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Unit 3 Film Script The Mouse

Written By

Dhuran Modha

SCENE 1 - THE ENTRANCE ext. Musuem courtyard path with towering hedges and columns - NIGHT


FADE IN Camera pans slowly downwards behind character as character walks up path to the entrance CUT TO: Character's face as he approaches the door slowly CUT TO: Keyhole as he turns the key, right then back to centre and finally pushing the door open revealing black and entering the blackness CUT TO: Door closing and slamming door handle returning to its usual position FADE OUT SCENE 2 - THE MOUSE INT. Musuem entrance hall,with high pillars, high ceilings with artwork painted on them and elegant gold and crystal chandeliers shining in the flickering star light. CUT TO: He walks to the fuse box and turns on the lights and looks around the room, he then looks at the clock and notices the time INSERT (12.23) Proceeds to look around the 4 exhibit rooms to check the exhibits are in acceptable condition and notices the mouse sitting in the corner gnawing at one of the exhibits JEEVES [GASP]NO! MOUSE [WINKS] The mouse then runs away and Jeeves runs the opposite direction to the storage room and picks out handfulls of mouse traps with a triumphant grin on his face. FADE IN 00:00:28

SCENE 3 - THE BATTLE The camera pans down fading in from black to the scatter of mouse traps strewn across the floor, the mouse runs behind him silently stealing the cheese from traps until Jeeves looks around and sees him. JEEVES STOP! COME HERE! The mouse runs through the four different rooms and Jeeves follows suit, setting off the traps as he goes. The mouse darts around the exhibits, knocking off the vases, masks and sculptures which Jeeves catches and precariously balances in his arms. The mouse runs back into the entrance hall and looks at Jeeves who has now put down the exhibits in a pile on the floor and has the mouse cornered.


CUT TO: MUSEUM OWNER'S FACE [OUTRAGED] HANK What is going on! JEEVES The mouse! Look! The Mouse Jeeves spins around and knocks over all of the exhibits breaking them all and looking shocked and scared up at the curator HANK (quietly) Get out.. (shouting) NOW! Jeeves picks up his things and walks out of the museum and back down the front path, the mouse slyly pokes his head out of one of the bushes and winks as the camera pans upwards FADE OUT. END. 00:00:28

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