes the fracture and supports forces, including those of functional load. Other types of implants, such as endoprostheses, are permanent devices. In dental practice, the life expectancy of a reconstruction or an implant should at least be several decades. Yet any implant is a foreign body. The expression has a straightforward and simple meaning. An implant is not like living tissue, where no free electrons exist and where metals, such as essential trace elements, occur in a bound and not in an elemental state. Is this foreign body a chemical, physiological or mechanical insult to the living tissue?

less steel and titanium. Gold and silver resist oxidation in air but resist corrosion much less in sea water and biological fluids. It is common experience that these metals lose polish after some time. Metals having lower corrosion resistance than silver and gold, such as aluminum, molybdenum and iron, show visible attack or oxidation in living tissue and abnormal cells are observed in their vicinity. This tissue reaction is equivalent to a chemical insult. In fact, the metals from iron through silver corrode so rapidly that the supply and migration of oxygen cannot keep up with the consumption of the oxidant (this state is called the diffusion limit) so that the contact tissue to the foreign body is starved of oxygen. This direct effect of corrosion is not specific to the metal of the implant. However, metals are released by the corrosion process and some of them are toxic to cells; a sterile abscess and cell death are

Corrosion and soft tissue reaction

In the chemists view, corrosion is the visible destruction of metal. It may cause a structure to rupture or lose function, such as by breakage of an implant. That was before the 1960s. This aspect is not important for modern metals in surgery because an attack is so small that a material loss is not visible and cannot be weighed. More sensitive electrochemical methods are needed to measure corrosion. But experiments intended to reproduce the real conditions for a surgical implant in tissue are not simple. The polarization resistance method has been used for in vivo experiments (52);the results are shown in Fig. 1. The method requires minimally invasive procedures, and a characteristic feature is that reduction and oxidation reactions on the metal are not forced and run in the open-circuit mode. The noble metals silver and gold have a resistance to corrosion that is about in the middle of a practical scale. In the logarithmic scale of the polarization resistance, the number is 5 to 6, and thus about 2 units, or a factor of 100, lower than high-grade stain[ohmcm*]
Toxicity Ti alloys Inertness A1 Mo CoCrNiMo cw316LESRw

Io c

Fe Sequestration

Tissue reaction

Fig. 1. Data from in vivo corrosion experiments for various metallic elements and for practical alloys. The diagram has the two coordinates tissue reaction as abscissa and polarization and corrosion resistance, as the ordinate. Tissue reaction is grouped according to the three distinct forms of toxicity,sequestrationand inertness.Corrosion resistance is roughly proportional to the measured polarization resistance (to obtain corrosion current density, use j=0.03 Vlpolarization resistance). The useful scale in chemistry and biology is always the logarithmic one. Thus, differences over the series, such as from cobalt (Co) to silver to titanium (Ti), amount to factors of 1 to 100 to 10,000 in corrosion resistance. CoCrNiMo is wrought cobalt-base alloy, cw316LESR is cold-worked, remelted stainless steel and the titanium alloys are Ti&l,Mo, T i d 4 V , Ti15Mo.


involve electrons. Chemical reactions are the basis of metabolic and growth processes; they involve the second elementary particle of chemistry, the proton or hydrogen ion, and the technical term for this is acid-base reactions. The foreign body interferes with these processes of life.
Fig. 2. Micrographs of tissue in contact with implants made of commercially pure titanium (left) and TiAlV alloy (right)

Redox reaction In water and tissue fluid, corrosion occurs as an electrochemical process in which oxidation of the metal is coupled to reduction: an electron gain of electrolyte components. The dominant form for the latter reaction in neutral solutions is the oxygen reduction, which yields a hydroxide that precipitates on the metal surface. Other reduction reactions with inorganic and organic components of tissue electrolytes are possible. The crucial characteristic is that electron exchange occurs at the metal surface (and only there, but not in the liquid, where electrons do not exist as free entities). It is a foreign body reaction of a chemical kind that can lead to denaturation of the tissue in contact with metallic implants. The method for studying these reactions is voltammetry, or a polarization experiment. Interesting systems are electrolytes containing complex formers, such as chloride, cyanide and EDTA; gold shows massive reactions for any of these complexes, whereas titanium is fully inert. Dissolution of the corrosion product The first-formed reaction products of corrosion are hydroxides, hydrous oxides and oxides, that is, sparingly soluble salts, and occasionally complexes (such as halides). These salts can be soluble or not in the tissue fluids (which are aqueous electrolytes) and

observed. Among the four elements shown in Fig. 1, vanadium is the most toxic and copper the least. This reaction is equivalent to a major physiological insult. Stainless steel, cobalt-base alloy and titanium have similar levels of polarization resistance, but tissue reactions differ. High corrosion resistance is apparently not sufficient to suppress the minor rejection reaction observed for the two classical alloys that comprise the cell-toxic nickel and cobalt as essential components. Another example is the Ti&14V alloy, a standardized metallic biomaterial. Four percent of toxic vanadium suffice to elicit a prominent foreign body reaction (Fig. 2). These observations suggest an alloy rule (53): avoid toxic components! Corrosion is essentially an atomic process so that, in principle, the interaction for all components of a metal must be considered. On the other hand, pathologists question the existence of a threshold for local and especially systemic (allergic) reactions.

