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EgyptAir Training Center - 2008

1-1 General
The purpose of this section is to discuss some fundamental physical relationships associated with the motion of bodies in air. To understand principles of flight and propulsion, it is necessary to review certain laws governing the behavior of fluids.

1-2 Fluids at Rest

There can be no shear on a liquid if the liquid is at rest. If any shear force exists, the liquid will deform. Forces acting on the fluid particles are normal to the surfaces and must be in equilibrium. Mathematically, the sum of the horizontal and vertical forces must be zero, and may be expressed:

Force per unit of area is pressure. This statement may be written:

A frequently used unit of pressure is pounds per square foot, since force is measured in pounds and area in square feet. The French philosopher and mathematician, Pascal, formulated an important principle which states: if gravity is neglected, the pressures at any point in a fluid must be equal in magnitude in any direction. Any pressure increase in any part of the fluid results in an equal increase in pressure throughout the fluid. The effect of such pressure changes is familiar in its application in hydraulic systems of all types such as brakes, lifts, and presses.

When a finite difference in height exists, the weight of the fluid must be considered. In Figure 1, a rectangular tank containing a fluid has a height, h, and cross sectional area, A. The pressure on the lower surface of the tank is pl, and on the upper surface is p2 The weight of the fluid in the tank is the product of the specific weight of the liquid, w, the height of the liquid, h, and the area, A. Specific weight is defined as weight per unit volume. Equation (1) may be written selecting the upward direction as positive:

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Equation (3) assumes the fluid is incompressible; therefore w is constant. If the fluid is compressible, w varies and the difference of pressures, dp, depends on how w varies with a change in height, dh. Equation (3) for a compressible fluid is written:

p1 Figure 1.
A fluid may be either a liquid or a gas; the main difference between the two is in their resistance to compression. Gases are more easily compressed while liquids are generally considered to be incompressible. The primary fluid discussed in this section is air.

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1-3 Fluids In Motion

The most important physical laws governing the motion of solids and fluids are attributed to Isaac Newton. These laws may be stated briefly: (1) Every body continues in a state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless it is acted upon by an external force.
(2) An acceleration, proportional to the applied force, is produced in the direction of the force.

(3) Every action results in an equal reaction, opposite in direction. The first and third laws may be apparent from physical experience; however, the second law is perhaps less evident. Mathematically, the law may be stated as:

where, F a is force, lb is acceleration, ft/sec/sec

Mass is the quantity of matter of a substance or body, whether solid or fluid. The mass of a body remains constant unless more matter is added or some is removed. Inertia is the property which causes a body to continue in a state of rest or motion. Mass, in addition to being the amount of matter in a body, is a measure of its inertia, or resistance to acceleration. The constant of proportionality, mass, enables equation (5) to be written in the form of an equality.

When an object is allowed to fall freely in a vacuum, an acceleration results from the unbalanced force which is its own weight. This acceleration is commonly referred to as gravitational acceleration, g. Equation (6) may be written for the freely falling body:

The unit of mass is the slug. One slug is the amount of mass which weighs 32.174049 pounds according to the international agreement for the standard gravity condition. The weight of a body is the force with which the mass is being attracted toward the center of the earth. The unit of weight, and force, is the pound (lb). Acceleration bears the units of feet per second per second (ft/sec/sec), as does g. For the purpose of most calculations herein, the value of g is 32.174049 ft/sec/sec. It is sometimes helpful to express mass in dimensions other than slugs. From equation (7):

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Mass density is the mass per unit of volume and has the dimensions of slugs per cubic foot. It is defined by the Greek letter Rho, p, and may be expressed more fundamentally using equation (8).

Mathematically, fluid mass density is also related to specific weight:

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1-4 Streamlines and Streamtubes
A stream of air consists of many particles moving in the same direction. The path of any one

particle is called a streamline. A collection of streamlines forming a closed curve or tube, as in Figure 2, is referred to as a stream tube. Since the walls of the stream tube are streamlines, there can be no flow through the wall.

Figure 2.

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1-5 Continuity Equation

If a fluid is moving uniformly through a pipe or stream tube, as in Figure 3, the mass of fluid that leaves the tube every second must be the same as that entering the tube. This is continuity of flow. The law of continuity may be stated mathematically:
p AV = constant

P lA,V1 = P 2A2V2

Figure 3. The subscripts refer to particular stations of the tube. The mass passing a section in one second is pAV slugs, or


M is p is A is V is t is

mass, slugs mass density, slugs/ft3 cross-sectional area, ft2 velocity, ft/sec time, sec

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In calculus, the formula for finding the differential of a product of three variables is:

and the differential of a constant is zero: d(c) = 0 Applying these formulae to equation (11):

Dividing both sides of equation (15) by pAV results in another f o m of the continuity equation:

If the fluid is incompressible, such that p remains constant, equation (1 1) becomes:

AV = constant


Differentiating equation (17) and dividing by AV, an expression similar to equation (16) may be written for incompressible flow:


Although the fluid (air) is compressible, this is often ignored in some aerodynamic considerations for simplicity if the velocity is relatively low. Equation (19) shows that a positive change in area (dA) results in a negative change in velocity (dV).

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1-6 Incompressible Bernoulli Equation

The Bernoulli equation, a mathematical method of showing variation of pressure and velocity within a streamtube, is of prime importance in fluid study. It is based upon the principle that when fluid l flows in a duct, as shown in Figure 4, its total energy at a l points along the duct is constant. If the interior is fkictionless, the energy is of three forms; that due to height (potential energy), that due to pressure (pressure energy), and that due to movement (kinetic energy). In practically all fluid analysis work, horizontal flow is considered so changes in height are not considered.

Figure 4. Consider the tapering duct and an element with an average cross sectional area, A, as shown in Figure 4. If the air is incompressible, the continuity equation as in equation (17) applies. With a decreasing area, velocity, V, must increase after having traveled an incremental distance, ds, by the amount dV. Also pressure, p, may be assumed to have increased by the amount dp. If the air is accelerating to the right, the net force acting in that direction causing the acceleration can be found. Repeating equation (6) for convenience: F=Ma For the average cross sectional area, the force to the right f o equation (2) is: rm

The counteracting force to the left is:

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The net force to the right is then: AF=pA-(p+dp)A=-dpA The mass of air involved is the mass density multiplied by the volume, or: M = p A ds Acceleration is a change in velocity per change in time. The expression may be written:


Substituting equations (20), (21), and (22) into equation (6) results in: -dpA=pA dp=-p ds- dv

ds-dv dt

By algebraic manipulation, certain t m s may be rearranged:

A change in distance per change in time is simply velocity:

Thus equation (23) becomes: dp=-pVdV Again in calculus, the fonnulae necessary to integrate this expression are:

j dx = x + constant
x2 j x dx = -+ constant 2


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Applying these rules to equation (24), the equation becomes: Jdp=-pJvdv The solution to the equation becomes: p=-p or in a more useful form:

v" -+ constant 2

v2 p + p 2 = constant
In the derivation of equation (27) the p is considered constant. This is the incompressible flow equation. (The asterisk is used to identify equations for incompressible flow). Since p is the static pressure of the fluid, the quantities 112 pv2 and the constant must have the same dimensions of pressure. The quantity 112 pv2 is defined as dynamic pressure since it embodies flow velocity. Dynamic and static pressures are the only pressures assumed to be in the system; therefore, their sum is the total pressure. Thus equation (27) becomes, in its most familiar form:

Referring to Figure 4, the Bernoulli equation may be written as:

Since the term 112 p v2appears so frequently in fluid analysis, it is given the symbol q. Thus:

Equation (29) may also be written as:

* Incompressibleflow only

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A direct application of the Bernoulli equation is the pitot tube,which is used to measure air speed. A schematic diagram of the instrument is in Figure 5.

Figure 5. The concentric tubes of the pitot are arranged so that the center tube is aligned in the directon of the approaching air. As the air directly in line with the hole in the center tube reaches the opening it must come to rest momentarily at point 1befare it turns and proceeds around the sides of the larger tube. As it passes along the outer tube it will finally attain essentially its original velocity, Vo, at some point, 2, where a hole is located. The subscript 0 here represents the remote or free stream condition.

esr The pressures acting at points 1and 2 are used to m a u e the velocity, Vo, by a pressure sensing .device. The device in Figure 5 is a manometer, which is merely a U-tube with a measured quantity of fluid in it. One side of the U is connected to point 1 and the other to point 2. If the pressure at point 1 is .greater than at point 2 (as is the case) the fluid will be forced into the position shown. The difference in the heights of the column, h, is a direct measure of the pressure difference between points 1 and 2. Equation (3) relates these quantities and is repeated here far convenience:


A is the pressure difference p w is the fluid density o specific weight r

Writing Bernoulli's equation for points 1 and 2 with relation to a remote point, 0:

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From the previous explanations:

v1 = o
and, Thus:

The manometer is set up to read the difference between pl and p2, or Ap. Thus:

Equation (32) is valid for incompressible flow only, for velocities less than 250 knots. Equating expressions (3) and (32) shows the fluid height differential h, is proportional to the dynamic Specifically the fluid weight density relates the two: pressure of the fke stream 1R p


The pressure differential need not have been measured by a manometer. This device is confined to laboratory and wind tunnel work. The application in airplanes requires a mechanical pressure measuring device using a diaphragm, bellows, or bourdon tube. The Bernoulli equation is fundamental to all aerodynamic problems, particularly those involving a discussion of pressure distributions on bodies immersed in a fluid. Additional applications of this important principle will be made in later sections as will the development of the compressible flow equation.

