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ORTM 333: Field Experience

Outdoor Rec and Tourism in Resource Management: Current Issues & Initiatives, Local Perspectives. Sailing BCs Central & North Coast
May 3-15, 2013

Sail from Bella Coola to Kitimat through the heart of the Great Bear Rainforest!
Explore the development and sustainability of natural resources along the coast: forestry, oil and gas, fisheries, protected areas, ecotourism, outdoor recreation. Transit deep fiords and examine remote estuaries; seek out wildlife and marine life. Visit stakeholders, spend time in communities potentially impacted by the proposed Enbridge pipeline and tanker route. Learn about running an ecotourism operation.
Space in this 3-credit course is strictly limited and a field trip fee applies. For information and to register contact Phil Mullins: In partnership with OuterShores Expeditions:

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