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Annotated Bibliography PRIMARY

Morgan Creek Nicole George Period 5

"100 Photographs That Changed the World by Life - The Digital Journalist." 100 Photographs That Changed the World by Life - The Digital Journalist. Web. 16 Nov. 2012. <>. 100 Days in Photographs is an intriguing visual journey throughout the past. It contains 100 photographs that represent important moments of the last 150 years. This book allowed me to learn about several events that opened my eyes to the past. The pictures within reminded me how important some unforgettable events are, as well as inform me about events I never even knew occurred. The book also incorporates useful notes on what is going on in the pictures. I am going to use famous pictures in this book to show how publishing these photos changed the world. For example, I am using a picture taken in the Vietnam War that caused people to act when they saw it the news. This picture, found in 100 Days in Photographs, played a huge role in the ceasing of the war. Absolute Victory: America's Greatest Generation and Their World War II Triumph. New York: Time, 2005. Print. Absolute Victory features the events that occurred throughout World War II. It includes hundreds of photos of a soldiers daily life during the war, as well as information about the photojournalists who took them. It also talks about how their pictures changed their community. This book taught me how much emotion a single photo can create. I would read a passage on a sad event, and feel a little bit of sorrow, but when I looked at the pictures next to it, I was horrified! Now I realize why more people started to act upon things like war after photojournalism was invented: the pictures were so emotional that the made you want to do something. You wanted to help this starving kids or injured soldiers. I am using the passages about the photojournalists and their thoughts about their pictures and how they affected the world. "Federal Dead on the Field of Battle of First Day Gettysburg Pennsylvania Mathew Brady, 1863 Photo - Oleg Moiseyenko's Stock Photography Photos at" PBase. Web. 16 Nov. 2012.

Mathew Brady took this photograph, Federal Dead on the Field of Battle of First Day Gettysburg Pennsylvania, in 1863. This photo illustrates the men who died out in the battlefield on the first day in the Battle of Gettysburg. It is known as the photograph that brought the battlefield home because when people saw it in the newspaper, they tried to get the war to end so they could bring their troops home, and eventually succeeded. This picture will be used as one of my pictures on my poster board as an example of activism brought about by photojournalism. "History of People in Photojournalism." LoveToKnow. Web. 16 Nov. 2012. < nalism>. The article History of People in Photojournalism provides information about famous photojournalists throughout the 1800s and 1900s. It talks about the photos they took, their accomplishments, and how their photos changed photojournalism. The article allowed me to see what a photojournalists life is like. I never knew how risky being a photojournalist was. If you are a photojournalist, you have to get close to your subject, even if your subject is in the middle of the war. This page explains how several photojournalists lost their lives trying to shoot the perfect picture. The Tetons- Snake River moolf. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. <>. The Tetons- Snake River was a photo taken by Ansel Adams in 1936. This famous photograph illustrates natures beauty in a black-and-white photograph of Snake River and the wilderness surrounding it. In my opinion, Adams pictures turned photography into fine art. Whats more, they shaped the way Americans thought of their nations wilderness and, with that, how to preserve it. In 1936, Adams accompanied his photos to Washington to lobby for the preservation of the Kings Canyon area in California. Sure enough, he was successful, and it was declared a national park. I shall use this picture to represent how people acted when they saw pictures in the news, and what they did about it. "Mother of Seven Children." Mother of Seven Children. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. <>. This photograph, known as Migrant Mother was taken during a period of time known as the Great Depression by Dorothea Lange in 1936. It is a picture of a mother and her seven children nearly starving to death in a camp in Nipomo, California. Also known as the photo that gave face to the Great

Depression this photo has earned this title because when Migrant Mother was published in the paper, the family and her camp were immediately shipped 20,000 pounds of food. Migrant Mother will be used as one of my pictures on my poster board as an example of activism brought about by photojournalism. Murder of a Vietcong by Saigon Police Chief PBase. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. Eddie Adams, 1968. <>. Murder of a Vietcong by Saigon Police Chief was taken by Eddie Adams in 1968. This photograph illustrates the captain of Vietcong being shot by a Saigon Police Chief. It instantly became an icon of the wars savagery. It would appear that you should dislike the Chief, however what was not mentioned was that the captain murdered dozens of people that day. Unfortunately, this was not mentioned in the newspaper, and the Chief was hated and unaccepted wherever he went. I shall incorporate this in my project as an example of activism, and how one snapshot might not explain a whole story.

Davis, Jen. "The Effects of Photojournalism on the Public." EHow. Demand Media, 07 June 2011. Web. 16 Nov. 2012. <>. The Effects of Photojournalism on the Public is about how photojournalism affected people around the world. First it tells you about the information about photojournalism and how photojournalism tells a story just as regular journalism does. After that the website explains how photojournalism conveys emotions, like how a natural disaster looks and on what scale it looks like. Next it tells about the opinions that were changed or influenced by photojournalism. Photojournalism was heavily influential during the Vietnam War because it showed how harsh the war was and it urged people to want to stop the war. At the end of the website it explains on how photojournalism affected what people believed. It says that one of photojournalisms longest standing benefits is that the public is more likely to accept a photograph as true or evidence of a news story. I will use this website in my history day project by using it to show how photojournalism effected people when it was first invented.

