Zombieland Opening Analysis

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1. The first thing we see in the shot is a close up of an American flag flying in the wind. From this shot we dont think anything is wrong. As the shot goes on the music starts to fuzz slightly and we see that the flag is being flown from the front of a car which has been turned upside down and is on fire in the middle of the road. This suddenly tells us that something isnt right and leaves mystery about what it could be. 2. We then get an establishing shot of the scene. The most eye catching part is the white house on fire and cars upside down and abandoned. 3. With a close up of two guns on the floor it makes us think what they represent which is war and fighting. This gives us an idea of what is to come in the movie. 4. In this shot it is clear that it is being filmed by a character in the movie because we hear his voice and his legs. With the zombie starting at a fair distance away when it gets closer we can see what is looks like more clearly. 5. It zooms out very quickly showing us a rotating picture of the world and what it looks like in this movie. Due to the world looking very different in this shot it makes the viewer interested as to what is happening to have caused this. 6. In this shot we start off seeing the world from space when suddenly an extreme zoom in happens showing an American football stadium. The idea of a shot looking from space to earth makes us think if the idea of space comes into the movie at all. 7. With this shot being a close up of the man running away it allows us to concentrate more on his facial expressions showing his panic and fear. However with the voice over saying the first ones to go where the fatties it adds a slightly comical side to it possibly giving us an idea that although the films genre is horror there could be comedy in it.

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