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AERODYNAMICS 1-7 Equation of State

The mass density of solids and liquids is essentially constant, but the mass density of gases depends upon the pressure and temperature. The relation between the pressure, density and temperature is: where, P P g R T

is pressure, lb/ft2 is mass density, slugs/ft3 is gravitational acceleration, ft/sec2 is constant, ft lbf/lbm O R is temperature,OR

The absolute temperature, T, is the temperature in degrees Rankine measured from absolute F zero, -459.67 O . The expression for finding the absolute temperature is:

where, t, is the measured temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. R, in equation (33), is the gas constant and is different for various gases. For air, the value of the constant is 53.352374 ft lbf/lbm O . (The universal gas constant for all gases is 1545.43 ft lb/lb mole O . The molecular R R weight of air is 28.966 1bAb mole, and the quotient of the two is 1545.43128.966 = 53.352374 ft lbfflbm OR). Equation (33) is sometimes written:

where v is specific volume which is the reciprocal of specific weight, v = l/w. The gas constant for air of 53.3523742 ft lbp/lbm OR, as given above, is only valid for sea level conditions where g equals 32.17405 ft/sec2. The equation of state, for a thermally perfect gas is:

where R', the thermal gas constant equal to 1716.5619 ft2/sec2 OR, is valid at any altitude. R' is equal to gcR. This relationship, (equation of state), defines the state of a gas in terms of three variables, p, v, and T. A process describes the relation between any two of the variables. Three such processes are readily apparent as a result of holding each variable constant. These are: (1) (2) (3) constant pressure (isobaric) constant temperature (isothermal) constant volume (isochoric)

In each of the above processes, addition or release of heat is required It is conceivable that in a

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fourth process no heat energy is added or lost. Such a process is called adiabatic. Heat is energy in transition, and can be transformed. A BTU (British thermal unit) is a measure of heat. It is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise a one pound mass of water through one degree Fahrenheit at standard conditions. One BTU is equivalent to 778.26 ft lb of work, usually assigned the letter J. It does not require as much additional heat energy to raise a pound of gas one degree Fahrenheit as it does water. The ratio of the number of BTU's required to raise one pound of gas through one degree Fahrenheit to that of water is called specific heat. When the operation is conducted at constant pressure, allowing volume to vary, it becomes the specific heat at constant pressure and has the symbol, Cp. For air Cp = 0.239936923 BTUPbPF. If carried out at constant volume, allowing pressure to vary, it becomes the specific heat at constant volume, having the symbol CV.For air, Cv = .I713835 16 BTU/lbPF. The ratio of specific heats occurs frequently in fluid analyses and is assigned the Greek letter Gamma, y. For air:

Of primary interest are the isothermal and adiabatic processes. When temperature is held constant in equation (35), the isothermal process is represented and the equation becomes:

pv = constant


This is generally known as Boyle's Law. For the adiabatic processes encountered in aerodynamics, the relationship becomes: pvy = constant P - = constant P

Various forms of equations (38) and (39) will be discussed in subsequent chapters.

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AERODYNAMICS 1-8 Fluid Viscosity

In addition to the pressure, temperature, and density characteristics of a fluid, compressibility and viscosity properties (that which offers resistance to motion) must be considered.

The viscous property of a fluid asserts itself when a fluid is in motion relative to a fixed surface. When a layer of fluid touches a surface, its velocity is reduced to zero by friction. Viscosity is the result of shear forces acting on the fluid, or the tendency of one layer of fluid to drag along the layer next to it. There is a finite thickness of fluid next to a surface which is retarded relative to the velocity farther away, or to the free stream velocity.

Ti retarded layer is known as a boundary layer and is shown in Figure 6. hs

,,, ,,,

Figure 6.


The length of the arrows represents the magnitude of velocity at that distance f o the surface. A rm measure of the viscosity of a fluid is represented in coefficient form by the Greek letter Mu, p, and bears the dimensions of slugs per foot second. The dynamic viscosity coefficient is assumed to vary with absolute temperature according to Sutherland's equation:

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p. is the dynamic viscosity coefficient, lbseclft?

T is the absolute temperature, OK
S is Sutherland's constant, 120K

lb- sec


The standard viscosity of a r at sea level, %, equals 3.745299 (o' lb-sec/ft2 at To equal to i l-) 288.15 OK. The viscosity of air is directly proportional to approximately the square root of the absolute temperature. Fluids in liquid form are subject to viscous effects, but may be considered incompressible.

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1-9 Speed of Sound

Gases in addition to their viscous properties are highly compressible. When a disturbance producing a change in pressure occurs at a point in a fluid, this disturbance is propagated through the fluid in the form of a wave of the same type as a sound wave. Sound is the result of pressure waves (compressions and rarefactions) in the fluid of such frequencies as to be audible.

\ Advancing
Wave Figure 7. Assume there is a pressure wave moving to the right in the channel in Figure 7 at velocity V, pressure p and mass density p. The flow has acquired increments in velocity, pressure, and density downstream of the wave of dV, dp, and dp, respectively. The force due to fluid flow is:

Substituting equation (21) into equation (41) results is:

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The force due to pressure change is: F=pA - @ + dp)A F=-dp A Equating forces, equations (42) and (43), and simplifying: -dp A = pAV dV

From the continuity equation (11): pAV = (p

+ dp)A(V+ dV)


Since the second order differential is quite small, it can be neglected. From equations (44) and (45):


Equation (46) shows the speed of the pressure wave is related to the compressibility properties of the gas. The reciprocal of equation (46), the rate of change of density with pressure, is sometimes called the compressibility factor. Therefore, the greater the compressibility of a gas, the lower the speed of wave propagation. Since a sound wave is an example of a pressure wave in air, the quantity, a, is referred to as the local speed of sound and has the units of ftlsec.

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AERODYNAMICS The change of state across the pressure wave is adiabatic; therefore, the quantity dpldp may be determined from equation (39): p = constant p Y


Substituting equation (48) into equation (47):

Using equation (33), or (36),another form of the speed of sound equation may be written:

Since y, g, and R, or R', remain constant, the speed of sound varies directly with the square root of the absolute static temperature.

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AERODYNAMICS 1-10 Compressible Bernoulli Equation

Air moving at speeds below 250 lcnots may be treated as an incompressible fluid. At higher speeds, it is necessary to consider the variation of density as the airflow is compressed. At these speeds, another form of the Bernoulli equation must be used. The compressible Bernoulli equation may be developed from equation (24), repeated here for convenience:

Within the streamtube or duct, changes in density occur too rapidly for any appreciable heat flow to occur. Hence, the process is assumed ideally adiabatic. Equation (24) involves the variable p, which can be expressed in terms of pressure from equation (39):

Substitutingfor p in equation (24), rearranging, and integrating:

1 --+I

(c)l" P 1 --+I

v2 +--2 - constant

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Y -1 - v2 - constant 2 y +--

+ i -

vL (F) + T

= constant

Substituting for

,the Bernoulli equation for compressible fluids in horizontal flow becomes:

- I +v2 - constant Y -y-lP

As before, the flow equation may be written for any two points in the fluid:

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1-11 Flow Relations Near The Speed Of Sound
A useful and important relationship called Mach number (M) involves the velocity of sound.

Mach number is the ratio of the fluid velocity to the velocity of sound at the same point.

Since V and a are velocities measured in feet per second, Mach number is dimensionless. The behavior of fluid flow near the speed of sound is of primary importance. The relationship between temperature, pressure, mass density, and velocity may be predicted by the application of some of the fluid laws developed in the previous chapters. There are six general classifications used to describe high speed flight. These are: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) subsonic sonic supersonic transonic hypersonic hypemelocity M M M M M M e 1 = l > 1 from approx. .8 to 1.3 = 5to10 = loandup

The term transonic is often used to describe the flow conditions through the sonic region. Mathematical treatment of the transonic region is rather difficult because of the mixed flow conditions; however, fairly accurate predictions of the aerodynamic characteristics of both subsonic and supersonic flow can be made.

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AERODYNAMICS Consider the flow of fluid in a frictionless channel, as in Figure 8, which has a varying cross sectional area A, connected to a reservoir. The relationship between the velocity and pressure was developed earlier, equation (24).The subscript t is for total conditions.

Figure 8.

The continuity equation (16), provides a relationship involving the density.

Also from equation (47),

Equation (24) may be written substituting the value of dp h m equation (55).


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Substitute for dp/p in equation (16),

By multiplying the third term by VN, and expressing in terms of Mach number:

Equation (57) shows what happens to speed as the cross sectional area is changed in a channel. At a fried Mach number less than one, an increase in area produces a decrease in speed. When the Mach number is greater than unity, the equation states that an increase in area will cause further increase in speed. At these speeds, the density decreases so rapidly for a given speed increase that the channel must expand to continue at this speed increase. This is supported by equation (56) rearranged.

At the point in the channel, Figure 9b, where there is no change in area, that is, dA/A = 0, equation (57) indicates that two possibilities exist: dV/V = 0 or M = 1..The point where the cross sectional , area is a minimum is called the throat, and is the point where ~ A / A 0. At this point the Mach = reaches unity. Downstream of the throat the speed may continue to increase, and Mach numbers greater than unity may occur. Equation (57) shows the relationship between velocity and area as influenced by Mach number. A similar relationship may be developed showing how pressure varies with area. Equation (24) may be written:

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Range of Pressures for subsonic~ f f l u x

Loss in pressure energy resulting

Single F9es~lfe for Supersonic Efflux

Figure 9.
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and equation (49) as:

Substituting equation (59) into equation (58) and the result into equation (57), the following equation is obtained:

The variation of temperature can now be established from the equation of state, (33). Equation (60) shows that, for a given Mach number, an increase in area requires a pressure rise for M less than one, and a pressure drop for M greater than one. From Figure 9a, if the flow through the tube is completely subsonic, the decrease in area before the throat results in an increase in velocity and a decrease in pressure; whereas, the increase in area downstream of the throat results in a decrease in velocity and an increase in pressure. Now with an increase in velocity ahead of the throat, there will be a corresponding increase in velocity at the throat. When the velocity at the throat just reaches the speed of sound, the flow has become critical (critical is defined only for M = 1 flow conditions). The pressure at the throat under this condition is known as the critical pressure. As the pressure downstream of the throat is reduced below the critical pressure value, the flow upstream of the throat will be the same in all respects; i.e.,.no further increase in initial or throat velocity is possible, unless the stagnation state of the gas 1s changed. Downstream of the throat, however, the flow will be supersonic. The lower the exit pressure the higher the value of supersonic flow and the further downstream the supersonic flow will go. Figure 9b shows that the flow just downstream of the throat is supersonic, whereas further downstream the flow is subsonic. The physical process by which the change takes place is known as a shock wave. The term shock is used because the transition from supersonic to subsonic flow occurs suddenly. Now, with a sudden change in velocity, the static pressure downstream in the subsonic region must be increased correspondingly (Bernoulli equation). This sudden increase in pressure will cause a compression in the air with a consequent increase in density and temperature. During the decrease in the downstream pressure to where the throat Mach number just reaches unity, the shock wave separating the supersonic and subsonic regimes is very weak (small pressure change) and will occur at the throat As the supersonic flow region becomes greater with lower exit pressures, the pressure rise after the shock is greater. The curves for variation of pressure in the channel are similar to the velocity curves and appear as in Figures 9c and 9d. The pressure rise through the shock wave results in a pressure which does not equal the pressure for subsonic flow. There is a loss of pressure energy through the shock wave which results in an increase in freestream temperature. However, the stagnation temperature remains constant.