The unwanted reaction of the foreign body

The species of metal compounds ingested with nutrition and passing into the bloodstream, that is, being metabolized, as well as those finally stored in organs and tissue are incompletely known. But most metals (other than alkali) in body fluids and tissue are bound to organic matter and exist in a stable, electrically uncharged form. Fig. 3 suggests that metal release from implants involves a different path; it can be associated with the entry of the metal through a wound and then corrosion of the metal. In that state, the metal is definitely in its elemental form and in a different chemical state than the metal bound in living matter. Oxidation-reduction reactions (redox reactions) play an important role in bioenergetics: the energy transformations in living organisms. These reactions

Internal fixation

Dental implant



Foreign body

Fig. 3. Metals released from implants follow another reaction path than metals entering metabolism with nutrition

Titanium - the material of choice?

6 mM.pM:


nM S
, , , , , , ,
4 7 physiological


, , , , , 10
pH value

Fig. 4. Distribution of hydrolysis products in solutions saturated with respect to nickel hydroxide [Ni(OH),]. The full line is the solubility limit expressed as the total concentration of nickel. Data for the concentration of nickel in serum (S), in muscle (M), in contact tissue around stainless steel implants (I) and toxicity levels (T) are added at right margin. Sources: Steinemann & Mausli (55) and Steinemann (56).

dominant hydrolysis product under physiological conditions (pH of about 7) is the unhydrolyzed nickel cation, with a concentration of about 1 mM at the limit of hydroxide precipitation. The unwanted reaction product of corrosion is an ion. In serum, the nickel concentration is about 10 nM, and in human skeletal muscle it is about 3 pM and less than the solubility limit for physiological pH values. The metal concentration in the contact tissue around implants is strongly enhanced and far above the content in normal muscle tissue; the concentration is of the order of the toxicity threshold for nickel. The sequestration reaction for stainless steel implants is the consequence.

they can be toxic or not (55, 56). To determine the effects of this corrosion burden, the identity and stability of the hydrolysis products must be considered. A question arises. What is the fate of the unwanted reaction product of corrosion? The word hydrolysis is applied to chemical reactions in which a substance is split or decomposed by water. New forms of precipitates and new species, as bare ions and as charged and uncharged hydroxo(OH-containing) and 0x0- (0-containing) compounds are found in solution. It is common experience that salts and oxides dissolve easily in strong acids and in strong bases and that the solubility of oxides is small for intermediate acidity (pH) values. The mechanism behind this behavior is proton exchange. In solution, water molecules are attached to metal ions and these aquaions tend to deprotonize. The removal of a proton from the hydration sheath results in a negatively charged hydroxyl, and thus a reduction of electrical charge of the aquaion. The deprotonized species become hydroxo complexes; Fig. 4 and 5 show these reactions in the case of nickel and titanium. Hydrolysis data are best represented as the solubility or distribution curves of the various hydrolysis products. The diagrams have the coordinates acidity (pH of the solution) as abscissa and the molar concentration of dissolved and precipitated species as the ordinate, both in logarithmic scale what gives the straight lines.

Titanium. Titanium is a reactive metal; in air and aqueous electrolytes, it forms spontaneously a dense oxide film at its surface. The unwanted reaction product becomes a potent barrier against dissolution of the metal. The constant solubility of titanium dioxide above pH 3 and up to pH 12 suggests that an electroneutral species dominates in solution (Fig. 5). The core of this dissolved neutral species Ti(OH),(aq) can be pictured as a titanium ion with its four positive charges surrounded by four negatively charged hydroxyl molecules. At physiological pH values, the first charged species is the cation Ti(OHI3+with a concentration of not more than 0.1 nM, which is three orders of magnitude lower than the concentration of the hydrogen ion, which is always present in solution. The unwanted reaction product of corrosion is not an ion. This is an important finding because uncharged hydrolysis products have no affinity for reaction with organic molecules. Corrosion of titanium


P M t , ,

, ,

, {

4 7 physiological U

pH value

Nickel. Nickel is a main component of stainless steel, the metal largely used for fracture treatment implants. The 2 + oxidation state of this metal is the important one, and in an aqueous environment the hydroxide is the first-formed corrosion product. Its

Fig. 5. Solubility behavior of hydrous titanium dioxide measured in sodium chloride and chlorate electrolytes. The full line is the solubility limit and dashed lines are partial concentrationsfor the named species. Data for the concentration of titanium in serum (S), muscle (M) and in in contact tissue around implants (I) are added at right margin. Sources: Steinemann & Mausli (55) and Steinemann (56).


becomes in fact no chemical burden, and its inert reaction in tissue is a sign of the basically different chemistry in solution. In serum, the titanium concentration is about 0.1 pM, and in human skeletal muscle it is about 5 pM. The muscle concentration of titanium equals the upper limit of solubility for the aqueous hydroxide, which is also about the lower limit for precipitation of the solid oxide (about 3 pM). Solution chemistry thus provides a stringent, even simple homeostatic mechanism for the regulation of titanium in tissue: titanium is at saturation in tissue! The concentration of titanium in the contact tissue around implants is about 100 times higher than that of muscle tissue. These high concentrations seem representative for larger and loaded implants and include fretting and wear debris and residues from surface treatment. These metal and oxide particles beyond the solubility limit are just deposited in tissue, and retrieval studies give no indication of any adverse reaction. A statement is in order: no case of local or systemic reaction for titanium has been documented. Complexes in fluids and tissue The contact between tissue and an implant raises the local metal concentration by orders of magnitude. The capacity of homeostatic mechanisms can be exceeded. Hydrolysis of the corrosion products means proton exchanges in the tissue electrolyte and pH shifts, which can cause denaturation of organic matter. But binding of metal ions with other ligands competes with hydrolysis and complexes can be formed by substitution reactions. This substitution is a third form of reaction, insidious in nature, of how a foreign body interacts with living matter. The distinction between ions or uncharged species as reaction product of the corrosion becomes important. Cell toxicity is well known for nickel, cobalt, copper and vanadium, whose hydrolysis products are cations and anions respectively. Metals can act as haptens: the ion can unite with a protein to form an antigen, and nickel, cobalt and chromium are known allergens (32). Titanium behaves totally different in that no proton exchange and liganding with biological molecules is possible.

