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User Manual KGraph

Incorporating COMTRADE program Version 3.20

User Manual KGraph

Incorporating COMTRADE program Version 3.20


A person's normal movements can easily generate electrostatic potentials of several thousand volts. Discharge of these voltages into semiconductor devices when handling electronic circuits can cause serious damage, which often may not be immediately apparent but the reliability of the circuit will have been reduced. The electronic circuits of ALSTOM T&D Protection & Control Ltd products are immune to the relevant levels of electrostatic discharge when housed in their cases. Do not expose them to the risk of damage by withdrawing modules unnecessarily. Each module incorporates the highest practicable protection for its semiconductor devices. However, if it becomes necessary to withdraw a module, the following precautions should be taken to preserve the high reliability and long life for which the equipment has been designed and manufactured. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Before removing a module, ensure that you are at the same electrostatic potential as the equipment by touching the case. Handle the module by its front-plate, frame, or edges of the printed circuit board. Avoid touching the electronic components, printed circuit track or connectors. Do not pass the module to any person without first ensuring that you are both at the same electrostatic potential. Shaking hands achieves equipotential. Place the module on an antistatic surface, or on a conducting surface which is at the same potential as yourself. Store or transport the module in a conductive bag.

More information on safe working procedures for all electronic equipment can be found in BS5783 and IEC 60147-0F. If you are making measurements on the internal electronic circuitry of an equipment in service, it is preferable that you are earthed to the case with a conductive wrist strap. Wrist straps should have a resistance to ground between 500k 10M ohms. If a wrist strap is not available, you should maintain regular contact with the case to prevent the build up of static. Instrumentation which may be used for making measurements should be earthed to the case whenever possible. ALSTOM T&D Protection & Control Ltd strongly recommends that detailed investigations on the electronic circuitry, or modification work, should be carried out in a Special Handling Area such as described in BS5783 or IEC 60147-0F.

Software Licence Agreement

All ALSTOM T&D Protection & Control Ltd programmes and textual works are protected by copyright and are supplied on the condition that the Licencee of every copy of the programmes and text agreed to the Terms and Conditions of this Licence Agreement. The Licencee (which expression includes a purchaser, or a receiver of the Suppliers software on loan) may be held legally liable for any use of the programme(s), texts or documentations which is not in accordance with this Licence Agreement, in certain circumstances this may involve criminal prosecution. The Supplier (which expression means ALSTOM T&D Protection & Control Ltd and its successors and assigns), in consideration of a licence fee paid on its own or as part of a purchase price and the Licencees agreement to the Terms and Conditions of their Licence Agreement, agrees to grant, and the Licencee agrees to accept, a personal, non-exclusive, nontransferable licence to use the Suppliers computer programme(s), text and associated documentation, all hereinafter referred to as the Licenced Programme under the following Terms and Conditions: 1 Scope of Use The Licencee is authorised to use the Licenced Programme in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of this Licence Agreement for the Licencees own purposes on any single computer system that contains no more than one central processing unit (CPU) other than pursuant to Clause 6 hereof. If the Licencee intends to use the Licenced Programme on more than one CPU at a time, a separate set of Licenced Programme is required for each additional CPU. The Licencee may make copies of the Licenced Programme in machine readable form for back-up and archive purposes only, provided that the Licencee has no more than three full or partial copies in existence at any one time and that the original copyright notices and/or other legends are reproduced on each copy. No rights are granted to the Licencee other than expressed in this Licence Agreement. The Licencee agrees NOT TO: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. Export or re-export the Licenced Programme without the suppliers approval and the appropriate U.K. or foreign government licences. Make, or permit the making of any copy or copies of the Licenced Programme other than back-up copies permitted under this Licence Agreement. Reverse compile, reverse engineer, disassemble, modify, adapt, list, print or translate or otherwise tamper with the whole or any part of the Licenced Programme(s). Transfer, assign, rent, lease, sell or otherwise dispose of, part with, or share the possession of the Licenced Programme(s). Duration This Licence Agreement becomes effective from the date of the acceptance by the Supplier of the order for the Licenced Programme and shall remain in force until terminated by the Licencee. This Licence Agreement will terminate without notice if the Licencee fails to observe any of the Terms and Conditions of the Licence Agreement. In the event of a termination, the Licencee agrees to delete the Licenced Programme from any storage media that are the property of the Licencee and to return all complete and partial copies of the Licenced Programme together with all copies of text and documentation to the Supplier. 3 Confidentiality The Licenced Programme contains confidential information of the Supplier and all copyright, trade marks and other intellectual property rights in the Licenced Programme are the exclusive property of the Supplier. The Licencee SHALL NOT: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Save as provided in the Licence Agreement copy the whole or any part of the Licenced Programme. Modify merge or combine the whole or any part of the Licenced Programme with any other software or documentation. Use the Licenced Programme on behalf of, or make available the same to, any third party. The Licencee SHALL: Keep confidential the Licenced Programme and limit users of the same to those of its employees agents and subcontractors who either have a need to know or who are engaged in the use of the Licenced Programme. Maintain an up-to-date written record of the number of copies of the Licenced Programme and their locations and upon request forthwith produce such record to the Supplier, and Without prejudice to the foregoing take all such other steps as shall from time to time be necessary to protect the confidential information and intellectual property rights of the Supplier in the Licenced Programme.

