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Oppression of the Revolution

I. Working Thesis Statement A. Persepolis displays the negative aspects of oppression of political, social and personal freedoms I. Introduction
A. The graphic novel "Persepolis" by Marjane Satrapi draws attention to the Iranian Revolution in 1979. At the time, Satrapi is a young girl growing up and readers and exposed to the naive perspective of a child on political, social and personal oppression. introduce political oppression introduce social oppression introduce personal oppression

I. Argument / Main Idea 1 Topic Sentence (make sure it is directly relevant to your thesis) A. Political Freedoms are not given to just anyone and everyone ... say who got them, who didn't, what people did ... In the body or the middle of an essay you develop the arguments you introduced in your opening paragraph. The body of an essay includes at least one paragraph to develop each point or argument. Each paragraph must have: topic sentence, stating the main idea of the paragraph details (quotations or examples)

closing sentence 1. "Kim Wilde" 1. "The Heroes" 1. explain and relate to Marji I. Argument / Main Idea 2 A. Social class was always a concern for young Marji. ... When you make a point, refer to the text. Give an example to support what you say. Better still, use a quotation. 1. explain "The Letter" 1. references to "The Key" 1. "The Passport" I. Argument / Main Idea 3 A. Personal Oppression 1. "The Cigarette" 1. "The Dowry" 1. "The Jewels" I. Conclusion A. Talk about how people could not have freedom, effect it had on Satrapi, artistic effects of scene, wrap up.

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