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AERODYNAMICS The above analysis of the stream flow through a convergentldivergent streamtube may be summarized as shown below:

Initial Condition

With Area Change

A Decrease A Increase A Decrease A Increase

Results In
V Increase V Decrease
V Decrease

And p, T, p Decrease p, T, p Increase p, T, p Increase p, T, p Decrease


V Increase

Note that when the change in velocity has been established for the initial conditions, the three variables of the equation of state, p, T, and p, will always be opposite the velocity change. When M = 1, it must occur in the streamtube where there is no area change, i.e, at the throat. There is a relationship between temperature and velocity which can be derived. The compressible Bernoulli equation, equation (52), may be written for the flow conditions of Figure 8. The temperature, pressure and density conditions in the reservoir are all stagnation values which are the total temperature, pressure, and density existing; hence, the subscript, t.

Since in the reservoir, stagnation exists, Vt = 0,

From equation (49),


v2 Y P Pt - T + ~ F
pt -



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Dividing both sides of the equation by a2,

From equation (50), and, Then,


The temperature, T, is the static temperature, which is sometimes written as Tsto distinguish it from total or stagnation temperature, Tt. The stagnation temperature across a shock wave remains constant even though the total or stagnation pressure may be decreased. Enthalpy is defined as the product of the specific heat and the temperature, Cp T. This means the total enthalpy, or heat, remains constant across a wave, and the lost pressure results in an increase in the entropy of the air, but not in the total heat content. The non-isentropic process also causes a greater decrease in velocity than would have occurred under conditions of constant e n m y , and the freestream temDerature is increased bv this effect over its value had the change been &6ntropic. Accordingly thd heat content along a &reamline increases because of the non-isentropic effect. The total enthalpy, or heat content, of the air is not increased -under such conditions, however,

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where, Tt is the total enthalpy or total heat content cp T is the heat content along a streamline

If the flow in the channel is ideally adiabatic, the applicable pressure and density relationships may be developed. That is, applying equations (33) and (39) to equation (61), the following expressions may be derived:

These relationships are important and should be well understood. The ratios of pressure, temperature, and density at the throat to those in the reservoir are of particular interest. These ratios are called critical ratios and are obtained from equations (61), (62), and (63). The critical ratios are shown here as the reciprocal of the above equations with M = 1 and y = 1.4 for air substituted.


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1-12 The Atmosphere
The ultimate perfomance of the airplane and the engine depends upon the generation of forces due to interaction between the airplane or engine and the air mass through which it flies. So it is of importance to study the properties of the earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere is a gaseous mixture composed of nitrogen, oxygen, and a small amount of other gases. Water vapor is always present, but in varying amounts, usually less than one percent at the earth's surface. The energy of the sun is responsible for heating the atmosphere, but little of this energy is transferred directly to the air. Most of it goes to heat the earth's surface which in turn heats the air. The warm air near the surface rises and due to a decrease in pressure as altitude is increased, expands and is cooled. Finally, an equilibrium is reached where no more reduction in temperature occurs. This altitude is the tropopause and varies with latitude. The region below, from the earth's surface to the tropopause, is the troposphere. That above the tropopause is the stratosphere. In the stratosphere, the temperature is essentially constant. Seasonal changes and moving air masses have a pronounced effect on the temperature, pressure, and density of the air. To provide a basis for estimating and comparing airplane and engine performance, it is necessary to have a standard. The standard used in the United States by airplane manufacturers is that established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It is a condition determined by averaging data gathered over a long period. Since the studies were conducted in the mid latitudes of the northern hemisphere, the standard is most clearly representative of conditions in these regions. However, even though the expected deviations from this standard may be much larger in polar or equatorial regions, the same standard is used as a reference. The International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) establishes a sea level pressure, po, of 29.92126 inches of mercury, or 21 16.2166 lb/ft* at a temperature, to, of 5gF (lSC). mass The density, po, of dry air under these conditions is 0.002377 slugsJft3, The subscript, 0, identifies these as standard sea level values and will be used hereafter. As indicated previously, the equation of state has several fonns, and can be written in many ways. For example, equation (33), may be stated for the standard sea level condition:

Dividing equation (33) by equation (67) the constants g and R cancel:

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The ratios appearing in equation (68) are used quite frequently and for this reason each has a specific symbol: Delta Sigma Theta P 6=-- Po

air pressure air pressure at SL std day

(70) (71)

P Po

air mass - air mass densitydensitystd day at SL

absolute air temp 0=--T To absolute air temp at SL std day

These symbols may be substituted in equation (68) to provide another useful equation: 6 =&I (72)

Variation of Temperature with Altitude

The International Standard Atmosphere assumes a constant drop in temperature of 0.00356616F/ft (or 0.0019812C/ft) from sea level to an altitude of 36,089 feet, the tropopause. The standard temperature at any altitude below the tropopause m y be determined from the following: a

Where h is the lapse rate, 0.00356616OF/ft, or 0.0019812C/ft. The letter h represents altitude in feet. After substitution, equation (73) becomes:

Above the tropopause, a constant temperature of -69.7OF (-56.SC) is assumed.

T = constant = 389.97 = 216.65
t = constant =- 69.70



=- 56.50

Figure 10 shows the standard temperature variation with altitude.

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Variation of Pressure with Altitude
Unlike the temperature, the pressure continues to decrease at altitudes above the tropopause . The pressure variation with altitude below the tropopause is not the same as above the tropopause due to the influence of temperature. The relationship between the pressure and temperature is governed by the gas laws. Below the tropopause: the pressure, temperature, and density relationships may be developed in the following manner.
Column of Cross Section Area A

Sign Convention
36,089.24 ""' Feet



Weight of Block = w Adh

a a a a a s




a a

Temperature O c 1F * Figure 10.

Figure 11.

Consider the analysis of the pressure existing on an infinitesimal section of a column of air at altitude, h, as in Figure 11. As in the chapter dealing with hydrostatics, the sum of the forces in a vertical direction is made: From equation (I),


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From equation (lo), Substituting (10) into (4), From equation (33), Therefore, w=Pg dp=- p g dh

P=P ~ R T

From equation (73),

T=To-hh Differentiating, or, dT=-hdh

Substituting in equation (77) for dh,

and adding limits of integration,


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and substituting the limits,

6 = 85.25588

To find the mass density relationship, equation (68) may be combined with equation (78):


Above 36,089 feet: The upper limit of the troposphere is the lower limit of the stratosphere; consequently this is reflected in the pressure temperature density relationships for the stratosphere. From equation (77), a relation between pressure and altitude was derived:

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AERODYNAMICS With the temperature now a constant, the equation can be integrated,

The subscript trop indicates the 36,089.24 foot altitude condition. Integrating,

and substituting the limits,

I = - RT ,P



but, from equation (78),


The letter e is the base of the natural logarithm To find the mass density relationship for the stratosphere, equation (68) may again be used.

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From the equations developed in this chapter valid for standard atmosphere only, equations (73) through (75) and (78) through (81), a table can be made for all altitudes based on the international standard. Since this involves much tedious calculation, tables have been accurately calculated and published by various government agencies. These data are available in most engineering reference handbooks. Figure 12 is such a table. Airplane and engine manufacturers have adopted the international standard and are using it for all engineering and performance analyses.

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To= 59.0 + 459.67 = 518.67OR R = 53.35 ft 1b#lbm0R

To= 15.0 + 273.15 = 288.15OK

= 1116.4501 ft/sec

Rducncc: NACA Tcchniul Repon No. 1235

Figure 12
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Non-Standard Day Conditions The major reason for establishing a standard atmosphere is to permit performance and operation to be stated in forms which may be compared. All predictions and results are published on the basis of assumed standard day conditions. Actual data gathered under non standard conditions are transformed into equivalent standard day values by the use of the parameters, 8,6, and o The . standard atmosphere is an arbitrary condition established by definition. At any geometric or tapeline altitude, the measured pressure may be other than the standard value. Thus, the altimeter, which measures pressure, will indicate an altitude corresponding to the measured pressure. This pressure altitude is the standard day condition, the most natural and simple equivalence to use. To indicate pressure altitude, the altimeter must be unbiased, and must be set for 29.92126 inches or 1013.25 millibars of mercury. The pressure ratio, 6, may be read from the standard table, Figure 12, by entering with the pressure altitude. But, temperature and density relations must be resolved on the basis of further measurements and calculations. Since density may not be measured directly, it is common practice to measure static temperature and calculate 8. With 8 and 6 known, o and density may be obtained from equation (72). For example, if the altimeter reads 4,000 feet pressure altitude, and the OAT is 90 OF, 6 = .8637,8 = 1.0598, and o = -8150.

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1-13 Pressure Distributions

The Bernoulli principle is fundamental to a l l aerodynamic problems, particularly those involving pressure distributions on bodies immersed in a fluid. Explanations involving the fluid phenomena are frequently simplified by considering two dimensional flow, or flow of fluid in parallel planes over the body. Place a blunt nosed object, a cylinder, in a frictionless and incompressible moving fluid. The flow r pattern o streamlines will appear as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13.