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The Licencee shall inform all relevant employees agents and sub-contractors that the Licenced Programme constitutes confidential information of the Supplier and that all intellectual property rights therein are the property of the Supplier and the Licencee shall take all such steps as shall be necessary to ensure compliance by its employees agents and sub-contractors within the provisions of this clause. Warranty Subject to the exceptions set out in this clause and the limitations upon its liability in clause 5 below The Supplier warrants that the media upon which the Licenced Programme is stored will for a period of 90 days from the date the Supplier accepts an order for a Licenced Programme be free from defects in material design and workmanship and that the Licenced Programme will conform to the Suppliers specifications. Subject to clause 4.3 below the Supplier shall remedy any breach of the above warranties by the replacement of the Licenced Programme free of charge. The Supplier shall have no liability to remedy a breach of warranty where such breach arises as a result of:

4 4.1

4.2 4.3

4.3.1 The improper use, operation, or neglect of the Licenced Programme, or the computer equipment it is used on. 4.3.2 A modification of the Licenced Programme, or its merging in whole or in part with any other software. 4.3.3 Any repair, adjustment, alteration or modification of the Licenced Programme by any other person than the Supplier, without the Suppliers prior written consent. 4.4 5 Subject to the foregoing, all conditions, warranties, terms and undertakings, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, in respect of the Licenced Programme are hereby excluded. Limitations of Liability The following provisions set out the Suppliers entire liability (including any liability for the acts and omissions of its employees, agents and sub-contractors) to the Licencee in respect of any breach of its contractual obligations arising under this agreement and any representation, statement or tortious act or omission including negligence arising under or in connection with this Licence Agreement. 5.1 5.2 5.3 Any act or omission on the part of the Supplier or its employees agents or sub-contractors falling within clause 5 above shall for the purposes of this clause be known as an Event of Default. The Suppliers liability to the Licencees for death or injury resulting from its own negligence or that of its employees agents or sub-contractors, shall not be limited. Subject to the limits set out in clause 5.4 below the Supplier shall accept liability to the Licencee in respect of damage to the tangible property of the Licencee resulting from the negligence of the Company or its employees, agents or sub-contractors. Subject to the provisions of clause 5.3 above the Suppliers entire liability in respect of any Event of Default shall be limited to damages of an amount equal to:


5.4.1 The case of an Event of Default falling within 5.3 above the purchase price of the Licensed Programme. 5.4.2 The case of any other Event of Default the licence fee paid in respect of the Licensed Programme. 5.5 Subject to clause 5.2 above the Supplier shall not be liable to the Licencee in respect of any Event of Default for loss of profits, goodwill or any type of special indirect or consequential loss (including loss or damage suffered by the Licencee as a result of an action brought by a third party) even if such loss was reasonably foreseeable or the Supplier had been advised of the possibility of the Licencee incurring the same. Multi-User The Supplier in consideration of an enhanced licence fee paid on its own or as part of a purchase price may authorise the Licencee to use the Licenced Programme simultaneously on: 6.1 6.2 7 Any single computer system that contains up to 5 central processing units (CPUs). Any single computer system that contains up to 10 central processing units (CPUs). General This Licence Agreement overrides all prior written and oral communications regarding the Licenced Programme with the Licencee, and sets out the entire agreement between the Supplier and the Licencee. In the event of a dispute between the Supplier and the Licencee relating to this Licence Agreement, the Licencee agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the English Courts or to the Courts of other legal systems that may from time to time be elected at the sole discretion of the Supplier. If any provision in this Licence Agreement is ruled invalid under any law, such provision shall be deemed modified or omitted only to the extent necessary to render it valid, and the remainder of this Licence Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.