(18, 55). The reaction products are available and can be taken up by the cells. This may or may not be toxic to the cells. Studying the effect of solid and dissolved metals on the development of embryonic bone rudiments indicates that there is at least some effect on skeletal development (13). The variety of chemical interactions in tissue near the foreign body and at the artificial interface is great. Maurer et al. (33) investigated the chemical and biochemical aspects of cell adhesion and cell proliferation in the presence of many metals. Reactions of fibroblast and osteoblast cultures were followed for two modes of exposure in three experiments (Fig. 6): (i) fibroblasts cultured on metal discs, (ii) osteoblasts cultured on a neutral substrate in metal saturated media, and (iii) osteoblasts cultured on metal discs. An influence of the physical surface topography was circumvented by preparing all metal samples and the reference support made of a neutral polymer to the same fine finish. The pure metal samples included in experiments (i) and (iii) were ground under water irrigation and then cleaned ultrasonically in deionized water and dried in a jet of nitrogen gas. For the culture experiments, the metal discs were rinsed with modified Eagles medium before cell seeding. For experiment (ii), the chlorides of tin, aluminum, titanium, zirconium and tantalum were added to water in concentrations somewhat higher than the saturation limit of the oxide in water (4, 5 5 ) . The solutions were titrated to a pH between 6.4 and 7.0 and served to make the supporting media for the cell cultures. W o cell lines were used for the three experiments, one rat fibroblastic line and one rat osteoblastic line, and both were cultured with modified Eagles medium as base. Cells were harvested at day 5 for cell counting. The results of the three experiments are shown in Fig. 7-9. In all figures, the abscissa is the polarization resistance for the metals that had been measured in a separate in vitro experiment. The polarization resistance of a metal is proportional to its corrosion resistance or the reciprocal of the corrosion current density. Metals vary greatly (by a factor of lO,OOO), and the logarithmic scale provides a good presen-

Cell reaction in presence of metals

In aqueous
On metal

I Metal

A small corrosion rate is not a sufficient condition

for tissue compatibility; the fate of the unwanted reaction product (of corrosion) must be considered

Fig. 6. Cell reactions are studied for two different modes of exposure:the metal is dissolved in the supporting medium and the cells are in direct contact with the solid metal.


Titanium - the material of choice?

0.5 > .-. c = 0.2 8 I 0.1 3

lj r



0 r

- Control level Ta

Iv limit - Detection

b .05 ! A

5 6 Polarization resistance, log ohmcmz


.02 I

4 5 6 Polarization resistance, log ohmcm2

Fig. 7. Results from experiment (i): fibroblasts cultured on metal discs. The abscissa is the logarithm of the polarization resistance of the metal considered and is a good scale for its corrosion resistance. The ordinate is the normalized cell count, also in logarithmic scale. Copper and vanadium are toxic to fibroblasts, and corroding molybdenum strongly reduces the proliferation rate. Titanium, niobium, zirconium and tantalum do not interact.

Fig. 8. Results from experiment (ii): osteoblasts cultured on a neutral substrate in metal-saturated media. The abscissa is the logarithm of the polarization resistance of the metal considered and is a good scale for its corrosion resistance. The ordinate is the normalized cell count, also in logarithmic scale. Osteoblasts cultured in modified Eagles medium with dissolved metal hydroxides displayed no inhibition of cell proliferation.

tation (see also the preceding section on corrosion and soft tissue reaction). This scale also provides a good grading, as any metal located below number 5 will show visible attack in chloride containing electrolytes and a strong redox reaction, both processes equivalent to a chemical insult in living tissue. The ordinate in the three figures, cell growth ratios, are also drawn in a logarithmic scale for simplicity of interpretation. The cell proliferation rate observed for the inert support and without metal salt is used as the reference. Fibroblast cells in contact with titanium, niobium, zirconium and tantalum can proliferate but do not in proximity with molybdenum, copper, vanadium (Fig. 7 ) . These are reactions of inertness or sequestration and toxicity on the other hand, as they are found for soft tissue in contact with implanted metals (Fig. If. Osteoblasts cultured in modified Eagles medium with dissolved metals displayed no inhibition of cell growth for the five metals tested (Fig. 8). The metal concentrations in the culture medium ranged from 0.4 to 6 pM, equal to saturation and a maximum possible level of dissolved hydroxo compounds for pH values in the physiological range. In the experimental series of osteoblasts cultured on pure metal discs, growth inhibition is absent for titanium and zirconium, relatively weak for tin and aluminum, and strong or total for zinc, iron, copper, molybdenum, vanadium, nickel, silver, niobium and tantalum (Fig. 9). One experiment of six with titanium resulted in unusually low cell counts, but two others showed extreme proliferation where the osteoblast layer reached confluence and lifted off the surface.


