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fuck off Peade with your high horse-upper case attitude.

I asked permission from most of those people and of those who I havent, they are hardly recognisable even to themselves. I see you have even 'liked' your own comment. More cases of yo...ur own self styled vanity. Officer! Arrest this man for having 4 names please. Just had the sofest serve ice cream ever, and devoured it in record time (had to) it from the ice cream van, out side my house...then just as the icecream man took off the neighbours kids came running out after him screaming...haha! he missed him, i can hear him crying out the front now...crap Icream anyway. Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue!


This is excellent, as is the blog it's posted on. The moral? Never trust a hippie fox. British Museum: The world's biggest collection of imperial loot

If you are this bored again, I'm just in the next room, we could talk. why is greg wearing that hat? doesn't surprise me though, he always has had the ability to entertain me. there's really an ASCII swastika? Shorts from Kmart are you the rainman?

Tempting to keep watching Sunrise in case Kochie is beheaded by flying debris, but TV throwing off too much ambient heat. Visa success. Thanks Paul Kidney and Grace Russell and to the lovely Maori lady that forged Pauls missing information.

as the adage goes, 'measure twice, cut once' I once ollied a wombat on my snowboard at falls creek, twas rather amusing, have a good show Is that one of those magic eye things? you spent lots of time on this! I'm waiting for the swastikas to come out

Hope you get to wear a plaid vest on your birthday. Rxx

None of the filthy scrubbers I know are classy enough for these threads.

This was a really nice show

These are lovely

Rare as hen's teeth and emus-on-the-beach! A bargin @ ten bucks! it's grim, even the governments are getting in on banning mobile phone use etc... ah sheet, lookin to buy "non wireless" modem now... (she types, in front of her high EMF Wifi enabled laptop)... HELP. ASAP. Can TWO people meet me in the city to fill out my GUARANTOR section of my PASSPORT before 2:30pm. This is urgent as my flight is on Sunday.

Okay swell, I'll see you there. P.S. I need your passport number or Electoral Roll details (address and name used on Aus Electoral Roll) I'm top end of Collins street, I can meet you in city. I just need to be back at the passport joint at 3pm

this might be an interesting job

Peformed with them once. Nice people for giant skeletons.

I've said it before, I'll say it again...I loathe this man. He stoops so low.

In theory taking spare, "donatable" money away from a worthy cause to fight against getting further money for said cause from those who can afford it? I know it's rash but it just makes you want to kick his ignorant self serving face in, doesn't it? i've been trying to think of a comment to add but i'm speechless Let's get him. There's a CD prize for the person who can explain to me how to do this :) sending courage and love...
thanks, we have started riding our way through it an to think it is only going to get worst.

this is great!

Cool, got a pic of it? On other matters, you better be working on your Tiger outfit for tonight. Last night the oh so cool Die Antwoord had the crowd screaming in South African 'Your Mothers genitals are a fish paste jar'... This is regressive - I fail to see the irony.
As you may already know it's "Sister Fucker" in India... Yep, but the biggiest insult in Hindi is 'Maataa Chutia' with directly translates to Mother Fuker. They also have 'Baap ke lavde' which is father's genitals...

everybodies dad is a "mother fucker" haha Come on crowd I can't hear you: 'Your father's genitals are pickled cucumbers in a jar'.... maybe mother fucker means people who fuck the earth, miners, loggers etc. if the education was more precise, people could use more imaginative phrases or statements to express the relative emotion of mofo, alas though dear lizzil, language is perverted in conundrum Language is also ever changing - so let's change it!! Like 'I wanna kick your father fking ass!' Now that's rad! OR fofo... Like is it easier to imagine copulating with you mum in an angry manner than copulating with your father? change... from badder to worsest Yeah it's catching! I like the way you say it George!
I've always used mo fo to mean earth destroyer, as bilbo says. But if you are going to take offence to mo fo then what about C**T- it's quite often used as a derogatory term, as opposed to when it's used as a term of endearment. I don't thi...nk swearing ever makes sense. It's fun to use old fashioned words, childlike words, made up words, original onomatopeaic words, exaggerated silliness etc.... when you got something filthy to express...that should subvert the current language paradigm....My mutha won't even use the word 'swear word', she calls it 'lavatory language'- ha ha- gorgeous!

'I'm gonna pop a motherfucking cap in yo arse.' OR 'I'm going to shoot an earth destroying bullet in your bottom' Not sure if it's meaning transfers to wider mainstream culture. I only use the c word with utter love and sexyness cause I dig the word alot.

