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Course Plan and Syllabus 2012

Course Code: 1855 Course Name: Introduction to International Politics Course Leader: Hilde Eliassen Restad Time: 10:15-12:00 Date Week 1 June 25 Introduction by Hilde E. Restad (HER) The Basics: Concepts and Context HER Theories of IR: Realism and Neo-Realism Morten Skumsrud Andersen War, Security and Geopolitics: The case of the Nordic states. Hkon Lunde Saxi Theories of IR: Liberalism and Neo-Liberalism Morten Skumsrud Andersen [No readings] (Hand out Dessler and Owen) Textbook Introduction & chap. 2 (Hand out: Mller) Textbook chaps. 5 &7 Moritzen (2006); Saxi (2010) Textbook chaps. 6 &7 Mller (2002) *hardcopy handout* Textbook chap. 9; Owen and Dessler (2005) *hardcopy* GWP chapters 17, 19, 30. (hand out Tsygankov and Restad) Time Topic/ Readings/ Lecturer Readings Email:

June 26 June 27 June 28 June 29 Week 2 July 02

Alliances and Cooperation in International Politics Kristin M. Haugevik Theories of IR: Constructivism HER International law, the United Nations, and human rights HER Group work Presentations group work

July 03 July 04 July 05 July 06 Week 3 July 09 July 10 July 11 July 12 July 13 Week 4 July 16

U.S. Ambassador Barry White will lecture and take your questions on the 2012 presidential election Russian Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity Geir Flikke International law and the War on Terror HER No Classes: Long Weekend No Classes: Long Weekend Tsygankov (2010), chapters 5, 6. *hardcopy* Restad (2012b) *hardcopy* ---

Midterm Examination

(Hand out Desch)

July 17 July 18 July 19 July 20 Week 5 July 23 July 24

Excursion: Nobel Peace Center Humanitarian Interventions, Libya case study HER State weakness and (in)security Erlend Grner Krogstad Normative IR Theory: Nationalism vs. Cosmopolitanism Erlend Grner Krogstad In-Depth Topic: U.S. Foreign Policy: Historical background HER U.S. Foreign Policy: Modern traditions HER Domestic sources of U.S. Foreign Policy: The Israel Lobby case study HER Terrorism Anders Romarheim Counter-Terrorism Anders Romarheim GWP chap 30; The Economist editorial *online* Clapham (2002); Milliken & Krause (2002) Pogge (2002); Walzer (1983)

Restad (2012a) Leffler (2005); Desch (2007/08) *hardcopy * Walt & Mearsheimer (2006); Gelb (2007) *online* (hand out Ikenberry) Hoffman (2006) Silke (2005)

July 25

July 26 July 27 Week 6 July 30 July 31 August 01 August 02

The Future of U.S. Foreign Policy: Decline & Declinism HER

Kagan (2012) *online*; Ikenberry (2008); *hardcopy *

Summary of the course Reading day FINAL EXAM

Reading List
Available at the bookstore Akademika, Blindern campus:
Main text book: John Baylis. Steve Smith & Patricia Owens (eds.) (2010), The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations. Fifth Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Shortened to GWP in the syllabus.

Available online/ compendium:

Those available online have URLs and a * next to them, which means you will have to find them online and read them they will not be handed out as hard copies. Clapham, Christopher The Challenge to the State in a Globalized World, Development and Change 33:5 (2002), 775-95 *Editorial, Libya, Europe, and the Future of NATO: Always Awaiting the US Cavalry, The Economist 10 June 2011. Access at: *Gelb, Leslie. Dual Loyalties, The New York Times 23 September, 2007 url: Hoffman, Bruce (2006) Inside Terrorism. New York: Columbia University Press. Kagan, Robert Power and Weakness, Policy Review No. 113 (2002). Stable URL: *Kagan, Robert. Not Fade Away. The Myth of American Decline. The New Republic (2012). URL: Leffler, Melvyn P. 9/11 and American Foreign Policy Diplomatic History Vol. 29, No. 3, (June 2005): 395413. Mearsheimer, John J. and Stephen Walt, The Israel Lobby, London Review of Books Vol. 28 No. 6 23 March 2006: 3-12. Online: Milliken, Jennifer and Keith Krause, State Failure, State Collapse and State Reconstruction, Development and Change 33:5 (2002), 753-774 Moritzen, Hans "The Nordic-Baltic Area: Divisive Geopolitics at Work." Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vo. 19. No. 3, September 2006.

Pogge, Thomas (2002) "Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty" Excerpt from World Poverty and Human Rights: Cosmopolitan Responsibilities and Reform Cambridge: Polity Press. Restad, Hilde Eliassen. (a) Old Paradigms in History Die Hard in Political Science: American Exceptionalism and U.S. Foreign Policy, American Political Thought Vol. 1, No. 1 (2012): 53-77. Saxi, Hkon Lunde "Defending small states: Norwegian and Danish defence policies in the post-Cold War era." Defense & Security Analysis 26, no. 4 (December 2010). Silk, Andrew (2005) Fire of Iolaus: The role of state countermeasures in causing terrorism and what needs to be done, in Bjrgo, ed. The Root Causes of Terrorism. London: Taylor & Francis Group. Walzer, Michael (1983) "Membership" [Ch. 2] in Michael Walzer, Excerpt from Spheres of Justice: A Defense of Pluralism and Equality. New York: Basic Books.

Hardcopies that will be handed out by instructor:

Desch, Michael. Americas Liberal Illiberalism: The Ideological Origins of Overreaction in U.S. Foreign Policy, International Security Vol. 32, No. 3 (Winter 2007/08). URL: Dessler, David and John M. Owen. Constructivism and the Problem of Explanation: A Review Article, Perspectives on Politics Vol. 3, No. 3 (2005): 597-610. URL: Ikenberry, G. John. The Rise of China and the Future of the West, Foreign Affairs January/February 2008. Mller, Harald (2002) "Security cooperation", in Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse and Beth A. Simmons, (eds.) Handbok of International Relations. London: Sage. Restad, Hilde Eliassen. (b) The War on Terror from Bush to Obama: On Power and Path Dependency, NUPI Working Paper No. 798 (2012): 1-52. Tsygankov, Andrei P. Russias Foreign Policy. Change and Continuity in National Identity. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (2010). Chapters 5, 6.

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