In the flow around the body, some of the streamlines are diverted to one side, some to the other. There is one point at which the streamlines are nonnal to the body. This is called the stagnation point, point 1 on the figure.
The spacing of the streamlines about the cylinder indicates the magnitude of the velocity. That is, the closer together the streamlines are spaced, the higher the velocity. From the law of continuity, velocity is inversely proportional to the area. The streamlines are compressing the strearntubes, thereby decreasing the area and increasing the velocity. The Bernoulli equation shows that along with changes in velocity, simultaneous changes in static pressure occur. Thus, whenever the velocity is different from the undisturbed free stream velocity, the static pressure will differ from that existing in the free stream. Examining Figure 13, air particles along the streamline striking point 1 will be brought to rest The reduction of velocity to zero at this point means the static pressure will increase in value equal t the dynamic pressure, q. o

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Thus, Po+q0=P1 +ql but since, ql = 0 because V = 0, 1 then, p 0 + q o = P,


P, - P o = '-lo This equation says the difference between the static pressure of the free stream and at point 1 is the dynamic pressure of the free stream. If both sides of equation (82) are divided by the quantity qg, a m r standard fonn results: oe

This manipulation makes the equation dimensionless since the units of the numerator and denominator are the same, and cancel. The pressure difference pl - po, or Ap, when divided by the ffee stream q, is defined as a pressure coefficient and is denoted by the symbol Cp. Thus, in general:

Equation (83) states that the pressure coefficient at the stagnation point is unity. Similar evaluations of Cp may be made at various points on the cylinder. For example, from theoretical flow considerations the velocity at any point on a cylinder is subject to the relationship:

* Incompressible flow about a cylinder only

The angle, 8, is the angle shown on Figure 13.

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At point 2, the velocity V2 is equal to twice the free stream velocity, Vo, since the sine of 90 is unity. That is:

Therefore, the relationship can be written for point 2:

Substitutingequation (86) into the above expression,

Then, or,

* Incompressible flow about a cylinder only

The negative value of Cp can exist only if p2 is less than po. This must be the case, since V2 is greater than Vo which satisfies the Bernoulli equation. A graphical representation of the static pressures existing on the surface of the cylinder is shown on Figure 14. The arrows pointing toward the body are positive (greater than free stream) pressures; while arrows pointing away from the body indicate negative (less than free stream) pressures. The length of arrow is proportional to the value of Cpexisting, and its magnitude may be found by scaling. When an ideal fluid is considered, the static pressures are distributed symmetrically over the cylinder. Because the pressures acting over the area will neutralize, there can be no resulting force in any direction. Physically this is known to be untrue since there is a force in the downstream direction (drag), due to the viscous characteristics of the fluid. The effect of the viscous force is to change the pressure distribution, resulting in a drag force on the cylinder. A diagram of static pressure distribution over a cylinder in a real fluid is shown on Figure 15.

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cp scale

Figure 14.





Cp scale

Figure 15. The concept of pressure distribution over a geometrically simple object may be applied to a more practical aerodynamic shape. Figure 16 shows an airfoil section in an ideal fluid.

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Figure 16. The static pressure distribution m y be shown graphically on this shape also. A symmetrical airfoil a section is shown, that is, the curvature is the same on top as it is on the bottom. See Figure 17. As with the cylinder, the net force acting on the body is zero, although it is not obvious from the figure.

In a real fluid the pressure distribution is approximately as shown in Figure 17, except at the trailing edge the pressure fails to rise to the stagnation value, Figure 18. This difference produces a drag force in the direction of the flow. This drag force resists forward motion. In practice, drag is tolerated only because it cannot be eliminated. The primary purpose of the airfoil shape is to generate a lifting force. The relationship of the lift and drag forces, and their effect, will be discussed in another chapter.

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vo Po




Cp scale

Figure 1 . 7

P g




Cp scale

Figure 18.

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AERODYNAMICS 1-14 Force Equations

The generalized equation for the force acting on any body in a moving fluid is dependent on several variables. The basic force equation may be derived by a mathematical procedure known as dimensional analysis. Dimensional analysis is based on the assumption that the most fundamental form in which variables may be related to form an equation is the exponential form. Also of major importance in this technique is that the dimensions on both sides of the equation must be equal. For example, if the dimensions on one side of an equation reduce to the units of 1b/ft2, the dimensions on the other side must reduce to the same units. For most problems these dimensions may be expressed in terns of mass, length, and time symbolized by M, L, and T, respectively. The first step to fmd the form of an equation is to consider a l the variables which could affect the l quantity being solved for. In this case, the force due to fluid motion past a body is to be determined. The variables to be considered are:

(1) (2) (3)



Velocity of fluid, V, in ft/sec. Fluid mass density, p, in slugslft3 Characteristic size, I, in ft Fluid coefficient of viscosity, p, in slugs/ft.sec. Compressibility, related to speed of sound, a, ft/sec.

The latter two items manifest themselves since a real fluid is being considered.
A general relationship may be assumed for the fluid force, F:

Where C is a constant which depends on body shape and is dimensionless, and a,P, y ,6, E, are as yet undetermined exponents. The next step is to express all the variables in terms of the fundamental units, M, L, and T. Writing Newton's second law of motion in terms of M, L, and T:

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AERODYNAMICS Equation (88) may now be written in terms of the fundamental units:

Powers of like variables are now equated:



Since fluid forces are usually expressed in terms of p, V, and 1, the exponents of these variables wl be solved for absolutely. Therefore, equations (91) will be solved in terms of a ,y, and P. il

Substituting the results of equations (92) into equation (88):

This expression shows the fluid force is not only dependent on p, v2,and l2,but is also dependent on two non dimensional parameters raised to unknown exponents. The first combination of terms is called Reynolds number, after Osborne Reynolds, who first showed that fluid flow is dependent upon the value of this number. The latter combination is Mach number. PV 1 Reynolds number, RN = P Mach number,

v a

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To simplify the notation, equation (93) is usually rewritten to envelope the fluid dynamic pressure, 1/2p or q. Note that 1 is the square of a representative length and is thus a representative area which may be called A.



where Cf is a new parameter which depends not only on body shape, but also on Reynolds number and Mach number. Reynolds number is the important criterion for low speed flight and Mach number is important for high speed flight. More will be said later of these quantities. Mach number is by far the most important quantity with respect to large, high speed jet transports.
Of considerable interest in aerodynamic work is the turning moment of the force of equation (95) about some arbitrary point. A moment is the product of the force and the distance from its point of application to an arbitrary point. The usual dimension for a moment is the foot pound. Similar to the general force equation, the general moment equation can be developed by dimensional analysis. The expression will evolve in the form:

Where C is a different constant, and h and r are new exponents of Reynolds number and Mach number. The dimensionless quantities of equation (96) may be combined:

Where C is a dimensionless moment coefficient like the force coefficient Cfin equation (93, and , 1 is a representative length.

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AERODYNAMICS 1-15 Airfoil Properties

An airfoil is a shape or contour with aerodynamic properties. The more familiar examples of airfoils are airplane wings, propellers and compressor and turbine components of the jet engine. Before the aerodynamic properties of an airfoil are described, some physical definitions should be discussed. Primarily, these will be airplane particulars since engine characteristics are in the turbojet engine section.

Physical Properties Wingspan is the tip to tip dimension of the airplane wing, regardless of its geometric shape. The symbol for wingspan is b, and is illustrated on Figure 19.

Figure 19.

Area of a wing is the projection of the outline of the plane of the chord. The wing is considered to extend without interruption through the fuselage and nacelles. The shaded area on Figure 19 shows the area of a swept wing airplane. The area of a wing'is usually denoted by S.

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AERODYNAMICS Chord is the distance from the wing leading edge to the trailing edge. The chord is seldom constant due to tapering or curving boundaries, thus the chord used in calculations is an average chord. The symbol for the chord is c. A simple relationship may be written involving area, span, and average chord.

Aspect ratio of a rectangular wing is the ratio of the span to the chord, and the notation is AR.

This holds for rectangular wings but for all other planforms another form may be derived from the basic relationship.

Taper ratio is the ratio of the tip chord, ct, to the root chord, cr Thus, t Lambda, h= r Mean aerodynamic chord, or MAC, is the chord of a section of an imaginary airfoil on the wing which would have force vectors throughout the flight range identical to those of the actual wing. MAC is a value used in engineering and weight and balance calculations for convenience. The MAC may be determined by calculation as shown below. It is used as a reference for locating the relative positions of the wing center of lift and the airplane center of gravity. Ultimately the load distribution determines the static balance and stability of the airplane.

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Figure 20. Generally, the MAC can be closely approximated by the graphical method shown in Figure 2 . 0 Ti method introduces only a negligible error and is simple to accomplish. c, and ct refer to the hs root chord and tip chord, respectively. The rigorous definition of the length of the MAC is given by the following calculus expression and by reference to Figure 21.

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Figure 21.
Equation (102) will reduce to the following far a straight tapered wing as in Figure 21:

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AERODYNAMICS Sweepback is the angle between a line perpendicular to the plane of symmetry of the airplane and the quarter chord, c/4, of each airfoil section. The symbol of the sweep angle is the Greek letter ~ a m k aA. See Figure 22. ,


Figure 22. The airfoil section represented in Figure 23 has certain physical characteristics which distinguish it. Camber is the curvature of the section, or the departure from the chord line. The mean line is a line equidistant &om the upper and lower surfaces. The chord line is the straight line joining the intersections of the mean line with the leading and nailing edges of the airfoil. The geometric shape of an airfoil is expressed in terms of the following:

(1) (2) (3)

Shape of the mean line Thickness Thickness distribution

Thichess is shown as a percent of the chord or as a ratio of the length of the line perpendicular to the chord to that of the chord; that is, tic.



Figure 23.

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The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), formerly National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) has tested many airfoil shapes and has developed a systematic series of sections. The results of these tests are published and are available through the government printing agency. NACA Report No. 824, "Summary of Airfoil Data", explains the system of identifying the various series of airfoils in addition to the airfoil data presented. Of the various series airfoils, the NACA five digit series will be described here. The numbering system for airfoils of the NACA five-digit series is based on a combination of theoretical and geometric characteristics. The first digit indicates the amount of camber in terms of the magnitude of the design lift coefficient. The design lift coefficient (in tenths) is three-halves of the first digit. The second and third digits together indicate the distance from the leading edge to the location of the maximum camber, this distance in percent of the chord is one-half the number represented by these digits. The last two digits indicate the airfoil thickness in percent of the chord. The NACA 23012 airfoil thus has a design lift coefficient of 0.3, has its maximum camber at 15 percent of the chord, and has a thickness ratio of 12 percent. Figure 24 shows the ordinates of this airfoil.

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(Stations and ordinates given in percent of airfoil chord).




Figure 24.

