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Multiple Regression

Puneet Rai

Multiple Regression Analysis

Can Preference for a pair of jeans (Levis) be explained in terms of Brand Image, Fit and Style. Can customer satisfaction be explained in terms of performance quality, interaction quality and time taken. contd

Multiple Regression Analysis

Preference for Jeans = 0.25 + 0.30 (Brand Image) + 0.35 (Fit)+ 0.25 (Style) Y= a+ b1.X1+b2.X2+b3.X3++bn.Xn

Relationship b/w one variable and several others.

Multiple Regression Analysis

Can variation in loyalty be explained in terms of variation in awareness, attitude, preference and intention to buy Nike. How much variation in loyalty be explained in terms of awareness of Nike. DV (Metric) & IV (Preferably Metric but even Non-Metric may be used)

Multiple Regression Analysis-Guidelines for FRP(Who Plan to Use It)

Respondents to Variables Ratio (Minimum 5:1, Desirable 20:1)

Multiple Regression SPSS O/P

How much Variance in the Dependent Variable is explained by the Model. Is Model Significant. What is the importance of different Independent Variables in explaining the dependent variable?

How much Variance in the Dependent Variable is explained by the Model ? R Square answers it; Model explains 94.5% variance in the Dependent Variable

Is Model Significant? Significant Value< 0.05 indicates Model is Significant.

What is the Model? Attitude= 0.037 + 0.481(Duration) + .289 (Imp Weather)



Unstandardized Coefficients



B (Constant) 1 Duration Importance .337 .481 .289

Std. Error .567 .059 .086

Beta .595 .764 .314 8.160 3.353 .567 .000 .008

Importance of different Independent Variables Only Variables with Significance are Considered

Which Coefficients are Significant?

Always Use the Beta Values.

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