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Tribute to Civil Engineering Graduates of 2010



ndeed, the grandiose red carpet was rolled amongst all the triumphant civil

engineering graduates of 2010 last March 24th at Philtown Hotel. Numerous guests were invited during the ostentatious event, not to mention the civil engineering Octoberian alumni of 2009, as well as a few very especially chosen faculty crew from the civil engineering

department namely Engr. Gerardo Apor; Engr. Amai Pimentel Eufinado; Engr. Dexter Lo; Engr. Jonathan Gomez; and Engr. Peter Daniel Akut to share the night of grandeur and fine dining between good friends,

academic mentor and previous apprentices. The Hollywood themed red carpet event was hosted and co-sponsored by the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers Xavier University School Chapter (PICE-XUSC). Members and newly elected officers of the organization then set out to administer the following presentations carefully prepared by both the third year and fourth year level representatives. The starstrucked evening went on well with a few good laughs, good food, vivacious 1

music, memorable segments and pictorials. And as the cameras went on rolling, it was finally time for one of the most much awaited parts of the event, specifically the Annual Tribute Giving or most commonly known as the traditional roasting. Each of the graduates are given a rare opportunity to sit on the royal hot seat, along with their preceding mentors whom by the way are also given the chance to grant a noble testimonial amongst the individual graduates in behalf of pure wholesome fun and entertainment. As the night went on, before anyone even knew it, the luxurious evening was just about over. Furthermore, as another day comes, a new dawn of opportunity also awaits for all the respective and fruitful graduates of 2010.

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