0 c

- Sn

= 8 0.2 15 0.1 2

> c

0.5 -

-, -

Control level

I - ZrI Ti




-Detection limit

4 5 6 Polarization resistance, log ohmcmZ

Fig. 9. Results from experiment (iii): osteoblasts cultured on metal discs. The abscissa is the logarithm of the polarization resistance of the metal considered and it is a good scale for its corrosion resistance. The ordinate is the normalized cell count, also in logarithmic scale. Growth inhibition is absent for titanium and zirconium but strong for the corrosion-resistant metals niobium and tantalum. Inhibition is observed for all lesser corrosion resistant metals, such as silver, molybdenum, aluminum, tin, iron, zinc and the toxic metals nickel, vanadium, copper. The compatible metals are titanium and zirconium.

Different modes of exposure, cells in a metal-saturated electrolyte or cells in contact with solid metal, elicit different responses. The conditions are not the same. In the first case, the cells are in an environment of completely hydrolyzed metal species at low concentration, what might be termed weak interaction. Furthermore, it follows from basic principles of chemistry that an interaction would be possible only, and only when, the dissolved species is electrically charged: an ion (55). This is the case for only one, perhaps two of the elements considered in Fig. 8. Conversely, the direct contact of the cells with the



Fig. 10. Transmission electron micrograph of a nondemineralized specimen showing the intimate contact between the mineralized bone matrix (B) and the titanium coating (T). Source: Listgarten et al. (31).

of six weeks, the screws were slightly tighter than when originally put in; at twelve weeks, the screws were more difficult to remove and at the end of sixteen weeks, the screws were so tight that in one specimen the femur was fractured when an attempt was made to remove the screw ... From these studies it would appear that titanium is a metal which may be useful in surgery, because of its strength and its failure to cause tissue reaction. The fact that bone becomes attached to titanium may be a disadvantage in cases where screws or pins are placed temporarily. In the past, the use of some prostheses has not become popular because it has been felt that these would remain separate from the bone and eventually loosen. Since titanium adheres to bone, it may prove to be an ideal metal for such prostheses.
A new form of prosthesis, tooth root analogues made of titanium, become a reality in the late 1960s. This was a major advance in clinical dental treatment and engineering initiated by Brfinemark and collaborators in Goteborg. The word osseointegration was coined and defined as a direct structural and functional connection between ordered, living bone and the surface of a load carrying implant (6). Structural aspects and cell reactions accompanying osseointegration have been studied at all scales, by light-optical histology through high-resolution electron microscopy (1, 20, 30). Listgarten et al. (31) comment on their transmission electron microscopic image of the interface (Fig. 10) by saying that there is no evidence of any space between the metallic surface and the bone. This finding suggests the possibility of a direct chemical bond. Osseointegration allows the efficient stress transfer from implant to bone. It implies that no relative motion occurs at the interface, and in case of a chemical bond between the metallic implant and bone, the displacement is restricted to atomic distances.

solid metal is sort of a strong interaction (Fig. 9). Indeed, direct communication via cellular processes between osseous cells and dental implants has been documented (51). A selective response is found whenever the cells are in contact with the solid metal. Growth inhibition is found for fibroblast cells (Fig. 7) and osteoblast cells (Fig. 9) if the polarization resistance of the metal considered is below a logarithm of about 5 , that is, under conditions of strong corrosion and strong redox activity. The observation of sequestration and toxicity is then an expected parallel situation for tissue reaction (Fig. 1). But the remaining metals titanium, niobium, zirconium and tantalum elicit different reactions for the two cell lines, even if these elements have a same high corrosion resistance. The biochemical interactions differ in the case of niobium and tantalum. Fibroblasts are hardy cells compared to the more differentiated osteoblasts. The inhibition of osteoblast cell growth for any metal other than titanium and zirconium suggests that these elements only have the capacity for osseointegration, that is, a rather distinct property.

A ..$


Pull - off

Titanium has the surprising property that it can bind to living tissue and to bone. It is interesting to read Leventhal in 1951 (29): Bone reaction was studied by the insertion of up to 80 screws into the femora of rats ... At the end
Fig. 11. Forces (F) on a dental implant have axial (A) and transverse (T) components which generate shear and tensile stresses at the interface between the metallic implant (M) and the bone (B). The ultimate stresses for the bond between metal and bone are measured as push-out load, as release torque and as pull-off load.


Titanium - the material o f choice?

Natural teeth and implants that support a dental prosthesis will generally be loaded by both forces and moments (torque). The mechanical force is a vector quantity and it has a magnitude and a direction (Fig. 11). Mericske-Stern et al. (36-38) made simultaneous force measurements on endosseous implants along three axes and found that transverse forces cannot be neglected. Using the Pythagorean theorem, it is found that transverse components reach 10-50% of the vertical force. The loading of an implant is skewed, with angles up to 30. In consequence, different kinds of forces, shear, tension and compression, will act in the implant-bone interface. To determine the failure limit of the interface, pushout tests of cylinders and release torque tests of screws in bone are performed to give an interfacial shear strength (Fig. 11).Pull-offtests, on the other hand give the interfacial tensile strength. Selected examples of such measurements for various healing times are shown in Fig. 12. Mechanical aspects An implant in the form of a screw will resist pushout, but this shape requires a bond if it is to resist torsion, which tends to loosen the implant along the threads. The resistance to loosening is measured as a removal torque (Fig. 12, left). It is noted that the figure reports measurements without any normalization for screw geometry and bone thickness. The release forces show a latency period of 2 to 3 weeks,