AnywAy I have said father fuker lots of times today and shall continue to try and balance the scales of the parental fuker language bias. I think I am outnumbered but fuk all you father fuking gangster arsholes. I can smell frustrated feminist bitterness.. :( Cmon Lizzle arent you better than that? cunt comes from the word cunning, use it freely, and why not lover fucker? keep the parents out of it, its just icky! Whoa 38 comments - nice work fuckers!!!!!!! feminists suk my cysts i don't know you renaud, but you sound like a misogynist dick...just saying Loving this post so hard and eating all the catering - My fabulous fukers ya'll rock it out!!!!!!!!!!! Nice use of the word dick here with misogynist gushi, cunt would be ill fitting linguistically Zip... Nice call JP - genuine mother fukers please stand up, please stand up... Oh and Slim Shady go fuk you own father fukin ass - yo mother has had enough!

first day of high-school I am touched by all the birthday wishes I've received today - thankyou so much:) I'm sorry to say it's only "virtually" my bday - when I signed up for fb I didn't want to give MArk Zuckerberg my "real" bday:) All gifts can be directed to the flood/cyclone relief funds... thanks again and sorry to trick you!

Hey baby sorry could not make this morning and this eve will try for next week. What days are good for you for BURLESQUE???

the neighbours have an air-conditioner and it plays E below Middle-C

ps. it was a teensy-bit inconsistent - weaving around +/- a tenth of a semitone, say which made it seem alive, or seem like a massive (& slightly inconsistent) wind-section Do one of the Chinese kung fu styles. Rent a copy of "Shaolin Challenges Ninja" is you want to see Chinese boxing kick ass over Japanese styles. The guy uses drunken style kung fu to defeat the solid, power-based karate. thanks Jeff. i think we might take it slow, but drunken praying mantis style is high on the list! the latter mostly Liz, although I think it helps with concentration and future school-yard arse kicking.

He could paint our fence, too, for extra training. I've got a hot tip for you... wanna rub it? Yes! Tell them the Australian purple belt free fighting champion sent you. Don't remind them that purple belt is pretty lame. *quivers with gratitude I hope you got some footage of them 'poking' the dunes!
This is a still from video footage and, while watching the emus ducking in and out of the dunes, I discovered an amazing truth: the Loch Ness Monster is a bloody emu! Where's Marty?

West Brunswick feelin that shit too! I've been walking around the house holding my tits up going 'It's sooooo hot !'. Pete...are you still conscious?
man, it feels so good here now jules. mine are!

more bricks in the Wall

I ruined it How dare you

Goosebumps. puzzling through my FBfriend-requests, wondering who are these people? why don't they say "Hi, we shared a drink & a few words 7 years ago. How's things?" (or "Hi, we've never met so don't fret about it. Saw you're friends with that nut I haven't seen since [etc]. Subscribe" yeah, i hear ya.... got 30+ people in the requests line waiting for me to meet them in real life. you, being a popular guy, probably have 100+ "Hi, I'm that loveable nut you eyed off back in '87, Hazel." Maybe you should put them on a three month trial. Let them know that if they don't contribute meaningful dialogue or lulz in those three months you'll unfriend them.

Nobody wants to "friend" someone they don't really know who's only going to spam them or lurk or whatever. Well, I don't. I'm not sure I'd adopt that tone with someone I'm having trouble recalling, but I might just try it out in real life
is this how we met? ha ha Eek! I've never felt so lucky to be remembered a couple of days later ;) hi i'm liz, we met in brisbane in the early 90s. hi Anna how do? we're already FBfriends - no need to introduce y'self. Or were you saying hi to the others? no problem Liz: as it happens I don't recall the protest (of course) but we definitely met at your'n'Gen's Monday at 9:34pm LikeUnlike ps. Emily: tramstop, taxi to A.Wallace/JonMichell gig, June'09, no? pps. Jason: 2mins sounds a bit harsh. Jeff said 3 months. What a great idea! "I'm sorry, I liked the idea of saying hi at gigs'n'stuff, who knows where it may've led. But 3 ...months no Lulz OR meaningful dialogue? c'mon!" "I can list the details of everything you ever wore, or said, or how you stood that day" (I'm that kid who inappropriately quotes Morrissey, remember??) West End, Brisbane, circa 199(3)? I was walking along the street with Melanie humming... "get lost if you've got no sense of direction". What she said: "hey, those are my friends, I'll introduce you".See More I remember that day too, and the song is beyond forgetting (4me)

petrie terrace...i think. (you were the weird old guy) haha talk about Ovexposure) and you & Jason were the odd pair who'd dress as koalas to collect money for.. that wildlife/green bunch (name?) BTW my initial remark was about FBfriend-requests from people I've met once/twice/never, with the "Add a Personal Message" left blank. In case this is still of consequence.. ..not that I object to the memoirs, though they sound a bit like eulogies Geography class fail :) you funny justin. i like funny.

UTF-8 codes I'm assuming. That's racist. Did you know there is no code for the new astrological sign Ophiuchus? I smell a scientoligical conspiracy!

*amended for Jeff.

