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Peer Assessment

Brandon Letter B How has your partner improved their chosen example of letter photography? By cropping out the unwanted bits and enhancing the Brightness and contrast. Why has your partner edited their chosen example of letter photography? Because it looked plain and boring without being edited. Could your partners image be edited further to make it even more successful? How? Yes by getting into the finer bits and making the colours stand out and the background black and white. What did your partner find difficult about editing their chosen image? Using the polygon lasso tool. What would they like to learn more about in terms of editing images? How to use Photoshop effectively and to use it in an advanced way.

SUCESS CRITERIA: Have you demonstrated...

Crop a photograph in order to improve its composition-(Print screen before and after).

Adjust the brightness and contrast of an image-(Print screen before and after).

Rotate an image in order to improve its composition (Print screen before and after).

Make a photograph Black and White (Greyscale) - (Print screen before and after).

Emphasise a colour by removing colour from unwanted areas-(Print screen before and after).

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