" Photography Schools." A Brief History of Photojournalism. Dillon Westbrook. Web. 06 Dec. 2012. <>. In A Brief History of Photojournalism it explains that photojournalism has affected the way many cultures throughout the world understand and learn about their world. The website defines photojournalism as the use of photographs in conjunction with the reporting of news in media such as print newspapers, magazines, television news and Internet reporting. It also states that photojournalism is almost like regular journalism, but a journalist cant document photographs or images. In the 4th paragraph of the online article it say that the emergence of photojournalism depended a lot on the technological developments in the camera. The making of the camera allowed people to want to buy newspaper and magazines more because when they put photographs in it, it made it easier for people to understand what was going on around the world. I am going to use this source to help me explain photojournalism today. "History of Photojournalism." LoveToKnow. Web. 16 Nov. 2012. <>. In the website article History of Photojournalism it tells about how the history of photojournalism is long and fascinating. Since the camera was invented, photographers have been busy documenting the world around them, and it wasnt long before the early form of photojournalism began to take shape, the article states. It explains that since then photojournalist are responsible for documenting and sharing historys most important stories to the public. In one of the sections of this online article, A Short History of Photojournalism, it states that photojournalism is a type of journalism that combines photographs with news stories, and these stories can show in any kind of media. It also says that from the invention of camera technology, photographers knew the importance of documenting significant happenings with images. In the mid to late 19th century, photojournalists, like Carol Szathmari, took pictures of dead British soldiers in the Crimean War with box cameras that were available at the time. Photojournalists carry the burden of journalistic integrity. I will use this source when I explain the definition of photojournalism. "Introduction to Photojournalism." Introduction to Photojournalism. Web. 16 Nov. 2012. <>. Introduction to Photojournalism explains that the development of photography in the 1830s was one of the most profound changes that have

affected the way we view the world. In the second paragraph it tells about how pictures hold a lasting memory and help us have information that is easy to carry. In the third paragraph it states that photography is an important part of journalism. It states that along with the words that we use, is a vital part of telling the story we have to tell. Paragraph three clearly states why it is so important to have photos in journalism, because photos help people see things in another dimension of information that words cant. After that it clearly explains that photojournalism became a primary part of journalism soon after the invention of photography in the 1830s. I will use this source to help we explain brief history. "13 Photographs That Changed the World. Neatorama. Web. 16 Nov. 2012. <>. In this website article 13 Photographs That Changed the World it shows multiple picture and explain how each one had affect on the world. In the second photograph of the article it shows a picture famously known as the Immigrant Mother. Below the picture it states that Florence Owens Thompson is the face of the great depression. It says that Florences picture also came with a story, Just 32 years old, she had 7 children and had lost her husband of tuberculosis. Its also explains how life was hard for them after her husband, but after the picture and story were published in the newspaper, Florence and her family were doing well. After that it shows multiple` pictures on war, the ending of war, nature, sinking boats, famous people, and other fascinating picture that changed the world. I will use this source to help me explain emotional connection. "Photojournalism." - New World Encyclopedia. Web. 16 Nov. 2012. <>. Photojournalism explains the photojournalism is a certain kind of journalism that uses photographs to tell a news story. In one of the photographs it says, Photojournalists must make decisions instantly and carry equipment such as cameras, often while exposed to the same risks (war, rioting, and so forth) that are faced by text-only journalists. The fact that they rarely have the option to stand back or wait until the danger is over means they may take even more risks. It also tells you how photojournalism changed the way you saw news stories and other events. I will use this source to help me explain activism in my project. Tasneema. "The Effect of Photojournalism on the World Presentation." Scribd. Web. 16 Nov. 2012. <

of-Photojournalism-on-the-World-presentation>. "The Effect of Photojournalism on the World Presentation" is a little power point explaining how photojournalism affected the world. It states that in photojournalism, we are given the unprecedented power and indisputable information about the world in which we live. After that it shows a picture of a monk that decided to burn himself to death while meditating to protest against religious prosecution. After that it shows multiple pictures of skinny African Americans, and how they need help. Then it shows a picture on the Vietnam War, where a South Vietnam national police chief executes a suspected Viet Cong member. Next it shows a picture of a girl who is working at a milk farm, all day. That picture shows the problems of child labor, back when it wasnt illegal. All of those pictures somehow had and affect on the world and changed its point of view. I will use this source to help me explain activism in my project. "The Emergence of Photojournalism and Its Effect on Society." Web. 16 Nov. 2012. <>. The curatorial statement will demonstrate how photojournalism has opened up a new field that became extremely influential in conveying social issues to the general public, states the first sentence in the website article. In the second paragraph is says that the emergence of photojournalism created new opportunities for photographers. Photojournalism had an astounding affect on the fashion industries, because it helped them promote their designs. Also, photojournalism is highly located in textbooks, which is what we used a lot of in school. It helps give a visual example of something that a person is trying to explain and photojournalism helps kids who have disorders, and cant read. Its states that, in conclusion, the emergence and development of photojournalism has proved to be extremely beneficial in a number of ways. I will use this source as an example of photojournalism today.

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