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UNION UNIVERSITYS LESSON PLAN FORMAT (Template available at http://www.uu.

edu/programs/tep) Name Maddie Wickham Date January 20, 2012 Grade/Subject 2nd grade science


0207.3.1 Describe the habitat of a particular organism based on its food, water, and air requirements. 0207.3.2 Design a model of a habitat for an organism in which all of its needs would be met. GLE 0207.3.1 Recognize that animals eat plants or other animals for food. GLE 0207.2.2 Investigate living things found in different places.
UNIT GOAL(S): TSW (know, understand or appreciate); TSW understand animal habitants LESSON OBJECTIVES, SUB-OBJECTIVES, ASSESSMENT, AND THINKING: How will the objective/subLevel of Thinking in Learning Objectives/ objective be assessed? (Also Blooms Taxonomy Sub-objectives indicate if the assessment is OR Webbs Depth of (stated behaviorally) formative or summative.) Knowledge TSW collect information on what Information entered into popplet Synthesis their chosen animal will need to (formative) survive. Appearance of popplet Application TSW design a model of a (summative) habitat using Popplet. TSW indentify a chosen animal as Information entered into popplet Comprehension a plant or animal eater. (formative) ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS (What is the important thing?)BIG IDEA: Can students use Webtools to deepen their understanding of animals? PRIOR KNOWLEDGE/SKILLS: Knowledge of how to gather needed facts from informational websites INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES: Lesson Opener o Attention-getter (sign that lesson is starting) o Hook ( 5 minutes): How many of you like going to the zoo? What are your favorite animals to see there? Lets go around the room and say our favorite animal. Wow! You know about a lot of different animals. Bridge (relate to past and future learning; 1 minutes): Today we are going to be learning about animals AND a new webtool that will help get you started on designing your own zoo exhibit!

Development of concepts and/or skills o Explanation (include how thinking and problem-solving will be incorporated) ( 40 minutes)

Find a computer, login, pull up the Internet and go to either

or I am going to write these addresses on the board. Think of the animal you named earlier in class. Do you know what it eats? What do you eat? Do you eat plants or animals (meat)? Most of you probably eat both, but most animals eat one or the other. You are also going to need to find out this information about it: what kind of water it needs, what land it prefers (i.e flat, mountainous) and if there are any other animals that live in that same habitat and would get along with animal. You can enter this information into a word document as you find it.
Part 2: Now we are going to use all these great facts youve discovered to make a Popplet. I made one myself on an African elephant already. Pull up premade Popplet on smartboard screen and direct the students attention to the center popplet. See, here in the center I have the name of my animal and its picture, dont worry we will learn how to put pictures in it later. I have other other squares or popplets connected to my center that show what water, terrain, food and friends my animal needs. Go to, I will write the log in info on the board. When you get there click the make new popplet button and type the name of your animal in the name box and then click make it so. Now you just see a blank page, but all you have to do to get started is double click in a blank space. Next type the name of your animal in the box that comes up. You should see four grey circles around your box, click and drag it to make a new box. You will probably want to do this on each of the four original circles. Then you can label the new boxes by typing food, water, land and friends with each word in its own box. Later we will put a picture in but for now, make a new box for each of the ones you just made. This is where you will describe exactly what your animal needs and why. Differentiation

o Guided practice ( 40 minutes) Have students look in informational books for more information on their animal. While they do this call students up, about a third of a class at time to work with you on inserting pictures into their popplet. Turn your iPad on then find and start Safari. Search for pictures of your animal and other pictures you want to use in the presentation. When you find a good one, click save to device. After you have all the pictures you need. Run the Popplet application. Find your Popplet and click on the box you want to put a picture in. Click on the upload things button and then from your device find the picture that goes with the description in the box. Your popplets are looking really great now, you have worked so hard on them today! How will guided practice be monitored? While students in guided group are searching for pictures to use, check and make sure that the students using books are finding appropriate research. o Cross-curricular applications o Learning modalities (visuals, kinesthetic, etc.) Visual- screens and books Auditory- instructions Kinesthetic- Manipulation of popplet through mouse, keyboard and touch-screen. Independent Practice ( minutes) Student Reflection and Lesson Closure; include sample of standardized test question (10 minutes) What new fact did you learn about your animal today? Does your animal eat plants or other animals? (Tally findings on board.) Could any of your animals live in the wild here in Tennessee? Why or why not?

Room arrangement (groups, centers, etc.): Large group in computer lab, guided practice in reading/ writing centers, guided group at kidneyshaped table. Alternative and/or supplemental activities for additional practice: Have students begin drawing a design for their zoo exhibit. Adaptations for individual learners with disabilities (include adaptations for at least three types of disabilities)
(low/high cognition, behavioral differences, learning disabilities, hearing/visually impaired, physically impaired)

Type of Adaptation
(size, time, level of support, input, difficulty, output, participation, alternative, substitute curriculum)

Adaptation specific to this lesson

FUTURE ASSESSMENT TO DETERMINE RETENTION OF CONCEPT(S): A physical model of zoo exhibit to be presented and defended as a suitable habitat for the animal. MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY NEEDED FOR THE LESSON: 1. Computers 2. Smartboard 3. Informational books on animals 4. iPad with Popplet application EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES THAT WOULD BE USED WERE THEY AVAILABLE AND A DESCRIPTION OF USE: Classroom management strategies to be used: Preventative: Greet, seat, complete Active learning/multiple modalities incorporated Cl Mgmt Plan: Rules/consequences/routines/procedures Parents contacted Supportive: Directions given Students redirected Positive learning behaviors recognized Academic feedback given Proximity control used Individuals/small groups monitored Appropriate learning behavior cued Lesson pace considered Teacher withitness anticipated Classroom management plan implemented (routines/consequences/routines/procedures) Corrective: Procedures and rules cued Individual behavior observed Individual behavior described Correction for individual behavior planned Plan executed REFLECTIONS ON TEACHING AND LEARNING: 1. How do you think the lesson went (be specific)? 2. What was the strongest component of the lesson?

3. What instructional component needs the most refinement and what do you plan to do to improve that area? 4. How did you know which students accomplished the goals and objectives of the lesson and which did not? 5. How did you provide academic feedback to your students? 6. What insights are you discovering about your teaching? 7. How did your choices and actions of classroom management support student learning?

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