Aerodynamic Properties
When an airfoil experiences fluid motion, there exists a pressure pattern similar to that of Figure 18. . If there is camber to the airfoil, there will be a difference in the pressure pattern of the upper surface from that of the lower surface. Furthermore, if the airfoil is fixed at some angle to the ahflow, the pressure distribution, hence, the velocities over the surface will be altered. The angle between the freestream velocity, Vo,and the chord is called the angle of attack and is given the Greek symbol Alpha, a . See Figure 25.

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Figure 25. The pressure distribution on the airfoil at some angle of attack will appear as shown on Figure 26.


Figure 26. The net result of the static pressure distribution over the surface is a lifting force. This resultant force is conveniently represented by a single force of some magnitude acting at a point on the chord called the center of pressure, or C.P.

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AERODYNAMICS The resultant force can now be resolved into two component forces, one component, lift, is perpendicular to the freestream velocity and the other component, drag, is parallel to it. The resultant is thus replaced and is no longer considered. The forces on the airfoil now appear as in Figure 27. lift


7 L %

Figure 27. It is known that the center of pressure will move with changes in angle of attack. At low angles of .. attack, the C P is located near the quarter chord of the airfoil, and as the angle of attack is increased the center of pressure moves forward. Thus, it is desirable to have some fixed reference point to which the force system can be transferred. If this is done, compensation must be made on the airfoil for the change. A moment is introduced about the fixed reference point which will exactly compensate for the change in moment caused by moving the lift and drag vectors from the center of pressure. The quarter chord point is commonly selected as the reference point since the moment coefficient about the quarter chord of most airfoils is nearly constant. (The point at which the moment is independent of angle of attack is called the aerodynamic center.) The magnitude of the moment varies with camber and thickness as well as angle of attack. Figure 28 shows the transformation of forces.

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Figure 28. From the application of equation (95) it is possible to evaluate the lift and drag forces, and the moment from equation (97). Equation (93, For lift where,

CL is lift coefficient, dimensionless

is wingarea,ft2 is dynamic pressure, l ~ f g

is lift force, lb

A representative area appears in equation (95). With reference to a complete wing the most reasonable representative area is the wing area. Similarly, the drag equation may be written:


is drag force, lb

CD is drag coefficient, dimensionless

Finally, the moment equation may be written:

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Equation (97), For the wing, where, M C, c is moment, ft-lb is moment coefficient, dimensionless is chord length, ft

The representative length, 1, is the chord length for pitching moments (moment about the pitch axis) or the MAC in the case of a nonrectangular wing.

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1-16 Viscosity Effects

A short discussion was made in a previous chapter of the viscous effect on the fluid velocity. Of particular interest in aerodynamics is the thin and everpresent boundary layer which is the consequence of fluid viscosity. Any changes in the character of the boundary layer with Reynolds number produce changes in the force coefficients. These phenomena are referred to as Reynolds number effects o scale effects. r

The type of flow in the boundary layer depends upon the smoothness of the fluid flow approaching the body, the shape of the body, the surface, the pressure gradient in the direction of flow, and the Reynolds number of the flow. There are two basic types of boundary layers; the laminar boundary layer, and the turbulent boundary layer. Their distinguishing characteristics are shown in Figure 29. transition region

turbulent region

Figure 29. Consider the frictional drag associated with the flow of fluid over one side of a smooth flat plate. The flow is parallel to the surface and is depicted in the figure. The flow of fluid immediately downstream of the leading edge is smooth and is known as laminar flow. Further downstream, the thickness of the layer increases as more and more air next to the surface becomes affected. The thickness of this layer is usually expressed in terms of Reynolds number.

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6~ is laminar thickness, ft
is length from leading edge, ft RN is Reynolds number (pV 1 ) p , dimensionless /)

As the air progresses downstream along the plate a point is reached where the laminar flow breaks down, the flow becomes unsteady, and the thickness increases rather suddenly. This is a transition region and varies considerably in character depending on the turbulence of the remote airflow and the smoothness of the surface. The quantity which defines the transition is the Reynolds number. Under ideal conditions, the Reynolds number for the transition region is approximately 530,000, as shown in Figure 30.

1. Smooth Flat Plate 2. No Pressure Gradient 3. No External Turbulence


laminar flow


Figure 30. Thus,

Beyond the transition region, the air becomes more turbulent since there is considerable fluid particle motion. This region is the turbulent boundary layer and its thickness is expressed as:

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The flow on a body other than a flat plate will be changed, primarily due to the shape. Because of the shape, the velocities over the surface change from the free stream velocity values. This, in turn produces negative and positive pressure gradients on the forward and rearward sections of the body, respectively. A pressure gradient is the slope of the static pressure line on a surface, or the rate of change of static pressure with distance. On the forward portion of an airfoil the static pressure decreases. This means that an air particle will feel a pressure gradient which is tending to assist the particle motion, or accelerate it. This is referred to as an assisting pressure gradient. However, over the rear portion of the airfoil, the opposite is true. The static pressure increases with the result that the particle feels as though it were being resisted. This increasingly positive pressure gradient is thus called an adverse pressure gradient. See Figure 31. An assisting pressure gradient seeks to in the air velocities in the boundary layer. An adverse pressure gradient decreases the air velocity in the boundary layer, particularly the air immediately adjacent to the surface, where the velocity is initially the lowest. When the adverse pressure gradient becomes large enough, separation takes place. This means that a finite layer of air at the surface is actually stopped relative to the surface. This layer upsets the continuity of the airflow and an eddying condition is set up which results in air flow separation.

Static Fhessure Distriiution ASSISTING PRESSURE GRADIENT Pressure becoming m Velocity increasing ADVERSE PRESSURE GRADIENT

Ressure becoming more positive

Figure 31.

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In Figure 32, two angle of attack conditions are shown. When comparing the two pressure distributions, the adverse pressure gradient over the rear portion of the airfoil is much less at the low angle of attack than at the high angle. Thus, separation occurs more easily at high angles than at low angles of attack, and the high angle of attack separation is primarily instigated by the boundary layer characteristics.

jet The flight Reynolds numbers on airplanes as large and as fast as comme~ial airplanes are so large that transition from laminar to turbulent flow occurs almost immediately on the leading edges of all surfaces. Thus, all the flow is considered turbulent An important consideration in the control of boundary layer is the layer thickness. Figure 29 shows the boundary layer grows in thickness as it proceeds rearward. This makes it more important to maintain surface smoothness near the leading edges of surfaces than farther aft. This is because a surface irregularity will cause a greater disruption to the nonnal flow when it is in a region of thin boundary layer than if it were farther aft and could be more easily buried in the thicker boundary layer. Thus, to reduce skin friction drag, the aircraft surface should be kept free from discontinuities, especially in the more forward regions of all surfaces. Low Angle of A t c tak

High angle of A t c tak

Figure 32.

Another point which should be mentioned is that the boundary layer represents dead air which has had energy removed from it by internal friction within the layer. For example, this means that air taken into the engine will have t i layer of dead air if there is an appreciable surface ahead of the air hs intake. Pod mounted engines air intakes have essentially zero length, so this problem is not encountered. On aircraft with fuselage side intakes, a boundary layer bleed system must be used to eliminate this dead air from the air taken into the engine where it would reduce efficiency.

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1-17Lift and Drag

If an airfoil section or wing is operating under fixed conditions of density and velocity, the lift and drag wl change if the angle of attack is changed If the lift and drag change, the coefficients of the il lift and drag rhust also change in order for equation (104) and (105) to be valid. If an airfoil section is operating at a low angle of attack and then at a high angle of attack, the lift and drag is smaller in the first instance than in the second. F g r 32 shows the pressure distribution and flow pattern for iue these two conditions.

r I I I I I I I I








Figure 33.


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AERODYNAMICS Theoretical flow considerations shows that lift (or lift coefficient) at constant velocity increases uniformly (or linearly) with an increase in angle of attack. Test data on airfoils usually show a linear variation of lift coefficient, CL, with angle of attack, a, through a considerable range of angles. Ultimately, however, the airfoil will reach an angle where the air flowing over its top surface will have difficulty remaining in contact with the surface. At this point airflow separation begins, and the lift curve will depart from linearity, see Figure 33. As the angle of attack is increased further, airflow separation increases until a maximum lift coefficient value is reached, . c ~ m a x Beyond this point CL decreases, either abruptly or gradually, depending on the airfoil. This phenomenon is called stalling , and the angle corresponding to CLmaxis called the stall angle.
A diagram of the approximate flow condition at the stall angle is shown in Figure 34. This shows the turbulent eddying wake characteristic of separated airflow.

The other end of the lift curve (Figure 33), the point at which CT is zero, does not occur at zero angle of attack, but at some small negative angle. This is charactgristic of an air foil with camber. The greater the camber the more negative is the angle of zero lift. For an uncambered, or symmetrical airfoil, the angle of zero lift is zero.

Figure 34.

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The slope of the linear portion of the lift curve is of interest, mathematically.

When, Thus, or,

Therefore, after substituting for b,

The letter "m" is usually written when the slope is measured per radian, and the letter "a" is written when the slope is measured per degree.
If the relationship between drag coefficient and angle o attack is shown, it will appear considerably f different fiom the lift coefficient and angle o attack curve. Below the stall most doils p d u c e the f characteristicparabolic shape as shown on Figure 35.




Figure 35.

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AERODYNAMICS During the accumulation of wind tunnel test data on an airfoil, lift and drag data are recorded for constant values of angle of attack. When applying this information to aerodynamic problems, particularly those concerned with performance, it is more useful in another form. Angle of attack, a,is eliminated and a curve showing the relationship of lift coefficient to drag coefficient is used. The curve is commonly called the drag polar, and is parabolic in shape. This curve is shown in 36 for a wing, but the drag polar for the complete airplane will have a similar shape.

Figure 36.

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There is another curve which can be derived from Figures 32 and 35. If CL is divided by CD at every angle of attack up to the stall, a new curve may be drawn as in Figure 37.

Figure 37.

Figure 38.

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From equations (104) and (105),

The WD ratio becomes a maximum at a certain angle of attack. The significance of this point is that it represents the most efficient operation of the airfoil. It is the point of most lift for the least drag. A slightly different approach to the detennination of maximum LID is shown in Figure 38. The CL/cDratio can be found at several points along the curve. If lines through the origin connect with these points, the slope of each line will define a CL/CDratio. The maximum possible slope will be defined by a line from the origin tangent to the curve. The point of contact with the curve will define the CL and CD values for L, (I.) D The reason for being concerned with (LID),, will become more apparent in later discussions.