followed by a rapid increase of torque and a maximum or leveling out of this torque after about 5 months. This timetable for incorporation of a dental implant is similar to that of bone fracture healing, whereby a short resorption period is followed by bridging a gap with less organized bone and then stabilization through generalized bone remodeling. These processes can be followed by sequential labeling. Using this technique in the late healing-in phase of a titanium implant, it was found that hard bone formation occurs from the metal surface outwards, a clear indication of total integration. The removal torque and the push-out force are proportional to the interfacial shear strength. The length of the contact between implant and bone enters the formula and in the case of a screw, this true length can be expressed through an effective pitch height leff=1.51, the factor being obtained from geometric arguments or empirically (17).Representative results from push-out and removal torque tests and different surface preparations are collected in Table 1. At 12 weeks after insertion, the interfacial shear strength ranges from 9 to 19 MPa for cortical bone and from 2 to 6 MPa for trabecular bone. The results clearly indicate that surface roughness and texture is a primary factor in the anchorage of dental implants. For longer times, as displayed in Fig. 12, the maximum interfacial shear strength reaches 24 MPa for machined implants and nearly 50 MPa for special preparations. These ultimate bond strengths are high.

TPS and corundum blasted

Time after insertion of implant, weeks

Time after insertion of implant, weeks

Fig. 12. Shear and tensile resistance of the titanium-bone bond. Left.Raw data for the removal torque of screws (21, 54, 62); average values are shown. Surface preparation: machine cut, titanium plasma-sprayed (TPS), corundum-

blasted-etched (SLA).Right. Measurements of the pull-off force for titanium plasma-sprayed (TPS) and blasted surfaces (44, 54).



I Table 1. Interfacial shear strength for bone-implant fixation made of commercially pure titanium

Implant Machined screw Screw, blasted A120325 pm Screw, blasted A 2 3 pm 1 0 75 Cylinder, blasted A 2 3 1 0 fine Cylinder, blasted A1203 rough Cylinder, blasted A1203 rough+etched Screw, titanium plasma-coated rough+etched Screw, blasted N203

Animal, bone rabbit, corticalb rabbit, corticalb rabbit, corticalb minipig, trabecular minipig, trabecular minipig, trabecular sheep and dog sheep, corticale

Experiment (12 weeks after insertion) removal torque push-out load shear strength 9.3 MPaa 42 10 MPaa 12 MPaa 130 N 1.9 MPaC 260 N 3.9 MPaC 390 N 5.8 MPaC 200 N . cm 15 MPad 250 N . cm 19 MPad

References 60 61 61 64 64 64 54, 62 62

The relationship between removal torque T and interfacial shear strength T is T=d/2 d x leff.T = C 7, with c= 19 mm3 per pitch height (0.6 mm). . The thickness of bone is 1.25 mm. The relationship between push-out load P and interfacial shear strength T is P=s T, with surface area s = d x .1=67 mm2, The relationship between removal torque T and interfacial shear strength T is T=c T, with c=80 mm3 per pitch height (1.75 mm). The thickness of bone is 3 mm.

I Table 2. Interfacial tensile strength for bone-implant fixation made of titanium

Implant Titanium plasma-coated disc, 20 mm* Polished Ti&V disc, 39 mm' Hydroxyapatite-coated disc, 39 mm2 Commercially pure titanium, blasted and plasma coated Animal, bone Macacu sp., ulna dog, cortical dog, cortical rabbit, epiphysis Experiment duration pull-off load 30 weeks 76 (30-120) N 43 weeks 25 (041) N 43weeks 107N 24 weeks 107 N tensile strength 2.7 MPa 0.6 MPa 2.7 MPa 1.6-3.1 MPa References

58 58 44

The relationship between pull-off load P and interfacial tensile strength a is P=s a, where s is surface area.

Interestingly, the pull-out interfacial shear strengths for freshly inserted BrHnemark (Nobel Biocare AB, Goteborg, Sweden) screw implants (7, 8) and small bone fixation screws (49) are less than the above-reported results: 31 MPa and 34-39 MPa respectively. These latter figures can represent a "notched shear strength' and a practical limit when acute threads engender high local stresses. Likewise, an implant inserted in the mandibula or maxilla will be subject to similar effects that limit the anchorage. For comparison, human bone has a shear strength of 68 MPa when measured in torsion along the bone axis, but the property falls strongly for other orientations (45). Pull-off tests have the characteristic feature that a strong interaction between the metallic implant and living hard tissue, that is, the adhesion reaction, is observed only beyond about 10 weeks (Fig. 12, right). Perfect immobilization of the test implant is always required. Table 2 collects data for conditions when bonding is completed. For titanium, the interfacial tensile strength is 2.5 MPa on average, and hydroxyapatite-coated titanium does not fare better. The

figure is of the order of the compressive strength of human trabecular bone (2-10 MPa). Fragments of bone are commonly observed on the fractured test pieces, which indicates a less dense bone in the contact zone. To give an idea how strong this bond is, reference can be made to a classical work in physics. The Magdeburg half-spheres experiment measured the force necessary to break vacuum; it needs the (negative) pressure of 1 atmosphere, equal to 0.1 MPa. The adhesion between two bodies can never exceed this stress if there is empty space or free water present in the bond region. The interfacial tensile strength of the metal-bone bond is 25 times larger than this limit. Thus, one may ask what is the glue? Material aspects Corrosion can be the cause of a tissue reaction. An example is gold, which has a strong redox activity in the chloride-containing tissue fluids and whose corrosion current density is not far above a practical limit for visible attack (see earlier). Sequestration of