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1. 1.1. 1.2. 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 3. 3.1. 3.1.1. 3.1.2. 3.1.3. 3.1.4. 3.1.5. 3.1.6. 3.1.7. 3.1.8. 3.1.9. 3.1.10. 4. 4.1.

INTRODUCTION System requirements Copyright GETTING STARTED Running software from floppy disk drive Installation to hard disk Running software from hard disk drive OPERATING KGRAPH The display Fault Information YZoom In and Out Overlay Load Record Interpolate Load Data XZoom In and Out Line Display Cursor Printing FILE FORMAT CONVERSIONS Using the COMTRADE program APPENDIX 1

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This document is the user manual for the KGraph Disturbance Recorder Graphics Program. The program allows the user to observe the disturbance records obtained by the Protection Access Software & Toolkit for graphical analysis. The program runs under DOS on an IBM or IBM compatible PC.

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Section 1.


KGraph, the K-Range graphical analysis program is designed to run under DOS on an IBM or IBM compatible Personal Computer. The program operates using pop-up menu systems. The arrow keys are used to select an option from a menu. The ENTER key is used to execute the option selected or alternatively, press the letter key designated in the menu as the short stroke key. To exit the programme and return to DOS press the Escape Key and answer yes to the question Quit Graphics Display (Y/N). 1.1. System requirements To operate correctly, the KGraph program requires: IBM PC/XT/AT/PS/2 or true compatible. 640kB of main memory RAM. Graphics adaptor EGA or VGA. Floppy disc drive 3.5". MS-DOS 3.2 or later/IBM PC-DOS 3.2 or later. 1.2. Copyright Apart from back-up purposes, this software may not be copied or otherwise reproduced without the express and written permission of the copyright holder, ALSTOM T&D Protection and Control Ltd. Any unauthorised copying or reproduction is illegal.

Section 2.


It is recommended that a back-up copy of the KGraph diskette is made. Store the copies in a safe place to use as a back-up. 2.1 Running software from floppy disk drive The floppy disk provided is already set up for a default configuration and is ready to run. 1. Put the diskette in the drive you want to use for the program and close the drive door. 2. Make the selected drive active by typing the letter followed by a colon (:), and press ENTER. eg. A: 3. To run KGraph in the standard configuration mode type kgraph and then press ENTER. 2.2 Installation to hard disk If you have installed the Protection Access Software & Toolkit program previously, KGraph will already be installed on your system. Otherwise to install KGraph to the hard disk of your machine:
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1. Put the diskette in the drive you want to use for the installation and close the drive door. 2. Make the installation drive active, type the letter followed by a colon (:), and press ENTER. eg. A: 3. Type setup and press ENTER. The user will then be asked where the software should be installed as follows: 4. Install Protection Access Software & Toolkit program on to which drive (A-H)? Type in required drive in upper case and press ENTER. The install program will then create a sub-directory called \COURIER on the specified drive and copy all programs on the floppy disk into it. The setup program will then automatically execute the system configuration program to configure the master station software for your system. This is only required for the Protection Access Software & Toolkit. Follow the instructions in that user manual if you wish to alter the configuration. For the KGraph program alone, this is not necessary, so press CTRL-C at this point to exit. 2.3 Running software from hard disk drive 1. Activate the drive the software is on by typing the letter followed by a colon (:), and press ENTER. eg. C: 2. Select the correct directory by typing CD \COURIER and pressing ENTER. 3. To run the Disturbance Recorder Graphical Analysis program type kgraph and then press ENTER.

Section 3.


The display The display takes the form of four windows down the page with room on the left of the screen for channel information. The channel name of each trace is displayed on the right hand side of each window, adjacent to the trace. Only the first 16 characters of a channel name are displayed. The user will be able to select a particular window by using the Up and Down arrow keys. Up to 24 windows may be used and these are accessed by successive presses of the Down arrow key so that scrolling takes place. Thus all 20 analogue channels and the 32 digital channels may be displayed by scrolling. The analogue channels are displayed singly and the digital channels in groups of eight. Pressing the F1 key will produce a pop-up menu with the following options: 1. 2. 3. Help Fault Info YZoom In F1 F2 F3
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4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