'Atlas bludged' shrug.

I'm online, live and psychic.

Ellen's no baby no mo'. his so hot right now 'Niko" whaa whaa whaa. is the 'rug' a euphemism for something? Bwhahahaha !! That persons cheaky troy.

Here is a quicky, enjoy it. Its free.

hell, I could do that... Are you sure? It's advanced!

is outa bed...

thanks man...Im tired as...i think may go back to bed soon.. No no that's leroy's arse wow its warm...
This update may have been 30 seconds ealier, but i chose to make little waves instead...To eat a plum or not...No, i think i will save it for tomorrow. I doubt you have the hacking skills or programming knowledge to turn on my web cam and spy on me :) fool of the dirty $$$$ laundry Back on line...So look out! do you have a dollar for me!

tough times? destroyer of stains...

talk to u 2moz.... If you had to cld u get it tomoz?? Trying to work sumthin out 4 ya. In bed by 2214 ...i bet ur not even out of bed. I ...but really... Its not all that strange...

ok im back on line...doh its monday...

: :)Just made half his bed, (clean sheets) in a strange place and accidently fell on it...good night. (: ...thief :) o obscure comment anton... (:maybe:)

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All hail Troy!!!

you are my brother.

Yay Troy!!!!!!!

Yep thanks for looking after us lost poor souls. Just woke up after my first sleep. Boy, do I feel like shit!!!!! YAY!!!!!! Ummmm.....what now? ...Rock Solid. "blah blah blah?"


...What ever happened to all the fun in the world? once again.

love a bit of spread.

Morning sunshine, through the window. oh may this day be different...

so far...the big N O gotta make it different, up to you.....:) I know Rik...Im working on it...I think it must be karma in advance. for something I havnt done yet. ignore the bad, concentrate on the good.....:) thats the aim...I guess, I still have a sortof roof over my head, and im alive and have a bass. I hope you are good and making sweet music sound sweeter. I saw you driving your car yesterday. Good story, huh? :) Also the bad shit is SO totally not your fault; just remember that this too will pass & even when you can't see it or feel it or imagine it all your friends still love you. Thanks Spesh...hope you are good, this day just keeps getting lamer and more, as the past month has...However i know i have some fantastic friends...and facebook to prove it, haha! see you soon... Sorry things are so shit. :( It really comes in runs or seasons or whatever, doesn't it? If you feel like you can call someone to hang out with, or watch awesome bad tv or a movie with, or play music or y'know something so you get a bit of human contact & engagement. It's not The Answer but it might lift the weight a little bit. Sorry if that's bossy & dumb, just some thoughts.

"put it back, put it back!"

Dont appologise, its not your fault...I dont even think its mine for the record...but i might see you soon...thanks again Spesh. Call me Troy! are Troy...! hows that...good talking to ya bro, see you soonish i hope.

how's the house situation Troy?

Has bretts phone, but no way to tell him. Also am im the city.

troy boy I left my phone at yours or nico's please investigate.

ok, i dont think its here, ill call nikko in the morn. D Dont you be terrified, its just a token of my extreme... ... power. roar. Don't ya try to look behind my eyes... You don't wanna know what they have seen your so pepsi max .

Isn't that just a hemiola in disguise? Viv, once again you pass the test with flying colours... Sorry it took me so long! x

whoa... getting experimental are we? Hehe

It always is the worst ice cream ever! It seems so awesome that some guy in a van brings it to you (dodgy, pedophile stylings, much?), but it's always horrible crap. Now if you want GOOD ice cream you gotta go to Gelo Bar on Lygon. It is the greatest place on earth. I mean it. oh God, now I'm thinking about it... troy !! what happened to your beard ? Spesh, that was by far, the worst soft serve ice cream ive ever eaten...

That sounds like a crack up! Saw the Eagles last night...amazing!!!

Troy changed his profile picture. Anyone else dislike the new 'boing.... boing... boing' on the 10 news? Sounds like a game of Pong...

Just wait till the hormones kick in. OH DEAR LORD.


sweet zombie jesus...

fuck off Peade with your high horse-upper case attitude. I asked permission from most of those people and of those who I havent, they are hardly recognisable even to themselves. I see you have even 'liked' your own comment. More cases of yo...ur own self styled vanity. Officer! Arrest this man for having 4 names please. I'm not going anywhere Rebecca. I'm a little self concious at the moment as Im trying to lose to weight and people keep posting fatty boombah pics of me and its not good for moral. For now Ive found a blocking technique that suits. Hows Queensland? Are you back at home now post floods? hmmm... looks like someone had a big weekend with little festival biscuits... a little bit over reactionary perhaps... calm down pet... ;) Use the machine to defeat the machine. Well, you are just mean. I have 99 friends and now I am going backwards! HA ha..... seriously - totally AGREE With you.

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