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Adalberto Chavez Period#1 January 18, 2013 About Me

Three things about me Love soccer more than anything Get good grades I hate school

Three things about my family They are caring They are fun They support me

Three goals for this semester Get good teachers Have good friends Get good grades

Adalberto Chavez Period#1 January 18, 2013 About Me

Some things about me are that I always get good grades. My grades are high because I study a lot and pay attention in class. Another thing is I hate school .I hate waking up early, changing, and going to school. The last thing is I love playing soccer. I love soccer because my life is soccer and I wouldnt trade it for the world. My family always supports me. If I get a bad grade or do something bad they are always there for me. My family is also very fun. For my birthday last year they took me to Universal Studios. My family is also very caring. If I need supplies for school and they are expensive they buy it for me because they understand I need it for school. Three goals for this semester are get good grades, have good friends, and get good teachers. Another goal is to have better friends than last year. I need better friends because last year they treated me with no respect. I hope that these three goals will be accomplished. What I will do to accomplish my goals is to behave and choose the friends that are good influences. If this happens I will be happy the whole year.

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