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1-18 Drag Analysis

In the previous section, it was noted the relationship between CL and CDis parabolic in shape.

Figure 39. The drag coefficient of the airplane may be expressed with sufficient accuracy by a parabolic equation of the form:

The constants A and B are usually found by wind tunnel tests. A depends mostly on the airfoil section and its Mach number and Reynolds number, B depends mostly on the aspect ratio of the wing. Figure 39 shows the close agreement of an airplane polar with the parabolic expression. 'It is convenient to break the airplane drag into components attributable to various causes. The basic drag equation (in coefficient form) is:


c ~ P

is total airplane drag coefficient

is parasite drag coefficient

c ~ M

is induced drag coefficient

is compressibledrag coefficient

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Parasite Drag Parasite drag is the drag of any part on the airplane not contributing to useful lift. The parasite drag of a wing is usually refemd to as profile drag, the result of pressure distribution and skin friction, and is denoted as CDo. The parasite drag on the remaining components of the airplane (fuselage, tail, nacelles, etc.) is called structural drag and is denoted as CD This type of drag is s' attributed to several causes, some due to the pressure distribution on the body (sometimes called form drag), some due to skin friction drag, and some due to aerodynamic interference. The entire parasite drag of the airplane may be expressed as:






is parasite drag coefficient of the airplane is parasite drag coefficient of the wing (profile) is parasite drag coefficient of the remaining airplane components

D ,

The relative proportions of form drag and skin fiiction drag depend upon the shape of the body. Those bodies having predominantly form drag are referred to as bluff bodies; those with predominantly skin friction drag are called streamlined bodies. A typical variation of drag with body shape is shown in Figure 40. Here a body of revolution with a given diameter is progressively stretched out and the drag measured. Since the maximum cross sectional area is constant, the reference area for computing the drag coefficient is chosen at this cross sectional area. The minimum drag coefficient occurs at an 1 /d ratio (length to maximum diameter) of about 2.5. The 1 Id ratio is referred to as fineness ratio. For the lower fineness ratios, separation occurs, giving a relatively large form drag, hence a relatively large drag coefficient. For the larger fineness ratios, the large exposed skin surface area of the body causes relatively large skin friction, hence a relatively large coefficient. The drag characteristics of a body of revolution are of interest because of their application to fuselages and nacelles.

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.0 1
Frontal area)

1 0

Length/Maximum Diameter Figure 40. Another factor which contributes to drag force is interference drag. Interference drag exists from the change in flow pattern that accompanies the placing of two bodies in close proximity. Thus, the total drag of the two bodies placed close together is generally different from the sum of the individual drags. Quite often this interference is unfavorable, causing an increase in drag over that experienced by the separate bodies. It thus becomes necessary for the designer to find the appropriate geometric layout of the airplane components which will result in a minimum of interference drag. The intersection of the wing with the body is usually troublesome in this respect. A high wing airplane produces little or no interference. Low wing airplanes, however, have a marked tendency for separation at the root at high angles of attack. This is because the intersection requires an expansion of the streamlines near the trailing edge on the top surface, which means a deceleration of the air and a tendency toward separation. A common method of alleviating this condition on the low wing airplane is the use of a fillet at the intersection. The determination of the location and amount of interference is most easily made in the wind tunnel through the analysis of force data and airflow tufi observations. There are other ways of denoting drag. In Figure 40, the drag coefficient w s based on the frontal a area. Since an aerodynamic coefficient is completely arbitrary, it may be based on any convenient area. The use of the frontal area as a basis of the drag coefficient is quite common for a body such as a fuselage or nacelle. In this case, it is called the proper drag coefficient, denoted by the subscript, K.

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Thus, where,

is drag of the body, lb

CDz is proper drag coefficient, dimensionless S,

q is frontal area, ft2 is dynamic pressure, lb/ft2

The procedure of using an arbitrary area on which to base a drag coefficient may be extended still further. The drag of a body is directly proportional to the dynamic pressure, q, or: Thus, where, f is the constant of proportionality From former equations, D= q D=f q


The constant, f, is referred to as the equivalent parasite area ,and is convenient since it embodies no characteristic area. The usefulness of this is that a body, such as a nacelle of given dimensions, will have one value of f regardless of the airplane to which it is applied, assuming no change in interference drag. Another method of denoting drag is by the skin friction drag coefficient. After a body is lengthened past a certain point its drag coefficient based on frontal area increases. This increase is proportional to the increase in skin surface area. The drag characteristics of a long slender body will be essentially those of a flat plate with the same surface area as the body set parallel to the remote velocity. Thus, instead of using the frontal area as a reference for the drag coefficient, the surface area could be used instead. Figure 41 is a plot showing drag based on wetted or skin surface area. This shows that the drag coefficient approaches a value of about .003, which is the value found to exist on a flat plate. The drag equation may be written:

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Cf is the coefficient based on wetted area


is wetted area, f?

(Based on Weued Area)

Length/MaximumDiameter Figure 4 1. Induced Drag The drag induced by the wing is called induced drag, CDi The total wing drag consists of profile and induced drag. Written in coefficient farm:


c ~ w

is total wing drag coefficient is profile drag coefficient

c ~ iis induced drag coefficient

Induced drag is the result of an angle of attack which produces positive lift from the airflow over the i airfoil. For this condition, the air pressure on the upper surface is less than the a r pressure on the lower surface. The pressure differential causes the air to flow toward the area of lower pressure. This occurs at the wing tips. Air flowing backward over the upper and lower surfaces of the wing is influencedby the action at the wing tips. The action is rearward and inward on the upper surface, and rearward and outward on the lower surface. This is shown in Figure 42.

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- - - - - - I - - + + , + + I I


+ + +



Leading Edge

Trailing Edge Figure 42. The transverse flow is most predominant at the wing tips, decreasing inboard until nullified at the w n centerline by an equal and opposite transverse flow generated by the other tip. The wing (in ig Figure 42) is viewed from above. The solid lines denote flow on the upper surface and dashed lines denote flow on the lower surface. With such a condition, the air immediately behind the w n ig will have a swirling or vortex motion, most predominant at the wing tips, and less intense inboard. The net effect of these vortex systems, or trailing vortices, is to cause a downward inclination to the air leaving the wing. The average angle through which the velocity vector is rotated is the downwash angle ,denoted by the Greek letter Epsilon, E . The air flow pattern about a section airfoil appears as in Figure 43.
If an airplane had an infinite span, the transverse flow at the tips would influence only a very small portion of the wing. The gradual decrease of the cross flow effect toward the center results in a zero downwash angle at the wing centerline. The influence of the transverse flow at the tips (tip vortices) on the rest of the wing depends primarily upon the aspect ratio of the wing.

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Figure 43. For a finite aspect ratio, the downwash angle is of definite measurable magnitude; and for an infinite aspect ratio (finite chord but infinite span) the downwash angle may be assumed zero. The actual spanwise distribution of downwash is a function of the planform of the wing. A rectangular wing, for example, would have a much higher concentration of vortex action at the tip where the chord is large, than a tapered wing whose tip chord is relatively small. Consider a stream of fluid moving across the span of a finite wing being deflected some average angle, E. Newton's law may be applied to the deflected stream of fluid to determine the forces exerted on the airfoil. From equation (6), and equation (22),


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AERODYNAMICS Consider that this stream of fluid of some arbitrary but as yet undefined cross sectional area is moving with an average velocity, V, past the wing. The mass per second, (M/t), passing any given point is equal to pAV.

The change in velocity of the fluid is shown in Figure 44. Since the stream is deflected through an angle E, a vector diagram may be drawn.

Figure 44.

This diagram shows that for the initial velocity vector to be changed into the f n lvelocity vector, a ia
change in velocity vector must be added in accordance with parallelogram of forces analysis. The magnitude of the velocity change is: AV= Vsine Since e is small, sin E is equal to e . Thus, AV= Ve Equation (118) may now be written,

In this instance, the force under consideration is lift; therefore:

Also from equation (104);

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Equating the two, result. in,

The area, A, in the equation, is the cross section of the stream of fluid affected by the wing enclosed by a circle whose diameter is the span of the wing. This does not mean that only this area is deflected, but rather that it is an equivalent area which may be considered deflected through a constant downwash angle, E. Therefore,

From equation (loo),

Substituting in equation (119) gives,

This equation shows the downwash is a function of both lift coefficient and aspect ratio. Consider now a wing of infinite aspect ratio set at a geometric angle of attack, a , as in Figure 45. For convenience, let the lift and drag coefficients be denoted as Cu and CDo for this condition. From previous assumptions it is known there will be no downwash, thus the velocity vector behind the w n will have the same direction as that in front. ig Now subject the wing to exactly the same geometric angle of attack, but with some finite aspect ratio instead of infinite aspect ratio. The velocity field in the region of the wing now consists of a curved flow, with the velocity vector behind the wing deflected through an angle E. This curved flow may be represented by an effective linear velocity which bisects the downwash angle and in denoted as VEFF Figure 46. The effective angle of attack is now less than the geometric angle of attack, a,by half the downwash angle. Since this angular reduction is induced by the lift on the wing, it is called induced angle of attack, ai.

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Figure 45.



Finite AR

Figure 46.

E ai = 7


Now let the geometric angle of attack of the fmite aspect ratio wing be increased until its effective angle of attack is the same as the angle of attack of the infinite aspect ratio wing. See Figure 47. Therefore,

a=ao+ai a. ai
is effective angle of attack


is induced angle of attack

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Figure 47. Effectively, the only difference between Figure 45 and Figure 47 is that Figure 45 has been rotated through an angle ai; C L and C D may be made perpendicular and parallel, respectively, to thus ~ ~ V . In order to conform to the standard practice of resolving the lift and drag coefficients ~ perpendicular and parallel, respectively, to the remote velocity, the coefficients Cro and C D must be resolved into components in those directions. This is done in Figure 48.

Figure 48. The resolution of CD, into its two components results in a horizontal component essentially equal to u CD,, and a vertical component which may be ignored due to its small size relative to the magnitude of EL and CL, The resolution of CL, into its two components results in a vertical component and essentially eqial to Ck, a horimnd component of such large proportions that it may be greater than the profile drag & the wing. To this horizontal component is given the name "induced drag coefficient", and is related to the induced angle of attack according to the following analysis. A portion of Figure 48 is enlarged in Figure 49 to show the mathematical relationship.

