AAA2013 ADTSG Business Meeting Agenda

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Pass around attendance sheet b. Pass around panel information c. SMA President, Doug Feldman to stops by to talk about how the SMA can help support our special interest group. 2. Introductions a. Officer introductions (thank you outgoing chair, Peter Benson) b. Member introductions name, institution, research areas 3. SIG chairs meeting a. ADTSG stood out (digital presence, paper prize, membership, panels, etc) b. Potential collaborations with other SIGS (mental health; science, technology & medincine) 4. 2012 Paper prize a. Thank you to Bryan Page, Roland Moore, and Peter Benson for judging b. Winner: Saiba Varma Love in the time of PTSD: Loss, Longing and Addiction in Kashmir c. Honorable mention: Wenyi Zhang Healing the compromised consciousness: A transformation from group fate to individual risky behavior in Kachin responses to drug use and HIV/AIDS d. Judges for 2013: Mimi Nichter and Shana Harris 5. AAA panels a. Thank you to organizers: Roland Moore, Gil Quintero, Lee Hoffer and Daniel Lende b. Three panels: i. Drug Ab/Use: Border Constructions and Crossings in the Anthropology of Psychoactive Substances (Saturday 1:45-3:30pm in Golden Gate 5) 50695 (450) ii. Permeable Borders: Negotiating Boundaries of (Il)licit Substance Use (Sunday 8:00-9:45am in Franciscan C) 60060 (512) iii. Anxieties and Vantage Points: Drug Use Between the Boundaries of Moralized Health Discourses (Sunday 12:15-2:00pm) 60495 (568) c. Potential for an edited volume looking for volunteers to help make this happen 6. 2013 SMA conference a. Joint with EASA June 12-15 in Targona, Spain Encounters and Engagements b. Who is planning on going? Potential SIG meeting c. No pre-organized panels, only individual abstracts (Due Jan 31)

2013 ADTSG Meeting Agenda Karim 11/16/12

7. 2013 AAA conference a. We will have our usual business meeting b. Theme is Future Publics, Current Engagements any ideas for the kinds of panels we could organize? i. Engagement policy of drug use ii. Future publics iii. Kristen Ogilvie volunteered to organize but she will need help! 8. Website a. Thanks Stacey McKenna, Allison Schlosser, and Roland Moore b. About updated mission statement is up c. Blog Stacey is managing it i. Announcements, book reviews, research highlights, panel reviews, current events, announcements d. History (Roland provided archives, Bob Schact wrote up a history that I will post) e. Member profiles i. Email the following info to Name, title, department, institution, brief bio with research interests, headshot f. Subscribe: g. No more google groups listserv after January 31 9. Officer Positions we still need volunteers for the following: a. Social Media coordinator (start a twitter, manage a face book page or linked in) b. Webmasters resources page, current events, in the journals 10. SMA Policy Program a. 1200 word statement on a topic of interest to our group b. Approved and endorsed by the SMA i. Rethinking marijuana use Bryan Page, Marco Borria ii. Increase in pharmaceutical abuse Shana Harris iii. Legal highs methadrone (Europe) Marco Borria c. Bryan Page, Gilbert Quintero, and Marco Borria volunteered to work on this 11. Mentorship Program a. Interest? b. What would this look like? 12. SMA business meeting tonight @ 6:15-8:30 Hotel Niko: Golden Gate Room 13. Social outing at P.T. Omalleys check website for more details!

2013 ADTSG Meeting Agenda Karim 11/16/12

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