Titanium - the material of choice?

the foreign body is observed in soft tissue, and implants made of gold provoke bone resorption (59). Stainless steel, CoCrMo (vitallium) and Ti&14Vhave much better corrosion resistance; nevertheless, sequestration and a local reaction are observed in soft tissue because of leaching, even in minute quantities, of toxic components from the alloys. Bone screws made of stainless steel loosen after some weeks, and screw implants made of vitallium and titanium alloy have reduced removal torque (Table 3). Push-out tests in trabecular bone all show the effect of surface texture, but the enhancement of anchorage by etching pure titanium is absent for the alloys (compare with Table 1). It is concluded that vitallium and all titanium alloys used for bone surgery have no capacity or a reduced capacity for total integration. A chemical effect of the metal is manifest. On the other hand, zirconium and niobium have interfacial shear strength values not less than that of titanium.

Metal ion J ,

J Oxygen ion

0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 . .
Fig. 13. Surface oxide on a metal. In the case of titanium, the oxide grows by the transport of oxygen from the external surface towards the metal-oxide interface where the oxidation reaction proper takes place.

Chemistry of osseointegration
Titanium is a reactive metal. This means that, in air, water or any other electrolyte, an oxide is spontaneously formed on the surface of the metal (Fig. 13).The native oxide film has a thickness of about 4 nm, or 20 times the interatomic distance. Its mode of growth is specific in that the oxygen ions migrate towards the metal and react with the counter-ion ti-

tanium at the base of the oxide (35).This mechanism is unique for titanium and some other elements of valency IV, such as silicon and zirconium. Ordinarily, both the oxygen anion and the metal cation migrate when a metal undergoes oxidation, or corrosion. The specific mode of oxide growth on titanium has the positive effect that no metal ion will reach the surface and be released into the electrolyte. Titanium oxide is a good insulator even in the form of a very thin surface film, which may be in a crystalline or in a glassy state and which can occlude anionic impurities such as chlorine, fluorine or phosphates (12, 34). This behavior differs from that

Table 3. Interfacial shear strength for bone-implant fixation made of titanium alloys and other materials
Experiment (12 weeks after insertion) removal push-out shear torque load strength 12 N . cma 3.4 MPae 26 N . cmb 6.5 MPae 33 N . cmc 9.1 MPaf 16 N.cmd 4.3 MPae 120 N 1.8 MPah 230 N 3.4 MPah 230 N 3.4 MPah 110 N 1.6 MPah 280 N 4.2 MPah 230 N 3.4 MPah 830 N 12 MPah

Implant Vitallium, machined screw Zirconium, machined screw Niobium, machined screw Ti&14V,machined screw fine Ti&14V,cylinder, blasted A1203, rough Ti&14V,cylinder, blasted A1203, Ti&14V,cylinder, blasted rough+etched fine Ti&17Nb,cylinder, blasted A1203, rough Ti&17Nb,cylinder, blasted A1203, Ti&17Nb,cylinder, blasted rough+etched Hydroxyapatite-coatedTi, cylinder

Animal, bone rabbit, corticalg rabbit, corticalg rabbit, corticalg rabbit, corticalg minipig, trabecular minipig, trabecular minipig, trabecular minipig, trabecular minipig, trabecular minipig, trabecular minipig, trabecular

24 26 25 22 64 64 64 64 64 64 64

The measurement for commercially pure titanium gives 25 N . cm. Commercially pure titanium has 26 N cm. Commercially pure titanium has 25 N cm. Commercially pure titanium has 23 N . cm. The relationship between removal torque T and interfacial shear strength T is T=d/2 . d n I,#' T = C . T, with (9 c=17 mm? per pitch height (0.6 mm), and (f) c=19 mm3 per pitch height (D.6 mm). 8 The thickness of bone is 1.25 mm. The relationship between push-out load P and interfacial shear stress I[ is P=s .I[,with surface area s=d . B . 1=67 mm'.



of the passive film on gold, stainless steel and vitallium, which is an electron conductor. The availability of electrons at the outer interface towards the electrolyte or living contact tissue implies that redox processes, that is, electron exchange processes, can proceed. Or, this is one mechanism leading to denaturation of macromolecules and sequestration at a larger scale. Gold, stainless steel and cobalt-chromium alloy show this response; titanium does not. Most metal oxides are hydroxylated at room temperature and when water or its vapor has access to the surface (5, 39). In fact, a water molecule adsorbed on a bare metal site loses a proton, which jumps to the neighboring surface oxide ion, leaving a hydroxyl (OH) on the metal ion (Fig. 14). These reactions lead to two types of hydroxyl groups. In the case of titanium dioxide, one is bound to one titanium-ion site (terminal OH), and the other to two such sites (bridging OH), and these would be expected to exhibit quite different types of chemical behavior. The bridging groups must be strongly polarized by the cations and therefore be acidic in character, whereas the terminal OH group can be predominantly basic and exchangeable with other anions. This surface has an amphoteric nature: it has the ability to bind with both acids and bases. The acid groups react, for example, with amines (such as ammonia and methylamine), and basic OH groups

