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Sales management continued


Sales Territories Territory may represent Geographical area Group of customers A market An industry

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Goals of territory management To cover the market properly To deploy sales people effectively To service the customer effectively To evaluate the sales representative To control sales expenses

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Territory Management

Generating New Accounts

Managing Existing Accounts

Personal Time Management

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Designing sales territories

A company has to establish a geographical control unit. It could be a country,zone or region After establishing a control unit sales potential of each unit is established

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These control units are then classified into territories Then number of territories are considered assuming an average sales force
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Approaches to terriitory management Market build up approach In this approach the present users and potential users of a product are analysed Their consumption potential are also analysed. Then it is decided how much market share the company desires to have, This gives us the total sales potential This sales potential is then broken down territory wise
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Work load approach Customers are grouped into categories Optimum call frequency for each category is estimated Present and potential customers are located and arranged category wise Geographical control unit is then established Each SR is given adequate worl load

Territory Shapes
Shapes affect both in coverage and in the selling expenses The Wedge Starts fro a thickly populated urban centre

The Circle scattered customers The Clover Leaf Random

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Designing sales territories

A company has to establish a geographical control unit. It could be a country,zone or region After establishing a control unit sales potential of each unit is established

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Territory Adjustment
Estimation of travel time Decide call frequency Computing number of calls possible in a given period Estimating the number and type of customers Correction with desired call frequency Estimating time duration of each cal Correction on basis of feedback
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Adjustment of territory by salesmen

Territories are built around sales men

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A quota refers to an expected performance objective. Quotas are tactical in nature and thus derived from the sales forces strategic objectives.

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Quotas provide performance targets. Quotas provide standards. Quotas provide control. Quotas provide change of direction. Quotas are motivational.
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volume quotas. Breakdown total sales volume. Profit quotas. Expense quotas. Activity quotas. Quota combinations.

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Sales volume quotas includes MONETORY or product unit objectives for a specific period of time.

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The two types of profit quotas:

Gross margin quota determined by subtracting cost of goods sold from sales volume. Net profit quota determined by subtracting cost of goods sold and salespeoples direct selling expense from sales volume.
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Expense quotas are aimed at controlling costs of sales units. Often expenses are related to sales volume or to the compensation plan.
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Activity quotas set objectives for job-related duties useful toward reaching salespeoples performance targets.

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Quotas based on forecasts and potentials. Quotas based on forecasts only. Quotas based on past experience. Quotas based on executive judgments. Quotas salespeople set. Quotas related to compensation.
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Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time specific
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Sales and Marketing Information System

An organised way of continually gathering and analysing information from every source relevant to the organisation

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MIS consist of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyse, evaluate and distribute needed information to the marketing decision makers

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A MIS incorporates & combine the main aspects of marketing research into a centralised management function which will maintain a tight control on research procedures & ensure an accurate data bank of information about customers, products etc.

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A MIS which can link external data with internal sources, such as sales record, customer records & competitor information will provide a strong basis for informed marketing decisions

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MIS - mainly concerned with how to manage information Ongoing information eg sales record Monitored information about the economy Requested information Company Logo Surveys

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