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ffimoomom Ummdo

Forcunent 6th, 7th and 8th Graders only



"Tladition Neuer Graduates"

hcation: Misslon Uiejo High School - Time: 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Cost $225 for one session, Dates:
Session 1: Feb 25

-liarcn21 Session 2: Aprll 8 - May 2*



for both

Weeldy: Monday, Ttresday, Thursday Weekly: ilonday, TUesday, Thurcday

The camp is lnstructed

Easter Brcak week of April I - 13 to help tmnsltlon intermedlate school football playen and prepare first-time players for high schoot footbail.

The camp wlll focus on developing players in three ly areas

. . .

that will increase thelr chance for football


weight Room & speed ltaining FootballEducaflon/chall(Talk Football Executlon/on-fieldtralning

The atfilets will be uruler the direction and supervislon of a Eofessional trainer antl staff to ensure proper tecfinlque taught to ptovide a safe llfting envircnment for all. Ihe athlete will impr0ue in corc muscle grcup sfiength by focustng on the corc olymplc lif6 0f Bencn ffess, squat and Poh,er oean. shenfih lmprovement will be rcoded at the end of each 4-week sesslon. Ihe speed faining will be conductd by the varsity staff. Emphasis will be on form antl technique t0 increase 40 yaro and proshutfle Times. is

teiglt hon:

Foo{tell E8crtion/c[ell Telk The athletes will be instructed by varity oaches and will be lntroduced to offenstye and defenstye schemes be used at the hlgh school level. The chalk talk will also include video cuts fmm hlgh school, college and professlonal footfall tu show acfual players executing tfie schemes

ftat ffll

wlll be sftrctured b slmulate an actuat hign scho0l practice. lndtutdual and team dfilh ulll be used to lmprwe the athletes'football sffills and tecfinlqua specific to fie posifion played. compettfive situafions uuill be stucfurcd t0 allflu athletes to uork agalnst an opponent for sldll impnoyement

F06all Hefftion/otr.field llelnlng:

The practice plan

A Team BBQ


will be held at tne end 0f the camp May 2nd. All athlets in attendance and their families are invited to attend. F you haue Sstions, please send emails to: Bohjohnsonll@mrnet

Hryefs name:



Parentf nam6:
Home atldress: City:


Please clrcle which sesslon (s) player

Phonq Home:

will attend:


session 2

Session 1 & 2

$2zs Amount




make checl(s payable


Spor$ Camp

;'ffiffiTH",* SmBm

uP N0roH

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