H Oxygen ion H

Fig. 14. Surface of a metal oxide. Top. Naked surface of oxide. Middle. In the presence of water, the surface metal ions bind water molecules. Bottom. Dissociation and chemisorption of the water molecules leads to an apparent monolayer of OH groups, a hydroxylatedsurface. Source: Schindler (47).

exchange with phosphates. Further, alcohols react fairly easily with the acidic OH groups to form esters. The amphoteric or zwitterionic nature of the oxide surface can be weighed by counting the effective positive and negative charges at all surface sites, and this can be measured by potentiometric titration. A characteristic value for which the positive and negative charges at the surface cancel each other is called the zero point of charge. For TiO, in the two structure variants of rutile and anatase zero point of charge =pH 6, that is, near to neutrality (9, 40). For other oxides of interest, A1203 and ZrO,, zero point of charge =pH 9, and for Si02 zero point of charge =pH 2 (39). At physiological pH values, the surface of titanium oxide has no charge, whereas aluminum oxide and zirconium oxide have negative and quartz has positive charges. Zeta potentials, connected to the zero point of charge, have also been measured for natural and synthetic apatites, giving a pH of 67 (50), similar to that of titanium oxide. Schindler et al. (14, 47, 48, 63) have studied the adsorption of amino acids and some metal ions on crystalline titanium oxide and give a complete picture of how the surface hydroxyls exchange charges, that is, their protons, with the dissolved ligands. These exchanges are controlled by the pH of the solvent, that is, the environment. Strong interactions are involved. In fact, the energy calculated from reaction constants derived from adsorption coverage numbers (63) for amino acids amounts to 20-50 kJ/mole, and the energy necessary for thermal desorption of glycine on platinum indicates binding energy values of roughly 100 kJ/mole (11). These numbers are characteristic of real chemisorption processes involving the formation of covalent or ionic chemical bonds. The necessary proof that such bonds exist comes from photoelectron diffraction experiments with adsorbed glycine on single-crystal rutile, which show the correct distances and angles among carbon atoms of the amino acid (41). The spontaneously formed thin surface oxide film on titanium metal is apparently in an amorphous or glassy state (35). But photoelectron spectroscopy indicates that the stoichiometry of the crystalline oxide is preserved and that the amorphous oxide film is also hydroxylated at its surface (34). Adsorption and desorption experiments with the oxidized metal by Gold et al. (15, 16) showed a similar amphoteric reaction, as displayed by crystalline oxides (5, 14, 63). In a first series of experiments (Fig. 15), the adsorption of cysteine in a salt solution of variable pH was monitored by X-ray excited photoelectron spectroscopy. In a second series of experiments (Fig. 16),


Titanium - the material of choice?

d pH


Fig. 15. Cysteine adsorption on titanium vs pH as determined by photoelectron spectroscopy. Proton exchange reactions on the amino acid occur at pH=2 and = l l . Source: Gold et al. (15).

- oo l


organic matter, probably by destroying a primary structure. The strong adhesion between bone and tissue is quite a puzzle. The structure of a tissue and interaction in cohesion occur at rather different scales. In fact, the space between bone trabeculae or vessels in soft tissue is of the order of mm, and the size of cells is of the order of pm, whereas the interaction distance of chemical forces, the Debye length, is only in the nm range. One wonders how the chemistry at the substrate relatively remote from a cell surface protrudes through to influence interaction that results in binding. Organic compounds comprise various groups of atoms that account for the compounds characteristic reactions (3).These groups, about 15 in number, are called functional groups. Among them, the relatively simple chemical groups such as hydroxyl (OH), carbonyl (CO), carboxyl (COOH), amine (NH,) and sulfonate (S03H) can change the surface properties of organic matter, including rendering these surfaces hydrophobic or hydrophilic, and they can modulate cell adhesion on polymers and on metals (10,27, 57). The ground substance identified in the near contact zone of bone toward titanium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum metals (2,23,30)has the properties

Ti O2
-0.4 0.0

E-E (H*/Oz),V

I .o

Fig. 16. Desorption of soft tissue residues on titanium after exposure to solutions of variable pH (top) and of variable redox potential (bottom). The thickness of the organic films before the experiments was 6.3-8.7 nm. Positive potential differences correspond to oxidizing electrolytes. Source: Gold et al. (16).

+Arg .R
OxidexG Oxidex D


I [

;f+ I






the adherent tissue on retrieved titanium implants was examined by controlled desorption treatments in solutions of variable pH and of variable oxidation strength (redox potential); again, the organic matter at the surface was monitored by photoelectron spectroscopy. Adsorption and desorption show a type of mirror response, as expected (compare Fig. 15 with Fig. 16). The proton exchanges on carboxyl and amino groups of the amino acids favor binding in the first experiments, but the opposite, that is, a release of proteinaceous residues in the second series of experiments. The results further indicate a strong influence of the redox reaction on desorption; strong oxidizers such as potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and chloric acid can remove adherent




Fig. 17. Affinity for surface complex formation between titanium oxide and the RGD series of amino acids (arginine-glycine-aspartic acid). Bar 1. Surface charge of the oxide. Bars 2-4. Charge of glycine, aspartic acid, arginine. Bars 5-7. Binding, as represented by folding the surface charges of the oxide with the charges on the binding sites of the amino acid, for the whole molecule and for the side chain only (cross-hatched). No charged aqueous titanium hydroxide species do exist for pH between 2.5 and 11.2. The signature of charges for the carboxyllamino and for the side group of the amino acid is shown (+ positive, - negative, 0 uncharged). The dissociation constants are from Lehninger (28).