YZoom Out Overlay Load Record Interpolate Load Data XZoom In

F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 L C P X

10. XZoom Out 11. Line Display 12. Cursor 13. Print 14. Exit Help 3.1.1. Fault Information

The Fault Information option will display information about the currently loaded record file. This will include the filename, the time and date of the fault recorded and some information about the relay from which it was obtained. 3.1.2. YZoom In and Out Once a channel has been loaded into a window and that window is active the user can zoom in or zoom out in the y axis. This option will only affect the window which is active. The FSD (Full Scale Deflection) information to the left of the window will reflect the change. 3.1.3. Overlay The required window to be overlaid is first made active. The Overlay option will then ask the user to enter the number of another window that they wish to be overlaid on to the active window. The second channel will then be displayed on top of the active window display. Any of the displayed channels can be overlaid in the one window. Note that this function is only applicable to analogue channels. 3.1.4. Load Record This option allows a selected file of a disturbance record to be loaded and discards any records already loaded. KGraph will load COMTRADE files which conform to certain restrictions (see Section 4). The Comtrade .CFG and .DAT files must both be present for KGraph to work. If the .CFG file is missing, the file will not be displayed for selection in the load window. If the DAT file is not present, a warning will be displayed. The method for selecting files is described in Appendix 1. 3.1.5. Interpolate There are three levels of interpolation. The default will display the individual values as points. The second level will draw a straight line between the points. The third level will apply an interpolation approximation to the data points. These levels are accessed by repeatedly choosing the interpolation option.
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Load Data The user must first make the required window active. The Load Data option will produce a pop-up menu listing up to 20 analogue channels and up to 4 digital group channels. Once the user has selected a channel the channel will be displayed in the active window. If a digital group is chosen then eight digital channels will be displayed in the one window. The name of each analogue and digital channel will be automatically extracted from the .CFG file and displayed adjacent to each trace. The following keys are available when the Cursor is not displayed: Arrow Key Left : Shifts the display to the right by half the window length. Arrow Key Right : Shifts the display to the left by half the window length.


XZoom In and Out The XZoom options allow the user to zoom in and out on the time axis. The time relative to the trigger position is marked at the bottom of the four windows. The values will reflect the changes in the x axis.


Line Display The Line Display option is applicable to all digital groups which are displayed. Choosing this option repeatedly will toggle between a single line display and a thick/thin display for each digital channel. The thick/thin display will display a thick line for logical one and a thin line for logical zero. The single line display is harder to interpret but is faster to display.


Cursor The Cursor is initially ON and positioned at the trigger position. The Cursor option toggles the cursor ON and OFF. If the cursor is turned ON the cursor will be located at the left hand side of the window. When the cursor is ON the following commands are available: Ctrl Home Home End Left Arrow Right Arrow Ctrl Left Arrow : Positions cursor at the trigger position. : Positions cursor at the start of the channel data. : Positions cursor at the end of the channel data. : Moves cursor one sample value to the left. : Moves cursor one sample value to the right. : Moves cursor approx. 1/5th of window to the left.

Ctrl Right Arrow : Moves cursor approx. 1/5th of window to the right. Note that if the cursor is moved beyond the window the display will be shifted so that the cursor is again on the screen. 3.1.10. Printing A screen-dump of the current display can be generated by selecting the Print option. The program is set to generate screen dumps on either Epson FX/LX compatible dot-matrix or Hewlett Packard Laserjet compatible printers on LPT1. When Print is selected, the options Print Screen or Printer Set-up are displayed.
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The first time that the Print option is used, it will be necessary to select Printer Setup and set the type of printer, print orientation and printer resolution. These settings are then saved for future use in a file called print.set on the PCs hard disc. On each subsequent use of the Print option, Print Screen may be selected and the saved printer settings will be used. Varying resolutions are supported depending on the type of printer chosen to support differing paper sizes. It may be necessary to experiment with the various options to discover which settings suit your requirements. The Epson printer also has an additional dot width parameter which specifies the size of each dot along the printers X-axis. This should normally be set to 1, but can be altered to enhance the display of the graph under certain resolutions. Printing may be aborted at any time by pressing ESC.

Section 4.


