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Barry Minkow starts ZZZZ Best, carpet cleaning company

Financing via Credit Card Forgeries

Meet Tom Paget at Gym

New Segment in ZZZZ BEST

Full scope audit by George Greenspan for the year ended April 30, 1986

ZZZZ Best goes public in 1986

Investment banker informs Barry to fire George Greenspan and hire a Big 8 Accounting Firm

Predecessor Successor Auditor Communication Fake Restoration Site

Ernst & Whinney Resign

Credit Card Forgery Victim Speaks Informant contacts Ernst & Whinney via letter

Minkow State Large Profits

Ernst & Whinney late on Form 8k

25 years in federal prison

2011 Back in Prison for Insider Trading Minkow Released Early for Good Behaviour Becomes Pastor

Lack of Communication

Limited the Scope of the Audit

Lack of Due Diligence

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