Ca (11)


OxidexCa OxidexPh





Fig. 18. Affinity for surface complex formation between titanium oxide and inorganic calcium and phosphate. Bar 1. Surface charge of the oxide. Bars 2,3. Charge of dissolved Ca(I1) and P (V) species. Bars 4,5. Binding as represented by folding the surface charges on the oxide with the charges of the chemisorbed ligand. No charged aqueous titanium hydroxide species do exist for pH between 2.5 and 11.2.The hydrolysis data are from Pourbaix et a . (43). l

of a general glue and certainly comprises adhesion proteins having the ability to promote cell adhesion and to interact with matrix molecules and with a foreign material. A simple electrostatic model of the interaction of an adhesion protein with an oxide surface having receptor sites will now be given. Fibronectin has emerged as a prototype adhesion protein, and the identification of the tripeptide sequence arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) as the focal domain where cells attach to the surface of the large molecule was a major breakthrough in molecular biology (42, 46). The charge structure of the three amino acids and their apparent dissociation constants, that is, the pH values at which protonation and deprotonation of the functional groups occur, are shown in Fig. 17. If the organic molecule adheres to the surface, its charges will interact with the amphoteric oxide in a strictly local manner. A proton is exchanged and electrostatic energy is gained. The mechanism is selective for the functional group of the amino acid and for the surface site of the oxide;

the carboxyl group can only bind with the basic site (terminal OH) and the amino group can only bind with the acidic site (bridging OH), whereas the side chain functional groups will exchange protons with one or the other surface site matching in character. The latter case corresponds to the molecular state with the intact peptide links. This great selectivity of interactions is the consequence of the zwitterionic property of both reactants. Experiments indicate that titanium oxide has four or five reactive groups of acidic and basic character per nm2 of surface (5). On the other hand, the volume of an amino acid molecule in the Arg-Gly-Asp tripeptide is 0.1 to 0.2 nm3; thus, if these amino acids are spread on a surface, about 4 molecules will cover an area of 1 nm2. This number of molecules matches well with the number of available bonds on the inorganic substrate. It is known from photoelectron spectroscopy that calcium and phosphate ions chemisorb on the oxide-covered titanium (19). A binding mechanism can also be modeled by electrostatic interaction (Fig. 18). It is not calcium phosphate that precipitates on the metallic substrate; the 2-valent Ca ion binds to oxygen after deprotonation, and the phosphate makes a bidentate link to surface atoms. As in the case of the organic ligand, these selective interactions are the consequence of the zwitterionic behavior of the oxide. The simple electrostatic force model proved to be a versatile tool in understanding the true mechanism of osseointegration. It turns out that the native oxide on titanium is a receptor of short- and perhaps also long-range interactions for adhesion-promoting factors of living tissue.

Conclusion - the dedicated metal

For modern metals, the surgeon expects full tissue compatibility. Unalloyed titanium is the reference.

Table 4. Mechanical data for a dedicated metal

Material 316L stainless steel, cold-worked Commercially pure titanium, grade 2 Commercially pure titanium grade 4, cold-worked Titanium alloys ( T a V Ti&Nb) Cortical bone Yield strength 730 MPa 330 MPa 690 MPa 920 MPa Yield strength to elastic modulus

Notched tensile strength to (plain) tensile strength



1.8 1.6



Titanium - the material of choice?

But that metal has limited mechanical strength. High mechanical properties are needed for structural efficiency in surgical and dental implants. Their volume is in fact restricted by anatomic realities, which require good yield and fatigue strength of the metal. On the other hand, an implant bridges the forces in bone: it may reduce the normal physiological level of forces. This should give advantage to a less-rigid bone plate or hip prostheses so as to retain a functional load on bone. Frequently this suggestion is associated with a low elastic modulus, comparable to bone. The conjecture is misplaced; the implant must guide, transport and distribute forces, and to do this it must be stiff. The useful comparison of properties refers to functional aspects (Table 4). The yield strength has to do with load capacity and possible distortion failure of the implant and associated elements. A second quantity is the elastic modulus, related to the stiffness of the implant. The ratio of these two properties, a dimensionless quantity, is the permissible strain, which has to do with deformation capacity of a mechanical construct. It equals 0.67% for human cortical bone. Differences between materials are substantial. High yield stress and permissible elastic strain do characterize the forgiving metal in the clinic; in fact, implants should have spare strength to overcome an unfavorable anatomic situation and lack of cooperation by the patient. The penalties associated with implant failure are always great. Another entry in the table has to do with the safety of the implant. The notch sensitivity is important for design; this parameter must exceed 1.2, to avoid cracks in the shape variations of common implants. It is found that the properties of titanium metals are favorable for making surgical implants intrinsically safe and damage tolerant. The metal titanium must not be a foreign body in living tissue, at least regarding a chemical and physiological insult. For integration, it has unique properties among all metals in the periodic table. The question at the outset of this work can be answered: yes - titanium is the material of choice!

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