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Heres a quick way to get your Apache Web Server going: 1.

open Terminal (make sure you logged in as a root user) 2. Type the following#cd /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

3. Search for the line containing : ServerName And uncomment it. It should be appear as follows: ServerName 4. To make the Web server available to your LAN, you can use your own IP address instead of (for example, ServerName but for a public Web Server we need to get a real DNS host name. 5. Add an administrative email address where someone can contact you in case an error is encountered with your server. In the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file, the default administrative address appears as follows: ServerAdmin root@localhost Change root@localhost to the email address of your Apache administrator. 6. Start the httpd server. As root user, type following:
# service httpd start If all goes well, this message should appear: Starting httpd: [ok]. Now youre ready to go.

7. To have httpd start every time you boot your system, run the command as the root user.
# chkconfig httpd on

8. To make sure that the web server is working ,open Firefox and type: http://localhost.

9. We havent added any content to your web site. To get started we can add an index.html file that contains home page in the /var/www/html directory. --------------------------------------------------------------------

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