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Industrial Relations & Productivity

Industrial relations and Productivity

Industrial relations are that part of management which is concerned with the man power of the enterprise whether ordinary, skilled workers or manager- Betrel smith. Good Industrial Relations can achieve better productivity increasing production is one thing, but increasing productivity is another thing. The achievement of greater productivity can be had by good industrial relations only.

Industrial relations and Productivity

Productivity implies development of an attitude of mind and a constant urge to find better, cheaper, quicker easier and safe ways of doing a job manufacturing an article and providing a service V.K.R. Menon. Productivity can be of manpower, finance, marketing and workers productivity .

Role of Productivity in Industrial relations

Man Power Finance Marketing Workers Productivity
Efficient development of workforce Right man in the right place for right type of job. Deployment of Finance Incentive oriented, stimulating, competitive for workers interest Efforts taken for sales Less cost of Production Avoid Wastages Increases the sense of Responsibility Relationship between Employer and Employee

Benefits Industrial Relations & Productivity

1. 2. 3. 4. It improves the efficiency of the industrial workers It reduces wastages Total cost is reduced Work quality improves from dedicated and motivated workers 5. Workers share in profit will increase (Monetary and Non-monetary rewards) 6. Healthy environment for expansion

Benefits Industrial Relations & Productivity

7. Possibility for introduction of Technology and Automation 8. Up gradation through training and development 9. Grievances procedure to avoid conflict, dispute etc.,

Challenges Industrial Relations & Productivity

1. Unbalanced Management (Lack of Skilled Supervisors) 2. Untrained low caliber management 3. Failure to implement scientific management 4. In competency at all three levels of management to strengthen production or productivity.

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