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Figure 49. From Figure 49,

tan ai = L


If aiis small, and expressed in radians, tan ai il equal the angle, ai. wl Therefore,



is induced drag coefficient is lift coefficient is induced angle of attack, radians

Equation (120) and (121) may be combined to give another relationship for a ,

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This equation is now used with equation (123) to give another relationship for Cw

Figure 50 shows the effect of aspect ratio on the lift curve and drag polar curves of an airfoil.


Figure 50. The infinite aspect ratio characteristics are optimum for a given airfoil section since the least drag occurs for a given lift coefficient. The aspect ratio chosen by the airplane designer is governed by a compromise between structural and aerodynamic considerations, and by the purpose for which the airplane is designed,

Compressibility Drag
Compressibility drag is that part of the total drag due to the compressibility effects coexistent with high speed. To show the effects of compressibility it is convenient to associate the flow of fluid at high velocities around an airfoil section with that flowing through a channel. In an earlier chapter, a discussion was made involving shock wave phenomena and the accompanying pressure and velocity changes. The same phenomena occur in the flow over an airfoil.
Air flowing over an airfoil surface may attain locally sonic velocity. Local speeds greater than the speed of sound may, and frequently do, exist on the airfoil surface because the rear portion of the airfoil, by its geometry, requires an expansion of the stream tube. The conversion of this very high speed air to the lower speed at the trailing edge produces a shock similar to that in a channel. Unfortunately, the sudden rise in pressure through the shock wave causes separation of airflow, and the effect leads to a general decay of the aerodynamic characteristicsof the airfoil.

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Figure 51 shows a view of the boundary layer ahead of and behind the shock wave. There is an interaction between the shock wave and the boundary layer such that the layer thickens rather abruptly on passing through the shock wave. This thickening, plus the adverse pressure gradient across the shock wave, is sufficientto cause the boundary layer to separatejust as it does in the case of a high angle of attack stall. This separation a&ns both the lift and the drag characteristics of the airfoil.




Figure 51. The lift under given conditions of angle of attack will increase with Mach number according to the following expression:

where CL. is the lf coefficient for incompressible flow and Mg is the remote Mach number. it

This relationship, as shown in Figure 52, is reliable up to the point where separation begins. Assuming separation induced by shock wave formation is taking place, F g r 52 will be modified iue as indicated by the dashed lines. The reason lift decreases at high Mach numbers is that the shock wave causes flow separation with the resultant loss in lift.

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Figure 52. The effect of the separation is reflected in the polar curve, Figure 53, which is representative of the airplane polar curve.
If Figure 53 is cross plotted at a constant lift coefficient, a curve showing the magnitude of the compressibility drag coefficient, CDM,is obtained. This curve, Figure 54, shows the typical "drag rise" curve shape which denotes the onset of shock wave separation.

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Figure 53.

Figure 54.

The lowest remote velocity at which sonic velocity (M= 1)is attained on any part of an airfoil is called the "critical Mach number". This does not mean that a dangerous condition exists on the airfoil, but rather that it represents a limit below which no shock waves can occur. The pressure coefficient associated with the critical Mach number is called the "critical pressure coefficient". It is possible to predict what pressure coefficient must exist to produce a local Mach number of unity. Consider the airfoil in Figure 55.

Figure 55.

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The pressure coefficient,developed in a previous chapter as equation (84), remains:

From compressible flow theory, for M = 1 on the airfoil, the critical pressure coefficient is:

This equation, when plotted, appears as in Figure 56. The changes in density accompanying changes in static pressure produce a pressure distribution which is different from that predicted for incompressible fluid. The development of equations to show modifications to the incompressible pressure distribution is, in general, a rather elaborate procedure and will not be discussed here. The results, however, are shown. For an incompressible fluid, the pressure at the stagnation point is greater than the remote static pressure by the amount of the dynamic pressure q. Thus,



is the pressure coefficient at the stagnation point. is the change in static pressure at stagnation point from free stream value. is the freestream dynamic pressure.

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Figure 56. For a compressible fluid, the pressure at the stagnation point is increased due to compressibility, according to the following equation:

For most practical applications, this may be expressed as:

For the remaining pressure on the airfoil, a commonly used equation is employed. It does not apply accurately where the local velocity on the airfoil is considerably different from the freestream velocity; hence, it does not apply at the stagnation point or on the upper and lower surfaces of an airfoil at high angles of attack. The equation is:

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AERODYNAMICS Also, since the lift coefficient depends upon pressure coefficients, equation (126) may be applied directly for a similar prediction of lift coefficient, CL,and slope, m, of the lift curve. The lift equation appeared as equation (126), but the slope of the lift equation is:

Figure 57 shows the effect of compressibility on the pressure distribution at low and high Mach numbers. The difference between the two pressure distributions is noticeable, especially on the upper surface. For the high Mach number diagram, the flow is supersonic for a considerable portion of the upper surface and finally becomes subsonic by means of passing through a shock wave. The same angle of attack is considered in both cases. When designing a new airplane it is impartant to accurately estimate the lift and drag characteristics under all conditions. The aerodynamicist depends largely on three sources for this information. Initially, data obtained on other airplanes or previous NACA test results may be used. Wind tunnel models are built and tested to verify previously estimated data, and also to investigate certain design features for which there has been no previous data available. The basic drag polar is obtained for the complete airplane from wind tunnel tests. The drag polar describes the lift and drag characteristics of the model which is geometrically similar to the full scale airplane; however, it is not generally used to represent the actual airplane directly. The shape and spacing of the curves relative to each other are used directly, but the intersection of the low Mach number (incompressible) polar with the CD axis is obtained by other means. The reason for this is that past experience has shown wind tunnel data will accurately predict the polar shape and drag rise characteristics but will not predict the basic drag level . One reason for this is it is difficult to accurately separate out the drag and interference effects of the model suspension system.

Low Mach Number


High Mach Number




. 6




Fraction of Chord Figure 57.

.6 .8 Fraction of Chord


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Figure 58. The concept of drag level may be seen best in Figure 58 where a low-speed drag polar is plotted on versus CD. T e curve becomes practically a straight line. This happens because the h axes of cL2 parabolic shape of the drag curve is primarily caused by the induced drag of the wing. Equation (111) suggests this presentation:

From equation (112) and (125), an expression for the low-speed drag polar may be written:

In Figure 58, there appears some deviation from the mathematical representation at low and high coefficients. If a representative straight line is drawn through the curve and extrapolated to zero CL, the intersection will define a minimum CD,which is composed only of CDP since the induced drag becomes zero at zero CL. If a line is plotted showing the variation of cDi with cL2,is only it Graphically, the difference between these two straight and has a slope steeper than CDversus cL2. lines represents CDp. and since the slope of the induced drag line is steeper, the minimum value of CDp occurs at zero CL for symmetrical airfoils. This value is known as C and is the drag level referred to previously.


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For cambered airfoils, C

not at zero CL. A transport airplane is so designed that CDpMmoccurs at a CL approaching optimum cruise condition. To illustrate this, Figure 59 shows a low-speed drag polar and in addition a curve of the parasite drag coefficient. The difference between the two curves represents the induced drag. The minimum CDpOCCLUS at a finite valuc of CL and is very close to the optimum

DPMIN occurs at low values of CL depending on the amount of camber, but


Figure 59. The determination of C is made by noting first that pure parasite drag is a function of form ~ M I N and skin friction drag. It is convenient to compute the Cm of various pans of the airplane by assuming the Cg, is a function of skin friction only. By &alYzing past flight data from similar airplanes, various values of skin friction drag coefficient, Cf, are assigned to each part of the airplane. Various values are required due to shape and fmenes; ratio differences. In general these values average out to about .003, as was indicated in Figure 41. Thus, to compute CDpunr it is necessary to select the proper C, and since the skin wetted area is known, the f for any &on of the airplane can be computed. '?'he f m of the total airplane is equal to the sum of the various equivalent parasite areas of the components. Thus, CDpMmcan be computed. In the above calculations the followingrelationships are assumed:

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AERODYNAMICS Thus, having computed the minimum f of the airplane, the wind tunnel drag polar can be shifted to agree with this value, and the full scale drag polar will be obtained. Verification of all previous estimations and of wind tunnel tests is made in airplane construction and flight testing. From Figure 58, the slope of the CL2 versus CDim e is greater than of the CL2 versus CD curve. I it were possible to shape the airplane so no increase in parasite drag occurs with angle of attack f increase (and thus CL) the two curves would be parallel. The ratio of the two slopes would then be unity, or the slope of L2 versus CDwould be 100%of that of cL2 versus CDi The ratio of these slopes is the airplane induced drag efficiency factor and is denoted by the symbol "e". For most airplanes it is difficult to approach a 100% efficiency factor, and values of around 80% are common. In terms of calculus nomenclature:

Equation (131) may now be modifled to read:

where, C


,defied as the equivalent parasite drag coefficient, is shown in Figure 58.


1-19 Planform Effects

As was mentioned previously,the wing planform has an effect on the strength of the vortex pattern at any point on the wing, with a resultant effect on the downwash behind the wing. Downwash affects the lift .distribution over the wing such as to approach an elliptic shape. For the theoretical infinite aspect ratio wing, the lift distribution is constant across the wing as there is no downwash, as shown in Figure 60.



Figure 60.

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(1 Rectangular



(3) Tapered





p p
a e stall
a c stall

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Figure 6 . 1

Variations in the planform of a fmite wing produce varied spanwise load distributions. An elliptical shaped wing incurs essentially a constant downwash behind the wing; hence, an elliptical lift distribution. The entire wing tends to stall at the same time. Because a rectangular wing has a larger downwash angle at the tip, the effective angle of attack is reduced, hence the tip sections are the last to stall. On a tapered wing, the downwash decreases toward the tip section and the tip section tends to stall first. The effects are shown in Figure 61. The tendency for the wing tip section to stall first is undesirable from a lateral stability standpoint. Various devices are employed to prevent or delay the stalling characteristics. One method of alleviating an early tip stall is to physically reduce the angle of attack of the tip relative to the root by geometrically twisting or "washing out" the tip. Another method is to make the airfoil section at the tip more cambered than those inboard. This enables the airfoil to attain a higher CLtoward the tip , before stalling. Still another method is to install leading edge "slats" near the tip to assist in keeping the tip f o stalling. rm

A feature of swept back wings which should be mentioned at this point is the characteristic of spanwise flow. Consider two chordwise sections of a swept back wing with a fairly high positive lift, as in Figure 62. If these sections were viewed from a point near the wing tip and their respective pressure distributions drawn, the picture in Figure 62 would approximate the situation.