The KGraph program was designed to read in files with a .REC file extension generated by the Protection Access Software & Toolkit program. This rigid file format was dropped in favour of the more universal and flexible COMTRADE file format and KGraph has now been modified to read COMTRADE files directly. The .DAT Comtrade file is in a comma-separated-value ASCII format (CSV) and can be directly read into the majority of computer spreadsheet programs. However, this file is simply the raw data, the information required to interpret this data to identify the channel names, scaling factors and so on is provided in the .CFG Comtrade file. A second utility program called COMTRADE.EXE is provided to make the importing of Comtrade files into computer spreadsheets easier. This program will merge the .CF and the .AT files into a single .XT file performing all conversions and formatting necessary, so that it can be loaded into a spreadsheet in CVs format. 4.1. Using the COMTRADE program The COMTRADE program takes the 2 Comtrade files generated by the Protection Access Software & Toolkit program for a single disturbance record and creates a single file suitable for loading into a spreadsheet for further analysis and display. The format of the command line to execute the COMTRADE program is as follows: COMTRADE [Comtrade name] <output filename> The first parameter [Comtrade name] is mandatory and specifies the name of the Comtrade file to be converted. This filename will consist of up to 8 characters; no file extension should be given as the COMTRADE program will add the .CFG and .DAT extensions as required to load these files. The second parameter <output filename> is optional and specifies the name of the output file. If it is not given, the program will use the same name for the output file as specified in parameter 1 with a .TXT file extension.
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The file should be imported into the spreadsheet program as a comma-separatedvalue (CSV) text file format. The first two columns will show general information pertaining to the capture of the record, including the number of channels, sampling rate, trigger time etc. Column 3 contains the sample numbers and column 4 contains the time tag of each sample relative to the start of the record. Starting at column 5 are the actual samples captured for each channel, starting with the analogue channels and then finishing with the digital channels. All analogue channels are scaled into their correct units and the first cell in each column will indicate the channel name and the units of measurement (Amps/Volts etc.).

This simple program is limited in its capability and may not convert all types of COMTRADE files. It is provided only as an example of how COMTRADE files may be converted into spreadsheet files.

File Selection The file selection window used whenever data is to be saved to or loaded from disk is shown below:
Load Record Select File to load Filename: [* . CFG Path: G: \KGRAPH\MASTER\ Drives: Dirs: 4 File List: 2 .. TEST1 CFG A: DIR1 TEST2 CFG C: DIR2 D: DIR3 F : G: M: N: O: P : Q:

] Bytes free: 68214784 1052 27-02-95 2:12p 777 23-08-95 10:41a

There are four editing windows, consisting of the filename, drive list, directory list and file list. The editing focus is switched from one window to the next by using the tab key or the shift-tab key. A highlighting bar in the lower three windows can be moved up and down with the cursor keys. Each window will scroll if there is more data than can be displayed at one time, indicated by the arrows in the border of the window. Pressing the ESC key at any time will abort the file selection procedure. Filename Window The filename window at the top is where you can enter a full or partial file specification. The window will be exited only when a full and complete filename has been entered. Any wild card specifications (eg. *.*, *.TXT etc.) will cause the lower list windows to alter accordingly. The left and right cursor keys, Home, End Ins and Del keys can be used to edit the file specification. The Tab and ShiftTab keys will move to the lower list windows.
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Drive List Window The drive list window is a scrollable list of all the drives present in the computer. A drive is selected by moving the highlight bar on to the required drive and pressing the ENTER key. The left and right cursor keys will move to the other editing windows. The HOME and END keys will move the highlight bar to the top and bottom of the list. Directory List Window The directory list window lists all the sub-directories in the current directory on the current drive. A directory is selected by moving the highlight bar on to the required directory and pressing the ENTER key. Use the .. directory to remove a level of sub-directories to get closer to the root directory. The left and right cursor keys will move to the other editing windows. The HOME and END keys will move the highlight bar to the top and bottom of the list. Empty directories can be created and deleted by using the INS and DEL keys whilst the cursor is in this window. File List Window The file list window lists all the files with the .CFG extension which are in the current directory on the current drive. A file is selected by moving the highlight bar on to the required directory and pressing the ENTER key. If the corresponding .DAT file is not present in the directory, a warning message is displayed. Successfully selecting a file will exit the file selection procedure. The left and right cursor keys will move to the other editing windows. The HOME and END keys will move the highlight bar to the top and bottom of the list. A file can be deleted by highlighting the file and pressing the DEL key whilst the cursor is in this window. If a file of the same name already exists when writing to a file the user will be prompted to abort, create a back-up or overwrite the file.

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Amendments Issue A B Date 13/09/93 21/09/93 Changes First issue Modified to read Comtrade files via MAKEREC automatically and modified loading of records. Change of program names and minor corrections. Modified to read Comtrade files directly. Now displays up to 20 analogue and 32 digital channels. Also displays channel names adjacent to traces. Added scrolling to graphics display. Also modified print option. Now saves default settings for printer and allows abort of printing by pressing ESC.


13/04/94 7/12/95

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A L S T O M T & D P ro t e c t i o n & C o n t ro l L t d St Leonards Works, Stafford, ST17 4LX England Tel: 44 (0) 1785 223251 Fax: 44 (0) 1785 212232 Email: Internet:
Our policy is one of continuous product development and the right is reserved to supply equipment which may vary from that described. 1999 ALSTOM T&D Protection & Control Ltd

Publication R8516E

Printed in England.

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