Figure 62.

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Considering a spanwise section at point A, the static pressure distributions are such that a greater negative pressure (lower static pressure) exists inboard than outboard. This creates a tendency for an air particle, when moving over the upper surface in the vicinity of the leading edge, to flow inboard due to the lower static pressure. When point B is reached, however, the static pressures are equal at the two stations, so the air particle will merely travel aft. At point C, the situation is , reversed over point A that is, the particle will tend to move outboard. An overall picture of particle motion is shown in Figure 63. The condition described is apparent at fairly high lift coefficients, but less obvious at lower lift coefficients since the pressure differentials are less. As the stall is approached, however, the flow near the wing tip at the trailing edge is almost parallel to the trailing edge. One method of eliminating this flow effect is to add wing fences at several locations on the wing. This tends to keep the air flow going in a straight line direction.

Figure 63. Simple constant section wings used to obtain the effects shown in Figure 61 are seldom considered. In practical applications, section changes, variations in incidence, and other devices are used to tailor the wing to fit the requirements.

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1-20 High-Lift Devices

There are several devices employed to increase CLMm of a wing. This is done to delay the stall, thus lowering the stalling speed. Initially, the choice of the airfoil determines the CLMAX. Increasing the camber increases the CLand simultaneously changes the angle of zero lift.

Figure 64.


D o ~ - S W P P E D FLAP


Having established the airfoil design, the most common method of increasing the lift potential is the use of flaps. There are many types, some of which are shown on Figure 64. The selection of the size and type is determined by compromise. The effect of flaps is similar to increasing the camber of the airfoil. While the maximum lift coefficient is increased due to the flaps, the drag is also increased. The effect of the increased drag is to decrease the speed; this is desirable during landing. The use of flaps produces certain changes in the characteristics curves for the wing as shown on Figure 65. There may be slight variations from those shown due to the various flap configurations.

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To further increase lift, and also to help balance the pitching effects of large trailing edge flaps, it may be necessary to add flaps or similar devices to the leading edges of the wing. Such devices can increase capability in either of two ways: increase camber and provide smoother flow (boundary layer control) to suppress flow-separation tendencies. Adjusting the leading edge or putting on a flap as shown in Figure 66 allows the wing to be rotated to a high angle without as much tendency for the flow to separate. The flap leads the air smoothly over the leading edge without forcing it to flow backward from a stagnation point under the leading edge. Without such help, the streamlines going over the leading edge, as shown by the dotted lines, lose so much energy they tend to separate.

Figure 66.

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More help is possible by introducing energy into the airstream just behind the leading edge where the separation tendency is felt. This might be done with a separate energy source such as a suction or blowing device, or it may utilize the energy of the airstream by taking high pressure air from under the wing leading edge through a slot to the upper surface as shown in Figure 67. The structure in front of the wing which forms the slot with the wing is called a slat. The slat may be fixed, or movable to allow the slot to be closed with flaps up or at low angles of attack

Figure 67.

Of particular interest is the improvement in the behavior of the airplane near the stall. The maximum lift coefficient is increased, providing a reduction in the stalling speed. This effect is shown in Figure 68.

effect of slot

Figure 68.

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There are other devices similar to the trailing edge flap, but differ in that they do not contribute to lift. In fact, the purpose of these devices is to do just the opposite; either destroy lift, or add drag to the airplane. These devices are spoilers, dive brakes, and speed brakes. Also, it is advantageous to employ spoilers on the wings. These may be used either separately or in conjunction with ailerons to produce roll. On very clean airplanes it may be necessary to provide dive flaps or speed brakes to either limit or reduce speed during certain phases of flight, or increase the descent angle. Typical examples of these devices are shown in Figure 69.




Figure 69.

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AERODYNAMICS 1-21 .High Speed Flight

The adverse effects of compressibility must be minimized for successful flight at high speeds. The means for doing this has evolved from countless wind tunnel tests. Compressibility difficulties will be mini&ed if the local velocities over the airfoil surface are kept as low as possible. In other words, the air passing over the airfoil suface should be accelerated a minimum possible amount, since the compressibility problems are a function of the local Mach number. If the airfoil is very thin and does not have any abrupt changes in contour, the above result will be obtained. Another variable is the amount and type of camber used for the airfoil sections. Still another method available is sweepback of the wing. Consider first two identical wings; one with no sweep and the other with some arbitrary sweep angle, A ,as shown in Figure 70.

Figure 70. In both cases assume there is a velocity, V, acting perpendicular to the leading edge. In the case of the swept wing this velocity is one of the components of the remote velocity which acts at an angle A to the leading edge, and of magnitude Vlcos A. The other component is V tan A which is parallel to the leading edge. This latter component has no effect on the lift and drag pressure forces since the air flows along parallel lines of constant elevation. The pressure distribution is effected only by the flow perpendicular to the leading edge. The free stream velocity can be increased by a factor llcos A over that of the straight wing for equal aerodynamic forces. This implies that the critical Mach number of a wing with sweepback is increased over one without sweep by the factor of llcos A . Although sweepback is beneficial for increasing the critical Mach number, the above factor is too optimistic for predicting the effect in three dimensional flow. Such things as spanwise flow, boundary layer thickening near the wing tips, and spanwise load distribution make it impossible for such a simple relationship to be valid.

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The effect of sweep on the drag rise curve of an airfoil is shown on Figure 71. At the same lift coefficient; one wing unswept, and the other with sweep, both having the same thickness streamwise, there is a noticeable difference in the drag critical Mach number. The definition of drag critical Mach number from the drag rise curves is somewhat arbitrary but is usually defined as the Mach number at which a .0020 increase in CD has occurred over the incompressible CD. Another device used to alleviate the effects of compressibility is the vortex generator. When airflow separation due to compressibility occurs, it is always associated with the formation of a shock wave resulting in an adverse effect upon the boundary layer and the airflow characteristics downstream of the shock wave. To relieve this adverse effect, energy must be given to the air in the boundary layer to accelerate the slow moving particles, thereby preventing separation. The vortex generator is designed to do this job.


constant CL

M: Figure 7 1.


The vortex generator is actually a small low aspect ratio wing placed vertically at some angle of attack on the surface of the large wing. The generator will produce lift under these conditions, and it will also have an associated tip vortex. This vortex will be large relative to the generator since the aspect ratio is small. The characteristic cork-screw shape of the vortex results in considerable vertical height. An illustration of the vortex generator action is shown in Figure 72.

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s +
direction of flow top view of generator generator

Figure 72. The generated vortex is taking relatively high energy air from outside the boundary layer and mixing it with the low energy air in the boundary layer. The size and location of the vortex generator must be such as to penetrate through the boundary layer. The number of vortex generators and the orientation on the wing depends on flight test investigation. The addition of vortex generators, while beneficial in some respects, is not made without some cost. The small airfoils produce additional drag, so the overall estimate of the worth of the generators must be considered

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Intentionally Left Blank

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1-22 Airplane and Engine Parameters
For an airplane to be in level, unaccelerated flight, thrust and drag must be equal and opposite, and the lift and weight must be equal and opposite according to the laws of motion. Thus, as shown in Figure 73.

Figure 73. Another useful form of the lift and drag equations may now be developed. From the lift equation (104),

and the drag equation (105),

Since, then, Writing the speed of sound, equation (5O),for general and sea level standard day conditions, it is convenient to divide the f m e r by the latter. In general,

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At sea level standard day, therefore.

Substituting for v2in equation (104) results in: 1 L=CLS3pM 2 a2 e O Also remembering that, and, equation (138) may be rewritten as: 6=ae

a = -P Po

Since pOand ag are both standard day values for air equal to,
0 ''

= 002377 slugs/ft3 .

equation (139) may'now be written with these values substituted.

In effect, 1481.351 M~6 was substituted for 1R p v2in equation (104). The same reasoning may be applied to equations (105), (135), and (136), producing:

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These equations form the basis of many pexformance calculations and, although they are merely the lift and drag equations mded, may appear somewhat strange. Mach number instead of true airspeed is used as the velocity parameter. This is logical since Mach number is the more significant parameter when considering high speed aircraft. The use of Mach number, however, introduces the pressure ratio, 6, into the equations. This quantity is placed on the left side of the equation to make the new parameters, W/6 and T/6. Since 6 is a function of altitude, for a given weight and thrust, W/6 and TI6 will vary with altitude. The turbojet engine responds basically to pressure and temperature,as will be shown in Section 2. Above 36,089 feet, the temperature is constant in the standard atmosphere. This means that thrust under any specific condition of engine RPM and airplane speed varies directly with the ambient atmospheric pressure. The thrust then will decrease in proportion to the pressure ratio, 6 , as altitude is increased above 36,089 feet. In other words, TI6 will remain constant under these conditions. Thus TI6 is the logical parameter on the basis of engine characteristics, since much of the jet operation occurs above 36,089 feet. Since TI6 is to be used as a parameter, then WI6 must be used to be consistent. The application of equations (142) and (143) to perfonnance computations is made in the following manner. The value of CL at a given Wfi and Mach number may be computed from equation (142). Knowing CL and Mach number, the corresponding CD may be found from an airplane polar such as Figure 53. This enables one to calculate T/6 from equation (143). Selecting a range of Mach numbers for the given Wl6 as before results in a series of points defining a curve which may be plotted on axes of TI6 and Mach number. By selecting several values of Wl6, more curves may be obtained, resulting in a family of curves as in Figure 74. These curves define the TI6 required by the engines to fly in level unaccelerated flight for any weight, altitude, and Mach values. The bottom of each W/6 curve is the Mach, or speed, for minimum drag. The thrust parameter, T/6, will be notated frequently as Fd6 in succeeding chapters, however the two terms are related, TI6 = (number of engines) Fn/6 per engine. In engine analysis work, it is helpful to use the term net thrust, F,, as distinguished from gross thrust, Fp. The significance of the thrust terms will be discussed in Section 2.

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Figure 74.

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